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>Call of the Beastmen

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The Beastmen are a cool faction but the pack is a bit overpriced for what you get. There probably won't be a price drop for some time, so if you're impatient or really like the Beastmen then go ahead, otherwise wait it out.

Double click a spell (it needs to be a boostable spell and you need to have enough magic in the magic pool) to overcast the spell
There's a 50% chance that the caster damages itself though!

Select your lord (make sure he isn't garrisoned or in a stance)
Select the quest battle (on the map or through quest log)
There's a button in the bottom right of the quest battle window that you can use to teleport for 5k gold (when the battle's finished you're automatically teleported back to your original position)

Group units with ctrl + g
Select your group and right click the enemy
All your units move and automatically direct themselves to and engage enemies they get close to while maintaining formation

Other urls found in this thread:




>people fell for the beastmen meme


Daily reminder that if you purchased Beastmen DLC you just doomed this entire series.

Post your densest screenshots

I'm having fun

So go suck a poo

>short term plebs
Oh you fool



You guys like my unit name?

In drakwald forest horse mounts you!

Centigors are great at fucking up ranged, 200 kills errytime. Minotaurs are beasts too. any other cool unit names?

When the options are either
> buy the DLC and hope Sega doesn't think it's easy money and cut content quality
> don't buy the DLC and run the risk of never having a complete Warhammer Fantasy world with all major races
I think I'd rather stick with the former

Anyone want to play co-op with me? I want to get better

>> don't buy the DLC and run the risk of never having a complete Warhammer Fantasy world with all major races
This isnt an option. Period.

The choice is ruin future DLC by buying this crap or dont, thats it.

>> buy the DLC and hope Sega doesn't think it's easy money and cut content quality


Tell me, what's your issue with it

Beastmen have made sieges in my opinion more fun. I am enjoying story driven-ish campaigns.

Sure, link your steam.

Do you live under a god damn rock, like really?

No. What is your issue with it.

You're trolling, no one is that ignorant. No more replies for you.

Lorefags, hear my plea, and answer me these questions three:

1. Are Razorgors actual Beastmen or just wild animals that the Beastmen have tamed?

2. Why do Beastmen Giants have horns?

3. Why can Gorebulls speak but Minotaurs just make cow noises?


Guess that's why they're called Gorebulls.

I guess you just don't have an argument, then. Or at least don't have enough confidence in your argument to actually start a debate. I've heard a dozen different reasons as to why people are unhappy with this DLC but at least half are pure bullshit.

U don't agre wit me so u must b so dum

Not him but
>missing 40% of the roster
>forced to buy minicampaign
>didnt include units that would have been easy and cheap to make or are necessary to make anyway
>recycled mechanics

More than enough justification to call this DLC rubbish, not to mention the fact that its setting the precedent of all future DLC to be missing core units as well as ramping up the price by tacking on shit hardly anyone wants.

Post orgasmic charges. Nonbeastman and nonwarhammer welcome as well.

Eye for an Eye was lots of fun but I'm disappointed at the lack of Toddbringer perspective. Honestly it didn't seem like there were enough beastmen-specific lore references to justify excluding an Empire perspective.

Would also just add more replayability, as it stands you pretty much only ever need to play it twice. (Once normal, once legendary)

Genevieve Dieudonné legendary hero when?

Hopefully never, she is a truly shit character and I hate time-warping/dimension-shifting mary sues who appear in multiple universes just cause her author is weirdly attached to her and unable to create new characters that gain any semblance of traction amongst the fanbase.

Who here want some beastmen erp?



Thread is surprisingly quiet tonight, guess everyone is playing the game.

Anyone else beaten an Eye for an Eye already? or did most of you just jump into a Grand Campaign first?

I was somewhat surprised an Eye for an Eye only took 100-125 turns to finish, although they did say it would be a shorter campaign.

Why dont i just post orgasmic explosions instead

Im fairly disappointed, most of all because you only get to play as 1 faction and there is zero replayability.

About to jump into a legendary beastmen campaign blind, how good are khazrak and malagor compared to each other?

>Magic is finally starting to be not complete horseshit and actually worthwhile with the inclusion of spells like Devolve
>people are already saying it is too OP



Seriously though, more Spellcasters go down in like 10-15 seconds when focused, it really shouldn't be a big deal that they have SOME form of offensive capability. Otherwise they would literally just be there to buff/give an aura bonus which would be lame as fuck.

Khazrak is pretty decent but doesn't get awesome until late game.

Malagor can pretty much blow the fuck out of people from the get-go due to the Lore of the Wilds.

>Come back from work
>Have to sleep at 3am
>My playthrough of the human campaign is still fucked at turn 121
>Can't access it

What can I do to get my campaign back in working order cause I'm about to start yelling and threatening to bust some caps in a nigga.

finished my eye for an eye campaign already as well, enjoyed a lot of the little stuff like boni from defeating Boris the first time/destroying certain factions, interaction with other beastie hordes

also a great looking campaign map with lots of detail in certain areas, which however also was a problem in my mind: why the fuck is that mountain greenskin settlement in the west so detailed while Middenheim doesn't get a proper representation on the map?

all in all a fun, quick campaign

Was there no ending cutscene for winning the new campaign?

whatever you choose, make sure to get the hord growth skill upgraded asap

>unable to create new characters that gain any semblance of traction amongst the fanbase.

t. somebody who has never actually read a book that has Genevieve in it

You're right, I try to avoid consuming literal shit if I can help it.

Yikes, you might be shit outta luck there user.

Best find some niggas to threaten with said caps.

>Hasn't even read it
>Thinks he has the authority to call it shit

No. Thanks for your $17.

Why are people only complaining about missing units now? Every faction is missing some units, typically even more than the Beastmen:

Beastie Boys
> Doombull (there's no excuse for this)
> Harpies (will probably come with DElfs)
> Ghorgon
> Jabberslythe (never expected them to bother with this one desu)

> Rangers
> Bolt Thrower
> Daemonslayer (lord)
> Dragonslayer (hero)
> Troll/Giantslayers
> Slayer Doomseekers

> Hellstriders of Slaanesh
> Chimera
> Putrid Blightkings
> Plague Toads
> Bile Trolls
> Skullreapers
> Skullcrushers
> Slaughterbrute
> Wrathmongers
> Chaos Siege Giant
> War Mammoth
> Mutalith Vortex Beast

> Strigoi
> Corpse Cart
> Bat Swarm
> Spirit Hosts
> Mortis Engine

> Savage Orc Warboss
> Black Orc Warboss
> Night Goblin Great Shaman
> Orc Great Shaman (?)
> Savage Orc Great Shaman (?)
> Night Goblin Big Boss
> Goblin Shaman
> Savage Orc Shaman
> Spear Chukka
> Squig Herd
> Squig Gobba
> Squig Hoppers
> Mangler Squigs
> Colossal Squig
> Snotlings
> Pump Wagon
> Rogue Idol of Gork or Mork

> Imperial Master Engineer
> Wizard Lords (not really needed but still)
> Huntsmen
> State Archers
> Free Company
> Flagellants
> Celestial Hurricanum
> Knights Panther
> Knights of the Blazing Sun
> Knights of the White Wolf
> Grand Master of the White Wolf
> Seneshcal of the White Wolf
> Teutogen Guard
> Priest of Ulric
> Warriors of Ulric
> Wolf-Kin
> Hunting Hounds

Just tell it to me straight doc. Have I lost 16hrs of progress or is there a chance to save my 121turn campaign. Don't hold back, I'm not a nancy, I can take the truth.

It's dead Jim




that would cost too many charlemagnes

Because this DLC costs 1/3 the price of the full game. A game with near 100 units.

They were going to make one but the fact it would cost 7 Jabbers meant they simply couldn't, it was impossible, never could be done. Nope. Cant do it.

Fair, I suppose. I just hope that there's a balance struck between devs and players soon, because the amount of negativity over this is something I don't look forward to every month.

> Tomb Kings still not announced

>all those missing units

Is that for real? I haven't picked up the game yet but man, some of those are like what the fuck why is that missing?


getting 3 reskinned barbarbar factions in attila for 8 euros is more overpriced

Yes I'm just positive if dlc didn't exist we would have all of those units, just like the good old days that never existed!

Chaos piggies



A few of the Chaos ones are from the End Times event, the Cult of Ulric and Slayer-variant ones are from Storm of Chaos. The rest are standard 8th edition if I'm not mistaken.

Was kind of bummed that the Cult of Ulric in the new mini-campaign had literally no distinct units from the tabletop and just went with the standard Empire roster.

At least TWW is bringing to light the old Warhammer Fantasy universe, and might make GW take interest in working on it some more.


You mean those good old days where content was worth the price, yeah fuck those days.

>about to kill the last remaining city to claim ultimate victory
>kill city
>no victory
>check objectives
>had missed the "lmao get 2 tribes to join ur federation (Remaining: 1)"
>no tribes left
>have to load 120 turns to return to a point where there are tribes left

I'm not talking about a full release, but some further fluff and maybe an update to the armies that got left out of 8th would be nice.

I think I fucked myself. I have only one stack, I'm losing money each turn, and Middenheim is the last faction around.

Unless I find a way to maybe hide and hit and run their outskirts I'm not sure what to do.

Old fantasy is dead. Gone. Over. Its finished. What exists and is true now for the Old World is set in stone forever.

Enjoy your space marin- I mean sigmarin- I mean, shit, storm bolte- wait no thats not it either...

but if this brings in money for GW wouldnt they drop all the unprofitable stuff completely and focus on DLC?

They are working on it.

>tabletop Jews giving up tabletop
Do you know the profit they make on shitty plastic?

I'm trying to play dwarfs, and I have difficulty come around the turn 30~ mark where the Greenskins to the south get way too powerful and I can barely keep a single full stack up. I'm getting basically no income, and the different greenskin tribes keep running me around the map to try and defend anything I capture outside of my starting region. What am I doing wrong?

>he will never be real

>he paid for the dlc
good goy

> People still bitching about the price
> It's like piracy doesn't even exist
Who still pays for games, seriously ?

theres so little tt players in general so not much

Never existed.

Are there any buildings aside from the Altdorf one which produces battle wizards? How the fuck do the independent provinces get wizards?

When you're looking at thousands of dollars per captive customer, it adds up.
The hobby is also doing alright in terms of numbers. I have a group of about a dozen players at the closest FLGS.

For you, you were not born yet. Piss off underage.

>not supporting your hobby

As if they anti antisemitism didn't make it apparent enough that you are pure scum.

>The rest are standard 8th edition if I'm not mistaken.
A number of those have been standard since 6th edition (some even 5th).

>free company
>wizard lord
>pump wagon
>spear chukka
>bat swarm
>spirit hosts
>bolt thrower
>slayers of all kinds
>black orc warboss
>night goblin great shaman
>orc great shaman
>night goblin big boss
>goblin shaman

Just to name a few.

>but if this brings in money for GW wouldnt they drop all the unprofitable stuff completely and focus on DLC?
Ill have what you're smoking

All up last year royalties made only 1.7 million pounds for GWS. Thats a fraction of the amount they make from miniatures.

Video games for GWS are a minuscule side project. They give their license out, collect royalties and ignore the rest. Its not big enough for them to care.


>I'm trying to play dwarfs
>I'm getting basically no income
You're doing it WRONG. Dorfs are specialized on shekels.

First you need to remove any recruitment building from your main city (just keep the one already built at squighorn) and ONLY BUILD economic buildings. Mines, markets and shit.

To survive, focus on dwarves basic soldiers and quarellers. With a lord focus on red skills (axe lord) and 2-3 researchs to get the militia bonus. After that, go full blown economic research.

Now once you have your first region (so turn 2) you have to QUICKLY (use mountain path) rush to get Mount Gunbad (sweet gold mine) and then RUSH BACK to use your main army against Grimgor. USE YOUR FUCKING CITY GARNISON to block him, you have a huge army waiting to fuck him up for free. Once he's dead, you'll have time to secure your economy and siege the black crag.

>leave Silver Road for 2 turns to sack a town
>Silver Road is immediately invaded by 2 full armies
>physically impossible to build walls this early
There is no winning the dwarf campaign
Of this, I'm sure

Why is no one linking the old threads anymore?

You still have to buy the base game and that's about as much support I feel like giving

It's the one thing that's keeping me from playing TWW. It doesn't feel like Warhammer without those options and Elf bashing.



Ah, I see. So, don't worry about population growth/establishing order early on then, and focus on income?
Should I not try and start moving southward until later?

Best bretonnia mod for campaign?

man yall some broke mother fuckers get jobs.

DLC is the price of ONE cocktail in San Francisco.

by buying this game and not going out 3 times it was a fucking profit.

Took me 60 turns to realize that the second army you get as Malakor is just a burden on your income, fuck that shit.

You move south with you have two armies, one for defending against a full stack, the other to siege a city.

In both you want tons of basic soldiers and quarellers, anything else is useless until late. With full bonus, basic soldiers become a fucking wall.

Yes but you need it for troops variety. You can't build everything in one single horde so you need that second army to stack up some horde population then build some utilities while your main horde get the bonus buildings


>chaos dorfs have a rivalry with the skaven

I really want them to be in the game