How can we profit off these subhumans?
What are they interested in buying?
How can we profit off these subhumans?
What are they interested in buying?
They're not subhuman. I don't agree with them, but they're people.
They want their day to day anxieties alleviated, and to feel that they're being dealt with respectfully and with consideration. Just like everyone else.
So.. prostitutes?
Head over to /pol/ and ask them.
Alt-right meme t-shirts and accessories
Look at their faces, their dental hygiene, their bodies
How can you even refer to these creatures as people?
Shut the fuck up...
The left is just equally if not more disgusting
They say the same thing about images of minorities. They're both wrong statements.
What's your point? Both are disgusting
What? Is that a stock symbol
ceru my nigga
Who, the cucks?
Um, gluten free whey and Pokemon cards?
Yes the cucks in OP pic
first legalize weed
then a simple 3 step plan
Strap-ons, for sure.
I hear they find that shit liberating.
T-shirts with cuck puns.
It's right there, OP.
Do trumpsupporters really like that? I thought it was more of a hidden fetish they'd masturbate to only or something
bit edgy there son
I hear the Bernouts love it.
They apologize for their horrible earth destroying actions while getting railed.
By other Bernouts, I guess.
>White """"people""""
>autistic enough to wear nazi uniforms in public
>not even muscular and blond enough to pull off the "Aryan Uberman" look
>This is the master race
Average /pol/ user
Much agreed.
Are you referring to Trump supporters in general or just white people that look more or less like the picture?
Is this the second time you've made this thread?
In the first one I gave you good advice that has made me a good chunk of change since last october or so (it's also unsaturated), but since you made this I'm assuming you didn't listen.
A pleb who has contempt for others and doesn't listen to good advice is worse than any of the people in your pics.
>A pleb who has contempt for others and doesn't listen to good advice
Doesn't this describe at least half of the alt-right?
>The master race
can't make this shit up lmao
Not sure, I don't think the "alt right" is a real thing. Do you mean millennial Trump supporters? It definitely describes around 90% of jon stewart+jon oliver fans.
>I don't think the "alt right" is a real thing
it's /pol/ and stormfront and that's about it.
>I don't think the "alt right" is a real thing.
Why don't you think that?
It's a catch-all term for people with conservative beliefs outside the mainstream. A significant portion of them are white supremacists, but not all of them are.
They pretty much all hate muslims, though.
At least from my experience, stormfront is raw racism and /pol/ is national socialism.
Did you learn about the "alt right" through media articles? The same articles that are now crowning pepe as a symbol for white nationalist?
Anyways OP, I gave you the answer in my last post cause I'm nice.
alt right is a name liberals use for white supremacists. It is specifically being used to tie Trump to neo-nazis and other racists.
it may mean something else to you, but nobody cares what you think because you're the alt right.
Bernie Sanders Stickers and T shirts
>create survivalist websites
>spread propaganda about how everything is going downhill
>"Fellow aryans, I buy my gear at, top quality made in Germany stuff!"
>Rub hands intensely selling them the same Chinese shit, just relabeled.
I doubled my savings trading rare Pepes in Detroit, it's a good way to make a quick buck, but if you stay in the game too long it will catch up with you
>because you're the alt right
Said every crying liberal ever.