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/esg/- Eggs and Souls general
when did you get off it?
dark souls 3?
good game?
when priscilla was sated
>unironically implying that eggs are food
Fuck right off!
You have to eat all the eggs, user
Coolest looking bosses in Souls :
>Demon's Souls
Pic related
>Dark 1
>Dark 2
Sir Alonne
>Dark 3
Thread pic is pretty cool
That FC was a complete failure, don't thank me
anyone fancy helping me out in DSII? I'm by undead ditch bonfire, having trouble getting to fog gate
>Full Definition of food
> 1
> a : material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, and fat used in the body of an organism to sustain growth, repair, and vital processes and to furnish energy; >also : such food together with supplementary substances (as minerals, vitamins, and condiments) b : inorganic substances absorbed by plants in gaseous form or in >water solution
> 2
> : nutriment in solid form
> 3
> : something that nourishes, sustains, or supplies
>is that game supposed to be balanced?
No. Mass invaders should basically be speedbumps for the host. If you want a fencing club, host one or participate in organized PvP.
That's probably why From took the designated duelingfag covenant (Dragonbros) out and the torso stones exist purely for scaliepandering.
It was an ironic thanks.
Oh damn, I just gave my psp to my little cousin, next time.
Best BB girl.
Oh no!
I got in the thread late!
Now I can't claim one of the first few posts for Mommy Rosaria!
Shouldn't you go to /jp/?
are you serious? who the fuck is hosting now?
no one
>tail chopped
do i need to bring the wrath of the protectors of priscilla up in this bitch?
Then why the FC promoting?
Fuck, hacking at pontiff's has become really bad lately. I meet them daily, before my break it was like once a week.
>DLC still isn't announced
>implying stuff like this didnt happen in the other games
Maybe it was an assassin trying to lure preys to their world.
So where's the danger? Why even play online if you know you are going to effortlessly destroy everyone you see?
Vote for the best castle in the Souls series
Thank you. Its good to see that there are still some clever people left here in Veeky Forums
source me up
this is beautiful
capes r kewl, k?
>Why even play online if you know you are going to effortlessly destroy everyone you see?
That's a question of interpretation.
You can have a wide range of skilled invaders and non-skilled invaders and their builds may or may not be effective. Generally speaking in Dark Souls 3 the invaders have a better chance of killing the host than in the previous games(twinking aside) since they are actually allowed to heal now with Estus. Earlier if invaders met ganks, they had to rely on ridiculous twinked gear or spamming instaheal items that weren't meant for mass consumption.
Invaders may not be on equal footing with the host, but they're more than capable of taking down hosts that are hiding with phantoms. Remember that the hosts aren't there to fight the phantoms, they're there to clear the level and get to the boss, and every time they clear and invader and chug more than 3 flasks, they lose more than they gain. So if an invader gets a host to chug 4 times, they've already set back the host.
Dark Souls 3 makes it so that essentially every place is the Forest Gank and there can be multiple invaders and gigantic free-for-alls with phantoms of multiple colors. The game isn't "balanced", but it's imo inherently more "fun".
This reminds me of Scooby Doo
>Decide to make invasion character
>Going after bone shekels first
>Put down purple sign in Undead Settlement
>Fight people
>Get bored
>Decide to help people
>Most run headlong into enemies in ways that make it impossible for me to save them
>This is quicker than actively trying to kill people
theories that heide was anor londo btfo it was actually the dukes archives
It really annoys me there's a lack of a comprehensive data base regarding the Old Hunters DLC.
I rang my Resonate Bell in the Research Hall but I haven't seen the "Searching for a chime-" message once. My bell symbol isn't exed out. What's the issue here? I can even see other player phantoms with the Resonant Bell rings coming off them walking by me.
Whatever earns the daily wage
>3 months after release
>6375 online
When will people start posting 'dead game'?
rerolling in non dead thread
0-4: play DaS 2 + DLC
5-9: play DaS 3 in 450p@25 fps
the idea is that invaders should be an actual danger, something to say "oh shit, not now" over. they're supposed to bring the balance to an ember host with phantoms. personally i like how the MM prefers "ganks" but the fact that you're not allowed to have an edge over the invadees is retarded
Well, I've finally beaten DsI. Gwyn was not as difficult as I expected, only took me two tries.
The DLC bosses were fucking awesome though,
Artorias ripped me to shreds so many times I lost count. Kalameet and Manus were great bossfights too. What's your personal favorite boss in DsI?
h-he's fast!
>Generally speaking in Dark Souls 3 the invaders have a better chance of killing the host than in the previous games
False due to it being harder to kill anyone 1v1 in general than in previous games, as DaS3 lacks DaS1's instant backstabs as well as the slower pace of DaS2 - rolls cost 16 stamina as opposed to 30 in the other games, and give you a shitload of iframes to the point where you can get someone stuck in a corner and be unable to kill them until their stamina runs out just because they spam rolls in place.
The thing is that with two phantoms and a host, spamming R1 creates a dense enough blender that you can't roll through it reliably, but the host can always reliably keep rolling away from the one invader. Hell, a smart host will literally never die to invasions, just roll to the boss fog. Not like you can stop them.
>So if an invader gets a host to chug 4 times, they've already set back the host.
Killing a dark phantom refunds some flask uses in 3.
>Dark Souls 3 makes it so that essentially every place is the Forest Gank and there can be multiple invaders and gigantic free-for-alls with phantoms of multiple colors.
Except this never happens outside of the Aldrich cathedral unless the host is using the Dried Fingers.
Hosts in DaS3 are happy to see invaders, on average it means they're getting some Estus back. This was not the case in previous games.
they already do
>gundyr literally teleports behind you, stobs you up and hangs you in the air
>then moonwalks away
oh shit
The Dark Souls 2 struggle.
>permanently over encumbered
>pyro glove only
>kill all NPCs
gee thanks
Rolling for Dark Souls 1
For me I think it's got to be
>Demon Souls
Tower Knight
>Dark Souls 1
Ornsten and Smough (especially Ornstein). I love the Iron Golem armour set though.
>Dark Souls 2
Looking Glass Knight
>Dark Souls 3
Not many DaS3 bosses made me go 'that's fucking rad.' Probably Vordt if I had to choose for cool I actually quite like Abyss Watchers too though. I like the pointy hats, but the most visually impressive was definitely Deacons of the Deep.
Martyr Logarius
>Most run headlong into enemies in ways that make it impossible for me to save them
Yeah, I keep running into suicidal hosts too, fuckers just charge straight into groups of 3+ mobs. I don't even know anymore, is this how people usually play these games? I always attempt to separate groups, or if that's not possible do hit and run where I wait for opportunities to sneak in hits between their attacks then back off before getting gang raped. Seems like common sense.
Are these the same people who complain about always getting stunlocked to death? Would explain some things.
Shit taste.
>Probably Vordt if I had to choose for cool
glad to meet another vordt fan
>Hosts in DaS3 are happy to see invaders, on average it means they're getting some Estus back
This makes it a risk / reward and incentivizes hosts to not be bitches and go for the fog.
>The thing is that with two phantoms and a host, spamming R1 creates a dense enough blender that you can't roll through it reliably, but the host can always reliably keep rolling away from the one invader
This is a problem, yeah.
>as DaS3 lacks DaS1's instant backstabs
The teleportstabs were fucking stupid honestly.
my playthrough is going to last 10 minutes
ugh like when is dlc releasing FUCK
>invade fag
>do some stupid shit
>use bows for maximum faggotry
>about to die because >le gank face
>black crystal out
I've already won
just business kiddo
Don't you fucking pick on me user
Tell me your favourites then if you're such a patrician, I dare you
Yeah I thought it was cool as shit when this gigantic bulking knight comes crawling out of the mist and starts roaring and charging all over the place. His music really helps, too.
The teleportstabs were stupid, yes, but they were one tool to fight against ganksquads when the odds were against you since a backstab is explicitly a 1-on-1 interaction. I don't mind them being gone, but invaders have only had tools removed, not added.
How does one get gud at playing pure pyro in Dark Souls 3, /dsg/?
scabbards are dumb
>basically have to start as knight, warrior or wanderer
>also have to put one level into res every time i level up something else
>that webm
I wonder how they ended up making the player's hitbox linger behind them on a roll at low Agi. How does that even happen in the dev cycle?
theres no other way to enjoy invasions, other than getting people really mad
shield hitbox is too big
This is why Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 in their heyday will always be better than Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3.
People who played Dark Souls 2 or Dark Souls 3 first might disagree, but it's simply because they never played the first two games when they were released.
The launch of Demon's Souls and the launch of Dark Souls are a perfect storm that From Software will never be able to re-create unless they create an entire new IP w/ new game-play mechanics, very different from Souls.
The whole appeal of the first two Souls games was nobody knew shit about anything, and the joy of discovering and exploring shit on your own and telling your friends about it, not the whole internet.
It was also during a time where wiki's weren't widespread in 2009, and social media hadn't taken over to the point where finding the answer to anything was just a few clicks away.
"Souls Veterans" and the "Pillars of the community" are the cancer that ruined the Souls series. The wikis, fextralife, etc ruined it too.
From Software is better at creating new and unique experiences rather than creating the same rehashed shit over and over.
>Yeah I thought it was cool as shit when this gigantic bulking knight comes crawling out of the mist and starts roaring and charging all over the place. His music really helps, too.
Music was great. He really felt beast-like, though I think it would have been better if in his second stage his armour starts to crumple and burst as it can't contain him.
What about tabards?
Abyss watchers
I really think garl's black phantom should have had different AI. Instead of him being on the defensive, his phantom should have been really offensive and just dedicated to fucking your shit up.
No it isn't, everyone knows that the reason you get hit by "shockwaves" in 2 is because the player's hitbox stays behind them when they roll, usually not because of fucked attack hitboxes.
The actual fucked attack hitboxes are few and far between, notably Mimic grabs.
I definitely regret watching playthroughs before I got time to play DS3.