>be me
>go to college in fall
>just got licensed
>bought 1991 109k miles miata for $2800 as first ever car and first manual car
How'd I do
Be me
Take the paint off those daisies and you're breddy gud/10
Have you checked the VIN/engine bay to see if it's a short nose crank?
Fuck that looks like a huge garage.
>$2800 for a Miata
these prices make the car not even worth it anymore lol
good work
treat it well
just as good as every other college student with a miata.
Depends how it was taken care of. I bought a Miata for $1500 and it was the biggest piece of shit ever. It kept overheating so I replaced the waterpump, timing belt, radiator, spark plugs. No good. Still over heating.
Tested it and found the headgasket had a leak, so I cracked it open and replaced the headgasket. No good still overheating. So I finally open it back up again and find that the head has warped.
I was planning on swapping out the engine until the clutch catastrophically failed on me and exploded. I junked it after that.
Oh and I didn't even mention all the leaks. Oil cooler, rear crank seal, and valve cover gasket all leaking.
I wish I could buy a miata for $2800. Where I live all these faggots want to sell their stock miatas for $4500+
Pretty lame, but at least its manual and rwd so pull some hektik skidz in it and have fun.
It was owned by an actual certified mechanic who meticulously cared for it
>things that didnt happen
>wanting to purchase a 20+ year old gutless shitbox
im considering miata
one im looking at has these problems
>tailshaft housing seal is seaping oil
>front rotors are done
>a/c compressor makes noise but the a/c still works fine
what do i do or offer
Not what he's asking. These faggots Acting like a miata is worth over 3k are retards miata is one of the most common two seaters ever made
That's good, I hear they can be pretty reliable. I hope you have a better experience than me.
First mod=GET A ROLL BAR.
>get miaa
>go to track
>surrounded by miatas
>every miata driver a shithead
>audibly sigh
Takumi never had to deal with these feels
>friend has a miata
>hes a shithead
Im starting to see a sign here. I just hope they stick to their miatas
What are some of the first mods people should do to a mistake if they want perormance
i own a miat and i still lol'd
No girls/10
>two seater in college
Op is a moron
You can only sit in one seat at a time.
that makes sense since your on here you probably dont have any friends nor will you make any in college
>wanting to taxi niggas
nah nigga
>not wanting to
>(You) no (You)
Boku no brtuuuyrwms ttrpg famalam you'll never know the good feels
1.8 miatas in europoor go for ~$5k
That's k you have way better cars in Europe , miata is for poor Americans who have to choose a shot box over the complete garbage they have there
what? that's what a low mile miata is worth in good conditon, >2k is gonna have something wrong with it most likely.
That is the price for any older working car with low miles, the fuck is wrong with you, do you know how much a dollar is worth?
Congrats, all of the boys in your theatre class will love riding with the top down
How did you know I was theatre major
You bought a miata
>theatre major
as long you recreate the commercial you gonna be fine.
Been thinking about buying a NB Miata 1999 with 145k miles on that B. He wants 2700 but I think I want it for 2000
Should I Veeky Forums or is NA better?
NB is objectively a superior car but NA has muh pop ups
$2700 doesn't sound bad for a running NB
It's on pretty good shape as well going to go take a look at it soon
Dumb nogger
My 2013 GTI has to be turned in in two weeks, is @ 42k miles /36k mile lease.
Grandparents just gifted me their 1991 Miata with 90k original miles
bus riding euro cuck detected
autotragic!! do some hektik neutral drops for me m8
And one who apparently never leaves the house. Only stupid American kids, Australians, and brain damaged Europeans don't know about all of Europe's shit cars. They think everything is a BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Audi, or Ferrari.
hardtop bro, get one
Shut up , Drew.
My phone also autocorrects Miata to mistake.
it's just a tiny car, not a huge garage. I'm not saying I'm some jacked up roid monkey, but I'm pretty sure I can flip one of these things myself. One man riot
That's why it's considered a smart phone