/domg/ - Dominions General

Ermor edition

Previous thread: Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.

The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 2800 units, 800 spells and 300 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them.

It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.

Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

Join the steamgroup for multiplayer

>Group chatroom

>Our work-in-progress wiki

>Our pastebin

>Dom4 Manual

>Dom4 Inspector
This is a community resource that has every unit, spell, and item in the game in an accessible database.

>Play by email guide:

>Debug Mod:
For testing battle formations and spells

>Where do I get it?
It is available on Gamersgate (-75%) and Steam. Desura is kill.

>Read the manual
>Read the wiki
>Read the pastebin
>Watch some LPs by Maerlande or NuclearMonkee
>Start playing multiplayer games
>Remove Elf!

Submit completed games here:

Results Here:

Other urls found in this thread:

github.com/sum1won/summod/blob/master/summod/barbarian B 1.tga

ded like bats is gonna be.

God bless.


I hope Oceania/Atlantis/TNN are on their way to save you (and all of us) from the batmageddon.

Abysia, if you hear this, you can reach bats from the cave. They didn't take Cold 3 like some fools, and every sane person should give you a wide berth so you can shove some Burning Ones up bat ass.

i asked people to hire me to rush dangerous blood nations.
i reiceived no gold, zero fucking incentives, so why would i try to defeat the strongest(lanka built against me, bats can gameover me because i have mapmove 1 and he has flying map move 3) nations out there when i can eat some mediocre neighbour ?
do you really expect me to move my precious sacreds 6-7 turns away from my cap to conquer provinces i will never be able to keep?

I presume by mediocre neighbor you mean C'tis or Machaka? Hinnom can cause you issues, Lanka (as you said) built against you, so those would be the two best options.

I'm sure you can kill the Africa nations before bat's get to Ozzies. And it's Flatus Bats too, so not exactly some strategical genius.

Noob here, what does it mean when I take an indie province and there's already a site there discovered?

>hire me
What are you, a mercenary band ? Can I get you for 3 months ?

It means there was already a site there that doesn't need searched to find. Sites are generated at game start. A majority need searched out in order to find them, but there are some that are always revealed.

Sites are generally always in effect, even if you haven't found them yet. This means if you expand into a province with no dominion, and notice that it has unusual scales, you can frequently use that to narrow down the location of a site. The mod inspector lets you filter sites by their effects on scales.

Anyone with a possible site can use this as a reference. I suppose it's not outdated.
>Sites are generally always in effect
Except for the sweet sweet gems

nothing in particular aside for the fact it's there.

many sites can be added by events ( that can happen to indipendents too). press i to read event history of the province.Some sites have events linked to them ( for example mist covered highlands sometimes get swarmed by air mages).

Many sites require no magical path to discover. They are "free"!

well more or less.

How can you save the world from bats, if you can't even save yourself?

Speaking of staling, can frosty giants and chinks do their turns ? At least the chinks, giants can fuck off back where they came from.

We'll find out in 2 hours I guess.

Right. Still looking for an MA Arco sub. Our current one is apparently having trouble looking at Barbarians because something something sprites are fucked(?).

Might be a Summod error common to everyone, but I'm not 100% on that.

Arco, if you could provide further detail and the exact error message that'd likely help getting you sorted out. I need to collapse now, but I'll get to responses tomorrow morning, if you reply to this post. Have extended the timer again so you can avoid staling until we work out what the hell's going on.

>tfw thread always has 3 Death scales

can i have more info about the game? how many times did arco stale?


0, it's turn 2, there's an error.

If that's worth it then tribless lictors better be the best goddamn unit in the game.

It died due to being past bump limit
It's a lot easier to empower if you're not in summod.

yes, you need to empower your mage. unfortunatel it's gonna take a while in summod ermor.

you could also go for construction 4 and craft yourself a skull staff, which given the delayed D gems gain of summod it might be worth it.

it's not worth it to summon multiple spectator( u guess one would be fine) to research faster, i'd rather empower. run math to discover what's faster and by how much.

I was talking about this thread (and the general in general) being dead, when I posted that it was on page 10.


Spectators are better researchers for gem cost at Mag 3

i am happy for better researchers, but i really want badass mages that do something more than skelespam eventually.

Then be fine with not having them till you get a skull staff at const 4.

sorry, they're as good*
12-12 and 20-20

Spectators also really aren't useless in combat by any stretch. Obviously dusk elders are awesome, and you want as many of them as possible, but spectators are perfectly serviceable as shadowblasters and sneaky raiders if you need that.

How do you sub into a game?

Its not common to everyone. I've seen it exactly one other time, and it was fixed by redownloading the .tga in question.

No user, something even worse.


you talk to the admin and you privately give him your email. he will do the magic for you and you will receive the turn by email.

Basically provide an email address, and the admin can tell llamaserver to send you the turns instead of the original player.

The admin changes the player's e-mail to yours.

Anyways, it might be worth having Arco send the turnfile to sum1 or Lambert if either of them aren't in the game so that they can see if they can replicate the problem

I'm in the game, but pinky-promise not to cheat. Sy is also pretty good at sorting this stuff.

So if I change my turn right now and send you an anonymous donation of all my gold you will deal with the batman?

Only for 3 turns, then you have to rebid.

At least I think that's how it goes.

Also in the game, actually.

depending on how fucking big it is. i would like to discuss it or i will be forced to return it if it's not enough.

Others might be interested in throwing money into the pot if Mictlan is short.


>ForAFistfulOfDeathgems Ermor
You're abysia?


Long time no see guys! I have some Great News! Next turn, there will be a Tournament! I know what you are all thinking, 'how could he pay for such a big event, so fast?' Well, it is because I am good with gems, and I know how to run an economy right. I don't need reimbursement, I just want everyone to have a good time and see a great show.

If you really want to though, I will gladly accept donations to the Trump campaign for a safer nation. Make Oeridia Great Again!

I figured as much. Thought it was weird that he was replying to me

What nation are you?

You should probably get in contact with the good monkeys.

>get back to hotel
>35 minutes left for the turn because the fagmin didn't extend it at all
>30 minutes of intensive unit moving and mage scripting
>image related happens
This I what you get for having friends. I'm really mad right now with the game.

This plus the fagmin not extending it enough even if I aked for it makes me really want to go AI.

For a communion nation, Maverni sure lacks good astral pretender options

I'm retarded enough to forget the image.

Given that you took a picture of your screen with a camera forgetting the image is probably the least of your worries

It's a Mac running Windows. Is there a way to printscreen here? Because I couldn't find the way.

He's bats, lording it over the world since he got to eat 1/2 of Abysia/Agartha/Ulm for free, along with all of Mictlan/C'tis.

>That point when you're more than 100 gems ahead of the next highest dude. And winning on all other counts as well.

Thankfully, domg couldn't stop a snowball to save its life.

I am not Lording, I am acting Presidential. You also seem to have some facts wrong. I only got 1/3 of Ulm and Agartha, and Lanka was the one that got all but 3 of Abysia's provinces. I am absolutely ahead of just about everything though, as the future elected leader of Oeridia should be.

You shouldn't be so modest Lanklinton, you have nearly 70 gems over the 3rd highest person at last check (not including your blood slave income) and have been free to eat at least one of your 'allies' against me with no retaliation. your shilling and calls for war have no traction. I work with others to help them using the wealth that I made with successful management practices, where you threaten war on people that are late on a single payment or that don't follow your direction. Yes, I still remember your words about Fomoria and about the late Pangaea. Your narrative is falling apart.

They went AI. I assume that is what the message is about.

I will give you 2000 gold a turn for 3 turns till you deal with the bats. You are being paid to do the right thing

A. if that were me, I would have cited the actual numbers you were ahead of me (which is well in excess of 100 gems, closer to 200 gems - from the other side - if we count the gain you get from Forge of the Ancients)
B. I took 6 Abysian provinces, counting capital. He only had 9 (unless someone else took them, wasn't paying attention to that). So 1/3 of Abysia would be more accurate than 1/2.
C. Most importantly, I'm more or less just waiting for you to cap the thrones and win (and maybe kill TC in 2 turns - not 2 turns from now, but like, actually just take 2 turns to kill him). I don't really have time for it, and I know how this script plays - I played the same part in All Yesterdays as Agartha. No point in spending hours scripting to stop the inevitable, just like in All Yesterdays where people sat and watched me win, they'll do the same here for you.

Also, allying with someone, and then chainstalling -> going AI makes you a pretty shit ally. And like in every memegame, I've only ever fought stalers and AIs, cause that's how you win. I just got unlucky on the placement, and wasn't next to as many.

Hey, can I get Helheim on the line in /Van/? We need to talk.

>2000 gold a turn for 3 turns till you deal with bats

so you are saying 6000 gold?
and how much do you want me to deal with them?

be a bit more clear because you are trying to tell me i should drag 20 of my map move 1 sacreds through 8 provinces, one of which is a tier 2 throne, to inflict damage on bats. i can do it, but i don't know how it will end up

I mean look at it this way, he's buying the sacreds, right? And probably the army units to, cause man is 6000 gold a lot.

Also, congrats to Mictlan. You survived longer than the last Mictlan did.

ForAFistfulOfDeathgems admin are you here?
Are you trying to find a replacement or will you let Arcoscephale go AI?

Unless you lost a significant number of sites over the last few turns, you should not have fallen so far behind in gems. You also should try harder when trying to fool the guy that had Eyes of God up when talking about how many provinces you got from someone. It is not my fault that only people that choose to stale and AI want to side with you, seems you end up with a lot of low-energy people.

I also put forward that the first nation I ever came up at odds against in Memegeddon was a nation that had not staled, and had not AI'ed. Mictlan. A nation that many people cite as a nation that no one wants to play against. I listened to the voices of the masses and helped them make a better Oeridia. A nation with strong sacreds that was a real threat to the safety of many should they have been left alive.

By deal with I mean DEAL WITH.

I'm relatively new, how'd the last me do?

In this game? Honestly, not really. Everyone is going to have gorillions of gold to spare even after building a fort in every single province.

If you are honestly able to spend all of your gold, something has gone wrong somewhere.

not the right way to look at it sir.
My sacreds are the only good thing i have, just paying their gold cost isn't enough: 2 turns of my cap sacreds are life to me.
6000 gold is clearly more than their gold cost, but the gigantic lenght of land i will have to cross makes me wonder if there is enough worth in the offer. perhaps with other indipendent donors i will move my ass.

You can spend it all to build 1 resource units, even if your race doesn't have any you can buy indies.

For example building shamblers to capture water provinces quickly as a land nation.

Your own admission to me was that you had 497 gems per turn, with Forge of the Ancients being worth 70-100 or so. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not even at 400 gems yet.

And your fight with Mictlan was a brutal beating, not really a fight. The only fight this entire game that happened was the Anti-Ermor coalition. And man, isn't it sad that people in MemegeddonIII - an EA game - are better at joining hands against Ermor than the players in ErmorOP.

Also, loaded an old file real quick. I took 7 from Aby, and you only took 2.

How the fuck do i reach him

I downloaded both the .tga and the entire mod anew. Hell I even downloaded the turn anew.

The last you died to Arco. After literally years upon years of fighting. It was a strict 1v1 too: Ulm fought Marverni, Helheim fought Sauro, and Ermor fought Therados. The latter nation was the successful one.
Mind blasters say hi. 0 Gold every turn baby.
You have blood, slightly above Sauro tier. Your flail infantry are 6 atk/square and only 4 enc, making them one of the best recruitable units (after revelers, and alongside deep one spearman). Also, summod adds Magma Children to Abysia as well.

Heres a screenshot I have no idea.

There's an underground route you can take to strike at the Batman, which involves going to the offworld place first. Very janky. Also a throne in the way.

github.com/sum1won/summod/blob/master/summod/barbarian B 1.tga

hol' up

I might have a solution

Have you checked if you somehow don't have read access to the file?

Not even sure how Id do that.

yeah, no, that's not the problem. It's a typo in the mod -

#spr1 "./summod/barbarian 1.tga"
#spr2 "summod/barbarian 2.tga"

See the difference?

The easiest way would be to run the game as administrator/super user and see if you get the same error.

Actually, no, this shouldn't be causing his issue.

>Your flail infantry are 6 atk/square and only 4 enc, making them one of the best recruitable units (after revelers, and alongside deep one spearman).
Flails don't do particularly good damage. 16 blunt damage (20 with a strength buff) is not very impressive. Plus the price per Abysian is very high compared to other units.

They're decent, but I'd rank them a lot worse than third-best recruitable unit.

both should mean the same thing if I'm not mistaken.

./ means current directory.

Holy shit do you want me to cup your balls while I gargle? I get that's it's a big strategy change but would you really rather deal with bats later? I'm taking my gold elsewhere

Give me an example of something better, sacreds not counting. I already used Revelers and Deep One Spearman as well.

And EA only, cause I'd put Chuds, and likely some other crap, well above them too.

So as you all know I'll be wanting all the caves and none of you(a few nations aside) will really have a chance of holding them if I attack. However I do not desire war with the whole of the surface world and thus will purchase any neighboring cave provinces for 2.5 turns worth of their income. Sounds good?

running as administrator causes the same error.

You should let Abysia swing left to attack Bats before taking the caves. Especially considering Xibalba is the one nation that, with these settings, can spank you right out of the caves if he wanted to.

>tfw you spend 2 hours scripting your armies

I hate lategame.

>Hey, let's just let Agartha become Super Agartha
>Like what happened last time
>Who won last time, again?

Ima fight you.

I didn't become super Agartha by taking the caves though, I barely bothered with those at all.

I conquered Asia baby. All of Asia. +7 troops OP.

Just from EA? Well, there's not quite as large a selection but here's a few I found.

Steel Maidens, Falcioneers, Jaguar Warriors, Guhyaka.

>sacreds not counting
If they're not cap-only, why shouldn't they count?

Did you script shit or did you not?

Because you didn't stale this turn.

Have you not *seen* these settings. Under normal circumstances, yeah, sure. But under 300% shit (but not holy points), they take a huge hit.

Falchioneers are cold blooded, and take a huge hit imo. I totally forgot about Steel Maidens though, which I agree fully on.
Guhyaka don't much matter anymore anyway: RIP Kailasa, free food for the Lanka.

PC just shat itself, need an AI or sub plox


Where's everyone from?
Canada here.

>Have you not *seen* these settings. Under normal circumstances, yeah, sure.
I thought we were talking about normal circumstances.

I've got no idea how 300% settings tends to play. I would have thought it'd be more mage-heavy than normal games, rather than people spamming large numbers of troops.

>Falchioneers are cold blooded, and take a huge hit imo.
Cold blooded sucks, but they're better in a lot of other ways. Slashing damage rather than bludgeoning, higher damage, a defense score which isn't complete shit, MM2, and much cheaper.

They suffer from a lack of native mages to buff them, but Abysia's troops have the same problem.