"Toxins are hard" Edition.
Last time on /ss13g/
>Zealotron is actually an admin now, who would've expected that?
>They say he's good, too. Is that temporary?
>The thread is talking SME, code confuses everyone with what it uses for specific heat capacity values.
>Some advice on how to operate in public as an admin gets posted, reactions are mixed, source of advice remains a mystery.
>It is summer time, try your hand at toxins, you've nothing better to do, I guarantee it!
>What is Space Station 13?
>New player guide
>BYOND client
>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server, running a vote script to change maps at round end.
>Test server
>Public server list
>Forum, ban list and logs for vgstation
>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"
>Map renders collection: updated sometimes
>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation
>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!
>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie
>OP Pastebin
Spessmen on a spess station - /ss13g/
Other urls found in this thread:
Vox waifus
Whorena is the cervixposter guys
Vox are not for waifus
>CE, HoP, and Captain actually using the "bridge"
Triggered as fuck.
What's a summary of the toxins discussion?
that picture looks like one of those shitty fan videos
gib sauce
I'd fist Whorena's cervix desu
they arent all THAT shitty
It's caelshit man. Have you read all the files for his cute comments?
There's more fluff in
Interim R-UST Tutorial
Rust Engine Discussion, Lets understand this mess of code.
R-UST Fusion Reactor Testing Phase [Tutorial inside]
There wasn't much of a toxins discussion, someone mentioned heat capacities and I threw caution to the wind and got back to drawing up useless equations which theoretically lead to the best bomb possible, would you care to see them? I'm going to look for somebody, who knows how to make Wolfram spit out what I need tomorrow morning, I hope it'll work out this time!
Remove Yred
we need less yred and more sawbones
Shit man put a warning on that. I flinched at that extinguisher closeup. Got trauma man...
Yeah, I'd love to.
I'm not into that sorry
Lets just deadmin Yred then
tfw all errors
That makes it better
Touch me I'll kick the shit out of you
No one is, not humans, not non-humans.
>tfw firebombed 3/5 nuke ops with a burn bag
May we meet in Toxihalla my brother. ;_;7
It just keeps getting better
>TFW first ling round
Did pretty good I think, it was my first antag round where I was finally able to do something without fucking it up. 3 out of 4 objectives.
Stupid question, is there a way to open lockers without the proper ID? Can I just shoot it open like a lockbox?
Meet me in ghetto chapel. I'll bite you on the tit so you know its me.
Laser, emag, emp, and shuttle smashing all work.
I've got myself eight equations with nine variables, so, I think, I should be able to get a nice function with one variable. I'm thinking of taking the amount of plasma moles as the function and finding the maximum for that, then I'll take the maximum value and plug it into the eight equations, making the system solvable. Having solved the system, I'll have all the values I'll need to actually assemble the bomb and most likely see it not even detonate.
The equations describe two tanks: one hot, one cold, with the cold tank being filled fully with oxygen, and the hot tank filled partially with plasma and partially with oxygen. The cold tanks pressure is as high as it can go - 1013 kPa, while the hot tanks pressure can, and should be for maximum moles, raised to 3000 kPa using the difference in heat capacities of oxygen and plasma. The indexes for the hot tank are h, ho is for "hot oxygen" and hp is for "hot plasma", cold tank's index is c.
Fire an emitter at it
Steal/kill for an ID, just order the borg slut to open the fukken locker.Shoot it open. Blow it open, throw the captain into it an average of 4 times for his ID to catch, emp it (grenades artifacts, syndienades, sing emp pulse, sme explosion pulse, ion rifle), drill it, emitter it, melt it, light an IED and hold it up to the idlock (5% chance to work otherwise), use a hostile mob to smash it open unless it's patched out finally, smash it with a shuttle (patched out here at least), mass drive it with sufficient force into an rwall 1 tile away, emag it, ask the captain/HoP, ask an assistant/clown, pay the vox trader.
I thought shuttles destroyed the contents now
Last I checked it just destroys the container and plops the items down on the location the container was.
It could have changed though, I'd be happy if it did.
shuttles destroyed all of the contents now so dont use the shuttle.
laser gun it down or emitter it open
I want Kaylie Morgan to be the vampire and me and my dick to unite to defeat her!
I want Whorena to be the vampire and me and my dick to unite to defeat her!
I want to learn medical or maybe xenobiology.
>You will never lead an angry wood buckler mob to hold down kaylie/morena and purify her with the might of our nonconsensual hugs
Learn xeno and stay the fuck out of my medbay you trash
We don't need another piece of shit like you fucking everything up
>Tfw managed to save someone without cloning them for the first time earlier
Just keep the guide to chemistry open so you know what pills do what and then guess your way through surgery. Also ignore the CMO because he's always played by some angry autist who will literally kill himself if you don't put honey in the mix
Medbay it is then.
#define ONE_ATMOSPHERE 101.325 //kPa
#define TANK_LEAK_PRESSURE (30.*ONE_ATMOSPHERE) // Tank starts leaking
#define TANK_RUPTURE_PRESSURE (40.*ONE_ATMOSPHERE) // Tank spills all contents into atmosphere
#define TANK_FRAGMENT_PRESSURE (50.*ONE_ATMOSPHERE) // Boom 3x3 base explosion
#define TANK_FRAGMENT_SCALE (10.*ONE_ATMOSPHERE) // +1 for each SCALE kPa aboe threshold
You can go to 3039.75 kpa. It's usually not an issue but there's corner cases. Also don't want to be exact cause round errors add up and you get a pressure burst without ignition but still.
Ignition is at 373.15k. Not a big deal too but still
Can't read squiggle. We didn't have the books with all the newfangles squiggle shit they put in to make textbooks feel exotic. Plus teach was big on always writing it and formulas out. You should be able to hit low-mid 20's then when you really crack into it you'll fix an assumption.
>it's a "throw em in the cloner" doctor
Fucking faggots, why do they have to ruin the fun of Medbay every single time.
While it's vital to know how to do all the medbay shit, the goal is getting them back in the round asap not staring at a nap screen for 15 minutes while you fellate yourself
>Giving someone blood before I defib them
>Some faggot runs over and tries to drag him to the cloner
No fuck off he doesn't even need surgery
And this, this a virus that has ascended past a virus. Or, you could just call this a virus stage 2
And this is to go even further beyond!
>Taking 15 minutes to do some minor surgery and give blood
baka desu senpai
Then do more training camps. Shitbay is shit.
15 minutes is hyperbole
you can do that in 3
clone them in 1
Virus level 3.
And I messed up the order, so RIP 4.
I never managed to find this bit about exploding tanks, I always thought that it was about pressure, but never had any proof, thank you! I got the 3000 kPa number from the thread, but yours is actually based on code, which is always good!
And I'm going to nudge all the exact numbers down a bit before calculating the values to compensate for the trembling hands and the rounding errors, I've no doubt I'll need as much room for error, as I can get
The squiggle is probably my poor imitation of the nu letter, we've always been taught using the greek alphabet back at school, I liked it too: the squiggles have always looked so intriguing! I've seen people use N to denote the amount of moles, but that's the letter we had for the amount of particles, which is Avogadro's number times the amount of moles, so that always had me confused a little, I've written everything down for Wolfram using latin letters, if you are still interested:
3000*70 == (Nhp + Nho)*8.314*Th
Pho + Php == 1013
Pho*70 == Nho*8.314*Tho
Php*70 == Nhp*8.314*Thp
200*Nhp*Thp + 20*Nho*8.314*Tho == Th*(200*Nhp + 20*Nho)
1013*70 == Nc*8.314*Tc
373*(200*Nhp + 20*(Nho + Nc)) == 20*(Nc*Tc + Nho*Th) + 200*Nhp*Th
2 (Nho + Nc) == Np
Thank you for talking to me, I didn't realise how much I missed toxins discussions!
>hook person up to blood
>wait until they are good enough to be revived
>they are up and can talk n shit while waiting for enough blood
>drag someone all the way to the cloner
>put them in and wait several minutes until they finish or speedclone if possible
>stick them in cryo for a few minutes until they are done
>wait for them to wake up
now which one is faster
This would be more correct, knowing what I know now
30*101.325*70 == (Nhp + Nho)*8.314*Th
Pho + Php == 10*101.325
Pho*70 == Nho*8.314*Tho
Php*70 == Nhp*8.314*Thp
200*Nhp*Thp + 20*Nho*8.314*Tho == Th*(200*Nhp + 20*Nho)
10*101.325*70 == Nc*8.314*Tc
373.15*(200*Nhp + 20*(Nho + Nc)) == 20*(Nc*Tc + Nho*Th) + 200*Nhp*Th
2*(Nho + Nc) == Np
I'm not terribly attentive at this hour, I'll have to reread everything in the morning
>"several minutes"
>"a few minutes"
You are literally, LITERALLY retarded
Terribly memed, don't try this again
>Speedcloning when you don't need to
I bet people love their purple hair and fucked SE
>being so much of a special snowflake that you prefer being dead to your hair not being pretty blonde
>having your hair showing at all
>Get a little bit of radiation damage
>All speed cloning disabilities come back
I play as a dude and the purple hair looks okay/10 but I doubt most people care as little as I do
I won't. ; ;
I'm still learning to meme, too.
In all the times I've been speedcloned I only ever remember getting one mutation each time. Doubt that premature eject affects mutation chance.
>I doubt most people care as little as I do
so you are literally
getting offended for other people
>this is worth 3 days
Could have had notes asking for him to be banned if doing it but yeah its yred. I'm staying away from this server to avoid some metagrudge ban. Not like him and zealot will last long.
I just think medbay shouldn't be full of retards who only know how to clone people, I've seen a pile of bodies outside genetics waiting to be cloned whilst everyone in medbay bar the one guy speedcloning just sat around doing nothing
Why did you cut out their Ckey?
because its a known griffing idiot and he wanted to make yred look bad
more like a literal who
yred doesn't need any help to look bad
>He doesn't know Gaben, from Valve
>The guy that made Halo
Fucking millenials
Well, he was banned the day prior for nonantag murder and grayshittery if you are interested.
It might be worth mentioning it was a blob round, and all the gun chargers were in the bar
so he had a note, like i said he could have before
no need to defend yred unless you're him
Are you autistic, son?
Eyy, broskis... those are pointing sticks.
I want to knock up trinity!
Oh boy here comes Sennat to defend the new shitter admin crew
Whatcha gonna do about it, bitch boy?
Yred's in the right here, although he really needs to write more detailed notes. If you recently got unbanned, consider yourself to be on thin fucking ice. If you start sabotaging the crew during a blob round, well gee maybe you'll get fucking banned again.
>doctor popping pills in a corpse
>plays to make them ride medbay's wild ride
>get sick of watching this shit
>bring him to a cloner, eject him from the cloner
>bring him to cryo
>healed in under 2 minutes
Was preventing you from making the dude wait forever worth posting here, Samson Steele?
Yreds never in the right
Just ignore him.
Will do, its just amazing someone who was arguably a respectful admin/person before turned into such a huge shitter
You're not alone in thinking that but just by typing that it will be used for further shitposting in the thread.
Yred might be in the right
Ironic, coming from someone that's trying to dogpile on a new admin over something that wasn't even a mistake.
And please, i've always been like this towards shitters acting up, even when i was headmin. Especially when i was headmin.
If you want to attack someone, build a proper case against them. Don't sperg out because you don't like them personally.
Yeah I know its just nice to vent some anger, but fuck this im going to sleep
>It is a raging mages round with two wizards with mind swap
>Lone sec
>Me and the captain chasing down one guy
>We down him so I don't see him mind swap the captain
>Later the pAI says the captain is mindswapped
>We kill the captain
>He swaps to some paramedic next to me who starts disarming me
>I kill him
>Another wizard with mindswap swaps some guy
>Swaps the HoP
>Then swaps from the HoP to someone else before I can notice it
>Shoot the HoP once
>Then shoot the actual wizard
>Then the wizard swaps to a plasmamen
>At this point we have murdered so many people
>Find another wizard in a hallway
>Shoot it
>It swaps with me
>I get out after some time and find the wizard swapping someone in bar
>Drag the wizard into surgery and start scalpeling him
>Round over
That round was extra fucking shit.
RE: I was the wizard, I actually was only able to mindswap the captain and stayed that way. it was the CAPTAINS ghost that got bugged and was able to jaunt MM and mindswap others as my corpse. It woulda been a PERFECT fucking gettaway if that bug had not happened. fucker kept jaunting and we couldnt even cremate him.
I would have included the bleb bit but I accidentally deleted that when editing the ban before submission, and I'm not sure how to edit it now that it's out there.
Uh, it's been a while since i've edited ban reasons but try the following:
Open the Unban Panel
Punch in Yred under admin name or gabenfromvalve under the other option, either works
Should be able to do it through there i think?
>talks about "building a proper case"
>jumps in defense of 2 trialmins with poor histories but you hang with non-top
>spergs out in the forum shitposting against a nice old admin applying to return
please keep mentioning that you were once headmin like it matters now
Who's Samson Steele? I don't play medbay that often but sitting dead outside genetics waiting for the pile of bodies your sat in to be speedcloned is pretty shit when most of the people there literally just need a defib and some tricord is pretty annoying
>and some tricord
this is how you reliably spot someone who loves to bitch about shit he doesn't even understand
you can fuck right off
>jumps in defense of 2 trialmins with poor histories but you hang with non-top
I literally don't talk to Yred ever. I don't think he's in the Discord and if he is, it's not under his name, and i definitely don't have him on Steam.
>spergs out in the forum shitposting against a nice old admin applying to return
Yeah, poor old mrpain, it's not like he threw a temper tantrum where he called other, more experienced admins and the headmin "useless" and acted like he was god's gift to the server, destined to save us all from our meagre existances, right?
No, he's just poor old mrpain that wanted to do his best and was super humble but evil old senaat (and everyone else) screamed at home, how dare i, right?
>please keep mentioning that you were once headmin like it matters now
The only reason i mentioned that was because someone commented on how i went from a respectable admin to a shitter, when i've always been a shitter.
tricord was an understatement, they might need a bandage and some iron as well
>screamed at home
Screamed at him, same thing.
Yred/(Landyn Joyce)->GabenFromValve/(Randy Sandy): I saw you cutting wires long after blob was confirmed. As well as removing the bar APC cell and cutting power there.
GabenFromValve/(Randy Sandy)->Yred/(Landyn Joyce): give the crew/engineering slightly more of a challange
I like him can we unban him?
>thinking posting my name will somehow make me wrong