laughing useless edition
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1st for kavats
Syndicate idea
When a player is being sent by the opposing syndicate specters is in your squad and you are on that Syndicate, you have a chance to get a side mission to assassinate them.
You get a special reward + standing only to you if you are successful.
Be their Stalker
Boypussy > girlpussy
>not boi
QUICK, come up with a new event that adds to the lore and has interesting mechanics
Maybe I'll go down to DE tomorrow and ask them when the next Prime Access is
Corpus Shoah
Kill as many corpus as possible using only gas damage
Gold tier is 6 million kills
>Slapping grenades on high mobility warframes and just taking potshots from the back during defense missions
stupid blinposter
Stalker hunting, basically a raid that involves killing each of the acolytes in a specific manner I.E. Limbo needing to be pulled into a nullichamber to kill'm, we find out whos stalker.
>say wts in recruiting ill gib u plat
limbo's already dead
how would I go about building STR? This is my first day playing. I got nezha.
I'd just like to melee and keep my shield up as much as possible plus provide some support.
I liked your guide but I don't see any recommended mods.
>implying stalker can't make more
One of Stalker's Acolytes is literally a Limbo so yeah.
there's a modding guide at the end, but since you're new as shit I recommend just doing whatever the fuck you want. You can't really make use of the guide or ANY guide because you're severely limited by your lack of mods, and in the early stages you can do pretty much anything
Get Intensify, Stretch, Flow, and Streamline on your Nezha and you'll be fine for a few dozen hours. Once you get corrupted mods shit gets more complicated by it'll be a long time before you get there
>first day playing
>buy Nezha
mistakes user
What are stalker's acolytes. Some sort of new content?
>Some sort of new content?
Jesus fucking Christ dude
Autism confirmed, off yourself
But consoles got the Acolyte thing months ago.
During Dark Souls III's release. I missed the whole thing.
>getting b8d this hard
>this hard
But Warframe is fun even on console
I have built like 3 LoR keys but I can't find any squad accepting newbies.
Can anyone take me to LoR and show me the ropes?
well the thing is I have 3000 platinum and a Excalibur prime frame from when the game opened. so I could buy a couple really good mods off the trade channel.
friend and I were going to play this game hard together but things happened
>But Warframe is fun
>it's a "he tries to discredit the author instead of the actual content of the pastebin" episode
>use Chroma Drac helmet
>realize that whenever I am shadowed, the top of the helmet turns white with green dots
this hurts me
Maybe Warframe is only fun on console. would explain why PCfriends are so angry all the time
I love this boy
basic mods like Flow, Stretch, Intensify, and streamline are cheap as shit, like 5p each max, and many players will just give them to you for free
this is your reminder that you will never go this fast again
>It's a "It's not spam if I say it's not spam" episode
But is it spam if I say that it is spam?
has anyone even posted a detailed argument explaining why the guide is bad other than posting le meme replies like autists?
user why do you think le meme replies came about? It's because it was argued but the fag wouldn't have any of it and acts like a child while continuing to spread misinfo.
sauce on that furry fuccboi?
>Keep getting shit rewards so ranking up all those forma bps
>Still no Mag BP drop.
>he can't read the filename
that one /v/ comic where they play games and he sucks all the dicks
im surprised im still in the clan everything still seems unbelievable shit though, is it?
>spread misinfo
now this is shitposting
I left a clan for over a year, they used to remove inactive people after a week. Now I'm one of the six people left in the clan down from hundreds. No idea what happened nor what is going on, as I'm the only one who seems to be online.
There is no purpose for this speed but sleeky fun
Should of shown the melee speed sleek
To clarify, I did not leave clan. Just stopped playing. Warframe seems p. dead.
>Keep getting Soma BP
So close yet so far.
Too busy grinding parts before they're vaulted.
how can I go this fast today?
>slide on to extraction platform as fissure mission ends
>reward screen coming up causes me to fall off and loop infinitely
>can't select anything
>timer keeps resetting
>get kicked out
>mission failed
you need to learn at least the basic mechanics before you play
the reason that nobody takes newbies is because they can make it impossible to progress
>Reminder: If you use Vitality, you are a shitter.
But I'm playing Inaros
but user, they removed coptering explicitly so people wouldn't run into inelegant and ugly momentum problems in the engine like that instead of actually fixing their fucking game :^)
Well yeah, I read the shit out of the wiki, a guide on the forum and watched Niggamu video
I understand what I need to do, at least as a Bless Trinity, an EV Trinity or a Frost, but nobody is taking newbies and I feel like I need to state that I'm a newbie to avoid terrible situations where I fuck up.
if you don't have at least 3 friends to go with, you need to lie
lie about being experienced, lie about MR, lie about everything and don't talk
you can try and hide in the background letting others do most of the work, except for the buttons in phase 2
good luck
normal lor can't really fail most of the time so it shouldn't be too hard
This made me remember one game I had with a laggy host, after melee 2.0. The game just sleeked out by itself so fucking crazily, and I could only trigger "movement" by attacking with melee - the simplest I can describe it was that I was essentially blinking around the map by the frame.
that's a lie, i used this as a coptering replacement forever
now THIS is purposeless sleeky fun
dude i told you it's literally not possible anymore, they finally fixed it
sorry :^(
What are some necessity, best available mods for my heavy weapon that I should go for next?
Right now I've got a nice prime pressure point and berserker.. what should I go for next? the primed attack speed one? maybe? Something for durability? not sure.
i can dump the rest of my silly webms if you want though
DE destroyed the remaining fun I had with the game
I can't read
fucking RIP, no fun allowed
please do, I love this shit
>host leaves
>greeted by this sleek
and no, I didn't crop those boxes
>Augment to completely remove Pelt for [Insert Here] when
Blood Rush+Body Count+Crit is the typical melee build nowadays. Increasing attack speed is nice for heavy weapons.
there's still a way to go pretty fast as of last time i logged in, but i'm not telling you what it is
I keep posting this but nobody ever really gives me a coherent answer. Ember will help me get some attention now.
What's the drop rate of Forma from rare Orokin Moon containers? Is the best place to find them from Simon Says? Are there other places to consistently find them?
We didn't ask.
the drop rate is the size of ember's benis and the best place to find them is sucking her magma cum down
Yeah, but I don't think Blood Rush and Body Count are needed if you only use quick melee. It's better to go raw damage/crit when you're not using your melee weapon very often.
I had something sort of similar happen recently after I got stuck in a frozen hell
there's a guy on twitch who does ONLY NEWBIES LoR.
It helped me a lot when i didn't know shit and it will help you too. He streams the proccess as well.
go to twitch and chek darkslayer313 profile
Come on, this isn't on the wiki
That's true, I mainly only worry about melee builds for pure melee or covert lethality nowadays. I can't see any reason not to use attack and/or crit if you're just mashing E besides maybe some QoL mods.
>katana forward dash
I knew it could be spammed somehow, fuck I wish I knew how to pull this shit off
well good
It's just macros, impossible to do without
Just do the blueprints little hen
if it's not on the wiki why do you think /wfg/ will know it, this isn't some place where people use secret tech. People here are massive shitters
>Proof that Warbro's attention-whoring is the main reason why sleek gets removed.
no macros required friend-o
just good old fashioned sleek coding
>implying dragon dick prime was out when i made this
Because /wfg/ is what told me about that way of getting Forma in the first place
Is anyone still using the Dex Sybaris?
sounds like an absolute garbage shit way to farm forma to me
just use relics
Yes, why not? Has it been "adjusted" recently?
Sybaris was my favorite weapon for the longest time.
Oh wow, that's pretty neato.
I wonder if the guy would agree if I asked to tag along on one of the LoR runs
No, I'm maining melee for now. and if that's the case I should probably prioritize getting Blood Rush and Body Count, I have berserker.
is maxed primed fury (atk spd) worth focusing on getting after I have those 2?