/pgg/ - Pokemon Go General

>official FAQ

>Is the server down?

>general database

>Is it worth evolving X?

>Some questions answered

>Pokemon strengths and earning xp

>IV Calculator

>Pokemon moves DPS

>Information on spoofing

>Scanner set up guide

>Scan request Discord channel

>scanner app

Other urls found in this thread:



xth for brown lady is best leader


Was Dragonite with dragon breath for defending or attacking?

uhm speak for yourself

>too low level to take gyms
>finally seeing for my team, was another's a minute ago
>immediately starts being attacked




How do I fix this error in Necrobot? I set it to farm stuff in central park, here exactly

>40.764661, -73.973522

yeah i'm a walker
as in i walk at 2am so i don't meet people

best place to bot in cali?
sf or la?

pokego slut is so hot

Console/bin/debug/configs and edit the items ini

Is there any point in the team you choose? or better yet, will it ever be?

santa monica


Valor is the niggest

>i'm valor tho

depends. if you live in a town dominated by one team it's best to join that one so you get more benefits. but if gyms are contested all the time you can just join whatever team you want.

Last time I did that it stopped recycling items for whatever reason.

So good is a Dragonite with steel wing as defender?

valor is a black lady with legs for days
mystic is a ladyboy
instinct is your bro, and there's nothing gay about sucking a bro off

I love bro jobs

Lower limits on shit it isn't recycling that it should like potions.

Using the github pokemon scanner server thing

Is there any way to setup a bigger radius? It doesn't even show all around my town

if you care about memes then yes if youre not under 15 though then just pick your favourite colour

DO NOT LISTEN TO he is a fucking idiot. If you want to join a gym of the same colour you have to add points to the gym at 100 points per poke you kill in the gym. Thats 20 poke kills you have to get to put your poke in there. If it is an opposing team you get 2k for one 3.5k for 2 and up to 10k for 6 pokes meaning you only need to spend 5 minutes to take a level 10 gym solo as opposed to 10 minutes to add your poke to a gym your team controls

chnage the st

there is no such file there, i just copied the bot to make a second account, the other one works fine

good place to farm magikarps?

Okay, fuck this game and fuck Niantic. I'm done walking around like an asshole catching nothing but shitmons or having good ones run after one throw.

Do I use Nox or bluestacks? Should I do it on my phone or my laptop?

To what? It says step limit? What's that how do I give it 10 km

Yeah but once you get in your own teams gym it can end up staying there for days.

For walkers this can be a big deal.

nox on pc

the garden/parl in front of buckingham palace in london

Yo wheres the spoofer/walkerfag posts. It's the only reason I come here.

>summit getting swatted

walkers BTFO

prob getting shit on by the rain in nyc lmao

not sure but I know dragonbreath is best for attacking. I think steel wing is higher damage which would make it better for defense.

Not like defense matters at all in this game.

nah I take out all the gyms in my area every night unless they are my own teams then I just skip them all together. Not worth the time. Literally 10-20 minutes to add one poke to a gym that gets destroyed by 1100cp vapenations

Mine has a configItemList that lists every item and a number limit of each to keep before recycling

>If you want to join a gym of the same colour you have to add points to the gym at 100 points per poke you kill in the gym. Thats 20 poke kills you have to get to put your poke in there. If it is an opposing team you get 2k for one 3.5k for 2 and up to 10k for 6 pokes meaning you only need to spend 5 minutes to take a level 10 gym solo as opposed to 10 minutes to add your poke to a gym your team controls
i didnt understand a word sorry

jesus christ kys

well this guy didmaybe youre retarded?

why is there no pay2rerollmoves option in this jewgame?

could you pastebin the contents of your file so I can make the file and put it in his place?

A quick question if you evolve a pokemon with a high IV will it still have the same IV once it is evolved?

There's 2 sides to it. If you want to take gyms over then you want to be the minority team in your town so you have more gyms to contest. If you want to hold gyms you join the majority team and help build up gyms that are already taken to hold, or swing past already built ones and toss a pokemon in.

Yes it's easier to take down than build up but a single pokemon gym won't hold up to anyone so you need coordination

>tfw you will never pound sparks qt boipuss

yes iv stay the same


IVs are genes
They're in your BLOOD

Yo I started today and I'm just getting all the pokes and I'm level 8 and some eggs hatching and I'm waiting until 9 to use that magic thing to double XP and upgrade all my shitty pokemons

Am I doing this right, what do I do after? Just catch pokemon and wait for the next double XP thing until I'm around 20 and then start building up a few strong pokes to battle?

Any tips? I dont wanna spoof or whatever but I'll use a scanner

DO NOT LISTEN TO he is a fucking idiot. If you want to join a gym of the same colour it's super easy to do. If it is an opposing team you get 100 for one 3.5k for 2 and up to 200 for 6 pokes meaning it's absolutely worthless. always put a 15 cp pokemon in your gym, that's how you get the best results.

Post yfw you took the bot pill, unchaining yourself from the shackles of getting out of your chair like a normie.

where can i find sexy pokegogirls pics

but 'holding' gyms is a fucking meme user and you know it. How many 2.5k dragonites has your 1.5k vape killed? Mines killed about 50.

If someone wants youre gym they will have it. Its thats simple

a simple google search tells me youre not only wrong but youre mad about being wrong for some reason

At the end of the day either option is possible since you only get pokecoins for the numbers of gyms you hold the moment you press the button.

For spoofers being on a minority team would be nice since you could just trash 10 gyms in the middle of the night easy and get 100 coins.

make sure you still get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.

pedo scum

>mfw literally 0 yellow gyms in my town
>half/half red/blue

Should I just join the team whose character is sexier



DO NOT LISTEN TO he is a fucking idiot. Get out and walk you fatass. Also that's not real, not that spoofers would know what a real woman looks or feels like.

Spoofers are such scum, I am sure your mothers are proud that they raised a child that cheats at a pointless kids game.

And I am sure they are proud, because your mothers were all cheating whores too. Apple never falls far from the tree you fat poor losers.

I'm not mad, I'm just better than you. I've already made friends and a new business client by giving out my business card while walking in the park.

What have you done? Eaten a box of hot pockets?

I'll probably just roll and go with it. why does instinct gets so much shit?

you guys are the reason I left /vp/ years ago

I do (gym 5x a week with 20m cardio + lifting to get hench + 1 60m cardio day("rest" day) + rest day), thanks for the advice though, I hope people that bot aren't robbing themselves of exercise that might be necessary.

solo your town bruh

instinct is the least popular team statistically so they get bullied

I have not been able to log in all day
my friend that lives right down the street can log in fine
what the fuck gives

Should I not approach gyms if I'm under level 20? Or should I leave pokes at my team gyms? What should I do pls advice

ptc has been going down but google has been staying up. your friend probably has a google acc

It just does this and keeps showing the pokemons, it's not spinning pokestops nor catching pokemons.

Already made the ConfigItemList.ini file and got no change.

Is there something I am not doing right? I just want to bot 2 accounts at once.

DO NOT LISTEN TO he is a fucking idiot. logic is tough, isn't it?

easy way out: drop some faggot bombs or pretend like you're actually laughing with internet shorthand.

You couldn't think of a single thing to counter-point, so you resorted to the only thing you know: what you think is offensive name-calling.

You probably do this all the time in class when you get bullied, right? Except you can't say it to anyone's face, because you'd get your ass kicked.

You know what monkeys do when they're cornered? They pretend to laugh even though they're not actually happy, because it's the only option they have. "lmao"

Have you read the profile of pedophiles? They're actually pretty predictable, and a lot like you. They go for the kids because they've been repeatedly dealt bad hands in life and they feel powerless, so they go for weak kids.

I'll leave you alone now, because this is probably too much to think about. I get it, this is your safe haven, one of the few places you can actually talk tough and not get called on your shit. Everyone needs a safe place, eh?

>this is hilarious lol look at this faggot nigger tumblr lmao. get fucked SJW kike

oh shit ok that makes sense

uhh thats 1 guy samefagging user. He got super ass annahilated when someone posted facts and now he is just shitposting out of rage

Teams get hate because memes user. Its literally pick a colour unless you care about memes then its
>le nignog dindu
>le trap
>le homokun

DO NOT LISTEN TO he is a fucking idiot. All right guys, I'm coming out with it. I want to fuck Scylla. No, I want to do more than fuck her. I want to ram my battleship right into her deep, immature marianna trench and look her in the eye as I plough her raw. She'll probably try to get the dogs on me, but I won't care. I'll grab her soft, sea-stained hair and pull her head right back as I gently kiss, suck and lick her neck while rubbing myself in deeper and deeper as she begrudgingly lets me pleasure her the way no other deity could. I want to dominate the little cocksleeve as she quivers with pleasure, fear and excitement as I only get harder and faster, putting our rhythmic motions in sync. But then she'll want me to stop. "I... I-I can't get pregnant!" She'd say, "I wouldn't be a mother the child needed!"

I'd tell her "You may be a monster, but you're the monster I love." As we look into each other's eyes lovingly, she twitches for every load I shoot inside her but nonetheless is in ecstasy.

I want to sire a child in my little prebuscent concubine.

I set normal potions to 0 and revives to 25. I close the bot and I have 50+ potions and 100 something revives. I just downloaded it again and its working fine now, just not going to change anything.

Nox on PC

bluestacks has
>invasive UI
>have to switch to fakegps and change your location everytime to move
>defaults your location to a "home location" randomly when moving, risking softbanning
>no WASD movement
>occassionally asks you to pay to continue using it, or to download sponsored apps instead
>cannot resize window
>MUCH more steps to setup in comparison to Nox

Get back to /smgen/ faggot.

are the servers really fixed now? I swore off the game when I reached level 7 because the game kept fucking freezing and wasting my time

Do whatever man. If you have pokemon above 1000cp you won't have any problems taking gyms, Just remember to dodge twice in the beginning and dodge right after the yellow flash with one or two attacks in between

what the fuck is happening in this thread

I keep getting no pokeballs on necrobot. I log in and I have pokeballs, recycle some stuff and the bot works again for a few hours before the same problem. I even changed the config for keeping items.

any help?

>when the thread goes from 0 to 200% mad in 4.87 seconds

DO NOT LISTEN TO he is a fucking idiot. so he's retarded? I'm sick of this fucking bait excuse you're still a fucking idiot you realise?

you fucking morons are VOTING, you people aren't kidding, no matter how much you pretend you are.

stop pretending your fucking retarded shitposts are "just jokes lul", you're WORSE than the literally disabled because you have the ability to think and purposefully don't use it.

that's why you fucking idiots make me mad. now go fucking kill yourselves. you're just as bad as him, and you're just as stupid if you think for a fucking second I think I don't full well know that he's only "pretending" to be a braindead moron, which is worse than him being one.

kill yourselves jesus christ. no one thinks you're cool or funny, just fucking sad. and stop pretending like I give half a shit about what retards in youtube comments think of me lmfao how delusional are you?

> Please refresh your browser and try again.

Is there a similar thing as Nox for physical Anrdoid phones (with no root)?

tfw just sold a level 25 no team for 50 burger bux.

Is there a wiki or a list of known nests?

DO NOT LISTEN TO he is a fucking idiot. AAAAAAAAAAH!!!

Every FUCKING day with these STUPID fucking SHANEPOSTS! I've had it up to HERE with stupid fucking GAY POSTS! You guys make me want to KILL MYSELF! Is that what you fucking want? For me to fucking KILL MYSELF and write on my suicide note "Cause of suicide: Couldn't handle all of the stupid fucking shanepost, killed myself"? Because that's what it might as well fucking say!

You guys are literally, L I T E R A L L Y incapable of having even the SIMPLEST of fucking discussion without "SHANE THIS, SHANE THAT, HERE'S A PIC OF SHANE WITH HIS BEAR GUT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA EBIN AMIRITE?" Fucking STOP IT you pathetic fucking FAGGOTS, you are such fucking cancer that I cannot even fathom how you fucking scumbags live your dumb gay lives. Don't you have a job to get to, schoolwork to finish or a family to attend to? Do you literally do ANYTHING productive with your lives other than post stupid fucking images of SHANE on a fucking video game board? You fucking people make me sick!!

walkcuck has finally gone nuclear

where are you selling?

DO NOT LISTEN TO He didn't post facts, the "points" you add to the gym is decided by how much CP the pokemon you decide to fight with has in correlation with the CP of the pokemons in the gym, a ~600 CP pokemon fighting a ~1000 will net you ~700 "points"

thanks anons, but I know how to filter.
best bird get bullied while the others die to pebbles. sad.


pretty good android wear app

anyone know when in the summit vod where he had a m16 pulled on him?

Should I Spoof or Bot?
Want to use my main account so don't want to risk getting banned.

DO NOT LISTEN TO he is a fucking idiot. i'm sorry, im not sure where i displayed "butt hurt", i simply gave a reasonable retort to your display of retardation. But that was obviously to hard for you to manage. Allow me to stoop to your level... how about you take your 14 year old ass out of the big boys play house, this is an area for people who have actually grown hair on their balls. Only a piece of subhuman scum like you would consider any previous exchange of words in this comments thread as an insult or as taking offense. At this point in life, i bet your mother wishes you were the sperm that got away. the little wiggly running down you moms thigh should have been you. I be you say swag when you think somethings cool. you listen to wiz kalifa and turn your hat sideways, oh excuse me, Fedora sideways while you "blaze up" on that mid grade shit. go get a job kid. please go hang your self, it the only way you could get on TV with that level of intelligence. but then again no one cares about some faggot who takes thought out level headed responses to ignorance as butt hurt.


source? all this samefagging actually has me interested in how it works now


nevermind my friend has a ptc account as well and he has no problems
been trying for like 6 hours and haven't been able to get in once

>just hit level 20
>still haven't picked a team

Am I retarded or a genius?