/ps2g/ - PlanetSide 2 general

load of nanites edition

meme patch with meme changes

>What is this meme?
>How do I meme?
>How do I meme? (advanced)
>Tweaks and optimemezations
>Meme stats and vehicle memes
>Meme chart some user made

ded meme

Other urls found in this thread:


Planetside 2 is dead. Bury it.

Stop making these threads literally no one cares about this shitty game anymore.

2 dead threads in one day. Ouch

Yeah, rip.

mulf trugsy didn't save us

is he in trouble? who will save him? he would never abandon us willingly

please let it die

not dogs, not crowns, not even maggieposting can save us now

let it end

did somebody say maggie


sage for ded game and double sage for large.jpg

>3 replies in the last thread

Jesus Christ.


© ranulf busby


planetside saved the construction

Will the Heavy Assault meta ever end?

Why are LMGs so ubiquitous and effective? Why do they have accuracy and recoil statistics better than most ARs or even Carbines in CQC?

Why aren't LMGs designed around Mid-long range combat with moderately high accuracy only when standing still? Why do ANY LMGs have .75 ADS? Why shouldn't the NS15M have a 1.5 Headshot modifier, given its ridiculous accuracy and long-range effectiveness, in addition to its unparalled moving ADS CoF in the LMG category?

>Why are LMGs so ubiquitous and effective? Why do they have accuracy and recoil statistics better than most ARs or even Carbines in CQC?
That's just literally untrue.

>Will the Heavy Assault meta ever end?

Nope. Planetside 2 wants to be a combined arms game but it provides too much generelization for everything, not just with the infantry game and heavy assaults.

Relative to the size ammunition capacity, yes.

CQC LMG is an oxymoron. The only "CQC" LMG there should be is the NS15M, and only because its damage output barring headshots is so abysmally low.

Went ahead and reported the tank gun animation thing some user mentioned last non-ded thread.
Just thought they'd like to know.

Do you guys think nanite medical applicators could restore blown off limbs and lost blood?

Depends, is this for a fapfiction?

Unfortunately, no.

Just a normal fanfiction.

>tfw heavy assaults don't sprint slower and have a longer sprint startup than non-heavy infantry
>tfw heavy assaults dont have 250 more shields rather than an activated overshield

>tfw infiltrators don't have to holster their weapon to cloak
>tfw engineers are better at anti-tank duty than heavies
>tfw light assaults don't get to go fast tribes style

Mr Bamboozels pls gibe more loading screens

here you go


Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Flying An Esf Skilll Hahahaha Nigga Just Use Burster Maxes Like Nigga Use Lock On Rocket Launchers Haha


>ammo capacity
Are you being retarded on purpose?

did someone mention Tribes

Relative to magazine size and ammo capacity, yes, LMGs are too accurate, deal too much damage, are too effective at all ranges within 100m.

There are nowhere near enough disadvantages to using an LMG as there are for other weapon types restricted to their relevant classes.

Reported. Should have at least censored your name :^)))

what da fack

>LMGs are too accurate
Dat 0.4 moving CoF familia

>deal too much damage,
RPM is capped to 750,

>are too effective at all ranges within 100m.
and totally ineffective beyond that

>There are nowhere near enough disadvantages to using an LMG as there are for other weapon types restricted to their relevant classes.
70% more health is what makes LMGs viable at all. Without overshield you would get gunned down by TAR/GR-22/HV4-5/GD-7F users without any chance of winning.

aim better or kys

>Without overshield you would get gunned down by TAR/GR-22/HV4-5/GD-7F users without any chance of winning.

heh, another ~3.0 self appointed "mlg master" HA/boltshitting kid spewing his retarded bullshit.

LMG's are AR's on steroids in PS2, and they are on a class with 70% more HP.
Don't fool yourself kiddo, you are shit player.
HA and bolt shitting is the only way for you to get kills without being dumbstered like a little bitch.

For the last week, every time I logged in, the only active continent was Indar, TR had north warpgate, and it was a stalemate at Indar Ex, Howling Pass and Ceres Hydroponics. Also tons of A2G and HE spam. Did I get sent back to 2013?

Hi Lalunia. Is it that time of the month again?

It's always the time for making fun of bolt shitters and HA tryhards

You are a space feminist. Instead of gitting gud, you campaign for nerfs. Just like wwew shitties

there is no such thing as gitting gud against invisible people with OHK weapons sitting on a hill 300m away from the fight.

But they can't shoot inside towers and biolabs?

>pub sits in VLG valk at stable hover over a perfect farm
>0 kills over 5 minutes
>boot him so I can solo
>5 kills within a minute of seat swapping 1 man "hover high then drop while guiding missile" bullshittery

Sometimes I just wish there were memers of equal skill who would join me.

And that's why Towers and Biolabs are the best bases in this game.

what team/server so i can laugh at you

I'm so sleepy

That usually means you need to sleep

Planetman's never sleep

they don't need to - when you get tired you can just kill yourself and respawn

>being new

im so sorry, my lack of shitposting killed the thread twice ;_;

pls come back gandalf

we need u



How quickly does the thread archive if no one posts? 30 minutes? I need to set a timer or something.

depends on time of day and things happening in other generals

Defending Subterranean Nanite Analysis in Planetside2 is the highest skill cap activity in any video game, all time. Except for maybe Q3A CPMA duels or Quake Live CPMA duels before they made it as casual as it is now. If you think it's boring, it's because you hit a skill wall and can't get to the upper tier where you are literally king of the pit.

>just impulsively spent $15 on DBC

God kill me.

>dat prerelease hype
>dat magrider OP pls nerf
>dem VS tears when nerfed
>dat scatmax OP pls nerf
>dem NC tears when nerfed
>dat NC overpop
>dem dead servers
>dem first servers mergers
>dem NC trying to mathematically prove NC was UP
>dem TR and VS tear when NC buffed
>dat getting farmed by HE prowlers
>dat striker OP pls nerf
>dem TR tears when nerfed
>dat ZOE OP pls nerf
>dem VS tears when nerfed
>dat TR UP pls buff

I miss it all.


RIP /ps2g/

Next time sleep on it.

It's actually how I stopped myself from getting a pizza today.

The only trouble is that I had to trick myself into thinking that just not spending the money wasn't an option.

Now I feel only regret. And rocket pods.

merry me pls

I had to install planetside 2 on the ps4 because I wasn't able to run it in wine. Doesn't seem dead to me, and that's on the console.

The thread being dead =/= the game being dead.

Everyone actually enjoying and playing this game moved over to cuckchan

All we've got left here are reddit skinwalkers and cheaters (largely the same thing) and without any posters to call shitters there's just nothing for them to do. They don't even like planetside - why would they talk about it?

It's funny because back when I browsed The Other Chan regularly I was disappointed there was no /ps2g/ and tried starting a couple.

This would've been back in early/mid 2015 though.

They also took all the shitters.

Oh sure, and what we're left with is just fanfuckingtastic, isn't it?

You want people bragging about sub 200SPM? Go to their thread and bring it up, it's a fucking joke.

Maybe I don't care about scores and just would prefer to have fun

This thread's obsession with stats is what killed it, mark my words.

kys cripple

>They also took all the shitters.

Correction: the reddit skinwalkers such as yourself, who can't help but shit up everything everywhere they go, went over to cuckchan to shit it up, since Veeky Forums is more and more devoid of actual ps2 content and the skinwalkers cannot provide such content themselves - only attack others who do.

cancer like you can kindly fuck off and die, you ruined shit here, you're trying to ruin it over there too.

Quality post. Very underrated.

meme infusion

redditors like drama so they can get those upboats

>overwatch does vanu better than ps2


Shit, I...can't really refute that.

What the fuck is the guy on the right even doing?

He's either picking up a grenade that was thrown at them or he's gently rolled one in front of the lead guy for some reason. Neither one makes any sense.

It's a revive grenade


The shitTR wants the grenade because his commie brainwashing says he should martyr himself
the burger wants to get the grenade he dropped because he thought it was free education before the shitTR gets it

Why does this game still exist

Are the rumors about ps3 true

ps3 is already out, so is the ps4 and the ps5 is coming next year

So I gave this game a crack over the last 3 days despite the warnings seen in this thread.

Oh wow.

I'm sure all you guys with 1000 hrs each know the core issues with the game much better than I so I'll keep it brief.

1. Getting killed in

shoulda put more certs into nanoweave and flak armor it sounds like

did you try aiming

By tomorrow I won't even remember I played this game.

Mentis2k6 is Banshee shitting again.

You should have aimed better

>being shit

During your play through did you ever at any point consider getting gud or Aiming Betterâ„¢?


That's what you think. Within you the rage and salt will seethe and you won't be able to resist coming back, sure you'll do better this time.


I want to shitpost but I'm busy, so I'll just leave this here


Do productive things, do work. Create, accomplish.

You will be happier


I remember playing this when it first got released and I had absolutely fucking horrible performance on my shitcan, even on the lowest settings.

Did they do any optimizing or should I not even bother?

I have a phenom II 955 and a HD5770.

I know theres some guy on here who claims to be top 5 infantrymans who plays on a machine built 4 years ago for 600$.

the only things top here are keks

fucc ps2, im going to start a social eating stream
