How do you cope with boring wagecuck commutingcuck job when there's people out there that make money playing videogames or uploading instagram pics and are free to do so anywhere in the world and they keep making more and more since it's exponential while you are stuck being a fucking cock until you die?
How do you cope with boring wagecuck commutingcuck job when there's people out there that make money playing videogames...
I cope by starting a successful contracting company 14 years ago and then retiring to travel the world and shitpost on Veeky Forums.
I make money if I go to work, I make money when I sit at home. I even make money when I'm asleep. I'm fucking amazing. I made $10 in the time it took me to type this.
Well. I get to live with my parents and save almost everything after tax which I invest.
Soon I will buy some property to rent out and that should be the beginning of my path to never having to work again.
I made $16 in the time it took to type this by sucking 8 dicks at the same time.
that's shit. How many years does one need to work to own enough real state to get enough passive income (after taxes) to live without needing to wakecuck? way too much, your youth is stolen by that time that happens if it happens.
Try r9k
Is this how you cope?
Oh yeah, not to mention the social death that living with your parents as an adult is. I mean you can't even have a pathetic fap because there's no privacy to be had.
this is my next trip here.
I'll send you a picture when I get there.
Start a business on the side as a hobby and grow it to the point where you can do it full time. That's what I'm doing. Also listen to audiobooks on the way to and from work.
I have no clue what ki d of business I can start
That's what I'm doing atm. Have a 70k job, contracting work on the side.
>learn a skill
>master it
>look for side work with said skill
>acquire capital from savings
>start innovating the skill in new ways not done before
the rest falls into place. Makes sure to read many books before and in between
this is why you will always be poor
Good advice
>literally the burger king of cruises
>on the off-season
dayum boi u sure showed him
Thanks, any books in particular you recommend, both good introductory ones, and ones that are great in general or you found really nailed a particular aspect of starting and running a business
Cope by carding, like everyone else
It's your chance to finally make money with no effort at all, go at it
I'd love to see your more expensive vacation you have booked. That sort of thing is exciting, don't you think?
but of course you don't have a vacation booked, do you? Not even a cheap one.
>equates vacations with being rich
Everyone point and laugh at this retard.
>makes fun of people that have things he can't afford
keep coping, little guy
You sure showed me. Good argument, cuck.
well if you go back and read my comment you'll see I didn't claim to be rich.
I said I'm retired and I travel the world and shitpost on Veeky Forums while making money.
I've established that two of those four claims are true.
You've established that you're too stupid to read and you're jealous of my cheap-ass Caribbean cruise.
Nigga if you were rich you wouldn't be so butthurt about being called a cuck on fucking Veeky Forums of all places.
You might be rich but you're still an insecure cuck.
>I didn't claim to be rich
>I am not rich
>I'm not rich Im just retired
Are you literally fucking retarded?
Look at the absurdity of the situation.
>Actually I cope by having retired years ago, I am enjoying life
>"Lol nice roleplaying"
>Huh? I'm not roleplaying, this is a cruise I'm going on soon
>"Lol nice shitty cruise, wow real champ there"
>Okay what cruises do you go on?
>"Lol cruises and being rich durr"
Too fucking easy.
Thanks for the laughs, cuck.
So did you inherit your trust fund after 18 or did daddy just give you a lump sum for your business?
How am I a cuck
Or is that just the newest buzzword insult?
my parents are broke as fuck. My dad's disabled.
I made my money. My kids will probably be trust fund babbys.
Not as new as you.
(1) The people making money off of videogames and Instagram have a big fat expiration date on their foreheads. Like it or not, they're making money now and have popularity, but - as we learned from idiots like "Fred" - their popularity is ephemeral. I'd rather be grinding it out now developing real skills than live my days worried about whether or not people on the Internet like me.
I'll confess I'm envious, of course. It seems unfair that idiots like Game Grumps are making ~30k a month or more when all they really do is play video games and make dumb jokes. With that said, what happens when their viewerbase grows up and away from them? What happens when advertisers on YouTube get more selective? The answer: they begin to wither and die. We'll have a huge caste of 30somethings sitting around like former child stars talking about the "good old days." I'd rather have my renaissance in my 30s, not my downfall.
(2) I'm working now to succeed later. Sure, I'm fucking miserable, like many people on here - 12 hour work days + hours of studying for school + other ventures - but I'm confident it will pay off. I'm not gonna sit around sucking my own dick in pity because I'm not rolling in a trust fund or something, I'm gonna make something of myself by sheer force of will.
>How do you cope?
I'm retired.
>Born into a family with enough wealth that I could opt to never work
>But not enough money to be a tycoon by virtue of inheritance
>Talented at a lot of things that I'm mostly dispassionate about
>Passionate about a handful of things that I'm only talented at a few of
Sometimes life puts us in a shitty place and finding your way is hard. We're all gonna make it though guys.
who cares fuck em, they're all fucked if there's a hyperinflationary crisis, buy gold and silver.
shit thread