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Soon Edition

>SeatStory Cup V
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Old thread

Other urls found in this thread:


>SeatStory Cup V
>twitch tv/taketv_hs

For people that want to check out the vods.

He probably just copy pasted the last thread.

Got pic related today.
What should i do with the 1600 dust?
Thought about nzoth or yogg saron.
Or maybe hallazeal because i almost have every shaman card?
Is it better to craft more common to epic cards or one legendary?

that card why not make a 7/7

>not a 7/7 discard 2

You had one job.

Just keep it - golds are cool.

because then you'd have to change the battlecry to draw a card

Who is he talking to? Is it a male voice? Is he gay?


>new dranei warlock when
>new rogue when
>new druid when

There are to many cards i could use so meh, wont keep it. Could get a better legendary without the gold though.

just make an aggro shaman or zoo deck and get to rank 15 senpai
it takes literally less than an hour

yes you can tell from his change in tone and body language

announcement is tomorrow, right?

I was considering it to be his mom which would make sense, but someone in chat mentions he lives with Purple

Friday at 8 AM CEST

Early for respect the 477

its in 3 days before the day of the lord

Why is Control so cute?

First for Paladin should have gotten anti-old god cards

Rate my Cthun warrior pls.

>activision stock is currently going down
>pretty much ground floor on this new update

Does anyone know how well hearthstone does when a new adventure or expansion comes out? Trying to get this free stock money boi.

How does it help? Paladin should've gotten reverse Usher of Souls that debuffs all Cthuns, friendly and hostile.

No shieldslams?
Take out geomancers for two shieldslams.

I already got to 15, then I ranked down to 17.

>tfw you draf a crazy deck
>tfw you barely get it to 12 because you suck
>tfw your oponent just gives after 2 faceless topdecks in a row right after he used his shadow strike

I seriously feel bad for that guy, this last game was supreme and utter bullshit on my part.

Dont have shieldslam.

rate my dick

got me to rank 10 without having to cheat by playing really late at night

Druid beast turbo

yes he does. They "trained" together before SeatStory cup

Feel like scarab is bad in that deck?

>tfw newfag
>tfw just got the last LOE wing
>tfw just 150 gold left
how fucked I am

Scarab and tomb are tossed during mulligan and are god tier to draw into. This deck dumps the hand quickly so I need this without relying on actually drawing into my deck because I will just kill myself from fatigues. It's a beast for knight of the while and you can get some solid spells and beasts like mulch, owl, more raptors for even more turbo knight plays.


Reminder that a tier 1 Priest deck exists - it just hasn't been discovered yet.

You got shadow strike

>druid removal

lmao just play wild bro why do you want to make druid op? It will just backfire and then cause blizz to nerf druid into dust. Don't be greedy.


Priest early game is all lost to the wild. Only decent 2 drop is boneguard.

I know you want a beast deck but knight of the wild is shit tier. If it reduced in your deck when you played a beast it would be worth it...but only shaman get 0 mana 5/5's

>Good deck
Brode just said it to stir up the community before the adventure announcement.

is this from experience? Knight of the wild is faster than nerubian profit here with 6/6

>hunter dominance
Is there anything besides face I can play?

Gimme your spiciest meme huntard decks, wild or otherwise

>Everyone bitches about 4 mana 7/7
>Forgets that 2 mana 3/3 charge exists.

Bet half of you don't even know it exists.

Yogg hunter

When paladin raises from shit tier. Uther naturally counters warrior and has good match-up with shaman.

I bet half of you forget that 1 mana 2/2 + 1dmg exixts

Plays face huntard in wild, it beats secret shitters.
Play midrange hunter in standard and hunt down warriors.

Pally can stay dead for awhile. Fucking secret pally still gives me nightmares.

>39 classic packs without a legendary
>mfw I will get a lego tomorrow in the tavern brawl
I hope it's a good lego

Good luck user

Should I craft yoggi boy for extra memes? I want to try yogg druid but im missing fuckton of cards for that and theres rumors for new expansions. Not sure if wasting the dust is a good idea atm.

I still play secret pally. In standard.

I play priest in wild and enjoy bullying secret paladins for all the shit they've done to Uther.

pity timer is a reddit meme senpai

>tfw yeaterday I lost to a double Alexstrasza's Champion on the first two turns
People don't complain about it because the advent of the card was way after it released, unlike the Flamewreathed Faceless. It's fucking bullshit though.

>went a while without legos
>got one during the whole recruit a smurf deal
>it was prophet velen


It'll be an adventure, not an expansion.

The last 3 legendaries I've unpacked have been Golden Volazj, my second Gruul and Nozdormu.

At least Velen has a place in OTK meme decks.

You are a fagget, Liadrin

Is it really? It's always been more or less true for me, but I tend to unpack these babies often so I don't know how accurate that is.

Fuck off. Priest has the most fun legendaries hands down. Paletress is just a STORIES card, Velen can setup otk, and Herald can summon blood or 2 Yseras or, my fav, 2 Saraads.

So now that it's almost confirmed that we're getting a Standard list with cards from Naxx and GvG will you keep playing or quit once and for all?

oh, decent.

quit because I dusted them lmao



where did you confirm that

There is no pity timer, it's just how pseudo RNG works. If code says chance is 1/40, game will ensure almost every case will fall within first 40 packs with minimal deviations. Series of 60 or 100 packs without legos are impossible.

I'm fine as long as it doesn't contain avenge but has chow, shadow boxer and velen's chosen.

Just made my first C'Meme deck and won 10 games in a row. C'thun's chosen needs a nerf

It's just speculation at this point, but look at the "party" tweets the official Hearthstone twitter has done in the past few days. Especial these two:

>Annoy-o-Trons come standard with a variety of party enhancing attachments!

>We'll show you. We'll show you all!
>Literally Mad Scientist's line
>Picture is a secret

I literally just dusted all that shit because I never play wild. RIP

>won 10 games in a row.
That would be impressive if you weren't rank 18

not true. run this script (python)

(not sure if code tags work here)
from random import randint

count = 0

while count < 40:
count = 0
num = -1

while num != 0:
num = randint(0, 40)
count += 1

print count

sityak#2475 EU
I still have that play a friend quest, lets play the fastes face vs face match.

You are retarded.

Naxx should die. There isn't a single card that is either useless, or full-on cancerous. I kind of wanted Loatheb, but it might cause more trouble than it would solve in this meta.

I wouldn't mind several class cards from GvG making a comeback, but only for the weaker classes like priest and paladin.

heh thats funny

thats what your mom said to me last night ;)

read a statistics book dipshit

there should be a loatheb-like card in the new adventure. I miss that fucker.

t. idiot

*isn't either useless, or full-on cancerous

it will keep going until it encounters more than 40 trials for a 1/40 chance using pRNG

run it and it will quickly reach more than 40 trials

Oh it's PRNG? I mean that makes sense, Blizz wouldn't want someone's wife's son to open 200 packs and not get a single legendary.

So what is the expected pack then? I know it's around 1-5% per pack. So ~20 packs for leggo then?

Priest is laughing at you

Then don't play control warrior

Can you only play against other EU?

Try to have brain in your cranium for once.

nice comeback dipshit, now do as I said

Yes, about 20 packs for lego. 7 packs for epic

That's not confirmation of anything. They just took card art and added party motifs in to build hype for the next adventure.

>tfw we'll not get the good control early game or cool legendaries like Chow, Deathlord, Velen's, Voljin, Lightbomb, Muster For Battle, Loatheb, Belcher, Malganis, Voidcaller, Neptulon and KT, but instead, we'll get all the 100% pure grade aggro supporting cancer like Mad Scientist, Shredder, Implosion, Glaivezooka, Webspinner, Oil, Crackle, and Haunted Creeper

If Implosion comes back I'm leaving. Literally my most hated card in the entire game. Also
>Wanting Mustard back
Spotted the Secret Pally.

Mustard is midrange paladin's best spell. I hate MC as much as you.

>Secret Pally
>No Avenge
>No Shredder
>No Boom
>No Minibot
Spotted the Warrior main on ladder. Too scared for the direct counter to actually be playable and have something to play before turn 4?

If they add Mad Scientist to standard, I'll uninstall without even looking at the new expansion.

Ravaging Ghoul counters Muster and leaves 3/3 on the board, Garrosh

See you Thursday night when Brode announces the return of Shredder.

Mustard wouldn't be even remotely as good as it used to be without shredder to follow-up and with ravaging ghoul run in 50% decks ladder. Tempo mage might have to tech in flamecaller. Control decks might play wild pyro and a 1-mana spell earlier than they would like to. Zoo might just win the game.

Is standard more popular than wild?

>Implying I'm a Warrior main
I do like playing Patron Warrior and Pirate Warrior, but that's beside the point.