Steampunk edition
Patch 1.02 is out
>memory leak fixed.
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Steampunk edition
Patch 1.02 is out
>memory leak fixed.
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Posting this here so whoever made that mod can try to fix
vore mod
best mod :^)
just found the protectorate cape, are there any other things to find on earth pre destruction?
I hope he's a fan of turgid Floran cock.
kill all furries and degenerates
he's a slut for anything
floran lives matter
Statement. The flower at the garden.
show metadata
Reminder that Kluex is the one true god and all those who do not follow him will be reincarnated as rabbits after death and will never fly in the heavens.
xth for boobmods updated or downloadable when?
Does anyone have coords to legendary weapons/guns and an ocarina?
I would if I knew how, what folder is it in?
nth for cute gay Novakids
Also this user is right.
xth for affectionate crewmates
I have found literally every crew type except for a tailor, just fucking kill me.
Tell me, friend, does Kluex's favor protect your face from being shot in the face with a bazooka?
Just a hypothetical scenario
Melancholy. I wish my crew had affectionate feelings towards this unit.
18th for musky gaping avian pussy
You don't have to be so damn apologetic, yeesh. My time isn't worth any more than yours.
Out of curiosity, how would your ideal "interplanetary war" system work?
soft 'erp' server:
Sex mods WHEN
are you here
Using this AI with this race makes me pleased on a humourous level.
Are apex ships findable anymore? I want those shipdoors for my ship.
kill yourself
I'm here qt how many errors this time?
also kek that's one of mine
Statement. No, but I could help you find it on the console.
/finditem (item ID)
Encouragement. Good luck!
Try playing music my robotic friend. Nothing says mating season like a song from the heart.
Kluex's favor could protect me from a ship falling from the sky, so a rocket would be no problem.
Sorry I'm just naturally like that. But what do you mean ideally? like how it would work? Well, my idea (and I have no idea if this would work) Is that if a nation on planet x decides it wants to attack the nation on planet y, several (or one) teleporters (They can be entities or objects I don't care which) are spawned on the surface of said planet. As long as these remain on the planet, nation x can send troops to attack nation y. If nation y can destroy those teleporters (if you aren't on a planet I just imagine its a number thing), then nation x won't be able to attack until it gains the orbital strike ability again, which could happen in n amount of days. conflicts restricted to nations sharing a single planet would just consist of soldiers either walking to the enemy or being teleported to the border of the settlement/dungeon, and engaging the defences until the population of the enemy town is gone, at which point guards and civilians of the attacking nation would spawn in. The winner will probably gain some advantage in troop numbers or a quicker troop respawn rate or something.
>poptops actually hum a tune when they're walking around
These things are so fuckin' cute it hurts.
what are these
why does the addon make glitches into beldehors
Made a cottage, how terrible is it? Yeah, I got lazy on the last room.
do i have to have the mining helmet in the equip slot for light or can i put it in the social slot?
Embarrassed. This unit possess no artistic talent.
Admission. My time in the noble courts were mostly spent on martial affairs.
Regret. This unit wishes they studied courtly love more.
Agreement. They make for fine company on a castleship, especially when snuggling up near the fireplace.
Encouragement. It looks ok user, but the scale is somewhat small.
Boastful. I always prefer making large houses, especially when making castles.
Good thing admin is a thing, or we'd have all this UNUSED CONTENT we can't have for no reason.
Agreement. On my human character, I was very happy to have access to it so that I could build a lair for the last protectorates alive deep towards the core of a snowy planet.
Frustration. Shame I could not change their apparel to match the idea, however.
reminder to incinerate xeno scum on sight
Hey modder guy. If you read this can you tell me what I need to mod to make erchius ghosts capturable? I've tried fucking with the monster file and capture pod Lua. I can get it to hit the ghost, but it doesn't capture it no matter how much health it has.
Those are the files being patched into each species, the nu- variants are just that, variants of vanilla races using comminuty assets from the early betas/my own tweaks.
Not sure why SSBG race is being changed though, I didn't patch any of the files into any of those races.
Check and see if that SSBG race uses any of the vanilla assets as in its species file, if it's replacing something then RMG has that race set up to use vanilla glitch assets, which I've now patched. Glitch shouldn't look anything like beldehor regardless, though, all I've done to them is add hair and give females nipps.
Who are these men in prism? What crimes have they committed?
Ah, I just got the game one or two days ago. I'm trying to get a hang of smaller projects before moving on to my bigger ideas. I still want to try and make some sci-fi houses before trying my hand at big constructions.
Search mini-dungeons, they usually have a chest at the end with a high chance for legendary shit.
I'm sorry but it was kind of a curveball considering how similar these are
This Vore mod is great
Does anyone else feel at home with using a controller for this game?
I tend to switch back and forth between keyboard/mouse and a controller.
Also, I managed to get my first Apex tenant which is just a villager, but I noticed they would have quests for you from time to time. One of them was to rescue this other Apex who later offered to become my Medic on my crew after I had to do a quest to rescue this girl Apex from a band of Florian cannibals. So my question is... what becomes of these NPCs who are not tenants? Do they just hang around the area? Should I accomendate them with furnisher? Can protected should I make my new Medic? I am almost tempted to leave him on the ship so he doesn't die.
Conjure. Perhaps they were caught during the crystallization of whatever substance that the crystal is made of?
Admission. We all start somewhere, user.
Encouragement. I know you shall be a good builder soon enough.
A bit empty and I'm not a fan of excessive use of ordinary planks and panels (aware of the hypocrisy with my lazy basement here), but it's definitely a good start.
tips? i wish to make a non snowflake race
yay, my aquaculture/swimming room is coming along nicely.
any tips for improvement?
There was a good Halo mod back in the Beta, has it been updated/replaced yet?
How do I get crew members?
Spawnitem isn't working for me for some reason. /spawnitem money x is supposed to give you pixels right?
Statement. Do quests for NPCs and your colonists, then they will randomly decide to join you.
Statement. You must grant yourself admin privileges first, type in
Are there "invisible" clothes like in Terraria?
I really want to wear one of the Apex uniforms, but my helmet hides my character's face.
do npc settlement missions.
>giving glitch normal tiddies
remove it sue
remove it right now
Do quests for people on planets, sometimes they will ask to join if you interact with them afterwards
alternatively you can trade 3 Diamonds to the ponguin bar for a dubloon and hire penguin crewmembers
You mean just random NPCs out in the world or at the Ark?
/admin doesn't work for me. I can't type it in the cmd that opens when you run the server, and I can't type it in game. What gives?
How does one plant kelps?
They die.
Statement. Random NPCs, some will do it after 1 mission, some after 100. It is based on random chance.
So where are the porn mods I've heard about?
do my crewmates really have to wear those hideous uniforms
There's a mod that gives you a starting place.
>calling protectorate uniforms ugly
nigga i'll fucking bash your head
Get a tailor and they copy your fashion
Statement. If you have a tailor, they will allow them to switch to your current uniform recolored to reflect their role on the ship.
seeds drop from the kelp on toxic planets
I have admin privileges. The command still doesn't give me money.
nice, thanks for answering!
the ruin was right to eliminate the protectorate, what with their terrible fashion sense.
I don't like my helmet, is there any way to hide it?
>Max connections
God damn, how many ERPers do you have on there? I just wanted a server to build a home on.
Statement. It places said items at the location of the cursor.
Frustration. This has led to many inopportune situations for this unit.
Confused. I am afraid I do not know, I have never had such difficulties.
So I accidentally placed a protectorate background block
how do I remove it?
Neat, thanks for the info.
is there a mod that allows me to relentlessly slaughter every settlement i come across so that i may dismantle their homes for resources in peace again?
Well that's better than me messing something up again isn't it.
I'll be on later to test things myself. Like 12 hours from now.
I kinda fumbled with my words there so sorry if it sounds jumbled. And also I forgot something. When you make an outpost and it exceeds x amount of members it becomes a nation of its own, and you can launch your own attacks on targets. I don't know if alliances and stuff would even be possible but maybe that could be a thing also, however I would not be bothered if it wasn't a thing.
>Always wanted a dragon dildo
>No money and live with people
>Now I can pretend I own one with the mod for it
Sympathy. There is no possible way to remove it.
Admission. I once placed down the ship from the intro mission, but incorporated it into my settlement eventually.
Is the erp server still adding mods?
Can they add the mech mod?
>tfw chose human
Should I have chose differently? Glitch is cool and so are the jap fish guys.
there's a cosmetic slot next to the equip slot that lets you wear something over it
Literally no way at all?
Humanss are ssscum.
What are the best blocks to use when trying to make a futuristic armory?
just pretend the old heavily militarized lore is canon instead of the new "everyone loves humans and they made the protectorate" shit
FUCK whats the command to give yourself an item, I keep thinking of bethesda commands
Pleased. Glad to have helped.
Statement. There is little to no difference between the races, you can even equip all of the racial armors as different races.
Addition. The only difference is the flavor text when observing objects and ship design.
Sad. I am afraid so. At least, that I know of.
Statement. I use the outpost blocks for almost all futuristic stuff.
How dangerous is it to remove mods in this game?
Fish people are kind of boring but could be comfy for roleplay and have good a e s t h i c. Glitch is best race though. Their skin may be steel but their hearts are gold.
increased the max player count to 50