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Mommy Rosaria! I love her lots and lots!
aight, ill set my sign at yorshkas
'You dumb lying faggots told me that UGS are bad.
Yuria > Karla > Heysel > Rosaria
What is the best ultra and why is it BKGS?
Lucy why?
But they are. Your opponent's idiocy is the most viable weapon.
didnt we have a BBG for this?
>No souls bf to bully you
What was even the point of this? It's just Way of White but with two shitty miracles. And you can get to the Warriors of Sunlight so much earlier, and they're so much better! Come to think of it, most of the DS1 covenants are pretty underwhelming.
>people only join Way of White until they can find someone else
>the only reason people join Chaos Servant is to save Solaire
>can't Gravelord until NG+
>1 hour wait time between invasions
>20 minute load screen when you get a connection
>2 minute fight
>5 minute wait time before you get sent back to your world after the kill
>20 minute load screen to get back to your world so you can repeat the process
why does From hate money? even diehard sony ponies would be able to enjoy their game more on PC
This would be perfect. I honestly have no idea what the fuck From were thinking when they made the DaS3 covenants.
>>pilgrims of the dark in a BB squee dungeon
I honestly thought something like this would be in the game before it came out. Back on some /v/ thread when we were predicting what DaS3 would be like, I said something along the lines of: "chalice dungeons won't be a gimmick they'll want to drop after all they work they put into them for BB, so expect to see them in some sort of PvE or co-op covenant." Disappointed that I was very wrong.
I honestly think there should be more than 1 PvE covenant, too. 'Single player enemy farming' sounds like the easiest thing to do covenant wise, so I don't see why they shouldn't throw a handful at us (in addition to rather than in place of other covenants, that is). Chaos Servants was a real simple covenant, but it offered some nice little incentives for joining/finding it, like some new spells, a shortcut and an armour set and rp potential. Just little covenants like that would be nice.
And I'd say that in a perfect world (or souls game), being a Way of Blue adherent and having phantoms should be mutually exclusive. Like, you can either have two or three nerfed phantoms to help you with the level and your boss and an invader if they pop up, or you can do everything solo but have an unnerfed Sentinel come in just to help you clear out a red. That might be too harsh though, so maybe something like you can't dry finger for more phantoms as a WoB adherent. My point is, you shouldn't be able to have your 3 password buddies and a blue helping you stretch one nerfed red's anus.
>untrue rings for every color
I'd fucking love this, too. Even an Untrue Blue Ring would be excellent for invasions, because if your host does call in a blue, it'd be an actual useful disguise. White Ring is only helpful in an incredibly limited set of situations.
It's pretty clear you never played it. Shit was never that bad, and even as bad as it was, it was fixed with patches not much later.
From doesn't hate money; that's why they agreed to make BB when Sony started throwing money at them.
Am I the only who hates that you can change covenants so easily?
It makes joining them meaningless
On my faith build yes but I haven't messed with one on quality yet
From is really bad at designing covenants. Really bad.
I think BB did it best.
>not an argument
Only poking while 1h is a problem but it's freakin great.
Someone please tell me leo ring counterhits will make Cathedral Knight GS viable.
>Shit was never that bad
yes it was. At launch it was horrible. But the load times werent the worst part, the worst part was the sub 10fps framerate when entering someone elses game.
You know what would have been fucking great? If Princess Guard were gold like Sunlight Warriors, or their own colour (like a nice beige or pink maybe). I made a cleric character on DaS1 once with the intention of joining Princess Guard so I could help people through a level with heals and buffs and stuff, but when I found out their phantoms were white too, I lost quite a lot of motivation to join because I knew people would probably summon golds in favour of someone who just looked like a generic white.
And you're right about Chaos Servant, too. I think Chaos Servants should have been able to at least buy cracked red eye orbs so you could mimic Kirk and go invade people for their humanity so you could give it to Fair Lady.
Oh, and a covenant which provided some sort of dueling, or a good arena available from early game would be nice too.
Yeah, I think there should have been stricter penalties like in Dark Souls 1 - but at the same time, the covenants themselves should offer good enough rewards and a fun enough time that being penalised for leaving one is worth it.
>>the only reason people join Chaos Servant is to save Solaire
You don't like fire?
>I think BB did it best.
BB's covenants meant literally nothing and were clearly an afterthought.
IMO, DaS 1 and 2 had the best covenants, while execution varied between the two.
Significantly lower AR, wa is almost guaranteed to get you parried, and the only thing it has going for it is a rolling r1 that's not as strong as it used to be
>mfw I just got summoned as a Dorkmoon to two guys letting themselves get invaded
>was able to get 6 proof of concords before we accidently killed the last invader
Th-thanks guys
I mean how you changed them.
You can actually land hits with the AGS, and the WA should be used as a punish not raw.
>UGS with less range than most greatswords
It literally cannot do anything to spears, rapiers, halberds and anything else with a quick poke. The low reach kills it.
What happened to autismanon?
we're all still here
I don't see how the AGS outshines something like Profaned. The vertical stance is superior anyway.
>Firestorm in Dark Souls 2
>700-800 damage to the average player in pvp, + lingering lava
>Firestorm in DaS3
>300-400 damage to the average player, twice the casting time, twice the recovery, half the effect area
i didn't realize the thread merged over. I have a sign down at high wall. name's Knight of Dawn. i got one for ya
Bkgs is the easiest to bait with, vertical r1 roll catches for days, and has a wombo combo for 1600 damage that's piss easy to pull off, and outranges 2h poked from other ultras with simple r1s
You must have never actually used the weapon or you're bad with this particular ugs. Either way having used both extensively I'll go bkgs every time
I need more cosplays, post what you have
>Don Quixote
Isn't the profaned split damage? Also the AGS weighs a lot less than other Ultras.
I usually just shit stomped anyone using one. Get them to whiff their initial attack then interrupt them with LKSw r1 spam.
Why is the NK one there? They're literally cosplaying NK
Look who he's next to, the contrast is where the comedic value lies
>Isn't the profaned split damage?
You're probably thinking of Lorian's. Profaned GS is a pure physical quality UGS, though it does have a self-buff with the WA that gives it 50 extra fire damage. At 40/40 the Profaned has 606 AR 1handed. It's slightly more damage than the AGS and only slightly more weight, so it really depends on preference and if you like charge that much.
>>the only reason people join Chaos Servant is to save Solaire
Don't even need to. Can just poison mist the door and catch the bug.
I think I was thinking of the self buff. I really prefer the pokes the AGS has, and my builds are always super tight on weight, so the 5 extra weight or so is a huge deal.
pls gz
Really close call
I feel bad for some dedicated cosplays.
>run into knight slayer tsorig cosplay every once in a while
>always starts 1h the fume
>always parry him on first swing
Admire the dedication
Profaned has 2HR2 pokes and a 2H rolling poke, so it's not much difference save for lack of a 1HR2 poke. I will say there's nothing more satisfying in 3 then getting a Leo Ring charged R2 with the Astora or Profaned and getting over 1000 damage on a counterhit.
I prefer having pokes on both the 1h and 2h. My two main go to weapons both have it LKSw and AGS.
>I mean how you changed them.
I dunno. I mean, I agree somewhat, having to use the rune table was preferable to DaS3's cancer, but at the same time, I much preferred how it was in 1, where sometimes there'd be consequences for leaving a covenant. It gave them more weight. And im sad that Souls games havent gone further down that road and instead casualized covenants.
>Fighting turtles with an ultra weapon
>Gameplay Reveal Trailer
>shows no gameplay
This is why you always have a Deep Dark Sword on hand just on principle.
I wasn't a big fan of the penalty, or having to run all over creation to change covenants. At the same time, just being able to swap covenants on a whim like in DaS3 is too easy. I think BB got it right, you have to at least go back to the hub to switch it up, but once you have them, you can change it without having to run everywhere.
You're mixing up Firestorm with Chaos Storm, user.
will we be seeing more relation between the Gwyn Siblings?
Man why did From have to erase everything ds2 did. I miss some of the mechanics. Theres so many things they could of done to make this game a 10/10. What would you guys change? Heres what I would do;
>Buff poison
Right now A poison weapon is pretty much useless, maybe not make it ds2 levels of damage but probably something like 2-2.5x what it is now
>Buffable infused/elemental weapons
I think this would help alot with the mediocre damage split weapon usually do and make some lesser used infusions like simple and blessed be used on more than just shields/off hand weapons
>More variety in magic
At least for offensive magic there's not much variety, some of the actual unique spells have pretty shit damage or just have very few times where they would be more useful. Also the staffs are pretty boring it would be neat if instead of their weapon arts being a buff, raise the base damage of each staff a little and instead make the WA a unique spell like the pyro flame has. The sorcerer staff could be something simple like a soul dart or the crystal sage staff could have a homing crystal like the crystal sages use.
I think it would work well if they brought back ds1 poise but ONLY for the really heavy armor, and also have it not work against the great/ultra weapons. This would make heavy armor/vitality a bit more appealing. make it so the wolf ring compliments heavy armor but doesnt do much if anything on its own.
I just missed covenant leaders i guess. It was nice to have at least 1 other person in the game to act as the mentor in your covenant
[a / b / c / d / e / f / g / gif / h / hr / k / m / o / p / r / s / t / u / v / vg / vr / w / wg] [i / ic] [r9k] [s4s] [cm / hm / lgbt / y] [3 / aco / adv / an / asp / biz / cgl / ck / co / diy / fa / fit / gd / hc / his / int / jp / lit / mlp / mu / n / news / out / po / pol / qst / sci / soc / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / wsg / wsr / x] [Edit]
katanas are for fagoots
You could still have that with BB's system. The Vile Bloods did, and the Confederates do for a bit too.
That was the gayest of all Gundam series. Why would you post that here?
Clearly you entice us
Please, bear the sauce
>Actually poison someone with a Spotted Whip at Pontiff's
>they just back off and use an instant purple moss clump that cures the 2 damage tick instantly
That's weird. I can usually space the r1 to bait that exact attack to hit them with the upswing. I only have my HA broken if they're using a buff to make their ss hit GS damage
>immediately put ccs on backup when I see a shield coming
Fuck turtles
I-I need a source
>poison is literally weaker than regen
They really fucked poison in this one
This man is astoundingly dedicated to his craft
>nearly all weapons R1s are just two animations
Next-gen souls alright
>His dick is the size of Gwyndolins torso
>all twin weapons have three unique L1 animations
>the third one is almost completely useless and will never hit anything in PvP
Waiting outside ocerios fog wall for some help if anybody wants to help me. Password is dsg. SL105
Meant to reply to
Booting up the Atari 2600
is orphan of kos the best soulsborne fight ever?
Kek ok
Stray demon earned that title
I didnt like it, personally.
I much preferred Ludwig.
UGS can't do anything to those classes anyway, and the range doesn't seem that short. Greatsword/BKGS have pretty visually similar range (longer than astora and co) but shorter than FUGS.
No, but it is pretty good.
>invade as purple
>host has at least 2 partners
>ok no prob
>host seeded world
>ok still no prob
>hit enemy 6 times with the bkga only to have his hp bar refill after seeing it go down half way several times.
>die cause angry and out of stamina
I mad
The long UGS (eg. Greatsword, FUGS) haver a significantly better time dealing with other long-reach weapons because they can actually outspace them with their range.
If your ultra is out-ranged, you literally cannot do anything, but if you outrange them, you have options.
Need help in Dark Souls 2. Reindeer and phantoms keep fucking me up before I reach the bosses. SM is 16300000.
The only good covenant in DS1 is the Darkwraiths, because it gives you access to the Red Eye Orb. You can still use a white sign to co-op, and you can invade the forest as a red, so the only multiplayer functionality you don't have access to is Gravelording, which sucks anyway.
Well, mostly sucks. Gravelording is bad for what it's supposed to do, but I actually liked using it for turbo-hosting in Townshit and Burg and such at 120.
>can't backstabs hosts trying to go through fog gates
thanks tanimushit
In the entire soulsborne series.
I'd help if I had bought SOFTS on PC.
Hey broski, I joined Chaos Servants to give humanity to muh waifu
>DS1 poise
>Waiting for help in front of starting sled
>2h rolling attacks while axes is good at clipping toes and nothing else