/hsg/ hearthstone general

Puffy Edition

>SeatStory Cup V
twitch tv/taketv_hs

>Deck lists, news etc:

>Arena Help

>Open Tournaments:

>Deck Tracker:

Old thread

Other urls found in this thread:


FFS you lazy pieces of shit. SeatStory Cup has been over for days and you can't even bother to delete it when making a new thread.

Well you see here user, most of the time Yogg is gonna be more beneficial than harmful since if you chuck 9 spells before casting Yogg you have 9 spells flinging around. More hilarity if Yogg decides to copy himself

Why doesn't leokk have a glowing aura?

Because Rexxar is a faggot.

Waiting warmly for the Hamuul user to complain about lack of tauren heroes.

Why do we still not have a Tauren hero? Hamuul when?

Would a pauper (basic/common only, maybe rares) hsg tournament be interesting or would zoo and fiery war axe poop all over that kind of restriction?

mage would win

How to fix Hearthstone Standard

DISCOVER mechanic becomes evergreen.
SECRETS mechanic becomes evergreen and all classes gain access to them.

Neutral cards moved to Classic
>Nerubian Egg
>Sludge Belcher
>Zombie Chow
>Reno Jackson
>Sir Finley Mrrgglton
>Justicar Truehearth (all the powers are re-ajusted for balance)

Hunter cards moved to Classic
>King's Elekk
>Steamweedle Sniper
>Call of the Wild

Paladin cards moved to Classic
>Muster for Battle
>Shielded Minibot
>Keeper of Uldaman
>Anyfin Can Happen
>Murlock Knight

Druid cards moved to Classic
>Darnassus Aspirant
>Living Roots
>Raven Idol
>Fandral Staghelm

Warrior cards moved to Classic
>Death's Bite
>>Grim Patron (becomes Warrior class only)
>Alexastra's Champion

Mage cards moved to Classic
>Arcane Blast
>Mad Scientist (becomes Mage class only)

Priest cards moved to Classic
>Velen's Chosen
>Dark Cultist
>Museum Curator

Rogue cards moved to Classic
>Tinker's Oil
>Unearthed Raptor
>Tomb Pillager
>Undercity Huckster

Shaman cards moved to Classic
>Ancestral Knowledge
>Lava Shock
>Tuskarr Totemic
>Totem Golem
>Tunnel Trogg

Warlock cards moved to Classic
>Dark Peddler

basic set tourney could be fun

>Mad scientist

Kill yourself.

thats the first time i hide a post in /hsg

Cancer Shaman and the various other related cards should not be standard.

I didn't knew that this shitty quest could be given even if there was no TB out yet. Well, I hope that this week TB will be a quick one, I've already used my reroll for the day

>yrw its a party OC adventure with retarded legos like Lightlord

>Shaman has the only deal 4 damage spell
>already so fucking broken they don't even run it
Holy shit what a joke

You lazy piece of shit can't even make a new thread. Fuck off.

>Making a thread before the other thread died

You still think we are an active general huh?

Can you imagine if recruit pack rewards were infinite? I would be making 10 packs a day

Do you want taurens to become another face of cancer? Wish granted.

I just left that there because you get mad at it every there.

That's also a good point.

...Druid is cancer???

>Every there

Beggars can't be choosers, lazy ass. Do it yourself or don't complain.

Only pirate warrior and budget zoo would be played
>Nerubian Egg No
>Sludge Belcher No
>Loatheb Yes
>Deathlord Yes
>Zombie Chow No
>Reno Jackson NO
>Sir Finley Mrrgglton yes
>Justicar Truehearth (all the powers are re-ajusted for balance) yes if what on parentesis is applied well (Aka no more 4 armor for fedora tippers)

Hunter cards moved to Classic
>Webspinner Sure, I love that lil nigga
>King's Elekk Ok
>Steamweedle Sniper lmao who cares
>Call of the Wild No

Paladin cards moved to Classic
>Muster for Battle NO
>Shielded Minibot GODDAMN NO
>Keeper of Uldaman alright
>Anyfin Can Happen ok
>Murlock Knight ok

Druid cards moved to Classic
>Darnassus Aspirant k
>Living Roots Sure
>Raven Idol Sure
>Fandral Staghelm Sure

Warrior cards moved to Classic
>Death's Bite Honestly no
>>Grim Patron (becomes Warrior class only) I'm okay with keeping it but just leave it neutral so Firebat can keep on playing his Patron Miracle Malygos Yogg Druid
>Alexastra's Champion Without the other dragon sinergies I doubt it'll be worth it but k

Mage cards moved to Classic
>Arcane Blast Ok
>Flamewalker kys
>Mad Scientist (becomes Mage class only) CHOKE ON A THOUSAND DICKS FAGGOT

Priest cards moved to Classic
>Velen's Chosen No
>Lightbomb No
>Dark Cultist Ok
>Museum Curator Ok

Rogue cards moved to Classic
>Tinker's Oil Ok
>Unearthed Raptor Ok
>Tomb Pillager Ok
>Undercity Huckster Ok

Shaman cards moved to Classic
>Ancestral Knowledge
>Lava Shock Alright
>Tuskarr Totemic If we must...
>Totem Golem kinda ok

Warlock cards moved to Classic
>Imp-losion You must be Satan himself in disguise
>Demonwrath k
>Dark Peddler k

speaking of seatstory can't believe j4ckie almost won lol

I was waiting for the thread to die off faggot.

I'm from the future

every time some shitter responds you just know what cancer deck they play

How long does the Pokemon go hype last?

What do I play then?

For 8 months before the first case of mass deaths during volcano eruption

Last thread is still on the board and you had full hour to make new thread. Waited for too long, slowpoke?

What? Do you have zero reading comprehension?

Is J4ckie our guy? I thought it was Pinpingho

It seems you play Nzoth decks, mainly rogue and priest. Also memerange shaman.

Do YOU have zero reading comprehension?

Last thread isn't dead retard.
No idea why you felt the need to make a new thread before the last one died and now you are crying like a pussy because someone said you were a lazy piece of shit.

>2 days till the announcement
>nothing to do until then

Hi there, idiot. I think I've already seen you retarded loud ass here in /hsg/. Waiting for threads to die off? How cuck is that.

>that unrelated answer trying to move the goal post

It seems that really you don't have any reading comprehension....

This general is dead as fuck m8

Did you grind out your autismo 30 wins card pack today?
Or, did you get all four recruit a friend packs?

It seems you can't even follow the reply threads m8. Explains why you still have seatstory cup in the OP. Because you are retarded.

BestMageEU#2304 (EU) if anyone have the 80 gold quest and want to share it with me, add me :)

i got the recruit packs it wasnt that bad but i cant get myself to grind 30 wins for a measly 100 gold

So what. Apparently, you are one of the things that kill these threads, with shitposting and letting threads die slow silent death for hours.

This thread isn't dying cause of the poster, this thread is dying because the game is stale as shit.

BestMageEU#2304 Play a friend (EU)

First one gets it

>first game on OTK priest and you queue into and beat worgen warrior
feels smug man


This guy has been spamming reddit/hsg and im pretty sure he is posting on the forums too

Friendly reminder that this guy is not an user and you should not give him anything but a fuck you in the face

>Hiding rank
>Most likely casual play

Havent played this pathetic disgusting excuse of a game in over a week.
Finally getting over my stockholm syndrome with the game.

Can you mail me your dust?

just cos the usernames friendo but I'll be honest it's only rank 9

You got le epic trolled.


Giving the best head all day every day. Add me right now

>all this shitposting

Just shut the fuck up, anyway, I have 5 accounts with the Play a Friend 80 gold quest, names:




Ok master user. Can you conjure me 80 gold on EU then?

I hope none of these are real battletags, because they're awful


Since just spamming Zoolock is such a high standard of skill isn't it?

>not playing versus yourself for maximum gold profit
step up senpai

Show me your legend cardback bro
I'll erp you while Nozdormu pounds my rope if you got it





These shitposts are making me thirsty.

mfw in the four matches I played as C'thun druid, I never actually saw my C'thun. Not during mulligan and never in my hand before I died with less than 10 cards still in my deck. Granted, I suck and the deck sucked but that was fucking bullshit.
>get moar card draw
Loot hoarder, Wrath, Starfalls, Azure drakes, Nourish. What else can you do?

Ancient Harbinger

NA or I would sorry friend

new adventure when?

>What's Shadow Bolt?

two days

It's goddamn impossible to leave rank 15 or what?
It seems that people that swim in legendaries camp those ranks for easy wins.
In meantime the best shit I get from packs are Harbringers and Kidnapper 3 times in a row.
The only legendary from new edition I have is Herald.
Everyone in those ranks are Control Warriors/Mages with full set.

And don't go with "just make an aggro sham/lock" because everyone expects them since those are the only decks that do not cost a fortune.

Reposting /hsg/ predictions for WotOG

Some people underrated zoo goodness. You did better than Kripp at least.

Good decks like zoo and shaman don't even need legos

a 3 mana card

>And don't go with "just make an aggro sham/lock"

All warriors/mages need to do is just tank up and then slam everything with cheap AOE.
Almost every deck has them now because chances of meeting aggro beggars are high.

>be f2p poorfag
>stuck at rank 12 with shitty dragon mage
>decide to craft a zoolock deck since I only miss 2 commons and 3 rares
>reach rank 5 in 2 days

craft a zoo deck senpai. JUST DO IT

That's normal damage formula for spells. Overload 1 is roughly equal to 0.5-1 mana.

Why is Stormcrack getting more popular when you can't target face with it?

Concentrate on making a full deck instead of getting the basic cards for everything it'll be easier to rank up and then you can craft the other cards with the dust from the rank 5 chest

Interesting, where the cards rated from 1 to 5?
How was it done?

Yeah, didn't read that part. Most good decks don't run many legendaries and their contribute nothing against aggro besides Veklor. Mages only use Yogg and Tony, maybe Reno if it's freeze. On top of that mages don't have good cheap AoE outside flamewanker big turn.

basically the entire meta decks

It doesn't matter that they're expected, zoo lock and aggro shaman are good because they play so fast that counter decks outright can't draw the answers they need most of the time.

It's a good fast removal. We take ability to target heroes for granted but in fact it's added value.

I just quit playing for now because 4 control warriors just went perfect Axe>ghoul/whirlwind>execute>finishers and shit all over my stuff.
I could the same shit but I obviously lack the basic cards like "le 4 armor lady" and all my potential Gorehowls were taken by Kidnappers.


>4 yogg druids in last 5 matches ranks 10 to 8
what the meme

>maybe Reno if it's freeze. On top of that mages don't have good cheap AoE outside flamewanker big turn.

Do you think 6 and 7 mana is cheap AoE?

Is double Doomsayer, double Pyro Equality, double Truesilver, double Peacekeeper and double Uldaman really still not enough for Paladin to consistently reach Turn 8 for Tirion 3-rag Nzoth rubbish?

If you draw them before you die sure.

they actually plan to bring mechs in standard, also belcher ayy

>tfw I dusted Mrrgl and Elise for enough dust to craft two Doomhammers
>tfw the hammers feel great but I still feel a little empty inside, especially with the threat of certain old cards not cycling out

You can't be more wrong. I play midrange warriors (both tempo and dragon), yogg druid and tempo mage mostly.

Nope, but one fiery war axe, ghoul and execute is enough. Makes you think, yeah?

Also midrange hunter

If you deny yourself death's bite and flamewaker then you are masochist.