Fighting Games General /fgg/
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they also drug you and rob you
Gooks hate blacks lmao!!!!!!!!
Was there a better episode of excellent adventure than this one?
Off to a great start lads
today's the last day Skullgirls is off humble bundle revelmode!
game + every single DLC character + every single color DLC
for less than 8 bucks!
So whats all this hate im hearing for juri sf5 theme
I was on the side that thought her sf4 theme sucked so i really like this version
wow that's shits fucked. no wonder japan hates them
dude excellent adventures is gdlk
just warning in case anyone happens to go to kabukicho
it happens really often
I think people are complaining that it takes too long to actually morph into her theme
I say we wait for the full version, but after hearing Balrogs and his stage, my expectations were kinda high
The Yakuza is messed up really. They do things like that, but it's hard for the governent to do anything about them because they also do tons of charity work.
Not buying it because of your posts.
>goobers will defend arcsys literally stealing a character from a blizzard game
What's Dizzy's BNB after confirm into Ice Spike?
Juris theme sounds like something straight out of the Hitman games
Contracts specifically
When are they going to fix this teleporting netcode?
they paid 60 bucks for a new version with no balance patch and only 2 characters, why would the ever criticize arcsys
The top of his head looks like a dick rofl
oh no
one less autist
when people stop using mcdonalds wifi
hwoarang is the original cute korean girl.
tfw wanna play overwatch but pc is ded
Someone play me in One Piece Burning Blood
i already have skullgirls i dont wanna pay that much just for the couple characters i don't have.
The old one with poongko and flash was the best.
What's Jack-O's BNB?
overwatch is stale desu
What is it with all these high level American players just bitching about characters? Niggas need to get good and shut the fuck up
ABA has only one belt, and it is holding up her pants.
i dont get it, why are fighting game communitys bigger on ps4? are people too poor to have computers or something? I never saw the appeal of consoles past 2009
(A) people are to stupid to build their own pcs
(B) most think it's to expensive.
SFV sucks lmao
SFV is good, heh.
and fighting games dont have a good track record on pc
MKX was literally discontinued on PC it was so bad, and it took SF4 months and months to become playable when it came out on PC
most people who are good at fighting games are either autistic/neet/manchildren
so they have no money or knowledge to own/buy/build a computer but lots of free time to "git gud" at video games
How many people in this general are actually white?
Who do you play? If it's Strong World Ace then no
why is that important to fighting games?
you're the only one
*unzips bbc*
now get to work
PC gaming has historically been popular in places where arcade culture hasn't really existed, like Yurop
>tfw autistic neet manchild and still not good at videogames
I'm only 1/4 white.
im white
Plus fighting games have been released on consoles more than pcs because fighting games are largely Japanese.
cumskin reporting
>/v/ logic
juri at midnight? or ps store update tomorrow afternoon?
TOs aren't going to buy a bunch of PCs for tournaments.
>people in Japan still play CvS2 competitively
be nice if Americans could take a page from them and go back to playing good FGs and not these shiny new overpriced DLC fests
because when fighting games left the arcades they were played in living rooms instead of online
Tomorrow at like 9 pm
Poor people mostly play on PC.
i thought smug quit streaming
why is he streaming again
>tfw your game will never be as bad as skullgirls
Feels good man
there was a cvs2 side tournament at evo
Tomorrow night you drone.
fuck you cracker
I totally skipped Evo this year and don't know what I'm talking about
I'm prob just jaded because all people in my local group talk about is SFV and treat online like it matters and it drives me crazy
he said it was personal issues, but he's back for good. he's said he's gonna drop karin for rog also.
>announce online ranking events
>put cammy on the cover despite having the worst online win percentage
What did they mean by this?
>will never be as bad as sfv
fixed that for you
I have to git gud on sfiii untill this friday. Any suggestions?
Hitconfirm like a madman
wake-up tatsu is viable if you don't get retarded with it
no one cares about cammy
Play ken and learn > super and uoh > super and xx super and cr.lp xx super
Not white.
Probably asian.
Some kind of spanish.
Balrog SUCKS
Birdie SUCKS
Zangief SUCKS
Rashit SUCKS
Juri is gonna SUCK
Diaper ass post.
>feelio when skullgirls is absolute garbage no one is playing
LOL just LOL
>so many shitters playing Ryu badly that he has a lower WR than Fang
you forgot cr. MP > super
useful since you can totally flub your execution, do it too late and call it a link because it hits anyway
now that the dust has settled was sf4 good?
Honestly, I can't even think of any white SF players outside of Viscant and LI Joe.
Is LI Joe only America's sweetheart because he's white? We've had lots of black players at EVO before placing fairly high but no one gave a shit.
>We've had lots of black players at EVO before placing fairly high but no one gave a shit.
like who? only person i can think of is snakeyez and everyone sucks his dick so what you said doesn't apply
mike rojas
Meanwhile these are the same people that praise guilty gear and kof xiv
You guys are the true fgc cancer
everyone sucks his dick too
Does Ultradavid even play anymore? I thought he just commentated.
Floe can't be America's sweetheart because he's fat.
>everyone sucks his dick
Real? I don't remember snakeyez getting shoutouts at fucking wrestling events and ESPN. My fucking dad knows who LI Joe is.
>yelling at boogeymen
dude are you feeling okay drink some water
strong contender for best SF game on the market so far tbth
sf wasn't on espn back then either
snakeyez was on the golden state warriors court doing interviews during games
The one where kbrad whips off his glasses and says mike sold out. Also coach Gustavo.
no. high level play was entertaining to watch, but hte game itself was absolute shit with horrid balance and dumbass mechanics.
Better to watch than SFV
That's just more black people shit though.
i found it funny during the evo mvc3 jp stream they would go 'jankenpon' during a characters incoming to make fun of the player guessing in/correctly because it is seriously a guess on if you lose a character or not
>cites games that don't have one touch kill combos
nice job retard
What about that danger time thing
Still love it. I'd say playing at mid level was way more fun in 4 and low level play is more fun in 5.
Also 4 was a better spectator game imo.
as a spectator sport, yes
as a balanced game, no
as a street fighter game, the jury's out