How do you increase you credit score? I shouldnt be on fair i should be in excellent ive never missed a days payment what the fuck is going on? On top of that I have 3 positives and 0 negatives! I should be at LEAST in the good. Can anyone explain please
How do you increase you score fast?
>september 2016
>still falling for the credit score meme
its not a meme i just got declined and somehow im in fair and shouldnt be
>being a jew enabler
You dont
i mean they are useful for buying homes and swinging your high score dick over your friends.
is this some weird Canadian credit score or something?
because I bought a $150k house in the US with a credit score of 650 and two bankruptcies on my record.
Now I'm all the way up to 750 and I have about $50k in available credit on my cards and constant offers of 0 interest for 2 years.
Answer these questions first:
1) What is the credit limit of your revolving debt?
2) How much revolving debt do you have outstanding?
3) How long has your oldest active credit card account been open?
4) Do you have any other debt (mortgage, car loan, student loans)?
I have no debts
I finished paying off one loan recently
Student loan starts next week first one ive ever taken
Take out at least a 10k loan with at least a 10 yr payment schedule. Pay off said loan within two months. Watch credit score spike more than 20 points. Repeat as needed
Well you probably have a low credit score due to limited credit history then. Get a credit card, use it a little bit every month (utilize no more than 20% of your total credit limit) and pay it off in full every month. This won't exactly be a fast way to raise your credit score, but it should start creeping up every month.
20 points is that it? ffs this credit thing is bullshit
No, his idea is bullshit.
im 29 fucking points of good i just want to buy a computer on finance and pay it off within fucking 24 months, but they declined and the guy said check experian i go experian and now im getting all this fucking hassle, this has never happened before and total bulllshit
isnt there some guide on how to do this like how much poiints you get and over waht period of time? How many points do you get if your not in debt for a month? Is there somewhere to find out? Why dont they tell you this info?
You're more than likely a young wage-slave. You need a good score to get a business loan.
What I'm reading, and I can't even access your credit score or history, is that you're planning to buy a shitty computer with finance over 24 months and have hit a roadblock because several people in that process identify an inability for you to actually meet that debt obligation.
Buddy, I migrated to this country with no credit history and managed to lease a $30,000 car in the first 4 days and pass a credit check to rent a condo on day 5.
By that, I mean I didn't even have credit and the people saw me for what I am and knew I could pay. The people see you for what you are...
Yea but i can keep an obligation ive always finished a loan on time infact ive only ever taken 2, one was earlier this year and i just finished paying it. no stand outs nothing unpaid all finished on time and correct, wtf?
im not your buddy, pal
>ive only ever taken 2,
and there's your problem.
>i just want to buy a computer on finance and pay it off within fucking 24 months
there is no good reason to do this. save your money and pay cash for the computer.
its 3k+
Literally retarded life choices, the post.
do you think that justifies financing it somehow? you want to finance a rapidly depreciating asset that you likely don't need? getting credit to buy things like computers is a good way to ensure you stay poor.
How? Im not indebt by any means i keep my things organized all I want to do is buy a computer that i deserve for once I dont buy many luixury things for myself but for once I thought fuck it and now all this shit happens
Ok fair enough point made, fuck the computer im not even interested in that now how do I go about increasing my rating back into the excellent?
How can i do it if I cant even take a loan wtf?
>How? Im not indebt by any means i keep my things organized all I want to do is buy a computer that i deserve for once I dont buy many luixury things for myself but for once I thought fuck it and now all this shit happens
In the real world, if you 'deserve' something, you get it. Literally the definition. You'd have $3k to piss away if you deserved to have $3k to piss away. Fuck man, grow the fuck up. Take some fucking ownership of your idiot choices. You're too poor to 'deserve' a $3k computer and you're on a vietnamese chess forum asking about fucking credit scores like some hobo
Read my post:
This is how most people with excellent credit build it. If you can't get approved for an unsecured credit card, you might have to start with a secured one. It isn't an overnight process.