"This Is Your Life Now" Edition
"This Is Your Life Now" Edition
Praise Alpha
nth for drawfags a best
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Post raid completions
Makes me wish I still had my screenshot for my Flawless run.
Why do people not kill their Knights /dg/?
Explain it to me. Why do you bother killing Ogres, standing on plates, all that shit, why do you even bother doing it if you just let some random fucking trash mob eat the corrupted light? You might aswell have AFK'd the entire time.
7th for furry pride
Some people are retarded. Others are awful shots and will go to any length to hide that fact, usually by gunning for the middle once the relic is obtained and not bothering to tell the middle Titans that their Knight is still up.
I do.
Hakke vendor shotguns look way fucking better
Too bad they all fucking suck dick even with the right perks.
I want you to shoot for middle once the relic is down, but step back out there and kill your Knight, you've even got a bonus shield and Weapons of light on you.
And i can fucking TELL that it was your shitter ass that could not dump a single god damn bullet because it's your very orb that's gone.
This is probably the thing that triggers me the most in KF. I just can't.
>tfw it's piss easy to take down both knights and all adds on your own side alone
>people still manage to fail it when there are two of them
>don't even call it out
The only reason I'm excited for Rise of Iron is because I'm hoping for new faction gear.
And then there are those on the same side with Zippy. Fucker kills both Knights and I swear he does it to try and piss me off kek.
There's not any reason to not kill the other person's knight if you have the spare time.
Any xbots up for a heroic or a nightfall?
Reutrning player here.
I see people using the Prison of Elders gear but they have different names and higher stats. I want to get that gear but I don't know how. Do I have to do the "Challenge of Elders" for it or can I do the lower PoE stuff for it too?
>kill both knights on my side
>sleeper 4th knight on the other side
>meanwhile the remaining knight took the bomb
>"what the fuck were you guys doing"
>we tried killing the vessel but it still got the orb
I didn't even orbit, i just turned off my console.
Yeah, do Challenge of Elders
Go to Variks, get an Elder Sigil, and then gather 90k points and you'll be rewarded with a random CoE armor piece
All you really need to do is put a couple rounds into your ogre, kill the knight, then clear the adds, but watch for the centurion darts and acolyte eyes. You can have great if not perfect add control after stagger by doing this.
The fact that it isn't default to have your knight and adds handled yet is a fucking mystery to me.
Put a trigger warning in that story, holy shit
this. this. this. this.
A. Fuck you
B. Still kinda annoyed I didn't get my complimentary e-mail from Sony/Bungie thanking me for getting the platinum trophy on their shitty game
Those fucking centurions are the reason i run Thunderlord sometimes. That axion dart hurts so much if it actually hits, it's so satisfying to just nope it and annihilate that gutter trash the second it spawns.
There's faction ghost shells coming. Maybe another "free" exotic slot? Mite b cool
So help me fucking god, if they put in some dumb shit like making me grind to rank 50 for that shit, I will strangle someone.
It kinda depends on what plate you are. If you're 3rd plate and the runner is some titan skating maniac i'd rather shoot for mid and take out the trash with Blessings and Weapons on.
Thunderlord isn't even a bad option because of arc bullets. People will meme on it but at least it gets the job done.
Well we already know NM stuff is reskins of the Vanguard/Crucible stuff we have now, so I wouldn't really get your hopes up.
>When you're on the third plate and zippy is the runner on his titan
I never sweat so hard trying to get my knights down before he tells me to not fuck it up
Initial D - speed boy plays inside my head everytime I see him skate it, I hate it there's no rush
FWC: Vanilla armor
NM: Dark Below
DO: House of Wolves
I know, i'm actually starting to prefer it over Sleeper. If you have a decent team you won't need it on Knights because you oneshot them with a sniper. You don't need it on shade because you can snipe it. You don't need it on Vessel because it'll get Raze-Lightered. Meanwhile, you can melt Centurions with it and shit orbs as a Sunsinger.
For Ogre duty it's nice to have, but in a decent team that also is a non issue.
And if you actually happen to need a Sleeper shot, chances are at least two other guys are running one.
I know it's edgelord armor, and fan made as well, but I want it.
He either makes you look like joff by killing your knights so you end up with zero kills or he gets the relic and tells you to go to the middle before you can kill your remaining knight and ogre
He needs to fucking calm down
use an arc sniper, or ya know, put a fucking sleeper shot in its face
>ribbed for her pleasure
I dont really like it
I'm talking about Rise of Iron
Does grade a under a remind anyone else of zippy?
What if my meme roll sniper raifu isn't arc and i want to be a special snowflake?
Besides, what am i going to need Sleeper for if it isn't a carry raid? Go promote your russian engineering elsewhere.
Yeah, but then he also reminds me of everyone else I know from London, so it's not saying much.
I've always used an arc sniper in the raid, whether it was Hereafter, 1KYS, or Her Fury. It's the best damage type honestly since Wizards are easy to kill with anything else.
From my experience with the game I can assume that people with their real names in their nicknames are usually better avoided.
>Their real name
>more numbers than letters
>DO shader or image
>"Dont worry, i know what im doing"
All shit
>he doesn't like Bittersteel
Fuck, you have some shit taste.
>away for 7 months and this guy still at it.
I admire the dedication to pucciposting, truly.
Needs a skele decal.
Normies and casuals
At least im not an edgelord
>liking sleek toned down color schemes are edgy
>Black and white are edgy now
This is why you don't give memes to retards.
>Black and white colors are suddenly not edgy
I want reddit to leave
>Implying the blackest shader, The Old Guard, isn't the edgiest
>black and white is edgy
Are you stupid or just acting? Edgy is a combination of the colour and the design. The only real edgy colour combo is black and red.
So if any black is now 'edgy' what shaders do you homos use?
>not using NM shaders
Black, white and red have always been edgy colors
The whole point of DO is that they are edgy fucks
Depends entirely on the design.
But yes, DO are edgy fucks.
Good points you made. It's never been edgy to have black and white, but you kids love your memes. Felix and Betty Boop must be the pinnacle of edge.
Message ForTheBeanBag he's probably online
Red and gold mostly, White shaders also look good when they have good complementing colors.
Though as always, Million Million looks good on fucking anything
>White is edgy
Ouch that edge
When would I ever want to use Show Stopper?
Goldspiral/Million Million all day every day
Epic meme
they need to change it so that its somewhat similar to a raze lighter R2/RT. there i just made bladedancer somewhat useful in pve
>tfw no shader that gives me the same black/red/shiny silver colors that Zavala has
>tfw no shader that makes me orange and white with dotty patterns like Shaxx
>tfw no shader that gives me that worn iron and gold look that Saladin has
>tfw no shader that gives me plain worn leather for hunters and warlocks
>If I reply 'Epic meme' it means I won and that I am right!
Epic meme
Why is it so good?
Is it the Citizen Kane of Shaders?
You said it first you epic memer
It looks like generic shit though
Everybody uses that shader. I hate to be a hipster but I want to make my barbie doll look unique desu
So is it shit on ass in pvp?
Anyone for CoE?
Failing that, maybe old Prison stuff for increased Judgment rep grinding. Or KF, I guess.
>Being generic
>Against looking like a reject power ranger with almost all the others
Pretty clear choice m8
I vary between classes.
My titan is nm all day every day.
I cycle between do and like 2 other shaders on my warlock and hunter.
I have been wearing fwc shaders on my hunter though as i rank up in fwc with it.
I miss cryptographic and need to wear it more though.
>implying Goldspiral and Million Million aren't Power Ranger shaders
>Not wanting to look like the white Power Ranger with Chatterwhite and Crest of Alpha Lupi on the vanilla Vanguard Titan set
>tfw no shader and set to become the green ranger
The fact that there's no solid green or orange shader in this game really is a travesty.
when are the weeaboos gonna leave?
Broadsword is solid green for the most part and there are some others.
With the right armour you can minimize the black that shows up in Sunsetting and the one other shader that's orange and black.
The game itself has japanese influence.
I didn't have any good weapons when the raid came out, and it was the highest light I had.
Broadsword is green and brown with camp details. How can one person be so blind.
>why do i have such shit taste?
Just use Anahata or Chrysanthium
Antique Land
There are some armour sets you can wear that eliminate the brown bits on Broadsword.
I was just tossing out suggestions.
>he uses a shader
Looks like ass dude
Please be my guest and post what you think looks good.
No, i'm just here to tell you you have shit taste.
Anahata's basically the closest to solid green with bits of silver, it's nice. The closest we have to orange is actually Mercurial Dawn, which looks bomb on most Titan sets.
>Can't log in from all the error codes.
>Even if I could, the only thing I want is Flayer Capes which the game is glitched and not dropping.
God fucking damn it bungie, this is beyond broken.
the error codes are a little out-of-control, yeah; have they made any mention of that yet? i know they said NF was bugged
BiasedBoob pls go