What method of making money illegally has the lowest risk of getting caught?

What method of making money illegally has the lowest risk of getting caught?

tricking vending machines with a taped dollar


>making money

>Return Change

ok got me there but i was thinking of ways that would produce a livable income


what does that mean

U in a tight spot right now?

Or is this "hypothetical?"

hypothetical, im still in college

Selling Drugs nigga

Melting down coins, if you have a trusted or ignorant buyer

and it's actually pretty easy to make a smelter in your backyard

Depends on who, what, where, & when. Stupid open ended question.

Carding no doubt. Helps me survive and a little more during college. Just can't be a fucking retard and try to do it at a brick and mortar store with the "I don't have my card but I have the info" trick that worked in the 80's.

What you do is you buy credit card information from the internet (I use alphabay) and then find a really sketchy website that will let you buy something you can flip without a lot of questions. MMO gold sellers who will let you buy gold with the credit card and then sell it for bitcoin (VirWoX) are the best bet I know.


Can you post a full guide please? Or just link to pastebin? Help Veeky Forums poorfags out

How long have you been doing it?

I feel like any time you use stolen credit card info, you're running a high risk of getting caught. That shit can be traced really easily, I would imagine

I dunno
I took an interest in it recently
Went on alphabay yesterday, took a peek at the carding section on the forums.

I really can't figure out a way to do it in which the authorities could not trace you if they wanted to find you. And this isn't something I would want to try unless I know every single possibility has been accounted for.

Anyway, how much do you make doing it?

Fuck you. Contribute something to the world, scumbag. Is this really what you would want to be remembered for?

when i find you... im going to beat your face in with a cash register. And then im going to rape your anus. I really hate people like you, just go get a fucking job and learn some proper fucking business skills. invest your money legit and be a stand up guy.
To me people that steal shit are cowards and are failures and are too childish to actually be in the real business world.

People steal every single day, pretty sad to get mad over this rather than all the other shit going on

This is just getting our piece of the american pie

Does this still work?

its for people that suck at life

Why can't I contribute and take?

Okay we suck at life, what's your point

Sorry we can't all work important jobs at leading investment banks like you

If you use TAILS and use a method to buy bitcoin with the info and then tumble the bitcoin and you keep it under $1000 a month there's almost no chance of it getting back to you. It still is technically possible to trace bitcoin through tumbling but it's incredibly difficult and unless you're getting millions from your drug trade it's very unlikely the feds have time for you.

This isn't true for passing counterfeit bills incidentally, people get the idea they'll buy a 10 fake 100's for a hundred dollars online, but even if they're perfect, even if they pass the pen test, even if you could pass it to Barack Obama himself, there's absolutely no way you won't get caught if you pass enough counterfeit to make a living. 0% chance.

Alright bud, when you card, you're not fucking anyone but the credit card companies. Store gets the money no matter what and every single credit card company in the country is legally required to refund fraudulent charges. Only people you're fucking are people who make more in a year than you will in your whole life.

Yeah that's what I thought, there is an upper limit on the amount you can do without getting caught.
How many cards do you do? 1 card with like $1k?
3 cards with $330
Or a whole bunch of cards?

Some people say it's better to do one card for a lot because that means less people defrauded less separate investigations etc. but on the other hand, an amount that large will usually be investigated more seriously than an amount say in the $100 range. I really don't think it makes a difference as long as you do one or the other.

There's also not really a hard limit on whats safe because you only ever see people getting caught when they charge a thousand cards and make a $250,000 and then put it into their personal bank account and then you see people who do it at a more reasonable level and do it for years without getting caught.

It's super safe if you don't get greedy

In my area lots of people get caught for carding but they're all caught with dozens of cards, writers, almost all had $500k+ seized in goods, etc

Makes you wonder how much they made not confiscated and how msny don't get caught.

>Only people you're fucking are people who make more in a year than you will in your whole life.

How exactly is that a bad? If they make more then all of us, fuck em.

that's what he meant dumbass

The only people getting stolen from aren't regular joes anyways

Bump because good thread.

Fuck man, I feel tempted to do it, I'm in college so I could use some extra cash but this shit is literally illegal, stay safe anons.

but you cant clone cards that come with chips i think

It will still come back to all of us and it will come back hard.

Minor traffic violations on the way to work

May as well bump

You are all under arrest.
Freeze Sucka

How about selling holy water out magic stones or some other dumb shit? It would even be legal right?

dude if anyone tried to do this anywhere I've ever been a cashier store they'd take their drivers license #

He clearly said mmo gold

But even if you'd go in store, just flirt with the college girl working the register dude. It's not hard, they wont be suspicious or ask for ID if you look legit

No but a bunch of redditors will try to "call you out" and express how smart they are.

I meant yes, it's perfectly legal.

I'm going to share with you something I learned long ago and have explained to many people since:

Doing "illegal" things, from petty crime up to serial murder, is not hard to get away with.

All our lives we are taught "don't break the law or you'll go to prison!" "You -will- get caught", etc etc. These concepts are built into us from day 1. This is because we as a civilization -need- people to respect certain laws and rules in order to function as a society.

But it's not true.

it's amazingly easy to do just about anything that is considered illegal without being caught - as long as you're not a complete idiot, have some form of critical thinking, and don't act impulsively or emotionally.

I knew this early on as a kid, and as the internet has become as big as it has it has confirmed these theories. Look up how many murders go unsolved every year, look at how many stores get robbed, how many BANKS get robbed, and no one gets caught. There is home invasion, rape, murder, the whole nine yards. Literally entire cartels run multi billion dollar drug/weapons/human trafficking/bootleg underground operations that are still -that profitable even with them getting X amount caught. Governments openly admit they are barely putting a dent in such operations, and pride themselves on every little crumb they get.

With that said, the key is the person running the operation needs to be smart enough to lay out a plan, understand how people get caught doing whatever they do, and make sure not to make the same mistakes. leave no trail, or at least no trail that leads back to them.


It sounds edgy but it's so true. just think of it this way, for every big bust you here in the news, there's 10+ identical sized operations going.

There's so many criminal forums on the internet, unless it's all roleplaying and everything is fabricated they're making tons of money every single day, and yet you don't see them all getting arrested and charged weekly.

In Toronto for example only 25% of break and enters get solved. Someone breaks into your house and steals your shit, there's a good chance he'll get away. It's ridiculous.

I was reading a thing about the amount of physical cash confiscated in Canada from Chinese... millions upon millions. It only made me wonder, how much more got through undetected.

When you hear of some big hacker or something guy, it should only make you wonder: how many more like him are out there that got less greedy and stopped earlier, or simply never got caught at all and are currently drinking margaritas and enjoying themselves on some island.

I don't know, it's just something I've thought about. When you go to the airport, I've always wondered how many of those happy-looking, anxious passengers were actually smuggling drugs for example. Sure when there's tens of thousands passengers, at least a dozen must have made some nice money smuggling, right?

When you see a guy in an amazing car, I can't help but think. "did he really earn it, or did he commit some crime for it?"

I'm sure the stats hold some truth but is this shit truly worth the risk?I imagine everything you'll be able to carefully obtain without getting caught won't be worth it if you're ever unfortunate enough to get caught.


SWIM tells me they steal basically all of their food and that it's stupidly easy in any grocery store to steal anything up to 20oz bottles, candy, anything that can fit into a pocket is basically free food, and it's obviously not traceable because you just eat the shit and toss the wrapper. they steal expensive granola bars and expensive "natural" fruit drinks and shit like that every day apparently

who knows if they're lying, though.

Now that's a completely separate topic, I never said it was -worth- it.

That would be up to an individuals opinion, morals, etc. A reason I'm not a serial murderer or robbing people is because I don't want to be a piece of shit, and I believe in karma. Not everyone would agree though.

The question at hand wasnt "is it worth it" though, it was simply a question of can you get away with it or not, which you very well can.

to expand a little more on on my first post here I've realized this when I was about 13, I was not the best of kids and realized how obvious it was people could get away with stuff.

As a young adult I remember taking a trip to Los Angeles. Me and my girlfriend at the time were walking around the bail air area and we walked by a pawn shop. As we walked by a display window filled with jewelry I immediately had the realization I stated in previous post - "You can actually get away with pretty much any crime as long as you're smart about it." I shared my thoughts with her and she kind of laughed at me, she was the most honest, nicest person I'd ever met (Until what caused our breakup...which is an entirely different story) so I thought maybe she thought i was being weird or "bad", but still shared my thoughts.

I explained to her for an example, some basic details of a quick snatch and grab, it would take seconds and we could be out of sight in a heartbeat. With proper planning (getaway, routes to take, etc), you could probably do it in seconds and have little to no chance of being caught. I went into some detail of various thoughts of ideas that I no longer remember.

Come to think of it, a few months later she would suggest I pocket a stupid button pin that i liked, and was dead serious about it. I remember it surprised me because like I said, she was the nicest, most honest person i'd ever met. I wonder if the earlier talk caused something to change in her...interesting.


Thirding these claims. I have cheated on some government programs, i have re-traded counterfeit money that got to my hands, i had cheated on serious exams in each possible way, etc, all in the last 3 years. Before 3 years, and having grown up with a single mother, i always had the idea that the government is all-powerful. But it is not. I am not saying i have ever attempted severe heists so i have no experience, but petty theft and trickery is something the government can hardly find out about. You just need to be fully prepared for the worst with an escape plan and think about what you are going to do with an equally good plan. Then, its just getting the "all-powerful government" theme out of your mind.

Someone Who Isn't Me you new faggot.

political corruption and abuse of power


>I don't have my card but I have the info" trick that worked in the 80's.
I have a friend who works in billing in a hospital, and she's taken card info in person rather than taking the card before. I asked her what possible reason someone would have to do this and she had no idea. Said she even asked her manager first.

Being the FED.

Lol we aren't all from zoklet or totse you stupid queer

What was your experience in buying chipped cards, if anyone here has any ?

As long as you don't get greedy and do it smart of course, that just sounds like a smart investment to me - but a bit too good to be true

Am I being overly cynical or am I right in that it sounds just too good while being just a meaty bait to a mean hook ?

I have never tried it, but i know people who did. In an investment sense, think of it as a high reward investment that needs a lot of research (thus needs time investment) but has a small chance of losing more than you originally invested. High reward, small risk, high punishment.

Seems like it.

But at the same time, what could be the risks ? Except the "maybe getting scammed" part - and even that could be debatable by the way the free market runs through those kind of markets - I don't see how you could get fucked in the ass by it.

As long as you don't make it into a business yourself and don't get the government to ask questions about your incomes aka "why does this union job guy has hundreds of thousands worth of Art and antiques", seems like the chances of you getting busted a pretty null

Of course, I'm talking and asking about it for a friend

>hurr durr rob a bank and you won't get caught

This topic has some retarded responses. The correct answer, OP, is to just suck dick. Get regular clientele and you'll never be caught.

>getting caught...

I would ship weed from colorado to a buddy for a profit if i was gonna break the law.

Why dont u just get into real estate or something instead of being a cunt?

Making money legally is way easier and less stressful if u pull your head out of your fucking ass and pick up a book


LOL. what coins? They all zink in america and silver is like ~$15 an oz and a silver dollar from the 1800s is only worth 9 bucks?

I have a foundry btw.

And destoying money isnt illegal so long as you arent attempting to defraud anyone or turn it into other money.





Suck dicks.



Theiving fucking faggot cunts...

Just get a job and invest within the confines of the law you fucking lazy cunt.

Pic related







become a cocaine dealer for people with higher positions like banker and lawyer.
They will not get cought with drugs and rat on you. Stupid stoner friends and street addicts will.

Lol you get your money back faggot

>$4 left over every month

Stupid poorfag