Love Live School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #805: Maid Edition

Zenkai no /llsifg/ Sunshine: >Current Events
JP: Eli & Kotori MedFes
EN: Umi & Maki ScoreMatch [Soon]

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>open thread

Reminder that Yoshiko is canonically smart.

Reminder that Yoshiko is canonically attracted to Riko

My bbygrl Chika
Orange like doritos

Im more of a cool ranch guy tbch but ill still settle for nacho cheese

To quote the goat king of pop "I'll be loving you, that's what I want to do"

Ilu bae

I love You!


Hanayo is cute!

I love Dia.

Don't mind me, just posting Yohane-sama.

Good thread.

Honestly they should make subunits after the anime so we know the personalities better.


Yes, because the anime is the only material that matters.


Who's ready to suffer for RedSea?


Anime is only one of multiple canons

Pretty much

this thread needs more tomato

>hagshit event

I think she's cute too

>implying it wasn't all rigged from the start


>having Aqours events now

Probably. That's why the pre-decide 6 choices instead of letting us pick between all possible combinations.


Why did they make Riko summon Yoshiko?


It's ok Riko-chan, we forgive you.


Yeah. Don't know why they didn't have Mari say it too.

Why is Rin so perfect?

Maki chan is my gf

Is this symbolism for Riko summoning Yoshiko to the group?

we know, umi

Ok, Nozomi.


It's symbolism for Rikyako summoning Aikyan to her bedroom

I want to smash maki's tomatoes

Next episode will create some serious shitposting regardless of what happens.
You can fuck off now and save us some time.

Fuck. Now I have to fap again.

>Maki&Umi event right after KotoUmi

What's next NicoMaki ?

>Next episode will create some serious shitposting regardless of what happens.
Next episode will be great. I mean, just look at Riko's clothes, they are the same style as Yohane.

Last thread got me thinking, did we ever see any of the raibus do anything smart besides studying?

Different locations so have a heads up of how it will go.
>they meet the chuuni yoshiko again
>dress riko like that to convince her to join and she fails because reasons
>you manages to recruit her because muh closeness
Wildcard:Shiitake and Riko get a scene together.


>not yuri

At least we can start the real shitposting about YoYo if that happens.

Honoka is an idiot but knows how to cook.

The two most popular girls must be destined to be together.

Does that mean everything? Decades ago, every woman knew how to cook and clean.

We don't live decades ago though.Most young people know next to nothing about household chores.

So she has the skills of people who worked with less? Is that supposed to be impressive?

>umimaki event

Fuck me, T1 is going to hurt so bad.

Is it Saturday yet?

Is this event going to be a bloodbath?

I'm more excited for Sunday.

Eli Honk Medley. But first we'll have the Hanayo token

>Hanayo token
At least we all get to take a break from playing the game.

You know that she going to be the first one to get married.

More best girl for me


>best girl
But it's not an Honk event

I'm not sure what pattern they will follow... I think it's gonna be Token Medley Score match Token Medley Token Score match Medley Token Score match Token (...)

That's pretty complex, but so Token events won't get piled up all to the end. Would be crappy to have to play like 5 tokens in a row before the update

It also happened that she's the first one that got her own JAV

that we know of

>Nico token followed by KotoNico MedFes

It wasn't her.

I like Hanamaru

I like You(soro)

so do I



Is there anyone here that wouldn't fuck Maru? I feel like I would instinctively rape her if I ever saw her.

She is pretty cute

mangle yourself


It's too obvious with ChikaRiko. We know they will force it. All the other ships are never forced as hard but are teased so much that we accept them as canon. You need some suspense and doubt for it to be interesting.

I'm going to break your fucking neck.

I think it's just people don't like chikariko.

Marufags are the worst fags.

Can you blame them?

Nice falseflag marunigger

I feel bad for Rikofags. The only ships with substance their raibu has is with an ugly dog or Shiitake.

Who's the dog?

At this point I'm happy if Yohane is with anyone I really don't want her to be a third wheel

It's time bestiality gets the recognition it deserves



Love this meme.



Love this meme too.

Pana a cute.

You're a good Rikofag. Do you happen to like dogs?

If you are trying to imply I'm into bestiality, no.

Will UmiMaki exceed the EliRin and UmiKotori events? We all know how big is the population of the Makifags. Umifags are the minority

Waifufagging is as bad as shipping

cute honk

Those are different delusions and even if they weren't waifufagging only botches one character while shipping botches two.

Chika, the dominant.

Did you guys buy the vita games?

>kotoumi's and umimaki's fes
>the battle of Yoshiko's and Riko's moms
>tomorrow is Yoshiko's episode with Riko (and hanamaru)

I like this coincidence.