Are you ready for the worst day of the year for the stock market?
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If stocks and USD do bad, will cryptos rise?
my anus is prepared
when is it? Tomorrow?
How do you know it isn't gonna bounce?
I don't know about the worst day of the year but it doesn't look good.
In 9hrs we shall see.
Oh boy more to buy
I can't sleep
it will be glorious.
So I should short USD?
5 hrs
Sleep now
how do I short Hillary Clinton's lifespan?
Jesus Dow Jones is on fire right now
Veeky Forums i'm scared.. could be this finally be the happening we all waited for?
S E P T E M B E R, T H I R T E E N T H, T W O T H O U S A N D S I X T E E N B.C.
shhh, no tears
only despair now
Why will black monday come now and not after the next 1-3 FED meetings?
Lurker who barely knows shit.
The fuck is going down? Red pill me
seeing as im 100% cash, my body is ready
> not hedging against hyperinflation
Tell me why the market will crash and what the fuck is going on for fucks sake
> not investing 100% of your liquid cash in beanie babies
You know when a little kid doesn't get what he wants he throws a tantrum? Thats exactly what the market is doing right now
I knew those jews at the fed were behind it. First they killed the gold standard now this
the stock market is always a big baby except now it's fat autistic toddler still sucking off the fed teet
Bitch goin on a diet
Doesn't look like anything too bad going on.
>tfw it's another Veeky Forums was wrong episode
Not really. This thread was created to have fun with the idea. I gave a detailed reasoning on why I thought we would be back to record highs by Friday.
If the stock market is so goddamn overinflated and fragile that the mere mention of a possible rate hike by some random board member causes a financial panic, then they fucking deserve it. Fuck, let's just raise rates all the way because it's clear they're going to throw a tantrum regardless of when we shut off their free money.
>not secretly wanting a crash to end all crashes
I don't even care uf the yet another THE BUBBLE'S GOONA BURST happening post on Veeky Forums is right or not
Great call Veeky Forums
Thanks to knowing that you always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums recommends, I made almost a year's salary today. Thanks guys!
>worst day of the year
Do they call it Black Monday because my shares all finished in the black? I guess it was Red Monday for you?
>it doesn't look good
Correct it looks great.
>it will be glorious
Truer words were never spoken.
>could be this finally be the happening we all waited for?
It was! You just got it 360 degrees wrong....
>only despair now
>im 100% cash, my body is ready
Ready to keep waiting on the sidelines while the markets barrel upwards?
I've never heard of a panic that makes the markets go up. Funny picture though. Thanks for the comedy.
>Not really. This thread was created to have fun with the idea.
Oh, so you were just kidding? Yeah, I totally believe that. Good thing I thought you were serious and did the opposite. Thanks man, seriously. You made me a small fortune. Changed my life, in a sense. Honestly, thank you thank thank you. I've never been so happy than when you turned out to be the retard I predicted you were. Wow, what a day.
You are a special brand of autistic
A crash was only narrowly averted because once again the Fed stepped in at the last second and said
>i-it's okay guys, we were just joking
>w-we won't stop loaning you money for free
Two things are clear from this recurring phenomenon:
1.) The Fed has lost meaningful control over interest rates
2.) The market is becoming increasingly volatile with respect to Fed policy
Now the mere mention of the benefits of a rate hike by individuals on the Fed board of directors is enough to send the markets into a frenzy. The stakes are getting higher and higher and this clearly is not going to end well
>Fed has lost meaningful control over interest rates
You are so wrong my face hurts.
Did you listen to the lady talking today at all?
Half of what she says is in intro macro textbooks.
Basically the Fed did it! They are close to their goals of 2% inflation and full employment. Of course full employment is something you can't even hit, because it is a floating number that no one knows. They just guess that it is somewhere between were we are now and zero. She even was asked the question and basically said just that. That full employment is a little lower than we are right now. They don't know. No one does.
Now underneath that entire speech and Q&A something was ringing loud and clear. She was screaming that okay guys we did our part. Congress has to spend more money or start a war or just do something!
>implying that the fed's ZIRP policy isn't based on keeping the stock market propped up
>implying that they didn't commit to raising rates several times this year only to back out when the markets threw a tantrum
You really made 77k in a day? Damn brah
that's why the velocity of money is at an all time low and the definition of employment is so ridiculously banal
you are correct on the fiscal gridlock however
>Anonymous (ID: luyWxlT1) 09/11/16(Sun)21:27:43 No.1497512▶
> I can't sleep
You were cold as ice
Down 1% in half an hour
Pic taken out of context doesn't mean shit. Without showing % of change it could mean anything. Did you double your money? Make .02%?
Fag, now post a pic of how your portfolio did Tuesday
if this isnt it it'll happen after the election
The context is pretty simple: I made almost 80 large simply by doing the opposite of what morons like you said to do.
You want some more context? I made enough cash to buy a Maserati Ghibli, a BMW 6 series, an Audi S7, a Porsche Cayman, or a Tesla Model S ... in one fucking day. Just by doing the opposite of what Veeky Forums recommended.
Is that enough """context""" for you?
Fucktard. How much did you start with? Making 80K on an up day if you have 20MM in equities ain't shit. If you're up 80K when you started with 5K in options is fucking outrageous. Now post how much are you down today. If you're such a bad ass trader why did you snip your positions?
Dude, I made 80K yesterday, I didn't even look at the markets today. I'm too busy celebrating.
Stay jelly.
>shitposting on Veeky Forums
quite the celebration
What do I do?
How can I survive this shit?
Hold cash, be ready to buy cigarettes if dollar starts crashing