>Youkai watch event (July 26th-October 3rd)
>3.35 Patch Notes:
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
>Previously on /xivg/!
>Youkai watch event (July 26th-October 3rd)
>3.35 Patch Notes:
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
>Previously on /xivg/!
xth for dont forget to feed squiddy-chan today
Squidvana is not to be trusted.
xth for where is stratos
xth for being incredibly lonely please help me
xth for moonies a best
i kinda wanted to make a saber alter glamour and it's the only sword that i know of that has the red glow
i'm always hungry dude
i live like 5mins away from a mcdonalds, it's tempting but it's like 4am
nth for times, maintenance flavor.
Not good.
xth for Awena is important and I hope she's having a good night.
Lonely au ra looking for erp...
want to make an alt on a different server and talk?
zanaka cuck
xth for Style
Finally pulled it off. Farming for replica materials suddenly got a lot easier.
Are there better hats for this chest? I'm not sold on the sword and shield either. Level 54 and using level 50 sword and shield so I can't glamour higher level stuff yet.
The Adders helmet goes along with it well.
We liked using these hats, I know it's the Medium piece but they aren't so different, might still work.
mm, maybe but i'm kinda shy
how'd you manage to do it?
all my attempts have ended in failure no matter what i go in as (not that i've made many attempts)
Tyrfing is best sword but I don't know if it fits whatever look you're going for there.
I honestly mean it
High Allagan Blade is the best PLD weapon don't even try and fight it.
I got a pizza for everyone!
Lalas get some first, they're too tiny!
xth for naka got webbed
The vault has a helmet that will work really great (once you hit 57). You could also try the crown version of that set of helms (somewhere in the 40-50 range). There's the pvp helms too (50) - check out the wolves den.
what the fuck is this
That's not the Tidal Wave gear.
this one is a falseflag
im waiting in Gridania on the Adamantoise server at the Tavern
>how'd you manage to do it?
Very carefully. Initially I tried saving Hallowed Ground for the first set of double Spinner Rooks, but then I realised that if I did that, I wouldn't have it for the double Dreadnaughts later.
So what I did was I blew FoF and Bloodbath for the initial wave to burn through it fast, then I used Rampart and Foresight for the second wave. For the Dreadnaught I used Bulward and Conv+Clemency to top myself up in prep for the bugs+rooks wave. Blew FoF to burn down the rooks quickly, then finished off the bugs, used Rampart again during the next single Dreadnaught, and then when the second one dropped down I waited for it to eat the bug, used Hallowed, topped myself up, then used Sentinel when Hallowed fell off.
Last wave was pretty tense because I was running low on MP and HP, but thankfully Sheltron's got a short CD and restores as much MP as it does. My next goal is to try and pull it off on WAR.
The Adders helmet, if you are referring to the heavy armor piece from the hunt billmaster, looks incredibly stupid on female midlanders. Perhaps it looks better on lalafel, I know certain things do.
I have Tyrfing and the shield. It's a nice looking sword, but doesn't quite fit the color scheme I want.
Thanks for the tip that helmet does look good. I am currently using that whole set aside from the weapon for DRK. I looked at the Templar Coif, the faceplate and crown don't dye, only the chainmail. A shame.
.. Okay.
It's his alt on Balmung. He's come up to me like he does with all his other characters aka really fucking close and posted with the smaller res he had in the past.
Thanks for the 1 you so people see my post more, though. Not quoting me makes people look for it, too!
this is the real falseflag
If you took off the jalapenos I'd be golden.
At least for me. I don't mind spicy stuff I love it even but jalapenos taste funky to me.
i want to rape this roe
>tfw just came from Macchu Picchu
Literally a Shrek alt.
That cat and Shattered Sun.
Weirdo fuck probably has more.
pussy ass white bitch
He has several alts on every server that he stalks ebins on. There was someone who listed all the various races out a few weeks ago.
Thanks again, keep it up though so people read a reply chain.
Everybody hates me because they die or get hurt.
Could you repost that list for me?
Who says I'm white? Don't put that on me you sheet of paper lookin ass
I think you're cute!
Is it safe yet
I don't know the post or remember what thread it was to look for it. It wasn't their names, only the various races and servers.
fuckin hilroy brand lined paper lookin ass nigga
2 highlanders, one with and without facial tattoos. Both brown. Midlander, eyebrow face paint and dreads. Cat eyebrows, used to have elezen with the same look. Roegadyn on ANY server with a roe poster here (Gilgamesh, Levi, excal, tornberry, Balmung, probably faerie but I'll be honest and say I don't know but it's highly likely.)
There you go.
nidhogg trial roulette
fuck scholar dps autists.
he only spammed succor on the phase transitions and just faced down the tank eating a tank buster at 50% when i got pushed to the opposite end of the arena in human phase.
god damn tasteless dirt, keep eatin it son
fuckin Brady Bunch lookin ass nigga
What server are you finding scholars that actually DPS in PF on? When I was still farming it if I was main healing I was lucky to get one that did more than 200 with less than 50% overheal.
so, about a month ago i started playing and someone from this general offered me one of those recruit codes that gives me extra exp. i started a sub today so hopefully whoever that was enjoys a nice reward or something for that.
Sounds suicidal. At best, I'll laugh at your tickling when trying to pry my thighs open.
Im legit jealous. Got more?
>tfw masturbate my bp
>tons of cum out of my penis and bp as well
>intense bp spasms
>unending pleasure
omg, i know why trannies become trannies now
oh nvm I skimmed over trial roulette. come on dude you should be able to easily solo heal that, seeing as people can solo heal ex. Yeah people can pick bad times to DPS, still a story mode fight
Who is this super cutie? I wanna kiss those lower ears.
oh baby
Buddy there is only one thing that comes out of your asshole and it isn't cum. Then again I have only had anal sex with a girl once and it lasted about 20 seconds so maybe a thread gay can correct me.
Did you try out the alpaca carpacio/proscutto they serve in one of the restaurants there? Last time I was there it was delicious. Roasted guinea pigs are also pretty tasty.
>the tank drags a huge pack of mobs out of the Kassatsu'd Doton you just laid down and never brings them back
They'd never convict me...
Who are the top 5 cutest c@s from this general?
Aw shit, the midlander with dreads is actually kind of cute.
>tfw no one will stalk all of your alts like ultrash does here
Kaori when girl cat
that's all I got
>be me
>be widely hated ebin
>have 8 alts on multiple servers
>erp with people who hate me and they don't even know
dont say things like that
> "C@s."
> Cute.
you forgot me
>everyone I hate is Shrek because I hate them the most!
Shrek post
Your damage control won't work here
why did stratos disappear
Thanks for the you, but feel free to check resolutions over the past years.
Come back when you remember I'm right, sweetheart. Maybe another you or two if you don't wanna admit it will suffice.
Has he disappeared again in the last 24 hours or are we talking about some previous time where it's happened
what kind of idiot wears their swords to bed?
Nobody HATES Shrek, he's just a fuckin creep.
It will be on the next season of Fargo.
who the HECK sleeps in their armor
He's been gone for about 48 now
got cucked by zan and naka
He ran off to excal and disappeared when he got cucked yet again on that server
This is Lance post.
Really tired people who collapse after a hard day saving the realm of Eorzea from itself.
I thought Naka was legit gay and not prison gay though
Why Lance? Trying to take out his biggest competitor?
>tfw the strat master comes to your server, does some goddess, and flips his cape and flies off in the night meaning he got fucked
Remember, it's okay for Mado to creep on B'nhaka for a year and a half.
>I thought Naka was legit gay
"be prepared" - Frankie MacDonald
>No not me. The Shrek Shattered Sun fecalitus.
Don't think we didn't see this, Aaron.
How would I be lance if lance is a literal who newfag who wouldn't know that shit
"be prepared" - Scar from the Lion King
When the master's away, the cat will play~
i want to fug this cat
Why did you and Zan ruin Ultrash?