Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Is Last Blade 2 alive on PS4?
What is she saying?
I need you Ayane.
>why did you take everything unique from me and make me shit capcom
>She hasnt been in a good fighting game since MVC2
It fucking hurts
To show footfags and waifu fags how garbage they literally are.
You're under arrest for multiple counts of playing and shilling kusoge and suspicions of abusing little anime girls. You have the right to remain silent, weeb
Why would our fellow God's Gift player retweet this?
Dog you're just getting nervous or flustered, relax
Honestly you should be more nervous facing your friend, if you lose he has the upper hand in future bantz
>waifufagging something from SFV
He's not an Xrd player he's a Gundam Vs and +R player
Most of the +R players don't actually like Xrd that much
you'll never take me alive!
post yfw the characters next year are literally just waifus
I'm surprised they like BB more than XRD though. You'd assume BB would be a greater departure from +R
Forgive me for sounding new. I've been playing fighting games competitively in my local scene for tje better part of the decade and I still don't get how people get frame data without the developers actually realising them.
Because it's not GG, it's not even trying to be GG.
That's like saying a 3S player shouldn't like KoF over SF4 because KoF is even more different than SF4
How do Burst safe combos in GG work?
I never get nervous with my friends because we don't take it as seriously and try and have fun. But with randos I have something on the line and it comes full force in my brain.
And with my friend too i've always been the better street fighter. He does kicks my ass at marvel and skullgirls tho
How about a lobby mode that displays if you're negative or positive on block and by how many frames? Something akin to frame data but less overwhelming for beginners.
chun and laura are superior waifus to any of your generic weeb yurishit kid
t. normal person who is almost a waifufag because of sfv
I'm an old GG player and I like BBCPE more than Xrd.
BB was pretty much a new beast to me and learning new stuff was fun. With Xrd it felt like the games devolved very quickly to very simple gameplans compared to AC.
Stepping into a new game was way more fun than stepping backwards.
Like I said dude, you're cracking under the pressure
Just take a deep breath if you notice yourself getting out of control and start thinking more conscientiously
>t. normal person attracted to generic pornstars
>He actually waifus the STD; Gotta catch 'em all character
you could just record the footage and play it frame by frame
>normal person
thank you for the advice friend I appreciate it.
Juri is the only one where her default color is the best
Anytime pal
2 and 3 are great too
Does anyone have an updated mains template?
I have the need to fill one out.
I didnt like how bloated AC was. Reload was the best XX for me
12 is easily the best color
How would you solve the goober problem?
I am a charge version of Nash with less moves and worse in every way
How are you?
I have bomb memes!!
Right except I never said anyone should or shouldn't like anything. And it stands to reason that you would like a game that is more similar to your favorite game than another.
However, if they gutted what the 3S player loved most, as they did with SF4, then they'd probably just move on to a different game. Apparently thats what happened with Xrd, as I've just learned.
It lines up with the lore at least
by acting your age and not getting angry at people for liking a video game that you don't like?
Both are braindead but atleast as Guile you have free zoning and anti airs
why do meaties never work for me
You don't practice
You timed them wrong.
>buy soul calibur v to play with friends for shits and giggles
>playing by myself
>wow this game is actually kind of fun i think i'll try to learn it somewhat
>search for a tutorial
>there is none
I have never, ever played a single fucking game where there is not a tutorial, and the one game where I actually have no idea what the fuck I'm doing, it doesn't have one
gross muscles + aids patient face and i'm not a rashid main
disgusting pasta hair and cringy weeb oujo shit
down syndrome and looks like she smells like shit
ibuki aka goblins iii is not my waifu
is for bronies and autistic feetfags
chun and laura are the only respectable sfv waifus and this is 100% objective
Karin is the best girl you faggots.
But that's Vega(Claw[Balrog]).
Wtf? What could you even discuss about her shes a bland character
Anti air me bro :^)
they just share pony pictures in that discord, not even joking
*invincible flash kick*
>You will never drink coffee or tea with Karin
Anyone wanna play SF5? EU.
AngelMIKAL is my cfn
if i ever heard that laugh in person i would jump off a cliff
I'd get such a boner
I have to know who your main is before I decline
I'm right there with you user. I'f i heard that shit i'd have to run away full speed...
...out of embarrassment as I hide my erection
Why does everyone use ex Wheel instead of mk Wheel with Juri?
I thought mk had invincibility?
twitch dot teevee slash minastir
Me vs Void in Matrimelee
What are some other fighting games with bomb gimmicks like Ibuki
Any tips for the last few inputs in juri's trial 10?
i'll watch just to see goidere get bodied
Damn nvm I would have played with you if my internet wasn't dog shit
Stay cool fellow Karinbro
Main Rivalry in Street Fighter: White Japanese Ryu vs Red American Ryu
Main Rivalry in Guilty Gear: Father and Son in law
Main Rivalry in King of Fighters: A mexican and a brazillian
Main Rivalry in Smash: A fox and a bird
It's a common nip trope
Why does she wear the mask?
i wanna kill myself after watching 20 seconds of that
Is Ky Sol's wife's son? I know nothing of the GG plot
I thought it was Kyo and Iori in KoF
Justice is the mother of Dizzy. Justice is also Aria, Sol's girlfriend.
Sol fucked Justice who gave birth to Dizzy and Ky married Dizzy.
Ibuki's kinda cute desu
>Ibuki's kinda cute desu
This has been around longer than Miyazaki
Help I can't find a main
This desu
I already have KI in the backburner if Capcom gives up.
>owning an xbox one and ps4
get out of here bourgeois scum
Miyazaki literally invented anime, you can't compare a master to people who pander to weebs with uninspired running gags.
By letting them host their own everything.
But they don't host anything themselves
are motion grapplers non existent in new anime games?
Fight me in third strike and if you win I'll suck your dick
Does anyone here play Birdie?
I haven't played him online since the beta
Only upper body.
despite being solid mid-tier no one plays him
I have a free Win10 key I'm nevet going to use unless I want to play KI and Recore.
he just isn't fun
> master
> who spent his entire career anally ravaged that the only reason people know him is because of Disney
> who spent his entire career broken and bitter that Takahata was, is, and will always be the better director
> who watched a toy commercial become more important to Japanese culture than anything he produced
> who got to see one of his films become nothing more than a twitter meme
> who is so insufferable that only that hack Anno would become his protoge
Being Miyazaki sucks.
Yes, but only as a pocket character. I don't think anyone actually mains him these days.
If I ain't churnin' butter, it's no grappler in my eyes.