Monster Hunter General - /mhg/

Previous Thread:>Great news!
-Monster Hunter Generations along with special edition N3DS XLs is out!
-Kiranico and MHX Dex updated

>I have a question! (embed)
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 / Search
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing


4th for Adept Lance isn't actually bad

Attack Up L
HG Earplug
Wind Resist H

All for you, bb

does anyone wanna farm amatsu?

i make rooms online but no one joins

every time you rush to make threads your faggot ass forgets to link the last one

Do I need any specific skills for LS or do I just stack attack buffs?


what are some armor sets /mhg?

>hg earplugs
>when adept exists

>Everytime you rush to read words, you forget to actually read
I'm not even OP

nigger it says previous thread in the OP do you not read?

So you give people dreadking rathalos armor?

Prowlers in Generations prove that a giant boomerang based Gunner weapon could definitely work.

It also shows that it'd probably be fucking boring.

there's rathain, rathalos, rathian s, rathalos s, rathian r, rathalos r, ex rathian, ex rathalos, dreadqueen, dreadking, silver sol, ex silver sol, gold lune, ex gold lune, etc

what's the

>pubs will always be hunting this monster for its equips


What's a good starting armor set for getting into Bow? I've never really dabbled in Gunnery before because Bowgun is way too complicated to use.

All 3 rathalos and akantor

from the looks of things it should be rathalos since he is easy and gives good skills but i haven't seen many rathalos set users in pubs

Tetsu and bulljaggi
kek, they'll rush keys until they realize they're dying in two hits and will make a random set. I've noticed extremely high armor diversity in early HR.

new Kaiju Busters when

They were already planning on a giant boomerang weapon for Generations, except it was bladed and giant. The Hunter would swing it around like a sword, and would throw it as well. When the hunter didn't have the boomerang in hand, they would PUNCH SHIT WITH THEIR FISTS, and even PUNCH THE BOOMERANG

They also had a Dog Monster weapon, that you could ride and give armor to fight alongside.

Thankfully the MH team was smart enough to scrap both of those ideas in favor of the piece of shit Prowlers.

Finally, someone who agrees

I tried getting into Striker Lance. I really did, but it's just too mind-numbing for me. Adept Lance is much, much more rewarding to play

>requests act like urgents now - count only for the person who posted the quest
>decide to solo some of the hub requests, because don't wanna tire other anons by repeating the same shit
>hunt a narga
>"nice and easy, this shouldn't take long"
>get narga to limp pretty soon when suddenly
>a wild deviljho appears
>he hits the already limping narga breaking her tail and almost killing her
>MY prey
>"now it's on, motherfucker"
>finally kill the pickle
>get two talons
Well, those were 40 minutes well-spent.

i've seen more mizutsune users than anything for some odd reason

Which art do you use, bud? I can't decide.

>only have enough mats for one seregios weapon
>don't know if I want a charge blade, dual blade, greatsword, or hammer

This game is hard for the wrong reasons.

>Finish a HR gathering tour
>Didn't really pay attention to what I got, just needed to make sure I had 8 rare scarabs at the end
>Finish quest
>12,000 Wycademy points

Anything edgy or weaboo.

So Mizutsune, Astalos, Gore Magala, shit like that

>not just farming seregios for 3hours so you can make all of them

>just want some Zamtrios Scales
>game gives me two of the much rarer, but unneeded Zamtrios Tailblades instead
But, why game, why?

>throw a sonic bomb at plessy in the water
>does absolutely nothing but put it into rage mode, doesnt get it out

All wrong. The answer is Glaveanus.


how did capcom manage to design a monster thats not only ugly as sin but also easy as fuck

>prepare for first fight like im going to war
>dead in 3:50 using astalos hammer

i only got hit once, by a bullfango

at least in previous gens ugly monsters were dangerous

im starting to suspect that generations was made by some sort of B team and letting core team take vacation after the masterpiece that 4u was

Hey-ho, hunterino!

>go back to low tier harvest tours for the check mark
>start and finish
>get free meat after wasting the airship's time and fuel dropping me off for five whole seconds

Somewhere out there is a fat as fuck hunter who abused this.

>Not edgy

Whatever you say user

Monster Hunter Gen is the easiest one out to date besides p3rd are you retarded?

Enraged Guard. The utility of having a second guard that provides an attack boost is too good to give up

You sound almost like you don't actually like hunting monsters.


Hunting him is fun, and taught me to love the LBG, but I just want them scales already so I can wear him too

I have the comic and I can't find it

The console ones were much, much easier, simply because the camera was easier to control. Also they seemed to play more smoothly, maybe it's because they locked Generations to 30FPS, I dunno, I find myself fucking up a lot more.

please tell me there's no green plessy in gen and I only ever have to hunt this fish asshole in the urgent

Isn't there an urgent involving the fox? People probably just made it because it's perceived to be a strong monster (that means strong armor, right guys?), and they already had to hunt it a lot for other people.

>See Plesioth is a HUB urgent
>Don't even think about it, it'll be easy
>Realize you can't swim after them anymore
>No longer want to do the urgent
>Been sitting at the urgent for the past four days

I fucking refuse

You can fight a hyper plesi

use frogs

Whoever says MH isn't PvP clearly hasn't played with LS users.

Fighting Narkakos for the first time
What can I expect out of this fight? I know nothing about it.


Bukkake and lots of boners.

Expect to be bored to death.
I know I almost did, but that's probably because I did it solo.
All you do is whack the tentacles and then shoot the ballistae if you can't whack the tentacles.

>it's perceived to be a strong monster (that means strong armor, right guys?

ore maybe it's perceived as cute and has cute armor


hit his tentacles until he gets knocked down, then attack the rainbow spot on his back

get ready to get 2 shot by tail swipes if you armor is still shit

if you're a huntress it just makes you look fat instead

I'd love to.

I'm only HR 51 so I can't actually search for Amatsu rooms (have to be 70). So if you posted a code I'd join.

Does anything else besides Amatsu and Alatreon unlock above HR 70? Or are those two it? I know Ukanlos and Akantor are HR 60

>village 6 star
>hub 1star
>i need 4 star to unlock level 20+ cats for last stand

>I'm only HR 51 so I can't actually search for Amatsu rooms (have to be 70)
You know you can just change the HR search range manually?

No, you can't search for "Amatsu" as the target unless you're rank 70.

Well, just don't specify the target then, Amatsu rooms will probably show up anyway.

How am I supposed to play DB? Just go into demon mode, get archdemon, then mash buttons? Is there a basic combo I should be doing? Why does this shit have to be so complicated I just wanna go fast

Amatsu farming.


mash x, press a at some point, mash x again
if you spin every 7 seconds you're doing it right

(requires HR8 or higher, btw).

>go into demon mode
>press spam XA until full
>go into archdemon mode
>spam X-X-A-X

Is the narga bite hitbox totally fucking retarded? It hits me when I basically kiss its ass.

I'll join when im done with this quest (

>press spam XA until full
You spam the start/kick panel for beyblades.

That's what I meant, I forgot you don't have shortcut to it until archdemon mode.
Spam A-X then.

Where do I get my third cart?

Why would you even want that?
Then you'd just fail the quest, user.

PSA: Cutting weapon users should stay the fuck away from the monster's head, and stick to attacking the tail until it's severed.

Alright I CAN confirm I'm spinning a lot. Am I doing it right?

what and where the fuck are rare trade items

i need bumplepumpkins

Trade Might Seeds, pray to RNGesus, pet Moofahs for good luck.

I'll attack whatevers in my reach, group hunts are pure chaos anyway

Yes. You have mastered the DB.

PSA: Hammer users should not play online. Fuck off. You don't help you just trip and launch people with your retard big shockwaves. You don't even switch weapons when it's a small weapon.

I'd rather have longsword users.

>group hunts are pure chaos anyway
Only from the perspective of somebody unable to control themselves and work as a team

Small monster*.

PSA: Some monsters don't have tails

it's full body.


average hammer user?

One of narga's moves that always gets me is his retard kitty pounce. I plan to dodge it, but the hitbox extends far under him so I get hit earlier than I expect.


Are you fucking dense?

You mean thick


No, seriously, if you're hunting in a group with people who use weapons that can't cut tails, have the courtesy to cut the tail before the monster is bullied to death.

This one's full, here's another:



why tho
if you give a shit about taildrops, cut it yourself, or atleast ask nicely

I am still afraid of pickles to this day.

I just got MHGen today after becoming addicted to MH3U, my first MonHon
Holy fug, Charge Blade seems super cool, despite me absolutely loving Hunting Horn in 3U

I I heard it was nerfed in the last one, but that only brought it from broken to par, right?
Considering I used HH I probably don't know what amazing kill times are like anyways

What about Greatsword

Especially the Greatsword users.