Kavat nerf edition
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/wfg/ Warframe General
2nd for Corrupted Ember
my warfame is strong
tfw just made my first trade
i get so much anxiety over nothing
Kavats nerfed? I saw that dogs were buffed, but missed the cat nerf part
My potato is racially diverse!
So.. Do traces still drop from the enemy and can be farmed, or is it just an endmission reward?
how do you go from this?
is Quick Thinking easy to farm for?
I need one for Saryn I think. That build posted a day or two ago just two drifts instead of quick thinking
to this?
no fuck, you to this
Have you had your edge of the day yet?
Corrupted Weapon.
No magazine loss or no need to reload.
If I had Sancti Tigris I imagine I would have a good time.
this might not have happened if you let us name it
If Grineer are all clones......then why don't the clones worship their creator? You know the original Grineer they came from...why do they worship the Queens?
Are Grineer just The Great Depression version of The Orokin?
If Vor is so ELITE why don't they clone him?
Why won't the Grineer Queens fuck one of the Grineer men?
drops from G3, very easy to get from raids
I got a couple dozen, post ign
Today I found Vulpine Mask, is Destreza any good?
Corpus are the great depression version of Orokin. The grineer are the Byzantines to Orokin roman. The Queens are in a relationship with each other plus the cloned grineer are sterile.
Welp time to collect the hashs now.
You can go fuck yourself.
>is Destreza any good?
>Shadows of the Dead is going to become a toggle
about fucking time
Telos [Melee Weapon] when?
>..then why don't the clones worship their creator?
Literally the point of the Grineer are to be a race of clones that led an uprising against their creators. You fucking imbecile.
>why do they worship the Queens?
Read the Kurias anytime
>Are Grineer just The Great Depression version of The Orokin?
Read Simaris scans anytime
>If Vor is so ELITE why don't they clone him?
Vor is a Oroboo shitter who got destroyed by the 10o and kicked into the Void. Why would you clone a shitter?
>Why won't the Grineer Queens fuck one of the Grineer men?
READ ANY PIECE OF TEXT ANYTIME. Grineer are sterile and broken as it is.
No way the two fat fucks protecting the Queen are sterile.
I bet Tenshin could fuck one of the Grineer Queens or a Tenno.
the potatos confirmed for being teshin cucked children
>caring about lore when there's grind to be done
Why are you so angry? Is it 100 degrees where you're at too?
>mfw corrupted Torid
Yes all grineer except the two grineer queens are sterile
>the current Erdos archwing no shields alert
QT drops from Corrupted Ancients. So now you have to play the Void even though its drop tables are practically empty.
The Grineer were a slave labor force, heavily modified to be controllable which includes sterility. 'Mutations' were common which could lead to a resurgence of human functions like self-recognition, free will, etc. but by the time the orokang got their shit fucked, there were less of them to keep track of the clone batches and one of them gained higher cognitive function though said mutations. His name was Vay Tok and he was sick of how Grineer were treated.
The Queen worship is debatable now since DE has double backed on it. Original info implied the Queens were natural twins, or as natural as the Orokin reproduced anyway. Perfect copies of each other and above all healthy. They were treated like shit by the Orokang proper and sympathized with the Grineer; eventually leading their uprise against the loosened hold of the Orokin. The Grineer, somewhat aware of their own situation, rotted husks of clone-men looked upon their perfection, their health with divinity.
Destreza is elegant and fun as fuck, and it does a shitload of slash damage, on top of being one of the fastest melee weapons in the game. Build for slash (Buzz Kill) + attack speed (Primed Fury)
It's actually pretty chilly but overuse of ellipses coupled with dumb phrasing and overall shitty attitude towards questions that can be answered in a matter of minutes and are readily provided ingame irritates me greatly.
>Corrupted Zhuge
>Corrupted Twin Memekatas
Can't wait.
I'm sorry user.
convince me to log in
try it i bet you can't
>level 4-9
the game is actually fun
you have just played 2000+ hours of it
it's normal to get sick of ANY given activity after 2000+ hours
They changed fissures to be less shit.
they also changed trace farming to be more shit
I'll give you 1000 plat. Just message me in-game.
>Dumb DE things Part 1
>DE is giving Nekros Power 2 a toggle.
>DE never thought to make Nekros Power 4 a toggle.
Just regular dumb DE things
Kinda wish this to be a skin now.
>Warframe doesn't become bigger and thicker when Corrupted.
not enough/10
You could always suggest it on the forums, 10o! :^)
Don't forget to buy plat!
these missions where you fly around make no fucking sense to me at all
every single time I've done one of these missions I just get killed by random shit, like I literally just take damage somehow and then I'm dead, very rarely do I actually see shots being fired
Equinox nerf when, she's clearly too powerful.
DElet tis
Are you one of those butthurt embers from that alert I did?
>An Ember being butthurt
T-that's impossible!
New tennogoy stuff when
Okay guys...
How much money have you spent on this game?
20 bucks on plat because im lazy and g2a doesn't support developers so I can't feel guilty for helping to fund this when they do something stupid in an update.
enjoy the ban
tfw founder
Max level Volt PA
Ash PA Accessories for Edo P
Frost Vault for MIsa P
75% plat purchases here and there
The introduction of that new Axi V3 relic in ODS C rot made me realize how horrible it will be to grind future prime parts. There has never been a better time to quit this shitfest of a game.
Instead of grinding prime parts in c rotations, you will be grinding RELICS in c rotations
>grinding for a low chance of a low chance of getting a prime part
Wait what? Why would that end in a ban?
$3550.00 on Platinum
1649.90 on Founders/Prime Access
No TennoGen stuff because not Steam
king goy
I guess G3 and the Corrupted don't give two shits about each other
>Want to get the Spira Prime
>get the blueprint
>the blade and the pouch are both rare pieces
>I need 2 pieces to complete it
>its not even a good weapon
What the fuck DE?
But did the Void affected G3 into Corrupted G3?
Maybe? Since the fissures appear at random, and any stage mobs that get corrupted have that static filter put over them, I'm more inclined to believe DE didn't update the Corrupted's AI to consider what is friend or foe. I've got a few more lures, I'll try and test some more.
Welcome to Archwing, one of DE's many poorly-planned, worst-implemented, rushed-and-forgotten features. You may want to get acclimated with its friends Syndicates, Specters, Kubrows, Sorties
I'm back 2 days later /wfg/ as the guy with the fucked up wrist who asked for help, so I'm focusing on melee but I haven't really found anything yet, and I'm level 3 now and really loving this game.
this is the post which was useful and wrote down:
>Tonkor as soon as you have the mastery rank for it. Or any other granade launcher because aoe. Also Ignis and Simulor. For secondary try Sonicor. Not a lot of dmg but nice aoe knockback so you can ragdoll everything around. For melee try something 2 handed like War, Galatine or Jat Kittag that can hit multiple enemies. Can't really remember what is mastery locked but try Gram for a start
I got the Galatine just now but I won't be able to get the tonkor for 2 more days as it's rank 5, is there any other grenade launchers or area of effect main weapons that I can get now? Im always contributing less damage than my friends.
>There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that have spent 1000+ on this game
This is a sign, that you need a break and to not come for a while.
Any syndicate melee weapon, when? Although, to keep the theme, it'll probably be Boltace, but I'm hoping for Telos Kronen, so I can actually use my Day of the Dead skin without gimping myself.
show me your targis armor set, you goy kong
Probably ~$80 on -75% plat. Bought Mesa and Equinox, had no idea I saved myself from two horrific grinds.
Anyway back to grinding Ceres hoping that one fucking rare tile will spawn so I can scan those two Kuria.
DE doesn't want STRONG warframes, user. That's why they keep nerfing them.
Around 5 dollars every 3 or so months when I don't feel like jewing. Multiply by 3 years of on-and off playing: probably on the ballpark of mid 50, low 60 dollars. Around the price of a retail game for something I played for 3 years and sank a few hundred hours into. Eh.
>>grinding for a low chance of a low chance of getting a prime part
nothing has changed, its always been this way
>do a few of the new void missions
>boring as shit because it's literally the same missions we've been running with an added gimmick that doesn't change gameplay or difficulty at all
>less than 20 traces per run
I don't know why I expected anything more, they explained exactly how boring it was going to be
I quit around the time they introduced it but now that I've tried it it just feels like such a clusterfuck, even the intro mission was a bit of a clusterfuck too
Like $3, but not really. I sold some TF2 shit so that I could buy the Phased Asa Syandana and the Rubedo Rhino skin from the Steam Market back when they were released and we didn't know the extent of DE's ineptitude yet. Almost got another $5 from me when I got my first 75% coupon, but that was during Gradivus when they started showing their true colors.
Also, rip Steam sale minigames and non-card rewards. We didn't get jack for Summer, so I'm not all that hyped for Autumn, but they'd be shooting themselves in the foot if they did nothing but cards for the Winter Sale.
B-but, my Ember doesn't appreciate being held back.
>704073 ▶
It's an interesting change because we get to keep relics for vaulted items AND we can obtain relics for vaulted items after they have been vaulted.
Though it's still DE's rng within rng within rng. The kind of shit that drives the entire game.
wow what the fuck I butchered those links
War Within will save Warframe. Trust me on this one guys I wont let you down again I promise.
what does this even mean
1.All tower keys could be farmed from Excavations which are MUCH faster than def/surv c rotations
2.Old prime parts didnt have to go through THREE rarity checks
3.Tower keys didn't need to be upgraded
Can someone explain this to me? Just ran a random ext as an ember and the others were complaining.
If one of Titania's abilities doesnt make her small you will be culled.
complaining about what? that you killed everyone while rushing through the exit?
embers complain about the same thing when I'm playing equinox.
youre probs a shitter who couldnt kill everything
Yeah, pretty much. I'm not quite sure why
Did you not watch the liestream at all? Her ult is literally "shrink and go into archwing mode". It looks like she'll have her own custom weapons (looks like reskinned Dual Decurion, or that's just what Becca was using) when in the mode, and we don't know if they scale with anything or even what their base damage is.
>tfw when someone in the squad is the same frame as you, and now you suddenly make it a competition of who's better.
if you want to be effective/go fast, just go solo. It's easier than dealing with pub shitters that are opening every locker and/or are on easter egg hunts for insignias.
Soon they'll "rework" accelerant and WoF again. Be prepared.
Kinda wish the buff lasted longer and the effect wasn't so... low res, though. It's almost neat.
They scale.
With your Archishit weapons.
Post your potats
mine coming soon tm
I am pregnant and I want to name my child after a Warframe character. Which one should I pick? Too early to know the gender.
That's fine.