>tfw NEET
>tfw neet since 2012
How do you guys do it? My parents would have thrown me out on my ass if I wasn't doing something.
got to start somewhere
I was NEET for two years. I could live with it if it weren't for the social embarrassment.
Never having money to go out with friends. Making up excuses why you can't go out. Finally go out and are bombarded with awkward questions about what you're doing with your life because people haven't seen you in a while.
I would rather work a shitty job than live that life. The chances of going from a shitty job to a good life are much better than going from NEET to a good life. Just take any shitty job that's available.
have parents that just don't care enough to kick you out, thinking you still have potential or you're just coming out of your shell and need more time etc...
I'm almost at 3.5 years of NEETdom. If I was kicked out 3 years ago, who knows where I'd be.
It's not that bad, only thing missing is a gf though
>tfw paraplegic and receiving autismbux while in college
>tfw was NEET for a year and it wasn't all that bad
>tfw debt under $1000 from when my legs worked that I'll be unable to pay back until after school because below poverty level income
It could be worse I guess.
does your wiener still work?
Yeah but I don't really feel it the same way I used to.
Literally fucking peer pressure
God this is just sad
NEETS, why not upgrade your life with daytrading. You never leave the house and you make money to hang out with friends and fund your decadent lifestyles.
saved... we all know women crave unemployed men, which is why I mention that fact on the first date but only after I stuck her with the tab.
NEETS have no money or ambition or they wouldn't be NEET
but the internet has evolved to a point where you can make money without leaving the house. Its perfect for NEETs
but yeah, they must have at least some ambition, otherwise they will remain poor and miserable NEETS
I actually want to be no money.
>doesnt want money
how do you buy food or the phone or computer you post with?
Hell, that was a typo. be = but
>tfw fell for the trade meme and I will never have trouble finding work
Sitting here getting high on lunch with the co worker Fernando like a fucking normal scum I am
How? McDonalds literally will hire criminals.
ahahaha I bet you speak fluent Spanish now
now get back to fixing my car
Don't worry I'll make sure to strip the fuck out of your oil plug with my impact
You are my favourite goy