why is it so rare for billionaires to have dogs? I actually think zuck is the only one
Why is it so rare for billionaires to have dogs? I actually think zuck is the only one
Honestly, what point is there in owning a dog?
They have real friends
>what is the point of a companion genetically programmed to be loyal at any cost
probably because they have really busy schedules and cant afford time for that (unless you are an oil sheikh in which case you keep tigers and camels)
So are you saying you want something loyal to you?
Is that the need you are feeling?
Look dude, millions of people around the world own dogs, and we've done this for thousands of years. It's very normal to like dogs and want one as a pet. Are you autistic?
No, just never owned/wanted a dog. Always saw it as just another mouth to feed.
My guess...
Because they're more globally mobile than poor people and customs laws don't make it easy to travel with animals
Wow Zuck really did marry a dog
It's quite common for Kings and Queens to own dogs.
fuck facebook and fuck mark zuckerberg
he will go down in history as a loser
no he won't tyler. he will be the first to have a 1 trillion net worth
t. facebook shareholder bootlicker faggot
and fail to capitalize on it.... fun to see him with such an ugly girl.
I live in the Netherlands and the Dutch monarchy is said to own 25% of Shell. And large parts of Unilever, Philis and KLM, The Rotterdam harbor etc.
Although there hasnt been a word about their stocks and finances for half a century.
Plus they own a dog.
I wish tech eventually starts rewarding alpha chads with success rather than autist betas like zuck. The only thing is that to be a very good programmer you pretty much have to be a bit of an autist so they'll be the main people who comprise successful self-coded startups.
Because they're money pits and arbitrary extra work. That and billionaires (and millionaires) tend to have nice things which animals will invariably destroy and they hold you back from traveling.
Dog is not gold-digger.
>could have any woman he wants
>could spend the rest of his days fucking prime 19 year old pussy
>could spend the rest of his days fucking girls even younger than that if that's his thing
>instead marries Chung
if that's not love then I don't know what love is
>Obviously never owned a dog
>implying he doesnt fuck a harem behind his wife's back
I like dogs and would consider getting one when I retire. But taking care of a dog in your 20's or 30's seems indicative of having too little to do and spending to much time at home
Also the Dutch state owns ABN AMRO for 80%.
He married her for connections in China you dingus. Her family is influential.
biggest waste of money ever
enjoy staying poor
>Always saw it as just another mouth to feed.
Odd, I've never seen a dog like that. Studies have shown those with dogs are less depressed.
Eh, don't be so reductionist. They've been dating for a long time, and there's really nothing wrong with him dating her. A nice relationship trumps fucking vapid models, and trust me, I've done some of the latter. Some of the worst sex I've ever had was with a girl who posed in a lad mag.
With that said, as a dude with a shameful thing for Asian chicks, I'm not sure why he didn't pick a hotter one.
Also dogs are the absolute shit, as are cats. Part of my life goal is to have a ton.
Most billionaires are greedy psychopaths who don't care about animals. Same with most politicians. Putin loves his dogs while Merkel hates them. You can tell a lot about a person from the way they treat animals.
Is Putin really a bro?
>I want to believe
Many wealthy people don't do that, if you actually read millionaire next door
don't sleep around I mean
the point is to feel good and be happy.
Because they're a disgusting pleb-tier pet.
I own a dog and I have more money than all you combined.
Dogs dont care how much money you have.
>listening to others to assume normative opinions
This is the thought that drives us into a regressive state, and likened to the actions of niggers.
He's probably just autistic.
In fact, evidence would prove this theory.
It sublimates feelings that modern humans are incapable of expressing.
I.e. I love my son, but I don't want people to think I'm a queer for loving my son, so I express affection towards something that won't talk to me back.
>thinking people will think he's a loser
You're just a contrarian faggot that can't think clearly.
Because your father predicated your life, and you're incapable of loving him unconditionally.
Dude he loves animals just look up putin and animals online
He's clearly an autist though. Why is it that autists tend to be the best programmers. I dream of a silicon valley filled with chads but it's all just a bunch of spergs and ugly mofos.
>Dogs dont care how much money you have.
Actually they do, because it's only organic human grade food for my dog. Every few days he gets an nice piece of grass fed bone in rib eye to chew on from my personal chef.
It's a front to his public image. To make him seem more humanizing in contrast to his more sociopathic tendencies. He is highly intelligent and more dangerous than people give him credit for.
only poor fags would care about that
>be 6
>beg mommy and daddy for dog for 3 years
>get one for christmas !!
>a boxer puppy
>read book on how to own boxer
>read book on how to train dog
>walk her everyday by the river
>dog and I have good cardio
>feed her
>pick up shit in backyard (didnt sign up for this)
>she is my loyal companion
>she can shake a paw, walk leashless, does not bark
>obeys fucking HAND COMMANDS because 11yo me is cesar milan
>complimented widely about dog
>bring her in stores, in people's houses
>one day I wake up early, usually sleep in
>see my mom and dog by front door
>mom taking her to be put down
>i understand why, dog is suffer
>hold her as she dies
>never felt so terrible, feel like i let my dogbro down
>family members die, dont blink or care
>think about dog everyday
>regret not being able to fix her leg or at least kill her myself
i cant answer your question just what it was like for me.
>personal chef
>not mummy making tendies
Dogs don't like sociopaths/psychopaths.
Why would you dream of that?
You are a NEET and a jew if you can't afford to provide for a trusty companion.
Bet you spend thousands on vidya and cryptos too lol
Jew here, we love dogs. pls don't group us in with these fucking dog hating weirdos.
Having a dog can be nice but most of the time they're just a burden. Speaking both in financial and practical terms. Food, toys, boarding, training they require all this and near constant monitoring. For someone who doesn't have adequate circumstances to care for a dog they're impractical and difficult. I love dogs and owned one for many years, he was a good dog but i had to get rid of him since i lost my home. Sucked at first but i enjoy the amount of freedom i have without him.
Nice story
Because I'm sick of the image of programming/tech as being a refuge for losers. It needs more chads to liven it up.
He especially did that PR campaign photo shoot to leave a positive impression on plebs like you.
Hitler loved animals, too, you know.
I'm not saying Hitler is bad or anything, but just...you know
Blondi was a good dog
I know that feel bro. I had to put down my dog and I feel guilty for it.
He married this girl because she's legitimately the first woman who touched his dick. The Social Network heavily understated how much of a loser he was. At least that's the story that's known around harvard.
>ugly wife
Why do this...
Why buy something that makes almost as much trouble/mess as an infant, yet can never talk to you and will die within 15 years?
you think he cant fuck them while married? cmon kid (nothing personnel)
>zuck will not die in your lifetime
Lol, right? I think it's the hours they keep. Personally if i cant travel with my bigass lab and blue healer yalls business deals can suck my dick. I dont have kids and in fact got cut 5 days ago. Those 2 are my kids essentially. Love them to death. That being said i know about 10 or so multimillionaires and they all have dogs. My dad's net worth is about 1.5 mill give or take and he has a pet cow. Not even shitting. He put a fence up cause he has a bigass yard and put one steer out there and i got it to warm up to me and be a pet. When u drive out there he gets all excited and has put 2 dents in my truck. He's an asshole. He jumps around wanting to play and then will put his head in my chest and push me backwards until i fall or root me like 4 feet in the air and watch me eat shit. Then just fucking stand the and buck all over the place. He's a little prick. I figured he was lonely so sometimes i'll bait the neighbors cows and let 4 or 5 of them in there with him for a couple days. That seems to calm him down.
>Sir Loin
>he is a dick
Shit user. Get uba puppy. They dont eat much and the rewards are 10 fold.
Nah, just make sure they got a big yard and u have more than one so they aren't lonely. My 2 get along pretty well. It's definately a mood enhancer having something spazz out so autistically because you just came home from work like you do every fucking day.
True. And the way their animals act.
People i know with a lot of money have a rule when doing business. If they can get to meet their pets without being weird about it they do. If someone has 4 dogs that greet you at the driveway then they are a shoe in. If someone has 5 viscious attack dogs that wont listen to the owner and fuckoff u can bet the owner is a cunt.
Pfff. What do u do for a living user?
>pic related.
>my faggot dogs.
I feel for u user. Had a few dogs like that myself. I got crippled for life and my poor lab is getting fat now. Trying to build him and my mutt healler a pen so i can bring them to work and let them run some during the day. If the weather's nice these assholes will wear themselves nearly to death swimming. My lab is half boxer. I applaud u on training such an autistic fucking breed. Their goofy mutherfuckers but they are loyal.
WE WON'T JEW user. not so long as you stay away from my shekles.
I'm kinda lucky i guess. Brother and sister inlaw live next door. O got 2 dogs and they got 3. We both got descent sized fenced in yards. We intentianally feed our dogs the same food so we can dogsit at the drop of a hat. Neither of us are rich so unless they take a vacation for a week its only ever an overnight thing. Lol, we taking a cruise in may. God help the poor bastard dumb enough to house sit and watch 5 autists for a week!
10 times as loyal as a kid. Kids wantwantwant need need throw fits. Dog just wants u to love it. This is why i got cut 5 days ago. Well, that and ima fucking break my wife in 60 days. Lol
>10 times as loyal as a kid
Because their intelligence is subpar, and they won't get any smarter.
>Dog just wants u to love it
see above
Holy fuck dog owners are truly needy as fuck. Mommy didn't give you enough attention when you were little?
>never owned a dog detected
You edgelords are probably the same people who think marriage is a meme
>l have more money than all you combined
t. every neet on Veeky Forums
If you don't have a dog it can't fuck your wife.
If you were in his situation, what would you choose?
A. Stick with the woman he was dating since before he became a billionaire.
B. Drop her and try to find a woman who isn't just interested in his money.
I think the reason is they are very busy with their business and professional life.