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You can clearly see that the lada had problems before the wheel came off but he kept going at a high speed.

I really don't get why in those Russian videos they seem to always haul ass no matter the conditions. It's like they're completely oblivious about what is happening around them and just keep smashing the gas pedal.

hahaha holy shit lol

I thought the wheel came off the car in front at first

No you retard the wheel has already fallen off when the video starts.

because in russia

No one cares about their car
No one ever washes them
No one does any maintenance
No one changes the oil
No one ever uses new parts
No one ever buckles up
No one cares about other drivers
No one obeys any traffic laws
Bigger car = bigger status, I do whatever I want
No one ever checks their mirror before merging, or changing lanes
No one uses turn signals
Drives will cut you off, and make it look like you hit them
Drivers will run from an accident
Drivers will pull over and help others in a minor fender bender
80% of drivers now have dashcams
Everyone drives like shit

sound like america except the dashcam part

>turn down volume


Shit like this is why one lane highways scare the shit out of me. I wonder if the same guy who thought those were a good idea went on to open a shooting range where you shoot at a target a few feet away from another shooter who is shooting back at you.


Whats the big deal? Some woman got killed when a brick hit her. I don't get it.

Holy fuck that is some final destination ass shit right there. Literally what are the fucking odds???

is that a EBR 1190 RX?

im betting that guy didn't have many miles on that bike. thats rough man.

PS hahahahaa holy shit.

>thread title

deserves it for being a bikefag


I thought dashcams were required by law or something

Good try.

You are a fucking idiot, That wheel did not come off that car. She tried to dodge it.

>the wheel didn't come off of the Lada
>that's also the reason why the Lada lacks a wheel and drifts out of frame at the video's end

A truly scary moment between father and son