/dg/ - Destiny General
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First for Warlock genocide
second for warlock genocide
third for warlock genocide
Anybody else feel rise of iron is gonna be a disappointment like the dark below?
>off Destiny because nothing to do but grind
>nothing to do
>turn on Destiny to grind
combobreaker, no
Fifth for Warlock genocide
>all these huntards mad because warlocks keep cucking them with every update
>not wanting titan genocide first
9th for furry pride
No, I think it's gonna be a great expansion. Some areas will be disappointing, like the new gear, but all the actual content (new zone, raid, campaign, etc) looks fantastic.
The main problem it will have is that a lot of people will stop playing after a couple of months unless the events that Bungie cooks up are better than last year.
That, and they aren't marketing RoI well enough. Or rather they aren't advertising it at all. Even if they have no news to share, they need to be building hype SOMEHOW, but they're doing jackshit.
Get in.
All their resources are going into Destiny 2, RoI is a filler to fill the september release originally meant for D2
I do hope for more cool lore though, TTK really did good job with the lore
Post god rolls
pic not related?
I miss elemental primaries
>best class
>best shader
>one of the best exotic armors
>best cloak
>y1 ps exclusive armor
>hunger of crota
>blue ghost
>changeable hands
I see nothing wrong here
>if I play crucible solo I put all the strong players on the other team
fuck you bungie
>play crucible
>go 2.3
>next person on the team is 0.6
looks like shit, maybe if the hunter had the trials set
you don't say?
My favorite meme desu
Yeah pretty much
Plaguelands look great though
>All their resources are going into Destiny 2
or so they say, Destiny 2 and last gen holding them back have been their ultimate damage control on shit content since 2014. If it sucks shit then we know whether or not they were just stalling because of how incompetent they are
>This armsday Gaheris D with Army of One and Outlaw
It's actually pretty good and I'm having a lot of fun with it in PvE
God I hope not
Ultimately RoI will show if Bungie is still crediable
everyone already has very, very decent stuff and the Infusion system is staying in so it'll just boil down to a LL grind for the normies
but the new armor sets and new weapons look cool enough to pointlessly grind for (again)
really want to know what these new ""Features"" will really be
with them saying RoI being less than ttk ribs people the wrong way
then again they did say back at ttk launch that it would have more content than future expansions
At least they're being honest about it
>Hood of Malok
>Imago Loop
>Devouring Maw
>Solar Flayer Mantle
>Stolen Will
ok wew did they up Heroic rates?
I got Grasp of Malok on my first try
>still never had an imago loop, cloak of taniks, or GoM
>Grinding Vanguard packages
>Desperately want a Devil You Know with increased range and Outlaw or Badger with Outlaw and Firefly
>Four packages in a row
>Four Devil You Knows
>All four with Mulligan
>Exhumed, Exhumed, Surrounded, Hot Swap
>Shit perks plus no increase to range on any
I'm stupid and this just occured to me
Rise of Iron raid would be technically a Fallen raid
So now we have a Vex raid, 2 Hive raids, and a Fallen raid. Maybe they'll be a similar to RoI Cabal-themed addon some time in spring?
Gonna run a Tier 2 PoE, join up for "free" Judgement rep
>got jack shit this spring
>thinking we will get anyhthing next spring
Destiny 2.
I have hope man
A common mistake
Hey at least the game is not completely dead
Anyone up for crucible or heroic strikes on the PS4? Can't sleep and need to be up in an hour anyway
Hey man i like this game, i really do, but Bungie is done with it already. We're not getting two more raids.
We're getting at least one, but yeah I can see them focusing on D2 now.
Actually I dont care what they are focusing on, I just want more content wew.
If they are focusing on D2 MAYBE we'll actually get the game in a year
>fallen for 3 waves in a row
I'm okay with this.
Still two spots for PoE fun.
they are waiting, you degenerates
i'll go but you first
Crowd control/performance bonus/hand laid stock on party crasher yes/no?
Same desu senpai invite me for the memes
It's atom, dragonfart
>stability on a gun that fires once a second
Whatcha think?
Rule of thumb for high impact shotguns: If it doesn't have rifled or reinforced barrel, shard it.
>this thread
Just wanted to get my last Grimoire card from PoE real quick, see you later in Trials familia.
damn, he's selling good shit for those who need it
Omolon make some pretty nice shit
>fourth horseman
>matchmake into in progress game
>team has captured b and nothing else
>spawn into sniper lane
>arc bladed on revive
Nice bungo
he's at the reef if anyone wanted to know
>spawn into the tower
>if the symbol of the 9 isn't there on the first pillar to the left, hes not in the tower
I know that, it just saves people a 45 second loading screen if I tell people here
Let them learn for themselves
More bullshit courtesy of raiding with Don.
I can just hear you say what the fuck as you look up
Excuses Excuses
Don't you get wide with me.
>Oryx slams way after he was suppose to and after the spark has spawned
The fun part is that this is all it would take for Oryx to not get wrecked. Instead he summons you to alternate dimensions and casts space magic like it'll do shit.
The whole raid is a test of Guardians might by his sword logic
'Mon then
Thank you for pointing out what happens in that webm user, i had no idea.
>Instead of running for the brand pandox stands around on the platform and forces a wipe
This is the ps4 elite ladies and gentlemen. And you faggots had the guts to say we're the shitters here
Top kek, what a bunch of shitters
We were already 5 manning from the start and it was rotation one, it was more efficient to restart it for the strat we were doing desu
Fuck up.
>He expects Pandox to continue to run
>When there is no one on the first platform
Good job idiot. Great thinking you have there.
Not to mention TenOreos left before daughters so it was a 5 man attempt.
XB1 raid teams are a shithouse, know your place.
Why do you raid with him if his connection is so bad?
coe when
pls respond
>legacy chest engram
fuck you xur i want the tarantella
>xboners dont just insta kill the templars in vog
>run around like headless chickens
theyre crazy, zappo
Because that's the real end game.
Its how he keeps his members on their toes. He makes sure they can keep up in a fucked up raid so that he knows the team still has it.
If they can beat a raid with lag theyre at the top of their game
FoV slider when
More like no one else is masochistic enough to deal with his fuckery.
Sounds like a shitshow to be honest.
Your life is a shithouse
Wasn't even me who was lagging that time.
boner detected
don is a national treasure
>max intellect+discipline
>no backup plans
help, i'm having too much fun
Every fucking time.
>that Minotaur
>get destiny for xb because sale
>first time raiding with xboners
>get ready to snipe templar
>they all run in and start yelling 'kill the yellowbars!'
They wouldn't listen to best strat
the absolute fucking madmen dont know the yellowbars despawn once you open the portals
why he posses the King Crimson Stand?
Who's the edgiest /dg/ and why is it princedilema :::::::::^^^^^)))))))
>With the rest of alpha team
Did they know all along? What the fuck? Have we been blind to it all?