Veeky Forums Must Gibe Reparations Edition
Because we can't talk about a damn thing that isn't Warhammer in the usual one
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Veeky Forums Must Gibe Reparations Edition
Because we can't talk about a damn thing that isn't Warhammer in the usual one
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>start new game in Bellum Crucis
>decide I want something with only one front to worry about and not to have to deal with the Pope's bitch ass after a game as France where I was playing nice until England broke its alliance with HRE and invades and then the HRE randomly breaks alliance with me and invades the other border because AI diplomacy a shit
>end up choosing Abbasids, nice mooselimb faction up against the wall in the Arab Peninsula
>ally with Syria and let them handle the crusade bullshit
>spend like ten years building up my economy and conquering indie towns
>sending a diplomat on a trade rights world tour when I notice Medina is both independent and has a piddly garrison
>send an army and an assassin that way, the latter to shank any generals sniffing around
>by the time I get there, there's a shitty little Crusader captain trying to besiege
>I'm rolling in dosh so I basically brought a whole stack just because
>slap his shit
>have a nothing little siege
>take Medina
>get notification:
>al-Arab'Name ibn Abassin has made his hajj! +1 Piety
>al-Arab'Name ibn Abassin has taken back the Holy City of Medina! The Holy Sword of Mohammed has been bequeathed to him!
>realize later that was literally the best day of his life and the rest of it is gonna be a depressing slog of slapping Franks away until he gets shanked
*gay ass flaming*
>Tomb Kings still not announced
I hope you get cancer
> Tomb Kings still not announced
It's all over
Why even go on living?
>Still no tomb kings
Why do we need 2 warhammer threads?
You could play as Egypt in the meantime my dude
real thread
Honestly, if this removes the cancer shitting up our current /twg/ threads then I am all for it. Godspeed, OP.
but warhammer is twg, it's in the name :^)
So what's your favorite era to play in, one or no person that's in here with me?
I tend to switch around, but I've been on a heavy medieval binge as of late.
Medieval 3 fucking when
actually enjoying the "end times" era quite a bit, especially with the politics associated with these "elector" counts
Just keep on bumping OP - lots of folks took off from all the warhammerfaggotry & it will take time to get them back.
Meanwhile, I'm off to try & hold Sweden as Norway in SS - cheers!
Right? I just want to get mad at the Pope and charge with couched lances in glorious HD.
Isn't there an early medieval mod for Attila?
Truth be told I'm currently building a desktop so I'm relegated to playing medieval or really shitty empire and below on a 2004 dell laptop.
Post screens, man
Mk1212, set in 1212AD, but its kind of shitty and unpolished. I mean the units look fucking beautiful but everything else is shoddy.
That's a shame. I'm the kind of guy that likes to install a TW and immediately find the equivalent of Europa Barbarorum for it.
Which is why I'm playing BC7.0 in janky Google Translated Englitalian.
ancient empires will be the modern EB
I meant along the lines of as accurate as a game about the medieval/shogun/post-Roman period can be, but I'll take autistic Veeky Forumswanking in any era desu. That does look pretty nice.
War of the Beard
I thought you were talking about that Westaboo tsar who made his people cut off their beards to be cultured. I think it was an Ivan.
But no, you were just trolling.
Medieval for me - mostly for the cavalry.
Those Ancient foot slogging matches are way too dull IMHO.
It'd be better if we had 6x speed before M2.
What are you talking about?
Great War against Chaos is a pretty cool period as well. It would be great to finally see Asavar Kul and Magnus the Pious in action.
>tfw trying to early cap an arabic town with an arabic army
>tfw starting army is a bunch of spearmen and like one light cav unit
>tfw enemy town has a bunch of cav
>arabic cav vs arabic spears
How are you playing as Araby? Are you using mods?
I'm playing as the Abbasid Caliphate using Bellum Crucis. It's pretty good, though it annoys me that the map cutoff means I have to assume everything is just hunky-dory to the east of me. Not the modder's fault though.
Ivan the great/terrible did that?
I want to say it was the Great, but frankly I have a really bad grasp on Russian history.
Frankly, I couldn't tell you if the Great and the Terrible were the same guy or not.
>I couldn't tell you if the Great and the Terrible were the same guy or not.
Wew lad kill yourself or read a book
I read books, I just haven't read one about Russia yet. Have any recommendations?
tfw u cant read so suicide is the only option
Of course not, I'm just shitposting
Go read wikipedia like every other /twg/ armchair historian
Wikipedia has 90% of anything, IMHO - it's my regular go-to when ignorance strikes ...
I will once I get tired of posting on Veeky Forums
Wikipedia is great for getting the broad strokes of a region but a fat book written by some dude who's dedicated his life to the subject is really where it's at.
alternatively, you can subscibe to monthly magazines
lmao this is fucking worthless
That's a magnificent Mali or Moorish monarch you've manifested there my main man
I don't care for mags just because they tend to clutter up the place.
I've been thinking about getting into podcasts but I don't know what the good ones are because this is Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums only talks about what it doesn't like.
How's your game going, /htwg/?
Tell me of your struggles to bring your X countrymen up to the heights of power by crushing the Y menace with or without the help of your glorious brethren/those traitorous Z bastards.
Now that I think about it, I've never had an ally that did anything more useful than eventually attack me.
Reposting here since apparently you fags are having a threadwar. From a /gsg/ regular let me tell you it won't work.
How do I make Empire fun? I'm trying it again because I bought the bundle.
I've only played Rome 1 and Medieval 2, and the fact that cities are now spread out is annoying as fuck. There's literally no easy way to cycle between all buildings.
The only thing I can find is the building overview, but that still requires me to physically find the building and upgrading it since I can't just click on it in the list.
Please tell me they go back to the one city per province style in later games.
Oh, and why the fuck is the AI so aggressive? It will declare wars when it has no chance of winning, and insists on running around with small 1 unit armies to raid shit (which is also frustrating as fuck, since I can't see a list of all raided buildings, meaning I have to look around on the map for little pillars of smoke). While it's raiding shit I can easily just take their capital cities in the provinces.
Oh, and for some reason they made unrest so fucking high you generally have to sit in a city with your army for 8 or so turns, while the enemy is still running around with tiny insignificant armies.
History of Rome, History on Fire, Dan Carlin does excellent performances, you'll enjoy his stuff even if you already are very knowledgeable about the topic, History of Byzantium, there's a lot of good ones I'm sure but you'll have to look and find them.
In 1206, Genghis Khan established a powerful dynasty among the Mongols of central Asia. During the 13th century, this Mongol Empire conquered most of the Eurasian land mass, including both China in the east and much of the old Islamic caliphate (as well as Kievan Rus') in the west. Hulagu Khan's destruction of Baghdad in 1258 is traditionally seen as the approximate end of the Abbasid Golden Age.[34] Mongols feared that a supernatural disaster would strike if the blood of Al-Musta'sim, a direct descendant of Muhammad's (Peace be Upon Him) uncle Al-‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib,[35] and the last reigning Abbasid caliph in Baghdad, was spilled. The Shiites of Persia stated that no such calamity had happened after the deaths of Husayn ibn Ali; nevertheless, as a precaution and in accordance with a Mongol taboo which forbade spilling royal blood, Hulagu had Al-Musta'sim wrapped in a carpet and trampled to death by horses on 20 February 1258. The Caliph's immediate family was also executed, with the lone exceptions of his youngest son who was sent to Mongolia, and a daughter who became a slave in the harem of Hulagu.[36]
Shit son
I'm gonna be honest, I never really did figure out Empire. Good luck though.
I hesitate to say we're having a threadwar, it's more a self-imposed exile that's made the other guys chimp out. They seem to think I'm some slavaboo shitposter.
Much obliged. I work security, so sometimes the only entertainment I have for eight hours is an earbud.
You're not fooling anybody, slavposter.
Cyka blya--uh, I mean, fuck off, faggot.
My name is Retsop Vals... Yes, that'll do, and I think they should make a Srbja TW
>Retsop Vals
actually made me kek there
gr8 b8 m8 - ir8 it 16/8 (for the kek)
imperial splendor is a good mod for empire, if you can stand the absolutely disgusting bleak and grey colour scheme they have going on
What TW would you like to see next?
People say they want Victoria, but I don't think it'd be different enough from Empire to really be worth it. Plus it'd be at that stage of history where your tech game would have to be on point or you'd get obliterated by the faction with the next step up the tree (see: Franco Prussian War).
I'd like to see Medieval III with a global scope. To hell with the Mare Nostrum map we keep getting, let me play as India and get into shit with Tang-era China and shit. I want to piss off the Pope playing as Ethiopia. Have a crusade against Mali and shit.
Get ridiculous medieval galley warfare going, with a Renaissance expansion at some point so I can play Lepanto. All that jazz.
Victorian era is boring as shit: just gunlines shredding a bunch of savages with spears.
Man, I have Shogun 2 for that shit already.
Total Medieval World War would be just up my alley.