>That feel when brain injury
Im never going to get rich, am I guys? I went from one of the brightest to borderline fucking retarded
>That feel when brain injury
Im never going to get rich, am I guys? I went from one of the brightest to borderline fucking retarded
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself. It's the only way
it happens.
don't worry about it.
buy lottery tickets because you're lucky to be alive.
>it's not about what you know, it's about who you know
>if you're smart enough to navigate your university's shitty website, you're smart enough for any degree they handout
These are the two relevant pieces of life advice I pulled out of my ass. OP, even if you're retard level of brain activity you can still impact the world. As corny as it sounds you can do anything
At least you're not balding, I'm balding at 24, I have no future in corporate America
I don't feel like I can
It's completely destroyed my emotions and memory/logical thinking. I no longer feel happy, angry or sad. I'm just kind of going through the day
Sounds like this guy
Everyone has post-concussion-syndrome for a while after they hit their head OP. You'll get better with time. Take it as a life lesson.
I lol'd
You may be balding but at least you are not a manlet, i'm 5'5" at 24
I will never be respected in corporate america
I got poisoned by carbon monoxide because I'm an idiot and I dont think ill be getting better.
Amoxic brain damage is a lot different and harder to recover from than physical like concussion
Let me guess.
Either you were running your car with the garage closed, or you stuck a liner to the bottom of your oven, blocking the vents.
At least you're not a manlet AND balding.
I'm 5,5 and balding at the age of 19.
>because I'm an idiot
Suicide survivor spotted
Tell me your backstory, little toad. We'll make a Marvel movie and sell billions worth in merchandise and movie tickets.
try r9k
I had like 5 concussions. My most recent one, cause of an accident FUCKED me up. They prescribed me oxy and that also FUCKED me up. My mind was gone bro. You know it's gone when your stuck in the same loop over and over. It gets better man I promise. I was making a grand a week right before it.
Stay away from bright lights
Get lots of rest
Drink lots of water
Take 2 fish oil tabs 3 times a day.
Literally don't do shit and manage headaches
3 - 6 months:
Light excersize, get your body moving.
Try smoking a little weed to help the brain make new connections. optional
Read a book nigga.
Keep first oil
6+ months:
Lift weights
More Books
More audio books (emphasizing Tai Lopez 67 Steps)
School/work help your mind by keeping busy off thoughts, etc. Talk to people.
After you should be 80% good bro.
Don't excersize too early, could be harmful. Bright light and electronics early on are harmful as fuck. If so, low light. At around 3 months you gotta learn the way your mind works now. I lost a lot of emotion bro, it's a hard step to relearn your brain. Definitely doable, if you need help get a psychologist early as you can. I can't remember a lot of my childhood. I have few events but meeting people I've "known" for a long time is hard because I don't remember a lot about things we used to do. You gotta be okay with this kind of stuff and keep your mind in check. "You knew them before, so it's okay to be open with them." Type of stuff. Fish oils gonna help your brain thrive. Ibuprofen to keep the swelling down is cool, stay off the oxy if they prescribe it. Gave me tinnitus.
Personal level:
I got tinnitus and eye snow because of where I got hit during the accident. Hard stuff to cope with but over time it gets less severe and you notice it less. It's just life now man. I really emphasise with you bro because I was there. I "was" heading to the top. I still am. I've dealt with a lot of imposter syndrome because I don't feel like the guy I used to be. Hardcore Football player, spiritual bro, etc. These are things you have to take in as you and sorta fake it that your that person because in actuality, you are.
Last tip. Hang with people who put you up for who you are. They will help you big time get back to yourself, because they remember you better then you do at this point. In my case! Walk away from the snakes because they could harm you in this sense. You don't need negativity ATM.
Gl bro, if this helped ask me anything.
Should be the same with your type of brain damage. Trust me. I wouldn't even go in my room because I thought it was killing me lol. You'll get better bro.
Is this a vent thread?
Got an autoimmume disease that gets triggered/flares when I'm stressed.
Also pain and side effects of meds are a bitch.
Oh yea and this is probably the last effective med I can take, when this doens' t work anymore (any time now) I won't be able to work/study as I'm doing now.
Still staying optimistic tho, next few years will be important I think (hope).
I seriously worry i'm in the same boat as you. Broken home furnace when I was a tween...almost killed my dad too.
I have rage problems. Would probably throw a corporate boss out the window and go to prison.
Look up Hal Elrod or read The Miracle Morning.
user, I'm going to get rich and then I'll come rescue you from despair and we'll fly away and live happily ever after in a heterosexual way
Amoxic brain injury dude. Seriously worried ill never recover based on all the info I've found so far
>I seriously worry i'm in the same boat as you. Broken home furnace when I was a tween...almost killed my dad too.
Same bro. Scary fucking shit
Get cognitive testing done by a licensed clinical psychologist. It'll either
A.) put your mind at ease by proving that you came out okay
B.) qualify you for free money while you pursue your hobbies
It's a win-win, really.
How do I get this done?
You come off as a human being over text which can't be said for most of the people I work with
Most clinics have behavioral health staff. Simply call and make an appointment for cognitive testing. Make sure that you specify "licensed clinical psychologist" so that you don't end up with some quack that shows you ink blots, though.
I just feel fucked man
I don't really look forward to things. I just feel awful and I hate myself for being so fucking dumb to overlook this injury
I'm just so upset I was on the right path to the good life. I was making money, making friends, had stopped taking drugs and drinking alcohol, was going to the gym. Reading books, everything man
And because of one small thing my life is fucked up now
Okay ill try but shouldn't I explain my situation to them first
>Okay ill try but shouldn't I explain my situation to them first
Absolutely. Just say that you have some concerns about how hypoxia may have affected you and how you want to make sure you came out alright. They'll select the appropriate tests.
Okay ill look into this
I'm just so upset man. I wanted to change the world and actually do something valuable for society
I feel you man. I had a really bad head injury when I was in elementary school, and while I've always wanted to do exactly that, it's been a real struggle. It's tough, but I'm getting through it. I'm on track to start my master's in mechanical engineering next year.
Hopefully those people can offer some help, though.
I'm just getying scared ill never recover dude
and it was probably preventable if I got it checked quicker instead of just thinking I had the flu
Fuck man
but you can still live on disability and watch all the anime until you die.
I've never watched anime before
Use your sociopathic power to good (or bad, depends on how you see it) use.
I don't have that
And I'm too stupid to be able to do anything now
Even if it doesn't get better, you just have to never give up and learn to work around it. Because of where I was struck it really hurts my ability to focus on things and also manage time. I ended up burning out at a much nicer, more well known school because I hadn't figured out how to manage this yet. Instead of dropping out I transferred to a tiny, brand new ME program nobody had ever really heard of. The smaller class sizes let me have more influence over how the teachijg was structured so that it was a better fit for my learning style.
As luck would have it, now we're ranked as one of the more prestigious engineering programs in the country after we beat a bunch of ivy league schools at some competitions last year. You're still you, but you just have to figure out your new natural rythm. It might be hard and painful at first, but you'll be as good as new once you do.
But don't do this . That would be giving up
Also I should add that ome of the main points of cognitive testing is helping develop strategies for working around your impairments. Once you're able to quantify them it will be much more doable.
Thanks man
But it just hurts so much to lose everything I was working for. Just feels fucking awful
Pretty sure I got heart damage too becsuse my chest has been hurting a lot, irregular heart beat, etc. Honestly I kind of want to just kill myself, no one understands because from the outside I look normal
Sorry for your loss.
is right pretty much. quit the pity party and get after it. kids die. people are paralyzed. lots of people got screwed by life. all you can do is make the best of a shitty situation.
MS? If so try changing your diet, I've heard that can help. Also look into stem cell therapy.
Op i went through a phase where I had excruciating migraines and awful fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain, stiffness, and nausea. It took me almost three years, but I got better. Don't give up man. Try to go to some new doctors or see what else is out there. Please keep hope my friend.
It just fucks you so hard
I lost my job over it and I'm struggling to keep any friends because my social skills strongly suffered and I just stopped talking to people. My parents don't understand either and just think I'm making it up or something
It's just fucked up all around. It's crazy how our entire lives, intelligence, personality and everything else is kept inside one little Blackbox, weighing a few lbs, within our skull.
One day you're on top of the world, next day you're dizzy, confused and feeling retarded.
It's like, I used to think before when I broke a bone or had some sports injury.
"man at least if I'm in a wheelchair or unable to ever walk, ill still have my valuable brain, ill still be able to think, produce and reason" but now I can't even do that
I know. My vision is really fucked up and I'm probably gradually going blind. Something is wrong neurologically and it's making me see all these flashes and weird patterns in front of my vision that makes it difficult to read. Plus the dent in my head covered up with hair so nobody really knows that I had a head injury.
I'll be honest, I struggle with those same exact feelings, but I've found that going out and making cool shit helps. Just start working on interesting projects that you can be proud about until someone notices you. I caught the programming bug a few years back and just started tinkering with all these different projects. At some point my professors saw them and now they all think I'm some kind of wizard. I wound up doing computational optimization research for them and I'm working on getting a few publications out there as first author.
Basically just do what interests you and get really good at that so you can look at the things you've made and be proud of them when the urge to self-hate creeps up from time to time.
Dude I can't program
I'm fucking retarded now. I'm honestly going to kill myself in a couple of years at most if this doesn't get better. That's the only thing keeping me going, the hope ill wake up and feel normal again
My point is just get tested, find something you like, and get good at it. It could be anything from programming to basket weaving.
One of the sideeffects of the inability to focus was math dyslexia, which is a huge issue for engineering. With enough practice you can find ways to make whatever it is work.
I know how you feel. people told me i was crazy for years. they told me i was making it up for attention. it is so hard to live like that man but please please keep faith. you can get better. I never thought I would. I know it seems hopeless but it isn't. Modern medicine is amazing. Start a daily affirmation. Repeat after me: I, user, will recover from this injury.
repeat it ten times a day or whatever you want. You WILL get better please trust me
I thought I would man
But there's no fucking hope, no help seems to exist. I'm just so upset man, I was never the brightest kid ever but I had dreams and I worked towards them. Now I feel like I can't even do that
I don't even know how I can work anymore
Fuck man just thinkimg about everything makes me more depressed. I recovered from so many injuries by never giving up hope even when everything looked bad but I think this one might be the one
I just always wanted to be someone important, I was working so hard to get there
>I just always wanted to be someone important, I was working so hard to get there
Well you're for sure not going to get there by giving up, but you still have a shot if you keep going. Help exists for recovering from this exact kind of thing and you need to get tested ASAP
I don't even know how
I live in Canada. I don't think ill get anywhere dude, at most ill be a regular worker without any enjoyment from life working a job no one cares about
I have no chance competing in the freemarket. It's hard enough becoming successful as a healthy, average person. Doing it with severe mental deficit where I csnt remember shit I read without msking a conscious effort, get dizzy/headached all the time or dealing with heart palpitations and tachycardia isnt even impossible I think
there's nothing I can do. I used to be optimistic man, I used to be the "turn that frown upside down! :))))" guy, always positive and trying to lighten people's moods, never being pessimistic ,always being pleasant to be around
Now I don't even fucking know
How old are you and how far are you along in your education? Or did you already attend university? I'm trying to understand your situation
I was suppose to go soon...
That's what makes it so much fucking worse
I think a lot of it's caused by anxiety man, your typing is fine and you're using advanced vocabulary still. Stop diagnosing yourself on the internet man, you can Google the symptoms of the common cold and it'll say you have cancer.
Dude, seriously, get tested. There's special accommodations that universities make if you have a documented condition. You're getting very upset over something that may not actually turn out to be a problem.
What are you majoring in?
Dude the eerie fucking thing is on r/suicidewatch I found a Guy's post describing EXACTLY my situation and what I'm feeling.
It was from years ago, I wonder if he went through with it and is in a better place now.
But nah man I've had these symptoms for a long time and the more and more I read I adds up. There is absolutely a hugely noticeable difference in my personality and intelligence
Ill see man. ill Google it tomorrow or ask my doctor
Im not majoring in anything man. It'll just be a waste of my money and ill drop out. I spent all this time saving money for school and trying to learn the material beforehand
Nah man you're making connections that aren't there. If the doctor tells you you don't have brain damage please listen, I spent 10k in doctors and a year of my life going insane thinking I have some rare disease none of the other doctors were able to see, but you're not gonna listen and you're about to enter a huge trap that's gonna make everything worse because you're constantly thinking about it. The doctors gonna tell you you're fine and you don't have carbon monoxide poisoning then you're gonna keep googling and think you have ms or als or brain cancer and the first doctor is gonna stop taking you seriously so you're gonna pay for doctors till one eventually does a bunch of invasive tests and once you're cleared of that you'll Google it again think you have something else and start the cycle of more tests again.
It's free so I'm only losing my time here but I see what you mean
Still though I don't think that's the case here.I'm legit fucked up from the co. Normally id agree but there's no way here
First and foremost this is actually some sort of anxiety/ptsd type stuff and all your physical symptoms line up with being insanely pre-occupied with "bad shit."
Second, this kind of stuff happens to tons of people and there's two common routes
1.) Tons of tests until... it stops
2.) Start self-medicating with brain drugs like piracetam
3.) Become aware of what's actually going on in your thoughts i.e. free floating anxiety kicks up slightly, heart palpitation, followed by immediate thoughts of how fucked you are creating more anxiety, can't think about anything because you're convinced you're dying.
It's a very nasty circle to be stuck in and it happens to tons of people beyond traumatic brain injuries.
I'd either go the second route, because it will make you feel better immediately and eventually you'll recognize the meds aren't actually needed or start attempting the 3rd and try to essentially therapy yourself, learn tenents of cog behavioral therapy, apply to life.
When you finally feel like you're okay with the symptom because any number of things could cause it, that's when they'll start to slow down and progress will start happening.
Holy shit you described exactly and I mean exactly my life for the last year. It is a rabbit hole that only you can get yourself out of
OP you aren't the only one. I almost drowned and got brain damage from not breathing for 5 minutes.
If I didn't have 165 IQ to begin with I would be a literal downy right now.
At least you're not a balding manlet with a brain injury.
>Pretty sure I got heart damage too becsuse my chest has been hurting a lot, irregular heart beat, etc
Not to be condescending, but I don't really think you've got real brain damage. From what I'm reading, it's sounds more like you're suffering from a lot of anxiety because of health issues. Like thinking "I'll never be okay again" or "there's no use for me" etc. Many of the things you describe sounds more like a depression, being unable to have feelings is anhedonia.
I'd try to think more positively, find someone to talk to (friend, doctor, shrink), get Veeky Forums, and stop worrying. Then it all will come back after a while.
Balding = death.
What makes you think that man
I've really got trouble with memory and thinking and my head hurts all the time
Read up about the Technological Singularity and the fact that due to the exponentially advancing pace of technology, later in your life it is likely that your brain could be repaired or you could be neurologically simulated.
If it comes later, you can always get cryonically stored at Alcor, so that when the science comes along they'll rebuild your logic units or whatever else you lost and you can get better.
Never fucking give up, everybody's task here no matter what shitty situation you're in to survive, and your new mission is to survive to the Singularity, by any means necessary.
Good luck, soldier.
Lol armrest bro you can stand beside me when I stand
What kind of accident were you in, OP?
Work out, you will be ripped. Your body will take over, and your mind will basically be irrelevant to other people if you're swole enough.
Been working on that, but idk if it's the case
Could I be a model or something? Is that a viable career
Try buying some domestic canadian roids from proroid, or buy testosterone. I suspect I had a brain problem, and a fucked up endocrine system. You might feel your old smart self in bursts, just remember how it feels, it will help you recover. Even if you get back to 75% consider that sucessful. In the mean time, take steroids.
I've run gear before bro. Id like to cruise but I want to check out my heart because my shit is fucked lately...
I just feel my health isn't up to par and id had to get a heart attack or something because I've had a heart condition.
(Sorry for id change, using phone)
Probably going to cruise test and a small dose of deca for dem joints if I'm okay
Trades are not bad. At least take a college course over modelling. You can do it bro
I don't know I'm kinda clumsy and unintelligent man
Btw proroid is expensive as fuck
>$11 for an amp of sust250
>$35 (on s a l e) usd for a vial of test e250
What a scam.
OK this makes me think you're having anxiety problems. I might be projecting, but you're way too articulate for brain damage, you have occasional chest pain, and I have yet to read an official diagnosis from a doctor. You even called it a "small event" or something in one of your posts. Long story short I don't believe you. I'm guessing most if not all is in your head. If so you need to see a shrink and fix your shit. It's win-win. You either get fixed or the shrink confirms you're retard and thus justifies your conviction to kill yourself.
Also stop bitching. My son is missing a decent chunk of his brain (IVH grade 4 into PVE) and he busts his ass at PT to become "normal". Can you walk OP? Can you talk? Can tell people how you feel? Youre life is a fucking cake walk in comparison so far as I can tell. Be fucking thankful and stop being such a pussy.
Yeah I gueas you're right man
It's not as bad as it could be, for sure. I mean hey, I'm still alive. That's more than you can say for most people, their time has run out! They're at 0!
>he busts his ass at PT to become "normal".
I got a son like that too.
I think your kid kicks ass.
that's all I wanted to say.
>tfw ill never have a son and ill die early
There are a lot of CEOs who are bald.
Smoke weed, senpai. It helps with my IBS and a host of other chronic conditions.
Is it easy to grow this shit?
Seeds seem cheap as fuck. Is it worrhwhile to have a couple small pants or do I need a full fucking growop to make it worthwhile over just buying it?
Canadian OP, I'm sure you are aware that there is very encouraging words written here on this thread, and that within these encouraging posts there is good sound advice. I want you to know that I'm thinking about you like I think about my little brother who has gotten problems with his gut health which has handicapped him in a way that prevents him from doing "normal kid" stuff.
First things first, I would suggest you get a piece of paper and write down some of the suggestions on this thread in a bullet point fashion such as the going to get test, going to visit a health center, thinking positive like you mentioned you have in the past.
In addition to those great pieces of advice on this board, I would also like to suggest that you look at your diet. I know it doesn't sound connected, but please bare with me. You should be taking vitamins, I would suggest "Juice Plus Vegetable" and their fruit package. Also take Saint John Wort, in Europe it is a perception, but in the US (where I live) you can just buy it. I take every few days, but I would suggest that you take it everyday for the first few weeks or so because it is a powerful all natural herb that just makes you feel bright and happy. even on my most crappy day Saint Johns Wort helps.
Something you should notice, nothing just "makes you happy" when you take Saint Johns Wort, it does at least ten different things in your body that causes it to NATURALLY feel good, it doesn't have any negative side effects that I've ever experienced either.
Ask your parents to buy you this, I just took it as a vitamin because I knew it had positive benefits for the brains, then when I felt REALLy good because of it, I found out that it's because it helps improve the brains production/regulation of vital hormones.
Please consider this, I'm not suggesting it because I think you're depressed--I think it will help! Jesus bless, I'll be praying for you and the others.
>Don't worrry OP, fuck your brain damage. Just introduce a partial SSRI into your system
Thank you. Ill definitely check it out, I had heard about it when I was researching nootropics before but I can't say I'm too familiar.
Kill urself op
Crohn disease, isn't that bad luckily, but still annoying as shit.
Small chance of actually killing me tho.
Smoked a lot of weed in highschool, getting paranoid if I do it now tho.
Also don't like how lazy/slow I get when smoking.
Can confirm. My best friend is 31 and was concused to the point he had shit for a short term memory and was constantly burping and puking if he moved at all. He's ~90~100% now far as i cam tell.
Been a fucked up year.
And thats right after the 3rd muskateer an hero.
Listing to this advise and u be good to go. I've had me bell rung in a motorcycle wreck without a helmat and didbt get it that bad. I'll take stotches to the dome over a cuncussion like that every time user.
My fucking head hurts all the time though dude
Eyes hurt, etc
>Saint Johns Wort
This is a weak antidepressiva that's been in use for years. Women should be cautious with it, as it may cause unwillingly pregnancy if they're on anticonceptive pills.
How is it hurting? Is it pulsating, on both sides, like a band or over you temple, moderate or severe pain, from the neck, aura, nauseaus, sound or light sensitive, sight disturbances? A medical doctor may help you diagnose the type and give your proper treatment.
If it's like a band, chronic, on both sides it may be tension head ache. Mindfullness exercises might help on those, or Amitryptiline. I don't think it's migraine if it's all the time.
Like on top of my head and behind/between my eyes
If that makes sense. Feels kind of dizzy too and if I spin my head quickly or something it feels badtoo
You're not going to make it OP