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Reposting from last thread because it's a good example of why you should use your mic in comp.

>third placement match for comp
>Pick rein because I'm a good rein player and it's always a needed character
>Team picks up usual good characters
>One Hanzo
>Play through match on defense Dorado
>Hanzo is doing okay, but not great
>Ask over mic if he can switch
>Immediately get a response of "Who should I pick"
"We have a Rein, Mercy, Reaper, and Tracer, and bastion why not a lucio as well to help contest them as they push forwards?"
>"Good idea man, I'll swap"
>Does it
>(Holy shit, he listened? Nearly 20 hours as Hanzo main and he switched?)
>Final point
>Enemy McCree and soldier ult and wipe us except Lucio
>Lucio contests the point to the max and we make a push, secure the point, and round ends
>"Damn good work Lucio"
>Switch to attack
>He picks hanzo again
"Maybe not a good idea on attack"
>"Who should be?"
"Roadhog is a good pick since we only have me as a tank and tracer + soldier can do a lot of the damage behind shield"
>Picks D.Va
"That's actually not a bad pick. Good choice"
>I'm constantly doing callouts of where an enemy ran off to that I can't deal with since I'm Rein on point
>See tracer or dva shoot off to kill them
"Dear god this is good team work"
>It's a close match, on the final point and 3 are dead
>Me and D.Va with a mercy left
>D.Va drops the ult and kills the team
>Get that final point
>Win the match
>Team says how they loved that I was using mic and doing callouts and giving strategies for flanking

Really brought a tear to my eye. I hope the last of my placement matches go as well as that one. Made me think of that one image of Our team/Their team with the enemy rein being an ex-WoW raid leader

>patchnotes are lieing
what the fuck ana still has 8 shots mot 10

Mercy, very rarely lucio.


Hana Song!

What actually happened:
>Hanzo would you mind switching to another healer
>no fuck off you switch

>an evil hero

slut junkrat when

I never even bother using my mic under 60. Retards never listen anyway

>this brawl

Fucking nice.

60 tick when?

Regular Junkrat is already a slut

Guys im sick of randoms.
Im a good Lucio, Mei and McCree.
Im playing on EU rank 55 (60).

Add me FamousPimp#2814

McCree actually balanced now?

Is the latest patch with the McCree nerf live? If so fuck blizzard that change shit when people bitch too much and can't adapt

what is it?

>When you shut down the enemy D.Va as Zarya, so they switch to Zarya and you continue to bend them over and make them your bitch.

I can bench more than you.


>how's your competitive experience so far?
>SoloQ or do you assemble a team as best you can?
>Favorite Hero (pick one from offense, defense, tank, and support)


where the fuck is europe patch reee????

I still say it's a little long, I'd put him just about right at the yellow line, then he'd be golden.

Need more costumes. D.Va, Zarya, and Tracer only have shitty alts.

Yes, it is, McCree did have too much range, and it did need to be toned down a little bit, but I didn't think it was a huge priority that they needed a patch just for it, and buffing Ana.

>Buff Ana's rate of fire and capacity
>Don't nerf her ult gain
Witness that Roadhog.

T.Racer is gud

Download it manually.

>Teammate Tracer doesn't even get bronze damage after first half
>Refuses to change

be honest, is it really bad that i go for body shots like 90% of the time as mcree? i'd rather get a shot on target than miss an attempted better one, i go for headshots only on stunned targets or when the enemy is pretty big (basically all characters in the tank section)

Have they said anything about what rank will be displayed? I would assume our best by the end of the season.

I got to rank 62 and got really feverish one night, played down to rank 54 and I have no motivation to do that climb again until season 2, I dunno. I just want to be 60+ and get to 70 next season so I feel like I'm getting better.

I find it best to aim for the upper chest, rather than the head. You have a chance at headshots and you still have the bulk of the character's mass on target

you should generally be aiming higher, literally, but its not exactly like you're forced to

I’m enjoying competitive. Evenly matched games are where this game truly shines

My friends are trash but they’re funny, so I drop about 2 ranks with them in the afternoon but gain about 3 ranks with SoloQ early morning before work. It’s worth it.

Rank 61

Pharah, Junkrat, Winston, ZENYATTA

Roadhog loves Pachimari!

anyone else having framerate problems since ana patch?

I'm a 26 year old black male but I have Mei's body in real life. How could I ever cosplay as Junkrat, Hanzo or Genji?

check for patch does nothing.

what is this week's brawl? im at work, cant check

>Go back and read those patch notes just for shiggles
>"Soul Shard: This item now has a maximum count of 32 in inventory"

I dunno why, but that made me super nostalgic. That game has truly lost its way.

>it's another getting matched up with a 5 stack of shitters who won't switch their group chat to team chat episode
>this episode is exclusive to consoles where typing a message to them is cumbersome in game


Weird, I'm from europe and I got it.

>The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
>Junkrat isn't The Ugly

he's the best analogue to Tuco out of the Overwatch cast

When I get off my ass and draw more.

AC busted, can't turn desktop on or inferno imminent.

>tfw your friends are decent and you're the bad one
>all you can do is healslut for them, and even then they'd be better off if someone of their skill level was doing it
It hurts...

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
McCree, Reaper and Roadhog only

That moment when you suck ass at the game.

What the fuck does Breaking Bad have to do with anything? simpleton

>ABU and ACU

What the fuck am I looking at?


i'm talking about the classic 60's spaghetti western Django Unchained you moron

use the SmartGlass app when you're awaiting respawn and they'll read your message awaiting respawn

unless you have a PS4. In that case enjoy your gookstation

Post yfw you will have to go through the hell of Placement Matches again for the start of Competitive S2

That's every moment.

My placements were fun, but I did them with a 6-person premade so

So far my experience has been I'm putting in all the work and whether I win or lose has to do with how useful are teammates. I'm getting gold in damage and objective kills almost every match, but if my team melts too quickly I can't fight 1v4.

I'm on PC retard

My competitive experience thus far has been me completing my placements and getting ranked at 59, I played another game and now I'm at 58 and I'm kind of scared solo queuing again and getting stuck in the 50's and never getting out

I soloQ'd a lot of my placements, except near the end when I met other Xboners on this general

My favorite hero's were Pharah (Now Mccree) Dumpstermice, a tie between Reinhardt and D.va and I enjoy playing Lucio, I find him so much easier to play then Mercy but I play a lot of Ana on quickplay, it's really fun nanoboosting Zenyatta

Thanks for taking the time to read my life's story if you gave a shit


How do you check who has what medal for the 5 stats in game? I can only see what I have.

I try not to think about it.

>console fags.
>retards so brain dead they had to nerf Torb.
you don't deserve to post.

Holy moly Dva is great that new shield is amazing.

>how is comp
Terrible, played my placements, got 61 and lost every match after dropped down to 56 haven't played since launch week
Mostly solo
Level 89 Comp Rank 56
I played Lucio a lot but DVA has been pretty fun lately

i wonder if there's are of roadhog fucking pachimari haha

WHats that website?

>New D.Va shield
really? i never noticed a difference.

I think you're jealous

Absolutely terrible solo because i keep getting retards. Great when played with friends because we all know how each of us plays. The system is bad though.
A bit of both.
D.Va. If nobody picks a main tank on defense I'll go Rein. Otherwise I play D.Va.

So now that the dust has settled with Ana can owg finally admit that Xbone has the superior comp scene? I play both Xbone and PC but Xbone just has that extra edge if you don't have a 2k computer

Just ask who has what. No other way to check I think.

>26 year old black male
>cosplay as anything except lucio


Blame blizzard pandering to mobababies and redditors who can't into counterplay not the people who share the same system


>this episode is exclusive to consoles

great word choice faggot

pls respond

>join qp to try out new mcreeee
>mei ice walls us into spawn
>insta-quit and bitch about it on Veeky Forums

I just want to have fun.

Speaking of that, they really need to stop counting blocked damage as damage done.

What's the patch for?

I was being ironic, you fucking dolt.


I do and will enjoy my gookstation.

>django unchained
>60's spaghetti western
Stop with these stupid baits

>no chronal whachamawhosit
how is she there?

Did the new patch drastically change anything anyway? McCree wasnt hit too bad and the flashbang buff won't do shit.

>People complain about Genji or Hanzo getting picked and doing nothing
>But they never complain about the useless as shit Pharahs in every other game that pick her regardless of team comp and generally do fucking nothing because she's the #1 Waifu
I fucking hate Pharah and I hope McCree gets nothing but nerfs from now on to make you faggots bleed tears.

I think I figured it out we just gotta BUFF MCREE

>flashbang buff won't do shit.
>can now shoot at the same time the flashbang hits

I just had a rly stinky fart cx

It's her slipstream skin so it's pre-accident.

expect better healing from Ana's, and more MARIE HOME'S A WET BACK

Pharah has no skill ceiling you can just spam rockets and contribute to your team unlike Genji and McCree who have to aim

>Implying D.va doesn't fuck away Zarya's ultimate 9/10 times.

I swear that I can absorb 50% of Zarya's ults when thrown, and the ones I don't I can just Matrix and protect the whole team for the duration.

mccree nerf and ana buffs

I've eaten two Zarya ults today

Can Ana solo heal now?


So how long before "ANA IS TOO OP NOW" crying begins?

> Not switching to Bastion and destroying her wall along with her shit eating grin within 2 seconds

You've only yourself to blame.

Pharah players are just as useless as the instalock hanzo

Running off getting sick plays instead of standing on the point