Consider the DL-6 incident!
The police decided to seek the help of spirit mediums to solve the case...
Well, isn't this strange? It was very open and shut. Consider this.
>an elevator case (meaning the culprit was very likely someone from inside the elevator)
>suspects are an unstable bailiff man and a 11-year old kid that was also the child of the victim
>gee I wonder who is the killer
There have been cases much more difficult than this, why did the police seek help of spirit mediums in this specific one?
It is quite a mystery, have you ever wondered this?
I believe we can find the answer when we remember two details:
a) Grossberg has confessed to having been involved with DL-6
b) Mia worked under Grossberg at this time
Therefore, Mia was involved with DL-6!
But still, why would she call spirit mediums on such an easy case?
Consider this.
a) Mia's father dies
b) She naturally channels his spirit to talk with him about what happened
c) As we know, Greg thought Miles had killed him, so he explains that to her
d) Both get scared about the possibility the police will find that during their investigation, so they decide to make an elaborated plot to throw their investigation off
And thus Mia convinces Grossberg to convince the lead prosecutor in the case to seek help from spirit mediums. Mia's mother does as planned and lies to protect Miles.
I've always wondered why Miles' mother and Maya's father seem to have disappeared at the same moment...
Why, the answer is obvious. The Kurain village is a place for females. Gregory took Miles with him to the big cities so the females could stay at Kurain and train her spiritual powers.
My theory explains everything, it is open and shut!