Noxus best edition
Noxus best edition
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Xth for Kled will be 30% winrate
Can we get a squid champion soon holy shit?
you know, i'm starting to think hextech boxes aren't worth it
Even the free ones aren't worth it
Boar whore.
>Spending money on them other than just some "extra bonus shit" a few times a month with the free keys and boxes
>BoxBox got Nightblue's editor
And into the trash it goes
thank you based screaming man of tankiness
>you will remember yor-
>his waifu isn't Ahri
Vel'koz is not a fucking squid.
I want somebody who squirts ink and knows nami's family. Somebody who's walk animation has ten separate tentacles moving around all at one time.
Right, because my waifu is actually good.
I buy too many chests lads help me
>tfw Kled gets a better Sion ult
>Precision targeting
>Almost impossible to miss
>Team speed boost like the old Sion ult + Righteous Glory combo
>Probably does more damage too
>You can't even body block to stop it, you have to stun his ass or get him below 50% hp
Oh and I forgot the free 50% max hp heals in lane
Wow that dude grew like 3 feet in the span of a few seconds that's impressive.
>having a waifu
>Being surprised by Riot's blatant power creeping
As far as team mobility, his ult makes sivir's a piece of shit.
>Shit tier ulti that only attack the nearest champ while offering no cc immnunity nor AOE knock up
>Better Sion Ult
Full retard
>Blatant power creeping
Ryze says hi.
But you probably can't hear him from his pit of 30% winrate.
And they have to nerf him because he can teleport in zhonyas even though the tooltip states that he can't
Well, on one hand, I'll have the next 8 champions "free". Or straight up just champion rank upgrades, I guess.
Just buy champions with RP, it's a better investment.
>Simon's ult does nothing
>no cc immunity
He can't be disabled during it.
>nor AOE knockup
You know if he had that it'd be fucking stupid.
>buying champs with RP
>better investment
>wasting real money on a free game is an investment
>Stun / silence
>Kled ult does nothing
>Implying Sion cant still hit you even if you side stepped
Kled charges toward a location, leaving a trail that grants allies increasing movement speed. While charging, Kled gains a shield that increases over time to a maximum of 200/300/400 (+300% bonus AD) and lasts for 2 seconds after the charge ends.
Skaarl rams the first enemy champion encountered, dealing up to 12/15/18% (+12% per 100 AD) of the target's maximum health as physical damage based on distance traveled.
If you have a job and more disposable income than free time then why not?
>Just buy champions with RP, it's a better investment
>Think Kled ult is better than Sion's
It's a better investment than buying Mann.co crates.
the rioters on stream said he can't be disabled while he's ulting, once he goes, he cannot be canceled unless he dies. The tooltip might not say that but that's not the reality.
I want to expose Lulu to ionizing radiation until she gets a brain tumor.
user, i think the impact cut him in half.
what you see are his insides?
idk it's hard to tell.
Pretty sure it isn't since you can't sell back your champs. There can be no worse investment since you lose all your money 100% of the time.
>tfw no motivation to fap
>his waifu is a lol of leagues shaper
Get some fuckin' taste, boy.
>when you get tilted from a losing 4 games in a row and the headache won't go away
Spending any money on league is losing 100% of your money.
Not even by getting him below 50% to scare the murloc away?
with jews you ruse
You must live a pretty boring life if you never spend any money on entertainment.
>Spending any money on league is losing 100% of your money.
Spending your money on something you enjoy is never losing your money user.
nope, you charge in without your mount.
Yeah but you can sell TF2 things for steambucks which you can purchase other things with. This makes something you can't recoup losses on a worse investment. They're both awful, but technically the crates are better.
she is a brain tumor already user
when I'm done whooping your ass white boy, now kneel
>Play dota 2
>no grinding for runes
>no grinding for champs
>all strategic options to be able to be competitive are free
>all heroes are viable and can work, not an imbalanced clusterfuck like league
>flexible meta
>try hon
>same as dota 2 except I have no fucking clue what's up with the balance over there
Lolbabs, come on. When the guys who run fucking HON of all games are able to let people play all champs without locking all viable options behind a paywall, you fucking know it's bad and Riot is just jewing you hard. Runes should've been like masteries if they wanted them in the game so bad. No wonder there's a growing PBE only sect of gamers. It's just so much fucking better. Ya unlock it all for free and play the god damn game. Just make people pay for skins and all the other stuff they do and league would actually be fun.
But they can't seriously be wondering why league is dying and dota 2 is growing when all they do is make the game and getting good at it feel like a chore.
You are the jungler on the last game of your promo, the score is 45/40 with your team slightly behind, it is now at mins 50 and the enemy team is attempting to Baron
Post your main jungle champ and that one song that gives you the much needed courage to go in and do a successful Baron steal to help your team turn it around
Gee it's almost as if getting no boots 40 mins in is a stupid idea!
LoL has superior girls
>riot will continue this line some more 6 months from now, and everyone knows it
Why not make more mecha skins riot, or your fucking new line that you made with liss and soraka, but nope even though you've made a full line better make more!
Makes me sick.
You think im one of your pussy faggot bitches that likes to suck yordle dicks?
Fuck out of my face degenerate. I'll crush break you teeth in and knock you into the dirt.
why, he is terrible in lane, just go tryndamere or jax to serve the same purpose but ten times better
Eh I dunno friend I think maybe I'd be swayed if your list of benefits was another 40 lines long.
So get typing.
So? That doesn't make the actual gameplay any better. Yeah, League has better looking girls and I've spent my share of money on some cute skins, but that doesn't make me enjoy the game any more.
white boy you just don't know who you're messing with
let me tell you that I'm a certified bull and have conducted more than 50 cucking services last month, my skin color's polished obsidian and my superior blutwurst may well serve as a lasso
game cant run very well on shit laptop
i was trying out something
>serve as a lasso
So, thinner than a noodle?
bitches love when your schlong reaches their colon if you know what I'm saying
this girth meme is exactly this - a meme, invented by butthurt white boys
26% MHP daaaaamaaaaaage from abilities alone not counting AD scalings.
What is Velkoz, mate.
>legal legos
good won boss
Man poor Jumpinthepack. I really liked his videos back in the day. Lung cancer, that shit's real rough
>Tank chunker
Fiora does a better job than him at that
>see the Kled champ reveal
What the fuck is this shit? Did they just start adding numbers and didn't know where to fucking stop? Do they make ANY consideration for what it's going to be like playing against this bullshit?
>so he gets a dash
>and his dash gives him a dash
>and his dash also gives him movespeed
>and he's manaless so the dash has no cost
>and he gets a really big dash that does massive % health damage
>and the really big dash also gives him movespeed
>and he gets a huge passive shield that also gives him movespeed
>and the shield has innate lifesteal because he can regenerate it by hitting someone a few times
>he also gets a bind that hooks champs toward him
>unless his shield is gone and then he gets Graves's old Q, which is also an escape
>and he gets a stacking passive that does % health damage
nth for no friends.
Are you ready for the match of the week video with IMT and TSM let's go LET'S GO let's go LET'S GO?
Will they finally change their fucking song?
Both have insane sticking power, and I was merely going off by his current numbers (which are really high) A ramp up into 18%MHP from his ult and then the 8% from his W's fourth hit. Then you add AD scales and it's gonna hurt, boss.
Plus his kit's kind of stuffed to the brim and I'm really expecting the shitstorm that Ekko's release got. His ult is pretty packed.
it's his wife, though
he himself is fine and dandy
Yeah but still, its his wife. In some ways its even worse for him.
I didn't even realize he was manaless, what the fuck.
I'll be your friend, user!
>"new" champion
>its just gimmick batrider
>most stacked girls irl are pretty chunky too.
Why can't league girls be real?
welcome to league of powercreep. please try not to post until you've hit level 30.
no regrets i finally won a videogame please watch me, boost my gamer e-penis so ican get the confidence to make plays and kill shitters again ty ty
>I'm really expecting the shitstorm that Ekko's release got
No? Ekko has damage / hard cc and an easy get out of jail button
Kled is more like Yi, if you decide to jump in you gonna have to commit to it, not to mention that out of his 4 abilities, one is a passive and two are mounted state only so as you get to roughly 1/3 1/4 of his HP he is essentially useless
This guy is gonna get his face raped on top with champ like Quinn, Darius,
because League characters are exceptional, not usual
>Dont post until you're 30
>Dont post until you've played 1000 normals
>Dont post until you've played your promos
>Dont post until you've hit gold
>Dont post until you've hit diamond
>Dont post until you've made it to challenger
>Dont post until you've made it to challenger in Korea
>Dont post until you win worlds 3 times
>Dont post until you're better than faker.
Release ekko had ridiculous numbers and his classic superstuffed kit.
Kled's playstyle isn't like Ekkos, true. But his abilities are effects stacked upon effects, and that's where I was comparing it to.
His ult:
>movespeed buff for himself
>movespeed buff for his allies
>self-buffing shield
>truckload of damage
Try to be more subtle about your butthurt next time
It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't get movespeed out the ass. Running on base HP isn't even a debuff when 99% of assassins build zero HP items, and it's a non-issue when you take runes into account.
>gets a charge that deals 18% max health damage, scaling with AD
>the charge makes him immune
>while dismounted he gets a vayne passive on steroids
>plat 5 with S1 and G5 MMR.
I know it's my fault for playing support but this is true suffering.
Not the original user. Im just saying. Where does the line of being justified in postin end. Gold? Plat? Diamond? Master? Challenger? Plat In korea?
Ekko was super safe with his Q as a harass tool and wave clear, that is part of the reason why he was so popular. Nigga was safe as shit, almost Zed tier
Kled is gonna be just another mediocre champ where you either get fed or become useless
>TSM chants at the start of the TSM vs P1 match
This shit is surreal. They have no idea.
He's going to be like Aurelion. Designed entirely around the concept with zero concessions made for gameplay. Looks really cool, but basically unplayable without a team-comp specifically formulated for him.
Riot's all style over substance now. Which I guess is good, the last time they were substance over style, fucking Zed happened.
>30 minute queues for a normal at 11 pm on a tuesday
Dynamic queue was a mistake.
Is there anyone in the game who can make people as butthurt as the master himself Hashinshin?
Literally all he does is whine and beg for ganks and there's a new saltfest video about him made every week it seems.
when i went to MSI people where shouting tsm it was pretty crazy idk I can see why people chant and shout its really easy to get swept up in the energy of the crowd and get hyphy :0
>Riot's all style over substance now.
That's exactly what I was thinking earlier. Kled feels like they took some concept art and slapped abilities on him, rather than coming up with something decently fun to play with and then designing his appearance around that.
Same thing with Ekko. Ekko wasn't designed with something like "he's a time-manipulating champion so he should have X and Y," but rather "he has this weird disk thing in his concept art, we should have an ability where he throws it."
But zed was both style and substance user. Say what you will, but a shadow ninja shuriken flinging assassin is pretty fuckin cool.
Creative joke
How can anyone not like Kled?
>inb4 wow lolrandum xd im so edgy
he's a fucking country bumpkin, it's amazing
Zed is like 4 years old senpai
>Implying Hashinshin is anything but an autist
Why is SOL such a shit can again?
>Damage mainly deal through some shitty circling stars
>Anyone with half a brain isnt gonna get hit by it
>Q is slow as shit and cant be activated immeditely like Anivia's
>R is mediorce and unimpressive
>Die as soon as anyone jump on you since stars cant reach them
The E Q combo looks cool but that is pretty much it
His kit is gay and not even really fun.