>Fates FAQ
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>Fates FAQ
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
Azura a shit
Flora a shit
I want to summon Poemfag
Never forget this day we won. Say it with me lads.
>when the autist gives in and accepts his fate as Arthur's dick shiner
Is this real life? Am I in heaven?
Where is Vatebro right now? I wanna buy him a drink and shake his hand. What a fucking BRO.
this guy
He said that he was feeling ill.
Get well soon Vate!
Hope he gets better soon. He's gotta be here for his coronation as the KING of /feg/.
Have you summoned me my friends
Then from hell he just ascends
Here with poems for your souls
To help you achieve your goals
I wanna pay Vate on the back for doing this. King of /feg/ material right there
I forgot to put my trip
I am sorry that i missed
My internet is getting laggy
And my damn pc is buggy
That OP picture tho
How many of these posts were made by the same person
Hi, Poemfag! How've you been doing?
There are people with drown fetish
Making fun about someone losing a parent or any kind of close person is the absolute lowest you can get. I don't know what the other guy did but there is no excuse to say shit like that.
Your Trip reminds me of Azama
>9 posters
>24 replies
Great start.
I am fine CamillaAnon
I ride eternal shiny and Chrome
I am upon my proud Koala
To the gates of Valhalla
Illyanna has one of the best bubble butts in fire emblem
Lodestar > Samurai. Doesn't take away his Def and is almost as dodgy. You don't even need to use Speedtaker to make him good.
You didnt make a thread in time and lost
just move away from the screen user
Anyone here take drawing requests?
It's funny this OP was deleted yesterday
So /feg/, what's your favorite and least favorite Fire Emblem game. I'll start
>Least Favorite
Radiant Dawn
The opposite to yours.
Becuz it wasnt the first thread to be made
I went to his castle just to see if that was real.
It was. There were only three units, himself, Beruka, and Arthur. Arthur and Beruka were paired up. His battle message was like "I am useless" or something.
Don't bother. There's no saving or defending him at all.
Genealogy of The Holy Wa
>Least Favorite
Shadow Dragon and The Blade of Light
Why are you even on this site?
Either 4, 7 or PoR
>Least Favourite
Either 1,2,3 for being so old that it's nearly impossible to go back and enjoy.
Favourite is Path of Radiance or Radiant Dawn, least favourite is Awakening.
Playing Genealogy soon.
Genealogy of the Holy War and/or Path of Radiance. Can't decide.
>least favorite
Awakening though I still had some form of fun with it.
Post those NA castles.
I need BP and Fox Pauldrons. Don't forget to easy seize and leave battle feedback. Maybe you'll get a nice Bond Unit.
I like how /feg/ deals with the mentally handicapped around here, it's very similar to the way they used to do it back in the medieval times.
Or a pack of Gorillas, whenever a different kind of Gorilla arrives /feg/ collectively beats it's chest and throws shit at it.
It's an interesting watch.
It took a while, but I found it. Just some nice comedy to brighten up the thread.
Chapter 13, Birthright on Hard, I had a perfect run... but Sakura died, and gave me the retreat message. Is she dead for good? I don't quite want to lose her due to a petty mistake.
Remember to join the Severa Fan Club today! Have a fresh Severa to start off your morning!
Anyone trying to get certain skills?
Noticed you finally got Lethality on Silas.
>go to level up wife against a healer
>gets crat on and dies to a reinforcement
For fuck's sale Flora.
Okay, what do I get if I sign up? What does your club do?
Yet theye never given my friend shit for being Autistic
What the fuck, man.
I noticed, she's cute too
We all love tsun, sign up today, and get a sense of brotherly love with your fellow members!
That's one of my favorite Sevs, good job.
I've always hated these kind of images.
I've improved it.
And i tought the OP pic was bad
this is worse
On a scale of 1 to JUST, how fucked is an Elise!Ignatius? Is there any realistic way to salvage him if he is ruined?
The Lucina model will never be good sadly.
What's that 2nd E. B.?
Shitvera is the worst girl.
Fuck off you stupid cuck. Severa would never like an ugly faggot like you.
It's the (lol fan translation at work.
I prefer to think of it as Envoy of the Beginning.
50% growth rate in Defence as a General.
Why do you spam the same shit every single thread? Kill yourself you shitposter.
Blazing Sword and Thracia are up there, for sure. Old Mystery Book 2 has a charm to it that attracts me as well.
>Least Favorite
Radiant Dawn, for how much jerking around it does with the cast, and Shadow Dragon, for looking like shit and feeling like 3 steps back, in terms of gameplay, from previous entries.
>being this mad
Just close your eyes and walk away from the screen, my dude.
Yeah, figured I should pass it around if anyone wants it.
Kill yourself you wannabe tharjacuck
>this absolute shit taste
>post yuri girl that can't get any
Fuck off.
Fuck off you faggot. She's shit.
Slow is not a real word.
Treasure buddies!
I don't particularly care all too much for her, but since I like you, I'll give you one
can we please stop waifuposting and dramastarting and talk about the games thank you very much
Yeah but weak is
She'll always have me
>the way her ears twitch during amie
I almost regret sending her off to die like the subhuman trash she is.
This is a factually wrong statement.
And Mark will always have Lyn.
Have a Camilla-Soleil
Why is she such a womanlet?
New Mystery of the Emblem
Binding Blade
And Reimu will never have money
Fuck off Solel is fucking garbage. Your taste is beyond shit-tier.
That's not a good drawing.
Being small is another way of being cute.
>All this shit art.
(lol fitting that a shit girl gets shit art.
>Yeah but weak is
I got the Wolf if I want stonk.
True, but does she have a good bubble butt?