Rise of the Iron Memelords
Rise of the Iron Memelords
i miss him
First for toxic players
Message Zippy or Don if you wish to make a Team or joining a group, Xboners message Straylost Idiot
nth for infinite shitposting and 1/3 for NF.
5th for furry pride
New thread that isnt shit
who wants to do coe
Fuck off
Shame about the NM armor sets in RoI.
are you fucking retarded
Alright hear me out here
A warlock exotic Helmet fashioned after a Plgue Doctor's mask.
What are it's perks /dg/?
You forgot sidhe
Exotic Helm - Plague Ward
"Sometimes superstition pays off..."
Perk: Incense - Gain resistance to Damage over Time (effectively halves that damage)
fuck off retard
killing an enemy grants a stack of "Plague Bearer"
reaching 15 or whatever number of stacks stacks of PB, all melees do a poison DoT- each using one stack- that goes away after
using all stacks. killing an enemy during activation does not grant a new stack. DoT is not active until reaching max stacks.
DoT is minimal in PvP.
don't you have a reddit post to be making? i'm sure you'll get gold for this great idea.
Taking elemental damage charges the Super
Wearing it reduced elemental damage
Maybe weakens enemies in PvE as well?
Toxic Shock: auto filters shitposts on dg
Plaguetouch: when you shitpost about other players your equally and worse stats than your insult gets posted.
Also a ps4 exclusive exotic
I'd switch to Xbone tee bee aich
Le ebin post definitely upboated
My stats are better than the ones I would shitpost about
Then the helm grants you bonus (You)s
I need 1 or 2 people on Xbox one for the daily heroic. Message or invite me
When Playstation goes under and you fags have to get Xbox to play Destiny.
daily... heroic???
like the story mission?
how the fuck do i get to 320 light level?
i've been stuck for ages on 305 and i can't drop anything that is above 310
KF normal mode
do the raid
play 41 poe
play coe and finish scorecard
run the nightfall
320 isn't the max light anymore, get with the times grandpa
do hard mode kings fall raid zippy and noobish usually helps low level players
Need 1 more for Nightfall.
sent ;)
Reminder that if you can't afford this cheap just $250 emblem, you're sub-human trash beyond all redemption.
>Go in Earth patrol to get Hive Majors
>Go down there twice and kill them
>Run out
>Random orbits in
>Runs down there and stands right at the entrance to the room
>Tell him that they won't respawn if he's that close
>He replies with yes they will, fuck off
>I'm above on surface
>He's not moving
>Mobs aren't respawning
>Just run around the area and finish my other bounties
>about 40 minutes went by
>Figure I'll finish this Hive shit and close my game
>Run down there
>He's still in that little room dancing and spamming emotes
>Go to dreadnaught to get the remaining hive Majors
>Log out of Destiny
>Two hours go by
>I get a message from the guy
>"I Finished the bounty, hahahaha."
And I thought I was autistic, god damn.
you are autistic though, you posted this same greentext yesterday.
>you are autistic though,
Yeah, that's generally what "ANd I thought I was Autistic" means, the emphasis being on I, not on Autistic. Meaning I am but he's worse.
>you posted this same greentext yesterday.
Does this repetition upset you? Oh boy, you sure must have a full brlow epilepsy seizure when Zippy is mentioned.
And just wait until the next general :^)
hello friend is this your 2nd account? moved from xbox?
Thanks for the carry
they're going to be changed much the same way leaked exotics in y1 were
Was that actually supposed to be what Thagomizers and Dunemarchers were supposed to do?
Those items would have rocketed Titans to the top of PVP the second someone got either one of them, what the hell? No fucking wonder Bungie pulled their planned release.
I dont even care dude, I just fucking want them.
2nd account. In hindsight i wish i would have chosen a less meme-y name.
every class is going to get a pair of boots that do the same thing.
I dont know why the snowees would have that perk. there just going to re purpose radiance dance machines to do that and make those hunter boots do something else
>Exotic heavy & helmet engram within 5 cru cru matches
>Truth & Eternal Warrior
Oh god, it's gonna be a good day.
>leg exotics
nice meme
And I just unpackaged a longbow with HH, smallbore, and Triple Tap.
Fucking shit, what is going on today?
transversive steps face
Godspeed, user. Give me some of that luck.
Here's to hoping for a good Shaxx weekly too. I will shit the bed if I finally get TLW on top of all of this.
You're gonna get a god roll party crasher, I'm calling it.
>Flayers finally
>Once again it happens like two days after all my friends decided to quit playing destiny for a while
>Nobody to farm the capes with
Sucks bruh.
It was a 335 Hawkmoon.
Next time.
Maybe run the old raids, try for a y1 TLW?
For whatever reason they don't drop loot anymore once you kill them, you just get it straight to your inventory. And i ran 5 nightfalls so far without getting a single purple. I know i might just have shit luck, but i wouldn't be surprised if Bungie fucked loot.
Anyone got a TUS or cape so far from the NF?
I just want it to piss off people in Trials.
There's a patch later today, just wait for that
if you get a y1 version, you can get a y2 version from the kiosk for 125 marks.
how would that piss people off in trials?
Shit, I didn't know that. Oh, and with a meme weapon you usually start getting fanmail around 6-0. At least I do with UR and a Longbow.
On that note, is anyone else worried how they announced it only a day before, and without any patchnotes or indication what it's gonna be about?
What time does zippy usually raid? I want to get my last calcified before everyone's done their raids
TLW is so common, people don't really get mad.
Universal fucking gets me on edge though, just keep using that.
They mentioned it last week and Solar DoT had been broke for over a month so it's not really that surprising. That and the ability to load into next weeks Trials map, which they've tweeted about as being a bug.
That's why I wanna run this shit now, you know bungie has a horrible habit of skipping to next week after they do a reset-day patch.
I can't into timezones, usually in +-8 hours from now.
Whats a good handcannon these days? Ive been away for a while and havent kept up w/ shit. All I got is a 304 hawkmoon but ive never been a huge fan
Everytime there's a new patch, I always hope that the new exotics are coming.
Eyasluna is top tier, esp with rifled barrel.
vendor Vanity hits 49 Range with Rifled if you're desperate
Imago, Finnala's, and High Fixer are better
1/3 for NF, at boss now. Come get ez loot.
for what purpose?
Well, I won't say no to free loot
I really wish i could track you down to kick you in the face and make you swallow your own teeth
>You will never get the perfect Mango Poop
Arc burn Undying mind when?
>>File: ss+(2016-07-26+at+05.56.52).jpg (5 KB, 96x114)
> >5 KB
> >
> > if you get a y1 version, you can get a y2 version from the kiosk for 125 marks.
> > how would that piss people off in trials?
> >>>
> >Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)10:33:21 No.149671491 ▶[View]
> >>>
> > That's why I wanna run this shit now, you know bungie has a horrible habit of skipping to next week after they do a reset-day patch.
> >>>
>Salty_Shazbot (PS4) 07/26/16(Tue)11:10:33 No.149673940 ▶
>File: 1469151634195.jpg (28 KB, 470x456)
>28 KB
> 1/3 for NF, at boss now. Come get ez loot.
>Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)11:10:53 No.149673958 ▶
> (You)
> for what purpose?
>Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)11:11:26 No.149674004 ▶
>File: wolves of scheduled prowling.jpg (358 KB, 880x1430)
>358 KB
>PS4 - stackagucci 07/26/16(Tue)11:13:19 No.149674146 ▶
> Well, I won't say no to free loot
>Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)11:14:16 No.149674210 ▶
>File: 1468521396425.jpg (21 KB, 222x215)
>21 KB
> (You)
> I really wish i could track you down to kick you in the face and make you swallow your own teeth
>Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)11:15:40 No.149674293 ▶
> >You will never get the perfect Mango Poop
> Arc burn Undying mind when?
This is autism
What the fuck are you doing
What? I was just replying to
With the same quality of post they provided.
way to raise the bar senpai
Hold yourself to a higher standard, mate.
That's a shit imago.
Works pretty well for me.
>triple tap
>Smallbore doesn't reduce mag size
>Army of One is alright combined with Arma for fast nades
Well, not shit. Let me fix that. It's a sub-optimal imago.
Oh I forgot, 2/3 for CoE. If anyone is interested.
Yeah, it could definitely have something better than Ao1. Maybe Rifled instead of smallbore, as well. But it's alright and better than my Eyasluna.
Oh please, the only thing you'll ever beat in your life is your dick, and I'm pretty sure you can't even do that without getting hurt.
Did you forget where we are? There is no "hugher standard". Half the thread is about namefaggoing and unironic boipucci posting.
>Criticizing anyone over not raising the bar.
See the downside of tripfagging is everyone knows when you're being a faggot.
>There is no "hugher standard"
Only because you refuse to try.
>Did you forget where we are?
>hurr hurr Veeky Forums butthole internet
Cmon mate.
>Implying i couldn't beat the shit out of some faggot who shitposts for fun
Also, just because some faggots here have no standards or self respect doesn't mean everyone else here has to act in the same way, get over yourself faggot, go to >>/b/ if all you want to do is shitpost
what if there was no combo to break?