Does CB still use artillery novice and guard+1 or has it changed?
Colton Evans
Logan Howard
Joshua Morris
I want to BE Meowstress!
Gabriel Nelson
I want to cuddle with bherna gal!
Tyler Nelson
>games that won't be released out of Asian countries Of course.
Julian Ward
me too
Ian Green
Reminder that nothing from Gen 1 is good.
Samuel Gonzalez
Any of you fuckers need to start from the very beginning of guild quests?
I could do it myself but that's no fun since I've been doing village all this time
ID: 29-2702-7845-1285 PW: The usual
Owen Price
Does Kiranico not have a complete database or something? Why is there a weapon that's in Ping's Dex but not in Kiranico?
Liam Brooks
the only gen 1 things that are close to good are the raths but theyve been milking them for a decade and it needs to stop
Zachary Kelly
Anyone up for accolade farming? I need gourmew armor
Isaiah Campbell
Alright user here's how it is Let's say the glaive has 200 raw and -25% affinity, and another glaive has 200 raw and +10% affinity If we add 30% affinity to both they both get the same increase in raw >(200 * (0.95 + (0.05 * 1.25)) - (200 * (0.75 + (0.25 * 0.75)) = 15 >(200 * (0.6 + (0.4 * 1.25)) - (200 * (0.9 + (0.1 * 1.25)) = 15
Grayson Flores
there is literally nothing wrong with rathian
Ryan Hernandez
Which monster is the one you'll never git gud at?
Mine is Yian Garuga. I like the monster but fuck its moveset. >instant charge >every followup after said charge
Samuel Garcia
What do sonic bombs do against Bone Squiddy?
Asher Jackson
>not playing adept
James Williams
Does that include Great Sword?
Jordan Price
Garuga too
I made a bow and gunner set just so I wouldn't have to deal with its bullshit. The fact it was GOLD CROWN HUGE ON PURPOSE didn't help
Alexander Ward
>tfw ordered replacement pads for my N3DS Let's hope it makes MonHun more enjoyable, a bigger c-nub and an aftermarket cover for my thumbstick should improve my experience.
Noah Rogers
Can't you just imagine it? You walk up to the sleeping Dragon, caress it's slit, rub your hand along it, then all of a suddenly the Dragon shifts and slams into you. Your arms slip inside, and as you enter a state of panic you begin flailing your arms and legs, struggling to receed from the moist caverns of it's canal. Then, without warning, the dragon slams it's rear end onto the ground and forces your entirety within her. The acidic juices immediately take hold and seep into your pores. Your body burns, both in lust and in physical pain. Your cock aches for release, and with the tender walls of her vagina constantly in motion against your person it doesn't take long. However, the juices work against father time. You inch yourself deeper, hoping to find sanctum within the dragon's womb. The acid burns hotter, your flesh sears. The orgasmic sensation developing from your loins rises as you worm your way passed her cervix and into the dark recesses of her womb. At last, you've found solace in the comfort of a place you use to exist. The acidic substance on your flesh yet persists, but it slowly falters. Your cock years, and you immediately set to rubbing yourself against the warm and fleshy interior of the Dragon's baby carriage. It doesn't take long for you to peak orgasm, and freely you spray and fling your seed around, purposely coating as much as you can. It's only after several days you make the perilous journey back out, passed the acidic canal, and into the open world. You've been born anew, not of human flesh, but of raw Dragon essence. You have achieved more than any man could ever say they have, yet still the fresh air and bright exterior leaves you wanting more and more of the Dragon's motherly embrace. Life may never be what it was within, but at least you leave with new knowledge and feelings.
Jose Sanders
Uhh, yeah? Gen1 GS is nothing like Gen4 GS.
Gen 1 is totally outdated. If they want to keep milking shitty gen 1 monsters their movesets need to get revamped.
Carson Long
any lr rooms?
Lincoln Rodriguez
Two slots left
Jose Powell
re write this but without vaginal vore
Christian Wilson
I'd probably just cut my way out of it's chest with my sword. Not sure why I was anywhere near it's crotch in the first place.
Adrian Harris
whats a goal set for SnS getting into hr?
Brody Price
Nvm. Turns out Kiranico shows the weapon by its initial upgrade name, not the final upgrade one.
Ayden Adams
lets make one ;)
Liam Anderson
Assuming you have a one-slot charm, Obituary Vertex Lagiacrus Mail (anything two slots) Anything with two arm slots (I'm using Hermitaur S braces, regular Hermitaur until you actually break HR works) Rathalos Faulds Rathalos Greaves That'll give you AuL. You could just run full Tetsu for Defense or Health or whatever it grants.
Jordan Stewart
Astalos's animations are so cute, I love the way he flails around when he does his dive attack.
Jordan Lopez
Is there any way past the absurd lag time on the aerial AED for CB? I hit the ground and have to go through the whole tranformation sequence before I can roll out of the way. and when fighting faster monsters ceanataur that bastard I invariably get knocked around a bit
Daniel Morgan
You disgust me, even the monster fuckers are less digusting than you.
Jason Turner
>mfw DIE DIE DIE skills are eh but I am so happy its back one more time
Noah Stewart
Posting fact ITT
>GREAT TIER HR unlocks at 70+
>GOOD TIER HR unlocks at 50+
>OKAY TIER HR unlocks at 40+
Ayden Gomez
Are they fucking serious with this idol video at the ending? No wonder they release on shitty mobile consoles, they blow half the budget choreographing dance moves.
I need to start playing MH Online; someone break that chink encryption already.
Easton Flores
kiranico is missing some info that pings dex has
search for sinister cloth or dracophage bug on both, kiranico gives no useful information on them or any other meownster hunter items
neither of them give info on chaos mushrooms or butterfly beetles or any of the farm items as well so neither one is perfect
Leo Butler
Boys I need a set for Bow with good Raw damage, and one with good status damage (sleep, para, etc) any recommendations?
Adrian Green
Raths are more or less the flagship of the entire series, they won't remove them even if they do the Tri thing again with only new monsters for the first 5th Gen game.
Asher Thomas
they should at least make it so we dont have to fight their three subspecies every fucking generation
John Long
MHO can easily be played by westerners and you're not banned if they catch you speaking english
Kayden Adams
I miss the Tri system of just pick whatever fucking hunts you want and then when you hit a certain level you have to do an urgent
Who the fuck thought key quests was a good or fun idea? All it encourages is no one doing the other fucking quests
Colton Rivera
It'd be nice to have quests that are mystery monster. Don't know what you're fighting until you get there. It'd be a problem for some weapons, though. You might have a useless element when you load in or a non optimal shot type on your gunner weapon. Plus there's the hot and cold environments.
Brody Powell
I still don't fully understand this deviant system. I just unlocked the ability to hunt silver wind Narga. I would like to make silver wind narga armor. Can I make the armor just hunting the narga I just gained the ability to fight? Or will I need to level the quest up somehow to get all the necessary materials?
Also, how fucked up will I get if I attempt this while still wearing the low rank jaggi/bull combo? I trust my ability to solo a regular narga without getting hit, but I don't know about this deviant asshole.
Nicholas Parker
>character too yellow >remake darker >character too red >remake lighter >character too yellow
Camden Richardson
You can make the armor set after 3 runs of Silverwind 1 but each upgrade requires materials from the next rank. The special skill also won't activate until every armor piece is level 6. They all have shitty defense starting out and don't get good until late upgrades.
Jaxson Jackson
What Guard sets should I be on the look out for? Agnaktor?
Dylan Parker
Yeah but I have better things to do than stare at Chinese menus and try to figure out what all of them are. If there's no working menu patch, I'm not playing it.
Anthony Taylor
tri had key quests tho, after those you had to grind HR points, which sucked rushers gonna rush, if you tie it to HR people will just do that one quest that has the best HR/time ratio
Adrian Hernandez
yes, by the time you can hunt silverwind narga you can pretty quickly craft the armor, but upgrading the armor will cost more than just armor spheres
and yeah just say fuck it and fight it, at worst you might waste 10 minutes and a permit but youll get a better understanding of its gimmicks
Evan Lopez
>Rathalos flies into the air and preps his claw dive >He dives right into my critical juncture and falls out of the sky Hunter arts weren't a mistake.
Jordan Collins
And I'm guessing trying to solo up to level 6 would be insufferable?
Jonathan Lewis
Ryan Diaz
Does Glavenus' tail have to be cut? I know subquest will say "sever", but the animation/tail remnant makes it look like it could potentially be broken off with an impact weapon as well.
Christopher Reyes
There's a english patch, the only issues it it's gotta be updated after every patch which can take a couple days
Joseph Lewis
>people trying to cap mizu >when claws are carve only I just close the DS lid when that happens and finish the monster off myself.
Grayson Ortiz
not if ur gud
just look at it as a challenge, each level of a deviant hunt will have different requirements, I will be just a regular hunt, but II will be a capture, III will be a hunt-a-thon, IV will have you hunt a silverwind and a regular narga, etc
Dylan Morgan
Pretty nice tactic, not even kidding.
Joshua Barnes
depends on your gud if your gud is average, that's just 150 minutes of grinding
Blake Martinez
I have to say, grinding out every village quest for the hayabusa feather is pretty relaxing. I already did the large monster quests before so doing these gathering and small monster quests while watching something is pretty chill
Noah Hernandez
you can wound the tail with anything, cutting it is separate and can only be done with cutting damage while the tail is glowing orange.
Aiden White
I knew I wasnt the onlyperson that did this
Austin Murphy
So it said I got my extra content for having a MH4U save file but I can't make the baby tiga hat.
Where do I go to claim my bonuses ?
Noah Lewis
>Furious Rajang Nope. Not doing this shit again.
Angel Walker
Okay, so same old same old, got it. Didn't know about the glowing part though- just figured the damn thing had a load of part health to eat through.
Also, I happened to get a plate drop in the rewards- anything I should save this for in particular?
Kevin Long
The Chamberlyne/Aisha/Guildmarm/etc.
Hunter Watson
>Decide to solo HR6 Gammoth urgent with a level 2 Steve CB >40 minutes minutes later of pure ultra bursts
Fuck this monster. Like actually fuck it. I got a fucking crap in my hand having to fight this faggot that long.
At least I didn't cart but I fucking wish I did.
Gabriel Lee
Not like his gear is worth anything in Generations, just ignore him.
Bentley Jackson
Any HR 6 care to post a Lagi for some lowly 5 to farm? Hunter hall is 04-7589-0009-7763
Adam Thompson
maybe you should stop ultra bursting
Aaron Nelson
>Insect Glaive decides he needs to be on the head when the only person who should be on the head is me (Charge Blade, other person is Lance) >HE FUCKING AERIAL JUMPS OFF ME AND STAGGERS ME >monster decides now is the time to charge and bowls us both over
Jordan Lopez
I talked to him and I didn't get it
Adrian Sanders
>me (Charge Blade
die meme blade die
Julian Perry
Switch axe needs to do him for an art.
Eli Sanchez
>the only person who should be on the head is me you sholdn't be in mp with an attitude like that
Bentley Martin
Well that's only one fight, get a group and fuck his ass.
It's not like he's a 140 Rajang or anything.
Benjamin Gomez
>heard they changed the upgrade system so there would be less grinding >I'm still grinding a whole lot REE REE REE I don't hate the grind by the way, just the LIES! But maybe it's just me and bad luck. Fill me in if I'm wrong.
Aiden Parker
>heard they changed the upgrade system so there would be less grinding who said that when?
Brayden Harris
>Enraged Guard a Plesioth Hipcheck' I HAVE BECOME THE PLESIOTH
Jace Bennett
>changed the upgrade system yes >less grinding ???????
Mason Carter
>not easily getting a perfect guard off your teamates kick-jumps and attacks for free vials and free red shield
David Collins
People who belong on the head of a monster; Great Sword Hammer Hunting Horn Charge Blade SnS with Exhaust Coating People who shouldn't be on the head of the monster Long Sword Dual Blades Insect Glaive Switch Axe Lance Gunlance SnS without Exhaust Coating
I'm not sure if you're aware but the CB has a REALLY wide sweep with the second A, so you're going to get tripped trying to take the head with a CB user assuming you're not tripping him first. The proper course of action when you're an IG and a CB is going ham on the head is to either hit the feet, or hit the tail.
Chase Butler
>unlock HR >everything is raping me again I just wanna kill monsters, dude. Why aren't they letting me kill them.
Ryder Cox
So is this the origin story of why all hunters are practically supermen?
Owen Baker
>Barioth will return in MH5 >Barroth will return in MH5 >Peco will return in MH5 >-ggis will return in MH5 >Gigginox will return in MH5 >Shitty gen 1 and gen 2 monster will NOT return in MH5
Where were you when this was confirmed?
Asher Cox
I never heard them denounce grinding outright, but the system does allow for slightly less grinding.
normally you'd have to rebuild a weapon from the ground up or find the closest thing to where you're headed to build from. now you can upgrade at anytime to anything in that weapon's tree even if you upgraded past the level in an earlier branch.
it's not much less, but less all the same.
Jack Perez
I can't wait for TGS.
Cooper Flores
>Barioth returns
Jayden Diaz
>Where were you when user posted no proof to his outrageous claims?
Cooper Morales
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to treat village requests like urgents. Holy shit.
Gabriel Young
>he thinks gen 3 monsters are good
Brody Brown
Oh, it was the wiki. The way they word it seems kind of like a lie though.
That makes a lot more since. Thanks user.
John White
Ah wait, I got the bonus
Jose Moore
>3u runs at constant 60, looks better, and has a higher fov than the new games what happened?
Robert Lee
3U runs at like 45fps.
John Brown
>barioth will return >barroth will return
Blake Taylor
But Gravios and basarios are fun as hell to fight....
Dominic Kelly
at least these are gen3s aren't the worst of the pool pun intended