How do you turn poverty class into working class without welfare?
How do you turn poverty class into working class without welfare?
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First you have to destroy the ideas ingrained in them that they are worthless and will always be poor. You don't have to destroy the class/caste structure, more you have to delete their perception of it.
Then you give them opportunities to better themselves, and education on how to do it. Scrounging for junk that can be recycled. Writing stuff on MTurk, being a java programmer, performing menial duties for little pay. These can lead to clothes and shelter, and eventually upward class mobility.
Although the underclass will only ever be able to aspire to be around middle class, jumping two class categories is pretty damn good for one lifetime.
Am i missing something?
If you want to get super complicated, eliminate all forms of assistance (housing, cash, foodstamps, education), as well as halve the minimum wage; then, offer 100% free as need childcare around the clock for employed individuals as the sole form of govt assistance.
They want to be worthless and poor for the most part. There is no helping them outside of gas chambers.
If you made less than 15k in the last year you should get a bullet to the temple. The World would be a lot better
Oh so most of the world should get a bullet to the temple?
How does it feel being an idiot, I'm not familiar.
how am i wrong
I'm curious, how is he wrong?
In Canada they're basically the same classes, can't speak for Shart-In-Martia.
So if you mean a (previously) first world country - subsidized education, especially with elements of entrepreneurship. Loans/grants to students with promising projects so that they can go on and create their own companies.
For countries like in your pic, theyre surviving from meal to meal. Nutritional assistance, some spending money to improve situation, maybe materials to improve housing even though theyre shacks (worked in Corituba in the 80s).
Basically - you can't go without welfare, its an investment in the people and there needs to be an external push to get them out of the vicious cycle.
People that made less than 15k last year literally built your computer. They're the reason you can afford one.
Plenty of CEO's made less than 15k last year nominally, as a lot of them have their salaries tied up in stock options.
Some entire countries have a GDP of less than 15k, and guess what? It's not because the country is "lazy".
All this elitism from the meme-NEETs on Veeky Forums is frankly laughable.
pay them to use genius sperm banks
these CEOs should get a neckshot too.
>People need to trade more stock for a good life
>all these priviliged edgelords
Give them a job.
>If you made less than 15k in the last year you should get a bullet to the temple. The World would be a lot better
99% of Veeky Forums would be dead...
I think you have a point
You need to allow conglomerates to "exploit" them. That means no anti-child labor and minimum wage laws. At the same time you need to invest in infrastructure (roads, electricity, running water) and institutions in these areas, so the police is effective and non-corrupt.
Slightly Orwellian but not bad.
Country of GDP less than 15k? Maybe GDP per capita, but not net GDP.
Im going to call bullshit on everything else you said.
Having a corporate overlord will create a disdain for society as a whole, these people are still people. I think social security is flawed outright. People dont see the money that is put away for them. Show these people they have money and they wont think they are broke.
Then because they have money they will take a loan to buy shit.
It's the antithesis of Orwellian.
>Big Brother is watching your children so you can focus on supporting your family
>there are people here who unironically believe that large multinational entities with near unlimited wealth and power should police themselves, and that would somehow be good
>these same people think they're smart or innovative thinkers
Jesus fucking Christ where even am I.
Work a shitty retail job for a few years, if you don't get promoted to salaried manager go apply for it somewhere else or apply for a salaried office job. Alternatively lie on your resume
>How do you turn poverty class into working class without welfare?
Distribution of wealth
>wanting to replace a corporate entity with an unaccountable one
If we're going to kill everyone who made less than $15k for a single year, we should also ban any inheritance. People should prove that they're worth making at least $15k+ a year, never mind that there won't be enough jobs left after we kill all of the people that make our economy possible, so we'll have to kill most of the remaining people too. In the end you'd have small villages here and there, and of course the protected class of death squads to kill people who make less than $15k, and the rich who hire themselves in their own charity, then tax to that charity, and then pay themselves $15k for a salary.
>third worlders are people
Not really. The best way to fix this problem would be to get rid of them all, and populate the lands ourselves. Africa, the middle east, bye-bye. Indians can be civilized, the rest really can't. They don't have enough brain-power to comprehend the ideals that built western civilization, even if you explain it all carefully to them. Not that I'm super smart, but most african nations have an average IQ of 70. That's an AVERAGE that is 30% lower than the average here, and right on the verge of mental impairment. Their average person is basically brain damaged compared to a westerner.
Is distribution of wealth not the definition of welfare? If you're thinking of communism, why would anyone produce anything anymore if you're just going to take it? All you're doing is massively decreasing the overall wealth level, except for the inevitable oligarchs that are friends with whoever controls this dystopian hell of a future you're imagining.
Corporate entities are virtually unaccountable already, though.
But I built my own pc you kike.
Any American that's not literally retarded or severely physically disabled has no excuse not to be making 15k a year.
Or, you know, the excuse of being a child is a pretty good one. Bet you didn't make 15k/year in freshman year. You should've killed yourself when you were 13 and making nothing you hypocrite
There are too many needless humans on the planet. We either need to send them into space to do the hard work of establishing a colony, where many of them will likely die as fodder, or just kill them outright.
A peasant from a third world nation will never contribute anything to society. Reminder most of them have room temperature IQs.
I made less than 15k last year.
Going to make near 60k this year.
Everyone starts somewhere.
Stop welfare and deregulate to lassaize faire capitalism
Seperate goverment and economics
I hope you enjoy fecal material in your food
And neither the government side nor the corporate side would allow that.
You seriously have no understanding of how the world works, do you.
If you havent made 15k by the time you were 12 Kys
So we looked at the data...
I was recently in a tech startup with minds like Elon Musk in Africa trying to teach young kids how to program with java script with ipads
We gave them like 30min tutorials and they still couldn't work that shit out, it's just beep boop and it's so intuitive!
I was working on a ranch when I was 12 to about 15 when I got my first job. Thinking back on it, I probably came pretty damn close if I didn't make 15k/year.
You just have to want to work. You can't just be a lazy fuck all your life and expect money to just start entering your life out of nowhere. If I was a freshman in high school with a job, making 14-15k a year, any high school graduate damn well better be able to as well.
remove welfare and the "poverty class" turn into the "working class"
also have to remove the minimum wage and government restrictions on the market and lower (preferably end) taxes. i don't have the effort left in me to explain the implications of doing these things in detail but it would work, read this book from mises:
to learn why any form of socialism is bad and read murray rothbard to learn how society would work fine (way better), without our overlords micromanaging our lives.
>get rid of them
That would wreck the economy, considering everything we use is thanks to the exploitation of third world cheap labour.