/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #321

/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #321

MVP Edition

Android: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.com2us.soccerspirits.normal2.freefull.google.global.android.common

iOS: itunes.apple.com/us/soccer-spirits/id808137814?mt=8

FAQ: pastebin.com/wNX2ME3E

JP SS Translations: pastebin.com/5PAxVQ96

Friend list: ofo.jp/j/OgjO

/ssg/ Rankings: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DXPfisMr4PO93itW9rDez5BK9PlK3iwbPBHALyLmKco/edit?usp=sharing

The following players will have a boosted rate during the following weekend(s):

Jul. 29th - 30th: Renee, Z001 Veronica, Beatrice, Sammy, Asakura, Shu, Serestia

Aug. 5th - 6th: Jean, Freyja, Miho, Milky Way, Lilith, Bell, Vonchi

Current events:
Hidden cards of the space time continuum, 7/21-8/5
Swimsuit Sue Boss Match: 7/17 - 7/31
Sena Rival Match 7/17 - 7/31

IMPORTANT BIG PATCH INFO : docs.google.com/document/d/1_24OT6wvNkfyAAxLHq4UdMYo0uWh5TdSFqnVNVEAZWc/preview?pli=1

More info can be found in-game

Previous Thread :

forgot to update the draws

Jul. 29th - Jul. 30th PDT
> Renee (Ardor), Z001 Veronica (Thunder), Beatrice (Whirlwind), Sammy (Light), Asakura (Dark), William (Ardor, Legendary), Jiho (Ardor, Legendary)

week after Jul. 29th - Jul. 30th PDT?
> Jean (Ardor), Freyja (Thunder), Miho (Whirlwind), Milky Way (Light), Lilith (Dark), MX27 Leventor (Thunder, Legendary), Felix (Thunder, Legendary)

Fapping too hard to Noa's noas I did not read the details. Thanks.

Post OP player+stone combinations.

Don't rush
You priorities are
A)Farm GP on galaxy arena
B) get a decent 5* Striker and GK via Scout or boxes/draw if you are lucky
C)Leveling your units
D) getting 30 for the free legend
after that you want to focus on your element of choice, getting the right 5* and finally evolving.
Obviously you are not going to get all your 5* in 1 week so you can evolve your Striker and GK as you search for the other units

>nobody i want
guess i'll do a draw now since i'm almost to mileage


Who 4-0 here?

I'm a Virasexual.


So what is the advantage to switching to the galaxy server?

Will I be free of all the hundreds of mainlander Han Chinese who all use the "we arr rook same!" generic team?

>did 300 Draws
>6 6*'s
>want to 7* Sharr
>lack pengs
never in my life have i ever wished i had kumas

>it's almost time to throw away my esports hopes and have best girl as my striker again

>TFW I just pulled renee
>Use leventor.
What bitch. Couldn't I've gotten somoene useful.

> Roll Noa
> Dicks keep flirting with me
> Roll Sam
> Dicks AND monster dicks flirt with me more than the girls

Welp, should've just stuck with Noa.

doesn't matter you'll get all the players on your team eventually

the club match arenas look way better than the shit we have now

Where is her ass?

>we didn't got jack shit from the update
>marineco just game me a 1 star spirit stone
>can't test any newf eature due to low resources
>still have one legendary and only one that was welfare khiriel
>most of my stones got nerfed
> I did a gatekeeper champion match and got a 3 star instead of an actual gatekeeper

I don't think I can handle this

btw jkun is still alive :^)

>tfw been save up S1 5* box for many months
>Few S2 got demote to Classic star and I manage to get Verister from it
>still somehow manage to pull Celus from one of the box

is there anyone worse than beatricefags?

Is Pajheet a good roll?

Also are units that boost stats for X time good?

Why the fuck do so many people put Meiran in their backline?

Not anymore, even vann is a better striker

what's wrong with Cletus? Everyone seems to hate him

Leaders are what you're referring to and some are alright but their passives are what make them good, and you usually want to save the spirit for your goalie, assist, and striker anyway

>draw exclusion only applys to players you have max superbed
the fuck? i dont want to hold onto a max superb lilith

leaders aren't the only players with stacking passives

Spirit is the blue bar used for skills right?

Also what do units in the support slot do?

those players can be moved to any spot in the team other than the GK slot in PvP matches, they don't get the position bonuses though

blue bar in the bottom left is your spirit, orange bar in the top right is the enemy teams spirit (used for active abilities)

support slot units are players on the team like any other but their position can be moved to any position except goalkeeper before the match

Did you check if it's their support slot? Because that's her default spot. Doesn't necessarily mean they put her there when they play her.

How good is Beato right now?

Actually worse than constance

if you can get her a light slot for MW she can be good, other than that she can use the WW pen unique or SHoT and be better off than before
ignore the falseflaggers


discord is trying too hard to be a new meme desu

>gbf shills back at it again
im not touching your generic garbage game

Is there actually a stone discount? Where are people reading this?

Balmung best stone


get out sub 2900 shitter



>people stop stacking Crit rate in favor of Crit damage
Time to get my 250% Crit resist BT out agai-

oh the ghost stats have been nerf ;___;

At 850 dstones is metatron still obvious get, or maybe I should go for askeladd or spmething. I still dunno how to play this game

Get Meta for sure.

>11k team
>Milky CM
Meta would help your mid a lot

Either Meta Duran or Jiho I say

gbf/RoB have/had great artwork though
I'm sad that my qt Moon Al'Miraj will never be admired again, and that some Rage characters were rebranded for gbf


Thanks man. Yeah I really need a cm. Will get meta. Valkia waifu and also she's better than nari and I refuse to use luka or silly

>also she's better than nari
she's not, Nari frontline with a Choi buff could destroy backlines

is stacking crit resist even worth anymore

Hmm let me go try that out. Last time I used nari was months ago

I'd go for jiho but is it really worth grinding like 600 more dstones..I'm not a whale I just got incredibly lucky with draw

make sure you have TW on Nari and not IC

No it's not worth it.

The top 3 Legendaries contender is Vonchi Choi Duran. With Meta and Jin following close behind.

I love it

Yep ur right Choi gotta go first

Thanks bro. I'd prob quit anyway if I had to do 600 more

Probably but with non unquie stone nerf it gonna be quite hard since people will still have around 200-250% Crit rate without trying much.
well maybe if you use something like
Jin Jiho Duran (Nuera/Lucifer) backline

Still I find Lucifer to be very good now, but I rarely see him in league.

Moon Al'Miraj is a card in shadowverse, can always try that if you miss her.

Can't wait for WW's return next patch.

fuck off falseflagger

get fucked

>rank 6 spirit stones are now rank 4
Is this a indirect gold buff?

Hello /ssg/
So i was waiting for the patch and stuff, and rolled some stuff on the scout, so now my team looks like this. I was thinking about putting Nez up front instead of Milky, putting Miho instead of Nez and Milky instead of Miho. My game right now i basically let Meta destroy the midfield and i'm comfortable enough with my backline right now as it is, and i think i can afford a more frail body (Milky) that will be giving action speed and reflexes anyway. I also have enough material for a Extreme Evo, but i'm close to making it two, so one is def Nez, and i was thinking that the second one should be maybe princess or Kirin. Also i'd appreciate any advice regarding the team (and i'm still looking for that Silk, or more dark players but no luck so far)

Also, i'm rank 64 now and the stone match is absolutely ridiculous. What the actual fuck is with that? I won't be able to get new stones in a while it seems.

If RNG favors you

if you can find a set up to work without Meta in CM do that
and move Meta to CF.

Not sure if they still work now but Kirin Meta Nera (something something Choi) front used to rekt almost any backline.

>improve cod by showing champ on 'next match'
>fuck it up by having to select liz/meta before each match
cmon bigball

>>fuck it up
they said we'll get new support players, they just put it too early

And those support players are completely worthless since BB set all their skills to zero.

Liz and Meta are back to being the handicap, and not an actual help in the stage.

>tfw saber lied to us about getting free stuff
I'm never trusting a jew again

Its a bug you stupid bitch.

Holy fuck

we got 3 prem tickets goyim

I don't think i have enough players to make a midfield work without Meta. She's basically the backbone on my team and i heard is the best CM there is in the game. That frontline does look pretty fucking intense actually tho. Thanks for the input!

Any more advices /ssg/?

new support players will scale properly, and have 5/5/5/5
meta/liz will stay as they are now
50ds to unlock use of new units
champions will be balanced to be unwinnable without the proper element support

This is pretty much reverting everything back to the base league where the only people who could advance were hyperwhales.

is it an ok idea to run kiki and jin on a mono thunder team or should i look for thunder players to replace them with?

i swear the helper for ardor is going to be choi

Why are you taking a shitpost seriously?

Is this game really piss easy at the start? Will it get harder soon?

How much are you willing to spend?

quit while you can

Turn back now. You can still escape!

Listen here son, you're not caught by Fred yet so you can still leave unlike us who are trapped here.

This game is real easy at the start, Especially in early PvE. However mid to late game the difficulty increases, but that's where the game shines. Team building is great if you can the units.

>team building
You mean copying everyone else's team and hypermaxing them.

The game is as difficult as your amount of disposable income divided by your luck.

I, for example, have spent thousands of dollars and gotten shit on by draws so hard it's honestly amazing. I truly believe that certain accounts (read: Korean and Chinese) are rigged to have better draw rates.

On the other hand, there's shitters in here who've spent only peanuts and legendary players just rain down from the heavens.

Of course, this is a truth for any mobage, not just this one. Most of the rest are honestly much worse. New games might trick you into thinking 'wow this game is so generous with so much free stuff' but that's only to draw you in to the skinner box. Once they've pulled you in and you've progressed some, THAT's when you start to see the first vestiges of the Chinese turbowhales who spend literally tens of thousands of dollars just to make sure you can never have any fun.

> Maxed out team pre-patch
> Fuckton of transcending and 7*-ing to do

So what the fuck do I do now, scout dupes to transcend or work on 7* my players first?

> Didn't notice they nerfed stones
> GK lost a fuckton of CR and DR

What the fuck is this shit.


Bumping so the game is not ded anymore.

I can't bench her. I just can't.
I'm sure she'll return to her former glory one day. I'll keep waiting until then ;_;

DR stones got slightly buffed, CR got nerfed along with crit rate.

They halved substats as if people didn't spend d-stones rolling them though.

not halved but they cut some down by a lot

> Tfw my DR came from substats

Crit, Crit Resist, CAR and Reflexes all got dumpstered.

But garbage stats like steal and dribble got boosted.

Because everyone just fucking LOVES their assists and GK having 300 extra dribble on their stones, right?

Post level 70s

>21% flex substat down to 11%

my 20% reflex dropped to 12%, 21% should have dropped to 12.6%
it was stupid of them to do it without giving some sort of compensation though, I wouldn't have rerolled a lot of my stones if I knew it would lose so much

What stone slot did you get?

Yet another "fix" no one ever asked for.