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hana song

>no previous thread
Literally why

Theres already a new one. Use this one later

who care...

I hate how they still use these icons.
Tracer especially looks like a goddamn goblin.

>tfw no tank bros like 3 & 5


>Omnic agents

No wonder Overwatch failed. Dollars to donuts, Talon blew up the HQ by having Sombra hack into their self-destruct protocols.

>Genji shitter expecting to be healed over a tank
I wish everyone had their rank attached to their post

>play bastion
>people actually thank and commemorate you

Post your rank.

I will laugh so hard when the D.Va train derails and the fuckmonkies riding it all crash and burn.

Drink my tears now if you will; all that salt will only kill you later when you're stranded in the desert of no more free wins.

thread wars can fuck off

we're using this thread, link that one next time

Post your rank.

What is wrong with Reaper mains?

>Winston sends out the call, hoping to regather this tacticool brigade
>ends up with a bunch of freaks and misfits because Reaper mudered the rest

The rules of Veeky Forums say to use the one made first

So many of those look basically identical

Hey man, I will upboat a Bastion that did what they were supposed to do, and that's lock down an area we need to control. If you pick him on payload attack, I might get miffed though. If you're lucky, the enemy team will be mouthbreathers and you can do well.

Male Reaper (you have been warned!)

Done. Now post yours, shitter.

I literally cant play zenyatta because if I do we either have no other support or we do and its a symmetra.

Im literally leading in damage on a support just pick fucking lUCIO AAAHHH

Is he called Widowmaker because he steals all the married men?

>didn't link previous thread in OP

Every tank not named Winston shits on her. You can hit the parts of her body that aren't shielded. She's good but not overpowered.

9 times out of 10 I think a team benefits more from an individual playing a high DPS hero than we would from the orb of discord being out
Numbers matter, and Zenyatta simply can't cope on the front line, even now.

Ana's ult is fucking busted

half the roster can 1v6 with it

>absolutely stomp enemy team first round
>somebody on our team leaves second round
>lose a rank

You think a single player can contribute more than a potential 50% damage boost for 5 other players?

>guy makes thread regardless of if there is already a new one
>posts it 20 posts early
>people just go along with it
>suprised when the thread gets deleted

Why does this keep happening?

>win first round
>lose second round
>win third


>lose first round
>win second round
>lose third round
does this only happen to me?

so what?

Zenyatta is a high damage support, he's supposed to hurt people and get kills

I don't understand why after WoW's been out for twelve years people are still stuck in this WoW mindset of "support characters should just heal and help their team and never attack"

Entire rank? They really need to explain this system better.

I don't care about her Matrix; that can be flanked. I care about the fuckhuge radius and the carefree way she can use her ult, and how you can be halfway across the map and if it goes off and has LOS on you you die. That. Is. Retarded. I have had it kill me around corners, in buildings, underneath it, and when I didn't even see it happening I was so far away, behind things. It's bullshit.

I have to assume this is below 50s mmr because he's insanely valuable in dealing with Zarya and Roadhog. The extra healing is appreciated as well. Zen ult pretty much counters Zarya outright and charges much faster.

Are your Zen players just not aiming?

>it's showing my QP wins and time played but comp heroes
What the fuck

>Genji down to 150 hp
>His ultimate's range reduced to actual melee range
>Its charge time increased by 20-30%

Apparently comp Tf2 can't sort its shit with leavers fucking everyone over either. What's up with this trend?

bastion is cute


>50% boost is only on 1 target at a time and doesn't work through shields
>people target Zenyatta specifically because of his fucking orbs
>he can't escape combat easily and rarely has a chance to self heal because he's no good if he isn't in the thick of it
Mercy can already give a 50% damage boost to an ally which when combined with Ults can wipe a whole team.
Having a Zenyatta is not a benefit if you already have a healer, and having a Zenyatta without a healer is pointless

He posted his, now post yours. I'm guessing it's 45-50, right? No healer that's retarded enough to not heal a teammate can be over 55.

>Zen is 3 star difficulty
>Just throw tracking Discords and Harmonys at very generous hitboxes in your LoS

>Tracer is 2 star difficulty
>Need a PhD in thermodynamics and quantum theory to walk out of spawn area

You tanks are too far away, you have a hanzo sifting every arrow now that they're not logs, genji is sitting in the corner jacking off to anime, and tracer is trying to snipe from 30m.

Discord+reaper/roadhog is a beautiful unicorn.

Hi rank -40

>win first round
>win second round
>three enemies leave
>we just fuck around with the remaining three for the rest of the last round

>having a Zenyatta is not a benefit if you already have a healer.

Mmk, you're below rank 50 100%

damn nigga exposed that boi without hesitation

Try 30%. 50% was only in PTR

>if nobody else wants to be healer, the lowest level should have to do it

Is this a fair standard?

>Lose first round
>Win the next two rounds
>Enemy wins fourth round
>We get to 80% on the fifth
>They take it over
>At 20% before we take it back a teammate just goes "FUCK THIS" and alt-f4's


She only had a 50% boost early in the beta and in PTR.

What pharah skin do I buy

You need a healer in this game. No-one can accept that zenyatta is more about damage than healing so they'll just happily select a team where he's the only healer then complain about not enough healing and demand zenyatta switch to lucio instead of, god forbid, running two supports.

>competitive overwatch

So was Ana teased like this anywhere or are people just grasping at straws with these?

>I have to assume this is below 50s mmr
Rank 59, suck a dick.
>Zen ult pretty much counters Zarya outright
His Ult is almost identical to Lucio's

I'm not saying he isn't useful if played well, I'm just saying the vast majority of time you'd see the same benefit from having another DPS hero instead, especially one that can be independent and not have to stick with the pack all game.

That credit to team playtime though.

If I had aspirations to not play with my friends, I'd try hard past my shitty rank 62.

Alas, I'm that ass hole bringing my rank 48 irl friend with me.

Nothing, he was just roleplaying. I love guys like that, always get a good laugh

Mecha Queen or Raindancer.
All the hints that people thought were Sombra were actually Ana.

I want 2/4/10/15 so bad

Rank 59. He's just not as useful as DPS. Butthurt Zenyatta mains need to step down.

>Male Widowmaker just looks like a sci-fi dark elf

Holy shit you can really see the bulge on Imp Mercy when you pick her on the hero select screen

Oh I'm not trying to be a dildo to you, just surprised you've not encountered good Zen players yet.

But your opinion is wrong, pros wouldn't pick it if it wasn't the bees knees. He had a nearly 100% pickrate this last weekly.

He's worth the slot.

>>Need a PhD in thermodynamics and quantum theory to walk out of spawn area
wat...tracer is retardedly easy

>still two threads
Does Veeky Forums have mods?

>Zen goes from 0% to 95% pickrate
ebin tranguil


>playing comp on Ilios
>some guy picks Zenyatta
>have absolutely no issue with this
>he turns out to be trash
>teammate asks him to switch to someone he's better with
>he doesn't switch
>everyone on the team starts telling him to switch
>he says he can play whatever he wants because it's Quickplay
>tell him it's comp, not quickplay
>he switches to Lucio and never talks for the rest of the match
>we come back from 0-2 and win
They don't delete /owg/ threads because they know we'll finish this one before the other one dies.

>Rank 59. He's just not as useful as DPS.
>Rank 59
thats why you're not 60

This game needs a toggle third-person option.
I mean the only reason TF2 didn't have it was to not make the Spy impossible to play, right?

>just surprised you've not encountered good Zen players yet.
Again, I'm not saying he isn't useful when played well, I just think it's a safer pick to have the extra DPS instead. it has all kinds of benefits, they can probably survive alone if they had to, they could flank, they could hold an objective alone (waiting for their team).

Sure, if you have a premade team, you're going into it with a strategy that everyone is aware of, and you're playing at a pro level, I'm sure he's great. But in practice, in actual competitive play, he's more of a risk.

>win first 2 koth rounds with ease
>for some reason 1 of my team members quits
>we get rolled for the next 3 rounds as nobody ever fills the empty slot

t. assblasted by many tracers

>playing lucio on koth because nobody else wanted to
>cap point
>immediately everyone dicks off and tries spawncamping the enemy team
>stand on the point spamming defend
>everyone dies
>roadhog: "if I have more healing than lucio there's a problem"

>pharah is useless again

>win first round
>guy complains about team, while he plays hanzo/widowmaker/torb poorly
>lose and fall another rank

This is the best thing ever.

This never ceases to make me laugh, like why the fuck are you running away from your healer to chase kills in koth?

>implying people want to fill a slot of a most likely losing game for ez derank

Yeah nah cunt.

Can we talk about how big is Reaper''s junk?
>inb4 protective padding

Think about how big he is to have a size like this with padding.

Easy solution to this is not recording a loss if you're not the first to leave.

You can't fill slots in comp, my man

>pharah is useless meme

>Mei's chuckle after she punches someone for the kill

My dick is diamonds

>win 4 competitive matches in a row
>scared to keep playing because i know a losing streak is about to begin


I want to sleep with Captain Amari!

>Watching your team be literally useless.
>Watch your Hanzo's cam
>Enemy Zarya walks up to him
>Stands there
>He dumps 3 arrows in to it
>Does this constantly

>two shot by mccree at range
>1 shot by mccree at range if discorded
>slow and an easy target

>finally doing my placement matches after taking a break for a while
>6 down so far, all wins
>gold medals in eliminations, damage, objective kills, often objective time
>regular potgs
>playing mostly pharah

When will the fun stop boys? Soon I think.

>Zarya has 200hp and her 200hp shield
>Mei has 250hp


a few days ago my games had 2/2/2 and proper team comps and it was fun.

this week im getting attack widow/hanzos and if i dont play support we'll never ever have one.

what gives. this game was fun.

Is zenyatta supposed to be a good killer? I feel like he's just a discord bot with a bit of heal. At close range I always get focused down and at long range I can't hit shit with the slow projectile speed.

umm thats not what mercy wears in-game...

>"Team Kill!"
>enemy Mercy flies in and revives team
>few seconds later:
>"Team Kill!"

>When you got 2 Golds in Elims and Obj. Elims
>As Symmetra
>With 1 Elim
>And the enemy is at checkpoint 3 about to win the game

I have never seen a Ana POTG
do they even exist?

Why even give her intros if she will never get them?

It's Mercy's summer skin

My weewee likes it though.

it's just the chastity cage

>checkpoint 3
>hasn't switched off symmetra already
Pick someone who can carry your team and not someone who requires synergy.
Reaper does the same thing in close quarters but is twice as durable with a team killing ult.