My shifts changed from 9-6 to midnight to 9. Any tips on not passing out? Going to be in front of a computer, but there is coffee at least.
My shifts changed from 9-6 to midnight to 9. Any tips on not passing out? Going to be in front of a computer...
Tell your general physician that you just go changed to a hard night shift and you find it hard to stay awake throughout.
Should give you some modafinil or amp to get through.
Adjust to your new sleeping schedule and become nocturnal.
Stay on your routine on weekends. It is really easy to fuck up you sleep schedule on the weekend.
I'm in a gap where I'm uninsured since I just started this job.
I was planning on doing this, but I need to make it through tonight at least.
11pm to 7am employee here.
Monster energy before your shift, 8-10 beers after your shift is finished.
Thank me later.
>Needing insurance to see a general doctor
>a first world country
Coicain, Duh!
Actually a few months ago I got food poisoning from chipotle. Nothing Ecoli level, but it was bad enough to wreck me for a week. Since I was broke I've got that Federal health care thing, I called and they said I could see a doctor in a month. If it was an emergency then I'd have to go to the ER and spend 500+ outta pocket minimum.
I just let it run it's course and prayed it wouldn't get worse.
Go to sleep now. Just try until your shift.
Look up "Modafinil" OP.
Welcome to the good old US of A.
Black out curtains
No caffeine after 3 am.
It will take you a few weeks to get use to the shift, and I recommend covering your eyes when you do go to bed because you're brain doesn't produce melatonin when it is light outside even through closed eyelids. After that, it is really all will power, because coffee will only get you so far. Maybe eating clean, nutritiously will add to your energy, and help balance out your body, but it is still pretty hard.
Source: I've worked more over night jobs in recent years than I care to admit one even being from 9pm-9am.
everyone here has given you really shit advice.
night owl that can barely ever sleep here.
to completely fuck up your sleep schedule and shit to nightwalker mode:
1. nap as MUCH as you can through the day before you want to swap.
2. Diphenhydramine will do the hard part for you and keep you out for HOURS,common ingredient in cheap sleeping pills. at 6'3 and 250lbs it takes 8 pills (25mg each) to drop me without a tolerance. a good dose of this will knock you out for 12-15 hours, if you take too much you will continue to feel groggy past the 24hr mark and want to keep napping. if you take -too- many you will get body aches and it will be hard to focus eyesight on things. I suggest 2-3 doses (4-6 pills) to insure you go to sleep and stay asleep for a good amount of hours, then re-dose if you wake up too early. Goal is to sleep through entire night and at least half the day.
3. when you wake up and its 6-7pm, consider this your morning. get some food, shower, do whatever. when night hits and the world dies put on a movie or fuck around online, whatever. 4am should hit sooner than you expect and then dawn will follow close behind. Get a monster or something to push through the last few hours, your body will tell you its tired because it realizes you've been up all night.
4. when 11am hits (or whenever you intend to start sleeping with your night schedule) go to bed, get 8 hours. use more diphenhydramine if necessary but be careful, dont want to be groggy during ur night shift at work.
congrats, now you've fucked your entire schedule up and will be a nightowl.
i like the equate sleep-aid that comes in a bottle with 365 tablets, 10 bucks @ walmart. clear plastic jar with purple cap, purple pills and white/purple label.
Melatonin is shit and wont do anything for someone trying to move their sleep cycle around.
I do however agree to blacking out your windows. its a bitch trying to sleep with light coming in.
buy modafinil online then, its pretty cheap.
final thoughts - i would suggest you find a new job. being a nightwalker is very lonely and I really don't recommend it. I wouldn't do it if I had any say in the matter.
I'm a constant night owl not because i want to, but because of trouble sleeping for various reasons, and being self employeed means I don't have a boss or job forcing me to be awake at 9am.
if you have any forms of depression (i do) it will severely amplify it more than likely.
as a fellow night owl I did this same routine in reverse hours of the day to become a daywalker.
Foil your windows
Get a lamp alarm clock. Mine was like $90 but totally worth it
Energy drinks will get you through the first couple of shifts, but tea is a better long term solution
Keep your schedule on weekends
Try to eat breakfast as soon as possible when you wake up
Wear sunglasses on your drive home
Try to get off that shift as soon as possible. Set a 90/120 day goal if it's reasonable to do so.
Most insurance is retroactive from the date of hire. If you can afford to pay in cash and wait for reimbursement, ask your boss how it works.