>Can I make enough ISK to PLEX during the trial? If you have to ask, you can't do it.
>I just started, what should I do? Do the Opportunities then find the Career Agents & run all of their missions; they give you ISK, ships, skillbooks and teach you basics. Talk to players and try to find a corp. The game is only as boring as you are.
Past: >Jul 26: AT prizes: covops cruor and covops armor logi ashimmu >Jul 23: Goons moving to Delve, SMA alliance closes >Jul 19: Broski enters QFC, Rote super salty >Jul 18: Billboards submissions open >Jul 07: AT 14 rule changes: 10 players, no cap-transfer, no jumpdessies, blood raider ships encouraged >Jun 29: "Shadow of the Serpent" event begins (shittiest one of the 3 so far), serpentis capitals introduced >Jun 28: Citadel trading, tactical overlay vectors, new implants, legalized drugs, mild NSA nerfs, triage/seige/bastion give ECM immunity, mass fitting tool >Jun 23: RIP sp dailies >May 31: RIP old camera, new multi-use analyzers introduced >May 30: RIP Dust 514 (long live Project Nova) >May 12: Name ships automatically with a saved fit name >May 06: Eve Online 13th Anniversary >Apr 27: Citadels & cap rebalance released. Tears, bugs, etc. RIP rolling yachts. >Apr 21: community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/csm-11-election-results/ >Mar 09: Massive mod tiercides that broke a lot of fits. >Feb 09: SP trading >Foozie makes a bunch of stupid pointless changes (don't ever remove this from the OP, because it is always true)
>want to make the thread to use your oc >the new thread has it anyways
Jackson Reed
>picture what the fuck how did you did i sleep through something
Nathan Reed
thanks for the updated op, op
Juan Moore
Logan Johnson
>if you write eve online on the picture it makes it thread related oc xDD Kill yourselve
Juan Jones
>being this mad
Eli Clark
>nooo let me post offtopic bullshit
Joseph Moore
Are you actually serious, faggot? I'd wager there is probably 60%+ pointless shitposts every single general.
Are you new or something?
Isaiah Moore
Logan Bell
Reposting for the sake of getting more answers.
How do I get into gas reactions? I like huffing, and I've been told that if I turn the gas into polymers can make me far more isk than just huffing.
So far all of the articles/guides I've looked at seem to be pretty dense and complex if I wanna make any big returns. Is the autism of figuring this out really worth what polymers will get me over the raw gas?
Bentley Hall
>Minmatar Optimal bonus
Jeremiah Green
linking old responses so that new ones don't cover same material
Carson Diaz
>what is arty
Kayden Murphy
Easton Gomez
>pulse lasers >2016
Nolan Barnes
>he doesn't know that scorch is the best
John Anderson
>not quad light beam lasers
Hudson Evans
>less range with aurora than scorch pulses
Zachary Butler
purple is boring
Noah Wilson
Arty has garbage optimal, they're far better as falloff
Robert Sullivan
x hard tackle
Henry Reyes
>meme fits
Zachary Murphy
>working fits are now memefits
Carson Price
>that one guy who can't fly a ship without 3 mids
Thomas Gomez
James Powell
>playability (activity flow)
is this dror, or is it someone pretending to be dror?
Josiah Long
Why can't you get over egotism? Not people. Not beings. Enjoy the everything and nothing.
Carter Cruz
dror m8 what's up
Julian Sanders
>500M Wouldn't a shitfit T3 be more fun?
Landon Turner
Your meme fit already got called out for being the price of a whole fleet or other, more capable ships.
Kayden Peterson
>mfw punisher is a really good ship >mfw fags only use it for meme tackle bait
Andrew Myers
why is there a r/eog shitposter
Nicholas Nguyen
Josiah Nguyen
Jordan King
Chase Lee
how about sniping with a ship that doesn't have split weapons
Grayson Miller
Matthew Wright
am i a bad eve player if i never look at the fitting screencaps in this thread or look at the fitting channels in my alliance until i need to do something and realize i have no idea how to fit for it
Lucas Roberts
no most of the people in those places are likely shitfitters or memers dont worry
what alliance btw
Liam Brown
>what are sentries
Chase Fisher
still split weapons, retard
Hunter Powell
It's irrelevant because it's a great fit, and there's been no suggestion for why it actually isn't.
Cameron Morris
it's shit because it sucks
Colton Davis
which ccp devs do you think read /eog/?
Michael Hughes
CCP Mimic
Jason Ward
im not the guy who replied to your fit i was just pointing out drones+hybrids are still split weapons
Lincoln Adams
do you think there are any DoC here?
Oliver Cooper
what's that
Ayden Hughes
Doggos or Canines
Nathan Ramirez
Ryan Ortiz
>price of whole fleet
Lucas Sanchez
A t1 thrasher fleet could fit literally 15 ships for it
Julian Hill
>30m >what are 2m thrashers
your gay fucking punisher is worth FIFTEEN THRASHERS that'll fucking barzoople that thing in five seconds
Elijah Evans
>xe thinks you can pvp for real in anything bellow a cruiser
Mason King
>paper is better than rock
Blake Walker
>haha le ironic 2m thrashers Kill yourselve
Justin Gray
Talwars, then.
David Ortiz
tal wars
Ayden Sullivan
>hasn't fixed the Corax
Logan Taylor
Coolest HAC.
Jason Murphy
the corax is fine. what is there to fix?
Jackson Hughes
Colton Murphy
IIRC, it's speed / mobility is shit while simultaneously being a >missile ninny.
>no economy >no PVP involving loss >no industry >"exploration" is "wow I saw a fucking planet"
Hunter King
>no PvP Fixed.
It supposedly has crafting? So, that's probably an economy and industry.
Evan Gonzalez
The fitting is absolutely garbage, it has the same PG as the kestrel but has to fit 3 more launchers.
It has extremely poor agility and speed.
Fitting is an extreme issue as you can't fit tank and your missiles with a prop in any meta form that isn't the compact models.
Colton Cooper
>why can't I fit large long range weapons with tank and prop on a destroyer
Ryder Stewart
you can do it with every other destroyer.
It has the same PG as the kestrel and has to fit 3 more lauchers. wheres the fucking logic in that
Ethan James
Even with a prop, it's mobility is garbage anyway.
Jonathan Bell
1453 is the max speed with a 5mn compact MWD
that might be the slowest in the game. Even a plated dragoon or coercer is faster
Christian Barnes
>I'll keep complaining about a garbage ship instead of using an available alternative
Camden Price
>this ship is trash >STOP COMPLAINING AND USE A DIFFERENT SHIP using different ships doesn't make the weakest ones better you fag
Brandon Martinez
No, but you fly a better ship.
Carson Myers
no, you cannot. on some of them you have difficulty with just mwd and guns. same shit as with the corax
Blake King
I can get a coercer to do focused beams with a prop no problem The talwar has no problem fitting, the dragoon has no problem fitting. The algos by far has no problem with fitting
Noah Wilson
>some of them >you pick the other ones
Michael Turner
R-rate please
Sebastian Jones
If I wanted economy, industry and pvp I'd go to Elite Dangerous or Star Citizen, which I already have both.
Jonathan James
>elite dangerous
Charles Wood
>Star Citizen
Samuel Mitchell
ED doesn't have a real economy
Jason Watson
It's ok, you can stop shitposting now.
Luis Wood
Right on, CMDR! No grieffing or market gaming in Elite. Who wants to deal with gold sellers? Heck, even CCP encourages gold selling with plex or whatever it is this game uses. Industry is dumb, why can't the game just have modules and ships that I can buy? Why limit it to some stinky dork that sets prices so high that no one can afford anything?
Fly safe CMDR o7
Jackson Torres
What did they mean by this?
Nathan Mitchell
Why do they wear shoes indoors?
Kevin Green
An artistic representation of CCP thrusting their sweaty asses into player's faces, much to their dismay
Noah Bell
7 awakaned patrollers in gas site. no one around to help clear to harvest gas.
Zachary Fisher
It's not some private residence; it's an office building
Jacob Long
Nice post CMDR, very much appreciated in dispelling the toxic eve online environment.
Did you see the devs rolled back some nasty pirates actions? Very nice of them to do that, this is a sandbox game but there should be very strict limits on shooting other people and I think combat strays too far into griefing when it's Player vs Player.
Carson Russell
I want CCP Mimic to sit on my face.
Nathaniel Powell
it does tho and doesn't matter how many times you say it doesn't, it won't change the fact that it does.
also how many systems are in Eve? 100? ED has an entire literal galaxy for you to PvP in.