Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
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Done with the other degrees I'm working on, out of my law firm, and likely working in a business trying to make it amazing. Without getting into my finances too deeply, I'll also have paid off all student loans, the remainder of my car, and maybe my condo (doubt doing that, I'd rather have the cash free).
I'd also like to be dating someone and close to marriage, but lol let's be real that shit isn't gonna happen.
I just started working for a teeny tiny IT contractor that's expanding very quickly. In 5 years I can definitely see myself as a partner or I can jump ship to land a senior role with another company. Within 5 years I would like to be engaged to my gf but depends on how our careers are going.
Well, i will start working at MC Donalds tomorrow earning $260 per month (yes third world), i really don't know where i will be and i worry a little about that.
We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, Now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.
>getting married
I wish you luck as a fellow third worlder
I hope I'll finish university and start working in a foreign IT firm
>I'd also like to be dating someone and close to marriage, but lol let's be real that shit isn't gonna happen.
so refreshing to hear from a normal human being on this board. All these neckbeards with the "no marriage" meme gets so old after a while.
Retired, meng. That really is the goal, am I right?
Banging my 27-33 yo fashion designer girlfriend.
Have a career that I'm proud of.
Doing your....son?
Hopefully dea- whoops, wrong board.
Hopefuly rich, I guess?
Depends if I can find someone to invest in me or loan me money. Most likely I'll end up homeless and sucking dick for drug money. Don't know, maybe I can find a job in some factory, I wouldn't mind that. It's difficult trying to convince people that you have pretty much found a way to print money when millions of people before you have attempted the same thing and failed.
Thank you.
Graduated from Mech. eng., having done my year abroad in Japan, totalling 6 languages, hopefully land an international sales or consulting job at a Multinational, making some good cash and investing most of it, hopefully have a business on the side
Fucking your wife.
>recently divorced
rich as fuck
Probably deployed.
Came to post this. : )
Haha. Take it from someone who's been married for a year now, DONT FUCKING DO IT.
Why tho?
Jumping off a building
>thanks Robinhood
Pic related or dead
Six years older
>Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
im european, so: in a uniform liberating Konstantinople after 500 years of muslim occupation.
Finished with MBA, 7 years of work experience in pharma industry under my belt, over 100k in retirement, married, making 6 figures annually, 30 years old.
Feelin pretty good about the future
Almost done with medical school or if I don't get in, working on a PhD in genetics, preferably in Estonia in their University of Life Sciences.
Or back to NEET welfare sponging if my mental health gets considerably worse. I think I'm past the mean age of manifestation for schizophrenia in men, but my mental health deteriorates year after year so who knows.
>working part time shitty entry level call centre job
>recovering after a previous job loss, along with depression and breakdown, from 3 years ago
>tiny bit of savings, 20k in stocks and stuff
>have no fuckin idea
>unemployed welfare drunk, likely slowly dying from alcohol poisoning
It's a little ambitious yes, but i will be debt free in april with cars that will last well over the next 10 years. I'll likely purchase a family member's house for 30k interest free at $400 a month starting next may, but i will still have 2 rentals and begin shopping for a 4th house so i can borrow against those two and keep them leveraged. Diligently work on credit score, borrow against my real estate every 6 months rather i need it or not as a hedge against law suits, casually shop property while investing all extra income from rent, borrowing against houses, and 40k of our personal income until we can clear 100k a year cash and retire while livong off 50k ind growing the rest well beyond inflation. Probably diversify into trading stock options and buying oil leases when it's low like it is now. A good friend of mine has a small oil field company and i was raised on a drilling rig so i lnow my shit. Sadly it's too volitile for me to trust as a first investment. Let alone the tax loopholes for real estate are astounding.
I've been practicing mold making for various cement lawn ornamwnts and fountains and i'm working on my 4th and largest foundry for casting aluminum, brass, bronze etc... anything that pays. I'd like to get a small foundry business going in my hometown so people see me as a "business man" instead of just another slum lord.
Like illegal money printing or an investmwnt idea user?
Hopefully dead
Successful. If not successful probably dead.
On the other side of an elite MBA program and a rotation in Japan.
banging your wife
Elon Musk tier.
Balding and one of your sons dying from SIDS?
That's my wife's son and don't talk about him.
Making enough money to live comfortably and travel the world.
well I'm on a full scholarship and getting my masters in finance so if all goes well I'll either be rolling in cash in New York or London, or else I'll be teaching finance classes at my local university in Charleston. Either way, comfy life due soon
Finishing up my CPA designation while planning to open my own small-town firm. A kid, or a kid on the way. A modest home. And maybe even a rental property.
I'll need a cpa when i make it big user. The one i have charges 600 bucks to do basic taxes and he is a misserablw cock. Cant stand his ass. U live anywhere near Kansas?
26. making 220k a year. owning an apartment around the tempe beach park area. work/life balance is finally working itself out, on my way of obtaining a bachelors
>220k a year
Doing what?