Final Fantasy General CCXLV - /ffg/

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/ffg/'s RK FAQ:

>FF XII: The Zodiac Age

>World Of FF

/ffg/ has a linkshell on Asura: "FearTheVoid"!
FFXI July Update:

>FF Brave Exvius
Friend Codes:

>Mobius Final Fantasy releases on August 3rd!

>Other game information

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Mobius Final Fantasy western release starts next Wednesday

Don't forget to pre-register for free in-game shit if you're thinking about trying it out

Enemies, as well as the battle screens look incredible. That just makes me wonder even more what the fuck went wrong with all the other graphics, since they clearly have talented people working on the remakes.

Reminder that Cosmos Rings will be the Mobius killer that is the BE killer that is the RK killer.

Threadly reminder that RK, BE, Mobius, the watch app, Pinball, and the monster game WILL be killed by the game with Noct's daddy

Reminder that I don't play these mobile games and am excited for FFXV.

Just started a few days ago

Who should I replace for Bartz?

Also can I friend you lads?


Why pre-register if people are going to reroll anyway?
>dress up gacha simulator
>male character only
Sorry but I'm not a fujoshit.

Drop Rain

i'd rather have regular armorless exdeath

Drop Rain, While Krile is a better healer than Maria, since you don't have another mage you want her pumping out damage.

drop lasswell. rain at least learns power break.



the controls sucking worry me

Drop Shulk. Check the op for a list of people who play BE. Just be active.

guy when

He has fucking Vaan, are you high?

Adding to that, put your in-game name here too, or I won't find you among the 30 requests I have.

Kek. Pic related. It's Rain and Austic bow girl

looks like 3* vaan. he won't have full break any time soon unless they bring back cactus dunes. lasswell is a 100% waste of awakening mats

Gabranth soon, fellow keepers.

Hyped for that and Basch's SSB/MC2.

should I put /ffg/ in my caption so you guys know I am adding you?

God no. That's something reddit would do. Just put yourself on the friend code list, that'll do.

The wind howls, the sky rages. Air Nin, HurricaneRed!

My Basch has been sitting at level 65 for a long while now.

Your name should be enough

Tempted to fill in the rest of everyone's names in the spreadsheet for them, these empty spaces are triggering me

For those anons talking earlier about Wrath being worth or not.



>time to take over everything
>nah fuck it imma chill

Does Steal Power work on the nightmare CPU for the aura removal?


>tfw just finished that 2 nights ago
Also now I kinda regret deleting my Fantasy Squadron Crystaman image. Probably in the archves. Red Warrior, Blue (Black) Mage, White Mage, Green Thief, Yellow Monk.

Should I play the Dissidia games in order or is 012 a direct upgrade of the first?


012 has the first game in it.

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

012 has the whole first game inside of it.

The only differences are minor and not worth saving in the first place.

Vayne's fan did something wrong, though.

>forcing a poor & unoriginal meme, plus giving him an awful rep

012 is a prequel, it's story comes before the story of the original game, and after you clear 012's story mode you unlock an updated version of the original game's story mode. There's absolutely no reason to play the original game unless you want to see what technical changes were made.

How pay2win is it?

vayne solidor did things which would be considered war crimes and he would be executed for them

I'm just doing my best to make sure everyone knows who the True Hero of FFXII is.

Just because something is considered so in some places by many unintelligent people doesn't make it true.

>Why pre-register if people are going to reroll anyway?
aren't the bonuses for people that pre-register only?

vayne and venat colluding on their own to shape humankind's history is equivalent to the cabal of occuria doing the same thing.

>one human and one god-things trying to give a competent person power is the same thing as 11 dickish god-things trying to awaken and keep power in the hands of an emotional child with no demonstratable leadership abilities

Ashe is a fine leader, as the sequel shows.

280th eternal reminder that Terra is best girl

Ashe makes a good leader in revenant wings. She also rejected the occuria and is the only leader who decides to have humanity actually free of outside influences at the end of the game.

reminder to kill yourself, terrafag.

>the hilariously illogical sequel that (iirc, so ammv) shows basically nothing about how anything is going outside of the main cast/plot that has little to do with the plot/political threads of the previous game
>being used as evidence of anything, even if it did have any real information in it, which iirc it really didn't except for the simple fact that Dalmasca still existed and wasn't in active conflict with neighbors
No, although I played that game fucking years ago and have since tried to forget all of it, so if I'm hilariously wrong feel free to try and correct me.

Also, she had literally no demonstratable leadership abilities at the time of the original game, and multiple traits that suggest she's be an awful leader especially compared to the competition. Expecting someone to make their decisions based on the unforeseeable future is ridiculous.

It's kinda sad when you realize all of "Vayne's" winning moves are simply because of Venat. He's nothing special familia.

I think it implied Dalmasca was doing well, though I forget the details. Either way it shows her rule is just fine.

>multiple traits that suggest she's be an awful leader especially compared to the competition

Like what? I guess she is pretty young but there have been young rulers before.

>implying implications
Venat just gave him/Cid directions on how to make a few of the tools he used, not all of them, and not how to use them. He still orchestrated everything and was extremely successful up until the very end, which is amazing considering everything he was going against.

Her youth has relaticely little to do with it except lack of experience. More worrying is her impulsiveness, her habit of listening to emotion over logic, how easily she's driven by rage, and everything encompassed by her "I want only to be free" statement. Her inexperience is a problem, but not the worst of them.



Great, you're back. Can I have the Matamune now? I worked for almost an hour to solve those riddles, then comb the map areas for the bottle messages to pop out. And I really REALLY need that stupid Cactoid Compact so I can subject myself to yet even more masochistic fishing minigames, that serve no purpose than to make me work for that one item I need for that special Bazaar Package. Liu Kang Badge, right?

>capcha: Select all images of rivers.
Even the capcha knows what I'll have to go through.

Can you name any instances where those attributes are detrimental to her success? That's just her personality.

Why is Gilgamesh so fucking awesome? I'd rather whale for him than Lightning.

We're not talking about her success as a person or in her goals, were talking about how good a leader she'd be. And those traits, in any logical universe (ie ignoring rw because Jesus that game was a mess logically) would be indicative of and cause bad leadership. The only way someone like that could be a decent leader is if she was constantly kept in check and tempered by those around her as she was throughout certain times in the game. There were multiple times in game where she would have made some truly unintelligent decisions without the rest of the cast calling her out and persuading her otherwise.

But she didn't make those decisions. And the sequel shows she in all likelihood still hasn't. You can't just dismiss RW because you don't like it, it is canon.

>"10% chance to appear"
>savestate-rerolled perfect fishing rewards for 20 minutes until this happened
10% my ass.

She didn't make those decisikns because of the active and constant input of those around her, that says far more about their competence than hers. She made a lot of okay decisions, eventually and after much persuasion. That's not exactly confidence-inspiring in a leader, especially when there's alternatives around that aren't known for needing persuasion to make decent decisions.

>implying I'm dismissing rw solely because its trash logically
No, although the "can't make a decision based on unforeseeable future" thing come in to play, the main reason I'm dismissing it it because iirc it doesn't say much about her leadership or anything going on in and around Dalmasca, only that she hasn't managed to get it rekt yet.

>how do percentages work
user you need to see a doctor, I think you're retarded.

>that entire post
I'm on a phone and tired, have some mercy on my spelling.


Sometimes it just feels less than it should. Same with the Monograph drops. Good thing savestates are a thing, saves so much time farming for rare loot when I can just savescum to them consistently.

I suppose I deserve it for making the True Hero look slightly worse for being associated, however loosely, with me and my shitty phone typing abilities.

But at the end of the day she still didn't make the decisions. I'm sure there are times when Vanye had a poor idea and sought consultation, we just never see it. Either way, if Ashe truly was a vengeful, impulsive person, she's either still being directed and advised by those around her or has changed her personality in rw. I don't see a problem with either of these scenarios.

True enough, sometimes you just get these bad luck streaks.

But we don't have any evidence at all of any theoretical moments of poor decision making from Vayne, while we have multiple exanples from Ashe. You can't just assume something exists without evidence or logic pointing to it, and even if you're going to go the "everyone makes bad decisions sometimes" route then I'd still rather the one who doesn't make them obviously and has multiple moments of good decision making to balance it out.

Even if she is still being directed by those around her, that doesn't make her a good leader, it just means that a combination of people have managed to not fuck up yet. While that may make her and those around her better leaders than anyone on our planet, that doesn't make her good objectively by any means, and again sure as hell doesn't make her good considering the competition.

>rw again
Its still illogical to expect people in the original game to make their decisions based off of the unforeseeable and largely illogical future.

I did it.

>Also can I friend you lads?
Didn't get your invite. And you're not even in the googledoc

Yeah Im still waiting for this cumbucket to add me too.

Its safe to assume that faris is gettin her mc2, right?

Every leader needs their advisors. Besides, your primary critique of Ashe is that her personality isn't suited to a position of power, yet if she has many counselors checking her actions then that part of her won't manifest.

And I'm not saying that her actions in rw prove that everyone should have trusted her then, I'm saying that your critiques towards her are unfounded since she's obviously a capable (or at the very least, adequate) leader in rw.


I've done all the battles before the nightmare bosses, along with Ultima and Crushdown because they were easy enough. Is there actually a point to honing all the shit I'll need for the others? I've never heard of a 6* ability actually getting used outside of Meltdown on JP.

I'm going against my better judgment and spending roughly up to 20 mythril tomorrow for Faris BSB or Excalibur. I know there is a better banner next month (or a month and a half or w/e) but I don't really care.

N-n-new BE characters tomorrow, right?


What did he mean by this?

No announcement, no new characters. Enjoy your donut ninjas/archers duplicates for the next two weeks.

T-t-that banner ends tomorrow
we're going back to no bonus rates...

The banner runs from 7/22-8/5. So no going hard on summons just yet boy.

Finally, no banners is better than this shit.

Where the fuck did I read 7/29

Just cleared friends list of some inactives
Exdeath lead

When the banner does change, how many pulls are you faggots going to try? Unless it's a FFT banner, I'm doing 1.


Any tips for the FF8 U Cid Mission? These fuckers are doing 1700 aoe lightning damage, even with lightning resist accessories and shell. I've been trying Rinoa BSSB as my RW, and dont think I'll have the damage if I bring a wall.

No you fools, you preregister with multiple accounts and then reroll all of those.

I bet you faggots blew your load rerolling in BE instead of saving your accounts for 15 free tickets instead of 10.
That 5 ticket bonus for completing the first dungeon applies to people who preregistered and got the 10 bonus, as long as you didn't advance the plot that far.

Laugh as I get armpit-sama. Laugh!

Hnng. Lightning-sama is perfect.

post setup

Whats there to roll for in Mobius?

I just started FFV. What happens after Galuf bites it? Does Krile inherit all his stats and jobs?

Yes. Stats don't increase with level, only HP/MP. Krile's base stats are a little different from Galuf's, she has higher magic and worse strength.

The way stats work is a little different in V, characters have bases and equipment/jobs modify that.

Krile's base stats are different from Galuf's.

But it's not enough to make a serious difference, and she inherits everything else.

You can still mash monsters with a Krile Berserker.

Inherets all of his jobs. Stats dont matter much outside of job min/maxing once you unlock them all.