Sensual porcelain edition.
Sensual porcelain edition.
Other urls found in this thread:
>multiple people know source on ahri image
>no one posts it
this is why Veeky Forums is dead, you candyasses
Spoonfeeding is apparently a meme now.
I'd post source but I don't have it and don't care enough to look it up.
>vladfag will never wake to a horrible pain in his chest, a stroke slowly killing him in the most painful way possible while he desperately tries to scream for help but no words come out
fuck this world
>Akali will never be yours
Why live?
So I'm about to play Gragas. Is Strength of the Ages, Stalker's Blade or Tracker's Knife Runic Echoes into full tank the way to go?
this thread was made earlier but LE EBIN MEMESHIP CAN I BE A Veeky Forums PERSONALITY YET XD had to be forced i guess
Yesterday I played against an Annie with Fervor. She was feeding.
I still don't get the vayne+vlad ship. They are lore-wise on opposing sides, (demacianoxus) and vlad is especially the type of guy that vayne hates. Just because they share a skin theme doesn't mean shit.
chunky foxes?
They probably were ADC last game and forgot to change masteries desu
for some SHATTERING reason people use all 20 mastery pages instead if remaking one before everygame.
it's literally one guy trying to be the new niels
just ignore it
The struggle never ends
The more vision the better.
They're canon rivals and everyone* knows canon rivals is codeword for secret fuckbuddies.
>implying you wouldn't wreck her cute innie pussy while slapping that curvy ass
don't lie to yourself user
There isn't even a link to that thread in the last lolgen
Gabe Newell is fat. She's just got some meat, is all :3
No shit. At least when Riot endorsed me I had the good sense to be happy with my victory stop memeposting about it
I would while crying for giving in to such desires.
>tfw the pic will be absolutely ok but everyone talking about how it's going to be so good because contestguy got 80 million slots is over hyping it
Im so sick of this Faggot vlad op
It's just one retard being autistic forcer, don't mind him
Reminder that Watsu was always right
You don't try to bully the retarded shipper, you just feel pity for his life
I love this meme too.
>filter porcelain
>filter vlad
>filter vayne
sometimes you people make it really hard to find the threads
sorry user I just wanted to give aka enough time to get all the little details looking good
how can one brazilian be so based
>contestguy bought 2 more slots for the pic
this is going to be his magnum opus
xth for Kled
Let's also think about the fact that vayne is a demon hunter inspired by shit like Van helsing so the last thing she would be interested in is vlad
Yeah it's garbage and horribly forced.
that's why you check the catalog before making a thread you fucking braindead retard
apparently you cannot get instagibbed while mounted on Kled, being dismounted blocks the remainder of the damage
>i want to kill you so much i'm sexually attracted to you
it doesn't work this way
Wouldn't filter Vayne, you would miss all the Vayne posting + Vayne mains memes
Is eyoson down?
>demon hunter
>I would while crying for giving in to such desires.
implying you would have time to do that while grabbing her love handles and watching her butt jiggle
fatties are fun to fuck
tfw no qt white brazilian bf that daily blows the fuck out of lolg retards without even posting here anymore
I don't use the catalog I click on whatever thread is posted in the general first.
Like most people.
Sorry for triggering you.
>>fatties are fun to fuck
Like I would know ;_;
I hear vladfag is single and fat.
yeah once your mount dies you stop taking damage, your debuffs clear and you become untargetable for 0,75s
Why is Watsu gone? He get bored of lel?
I think it's 0.5s
Where the fuck is watsu, anyway?
>make the thread early
>don't link it
>get mad when no ones comes to your thread
what were you even expecting to happen?
Anything but this, please...
She hunts "those lost to darkness" that have used black magic.
Vlad uses what would be considered black magic to demacia.
I shouldn't even have to argue this shit.
Vayne is inspired by demon hunters like vlad is inspired by vampires but neither are explicitly called so and their lore heavily implies they would never like each other.
Brazil are full of niggers
Argentina masterrace
Good evening lolgen! Hope you had/have a nice day!
Best girl.
Best waist.
Best wife.
i didn't make the thread imbecile, why would i make threads when people are fighting for threads
but if i were to make one i'd have the common sense to check if there is one made already. if i see there is one that was made 10 mins ago i assume it will be posted when the old thread hits 750, i don't make a new one and post it before the old one hits 740 just so i can get my sick memes in
>15 games on one champion in two days
>Not one fucking S rank
I am, legitimately losing my shit.
I want to go shitposting in Lulu.
Is Reignover the cutest pro? And I don't even like gook boys
who does the most autistic fuck of lolgen play?
mirin that hair
no homo
hey don't think i'm super experienced user
it was just that one time and i gotta admit the extra meat to hold onto was nice
Senator memestrong
i like playing league but i can't find the motivation to play 20 min long last-hitting contests and 20 more min playing 5v5s at mid lane
what do you do when you're bored of the game, /lolg/?
Prefer aussie healthy Jinxes
jinxanon had a really nice butt
I think he quit League when dynaQ was introduced
He used to hang around on /padg/ but it has been a while since I saw this there, probably quit the chins for good
All this talk about Vayne made me realize Vayne and Lucian are quite literally the same character.
>playing gangplank
>enemy team has a guy called mooshymooshy
>get destroyed
well that was something
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
I'd say Lucian is more fueled by determination and duty than straight up revenge, since he still has some hope left for his wife.
Vayne is just pure hate and efficiency. Lucian probably has a much easier time functioning in society than her.
but vayne is batman
Had some pretty cute toes too.
couterplay is down! run for your elo, boys!
>play pad with watsu
>he's actually good
>really fucking good
>drop my spaghetti so hard trying to keep up
>we lose the challenge
Please forgive me bananaman...
...don't you mean with?
Other way around.
Vayne is a noble who can maintain her cool in any situation. She just choose to focus her efforts into the whole fighting dark forces thing. Kinda like Batman/Lara Croft
Lucian is desperate and wants revenge, most like he stays away from populated areas unless he must restock.
wooden phones are a thing in bananaland?
>Redmercy thinks that Nidalee got buffed
>Is glad for Kassadin buffs
don't you mean aurelion sol?
I mean Vayne probably functions in society fine to a degree, I meant it more as that she's pretty much dead inside. All she wants to do is hunt evildoers.
Lucian is witty and seems to be coping with his loss with humor. He's more the witty antihero type, where he is hard to get along with but can actually form social bonds over time.
Vayne is relentless, efficient and cold-blooded.
nigga is in jail
Deja vu! I've just swam in this place before
and pretty cute tits as well, just the right size
shame about the itagaki face bruh
i would cover my face with glasses+phone too
But teasing you is fun, user :3
lipstick is too bright
She got buffed though.
At the end of the day she did get buffed, her whole kit got numbers buffs that completely outweight an AA reset
Just means her clear is frankly garbage for it
user I am actually fuming with rage right now. I just played 20 games and still nothing. Teasing right now would only make me wanna go jump off a bridge. Dont do me like this.
>Zyra buffs
Why fucking christ... why?
Yes, truly she was a goddess, but she has left us, never to return.