Is waking up early a key part of being successful and escaping NEETdom? What time do you wake up?
Is waking up early a key part of being successful and escaping NEETdom? What time do you wake up?
It depends. Doing so regularly can instill discipline, which is a key aspect of not being a NEET. Conversely, being up early just for its own sake has no purpose. Back a looong time ago when I was something of a teenage NEET, I found scheduling my day was a good way to prevent me from wasting my entire day on the computer or whatever.
I wake up as late as humanly possible because I generally work well until 2AM/3AM, be it on actual work, school, or side projects. I heavily rely on caffeine pills and would not recommend it.
Its not necessarily waking up early that will prove integral for escaping NEETdom, but getting enough sleep.
You should aim for 8 hours a night and work the other 14 hours leaving 2 hours in each day for some me time eg listening to music, playing vidya, watching tv shows etc
I only sleep 6 hours a night.
Getting restful sleep is more important than getting a lot of sleep.
Waking up early is superior and übermensch. In addition to instilling discipline and allowing you to utilize your day more efficiently, at night you experience more fulfilling sleep and downtime. The early bird lifestyle is a productive and rewarding one.
I'm usually in bed by 11pm and I'll usually be asleep by 11:30-12pm. During the week I set my alarm for 7am, let the snooze cycle a few times before eventually getting up around 7:15-7:30, and am finished with my morning routine (breakfast, coffee, shower, ect) by 8am.
Depending on how productive my week was, I might allow myself to sleep in on the weekend. If that's the case I'm usually up by 9:30 at the very latest.
I'm my own boss and the majority of my work is done from home so staying disciplined and maintaining a schedule is crucial for productivity.
What do you do?
are you the Veeky Forums patrick too ?
I'm a licensed real estate broker. The majority of my income comes from commission paychecks. But I also invest in wholesale and rental properties when the opportunity presents itself, however I don't actively look for these. Instead I try to spend as much spare time as I can swing trading and maybe even day trading. And of course I'm always on the lookout for other sources of passive income
Also I definitely second the latter of this. I run on caffeine and adderall (prescription, of course). Because my type of work forces me to stay focused and sharp 24/7, I can rarely afford to indulge in non-stimulant substances. I can't even tell you the last time I had anything more than a beer or two. It's all part of the lifestyle though. As a teenager and early 20-something, I would drink and smoke all the time. But you come to realize that there are just some things you have to sacrifice for success. Now it doesn't even phase me. Over the years I've come to view non-stem substances as sort of degenerate and a waste of money. Just an aside for anyone who cares
I fuck up my circadian rhythm once a month by going on a whole-night cocaine binge with the lads once a month.
Obviously, you're more productive when you stick to your sleep pattern.
As is evident from my writing, this month's was yesterday.
I love waking up early. I accomplish by noon what most people don't accomplish in a full day. Feels pretty good.
I usually wake up at about 5:00AM
I get in a workout until about 6 when I take a quick shower and browse financial news while eating breakfast. Works out pretty well. I'm worth 1.2M.
5:30am every day. Anything later is just being a useless blob.
I sleep from 23:00 to 06:15 on weekdays, and from 00:00 to 08:00 in weekends.
What do you do, you work at an investment firm or something?
Reminds me of a quote from The Big Short:
"The military says they get done more before 9am than most people accomplish in their entire day. I get done more than the military before 9am."
How about nightshift jobs where you are not a night guard?
The main qualifications for my job are 'can you get here for 6AM' and 'Can you read English'. In that order.
only low iq people wake up early if they dont have jobs. and even if you have a job, higher the iq, the later you will stay up
I used to procrastinate a lot, and the day felt very short by waking at 9~10 when you have college/courses up till 22~23, now i wake up at 5, do some streches, hit the gym and study till classes time. It really helped out on disciplining myself, and i actually like waking earlier now, even sunday the latest i wake up is a bit over 7:30
source for that, fisherman?
What is your job?
Even when I was a social butterfly. I could only get my best/most productive work done well after night fall.
I've never had focus before midday, I could wake up at 6:30am every morning and I still wouldn't be putting in good work until just before lunch.
It... fucking... sucks...
>sleep 8 hours a day
>wake up at 6:30 am every day
>feel sleepy as fuck throughout the day
Shouldn't I be feeling refreshed?
Also, mornings are much more productive than after lunch for me. Productivity usually peaks between 9AM and 12AM and then between 16PM and 18PM. The rest is slugish.
I usually go to bed around 12-3AM and wake up anywhere from 9AM to 1PM. I get paid $1K a week cash to "work" for my Dad's business. All I really do is whatever he asks me to do, which isn't much. Try to find a cheaper place to buy ___. Can you run to the store and get me ___. I'm working late, you have to pick your Sister up from softball practice. etc. Feels good.
Wow your lucky, I'm jelly.
What's your exercise and diet like?
Yes. Its called having to be up for a job.
6:20am 5 days a week.
I try and sleep in till about 8 on the weekends and then work on my shitty house or side projects.
Im about to get my liscense just for access to the mls.
Any tips on wholesale or other deals?
I'm looking to invest for the long term but if i can jew someone into a lease agreement or rent to own for a good profit then fuck yeah.
I know the hokd for a year and a day after closing rule.
Working on my 3rd house atm but they are all shitholes.
Love being poor and trying to climb out.
Honestly, it doesn't hurt, even if you don't have to get up for a job. The work I do requires me to be active on social media (which sucks cock). But there are certain times of day that each site's traffic peaks. Some are around lunch time, some early afternoon, and some around 5:00, when people get home from work. I need to have content ready to go for each of those peaks. So starting early is pretty essential.
Oh shi hey pat