League of Legends General - /lolg/

Kled is the Best and Coolest Yordle of Noxus

Old: Too Stupid to Live, Too Dumb To Die Edition

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Is Smochi a lesbian?

Seccond for best champ + a goat


xth for Luxanna!
Best girl! :3c

Soraka is for ____

>being a nigger

>Advertising a cheating service in OP
>Charging literally over $100 to use scripts and do placements

Xth for Katarina
best girl

>There are people so bad at the game they legitimately can't get to their desired elo without hiring someone to do it for them
>Some of them are probably in this very thread

it's just two friendly lolg boosters relaaaaaaax ;^)

milking and taking it to the slaughterhouse, like any other of her kind

>enemy toplaner tries to fight me
>when they are the villian

>there is something i dont like
>reeee riot lyte where are you ?


Please do not slaughter the blue waifu

>tfw send Lendo an email last week expecting some kind of answer

im still waiting

I bet one of you are the fuckers that beg for feet picks when you meet a girl, aren't you? You're a weird little fuck I hope you know.

>advocating boosting
>being a kike

The bait is too hard

reminder not to bully traps or else youll lose your business

>the city of King ZedZix

tfw have to make a new account because your toxic and can't play any heroes you like

>Get stuck support with adc who can't do anything but die and ragequit.
>Tell team we should report her.
>Our zed gets upset saying its everyone else's fault.
>Spends the rest of the game feeding out the ass.

After the game he states its his ex girlfriend and only defended her in hopes to get back with her.

>playing league with your ex

>overmeme took half of lol's playerbase
>legion gonna take the rest
It's over. Sell your accounts and cash out while you still can.
I will buy your Diamond and Master accounts for twenty bucks each.

Soraka is the best support. Easy to learn, hard to master, can make your ADC retardproof. Prove me wrong.

Other healsluts are also great.

remember to sage report and hide

Xth for best and most loyal girl

I like being bullied though.


I want to apply suncream to nami's body, so she is protected from the sun!

>there are riven mains in this general that still animation cancel using their mouse to click


I went 13/5/10 on Vayne and did the most damage behind you and I still didn't get an S this is BULLSHIT

What else you gonna use for clicking you dumbo?

im not buying a ps4 controller boxbox

>tfw it only took a hundred games for me to stop playing ranked this season

It would most likely fuck up the pH balance of her skin, leaving it susceptible to bacteria and fungus.

You don't even need to click anymore. Just a simple bind.
The world isn't ready to know this publically yet. Just watch Koreans they're using it like crazy atm

>Farming Top as Nasus
>Suddenly 400 MIA pings right on top of me
>Suddenly 400 Assist pings at Dragon pit where my team is engaging a teamfight
>mfw I didn't even have 150 stacks
>mfw this wasn't even Ranked

Is it Stop?

Congrats, you beat the game!

>picking nasus and expecting people not to flame you even when ahead
100% deserved for picking your worthless ass champ

They figured that Riot changed the laugh emote for some reason, so that it animation cancels for Riven. So now you can jump in and laugh all the way to the bank and get all the benefit from animation canceling without clicking around like you're playing Starcraft.

>Chris Badawi threatens to not pay for Remi/Yuno's cosmetic surgery

>Riot immediately bans everyone.


aight so this is a PSA, and it's gonna be a tough one.

If you've ever thought about making or posting rule34 of lulu, then literally kill yourself IRL, right now. Do not wait. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 monopoly dollars. Just rest your neck on a rail and wait for the train.


How do your parents deal with having such an absolute fuck up as a son?

>the pros hate him / 10 secret ways to animation cancel riven that korean pros dont want you to know: the post

fuck off

can riot ban teams for not signing yuno?

I bet you didn't even have teleport.


>The sheer volume of armpit fetish fuel available in League of Legends
>Almost no one capitalizes


is this some meme I don't know about?

Who would be a good champ to play on this patch. Haven't ranked in about a month or two

Lucian, Gragas, Sivir, Fiora.

probs lucian before they nerf again cuz lolbotlane

why do all traps think theyre cute???

i dont even like armpits, i just like riven

Brain damage

These heights correct?

>my le e-relationships ecks dee
maybe become more interesting you cunt.

aint got time for this shit

>implying smochi is interesting at all
All they do is act like an autist and post anime, it's just she's "cutesy" so orbiters will flock.

I know, I realized this by virtue of you editing out the text that was in the image before.

Not that I blame you in this instance.

>Get jumped Top Lane by the two most fed members of the enemy team
>As my screen grays out I pan over to bot where my team is losing the 4v3

That means the two most fed members of the enemy team were the enemy toplaner (whom you obviously laned against) and either the enemy mid or jungle, both of which you should keep in check as a toplaner.

Why complain when you suck dick yourself? Is that how you roll? Suck alodda dicks then complain about others sucking smaller dicks? Fucking faggot loser, LMAO@urelo.


>caring about e personalities on a taiwanese sewing circle forum discord

What text? I didn't edit that, that's how I saved the picture from here.

imagine being 300 games gold v with negative winrate

lol fuckin g

my fucking EYES


>ratio of two positive numbers
I'm glad President Trump is gonna get rid of common core.

reminder the "assassin rework" is just going to be adding a bunch of %HP damage to assassins

he's NA too

my eyes are actually bleeding, wew

is ur fav team tsm? :D

Finally an S

>you can't have a negative rate
are you retarded?

ALL those builds are garbage. Like, not even a single build is even remotely close to being correct. What the fuck?

>Listen to Michael McDonald for 15 minutes or so
>Ears start hurting for some reason

Why did you build Tear?

Given what they said about %HP damage, Kled, and Talon, I can actually see that happening.

but fizz already has it

You can't read.

i mean arguably darius had a fine build but my god he did the worst out of everyone lmao

they talked about how the assassin rework main focus was to make assassins better against other targets
that way they can be not as good against squishy cunts and still be worth picking

the idea being right now that an assassin to be viable has to be able to instagib the ad/midlaner 100% of the time with zero retaliation possible, which makes it very frustrating for the team playing against the assassin, but it's balanced overall because the assassin is only good against that one target

>Soraka has the highgest banrate in Plat+ and is 2d or 3rd most banned champion in other elos


>tank buster fizz
>making every assassin into fiora

Coming back to the game, whats the best tank for top? Bonus points if they can jungle.

I have nerve damage to my hands so I can't play adc/mid champs but I know how to play the shit out of some tanks.

pic unrelated (unless volibear is the answer)

>Riot believes Zed is "the most healthy assassin"
>70% banrate even though he's merely middle of the pack and there are much more pressing bans

His healthiness shows in how much people want to play against.

Yeah I know, that's what I meant. Honestly on paper it sounds alright but in practice what it means is that assassins will be deleting EVERYONE in 2 seconds instead of just ADCs.

Don't do verbal agreements because Riot is a dick.

is he finally post-op?

Knowing Riot assassins will still delete AD carries in about a second but now will deal very significant damage to other targets making their splitpush even better.

That or they'll give them some Talon-tier bullshit AoE damage where the assassin not only kills the AD but ALSO chunks everybody else for half hp.

>you can't have a negative rate, e.g. a negative win rate

In my promos to Plat one. Today is the day folks. I can feel it.

A win rate can't go below 0%. Therefore, there is no such thing as a negative win rate. What you are thinking of is a win-loss ratio less than 1:1.


Good luck

play brand

wew ok I thought we lost that game but I forgot lategame Cait+Lulu is gross

I'm glad I upgraded my Cait mastery to 6 before that game cause free mastery 7 token

ty hypes 4 carry me

Good luck senpai you can do it, high Plat/low Dia is prob the worst elo I've ever experienced but just focus on your own play and you can make it

>not posting the audio along with it

heh...exodus...what an idiot.
aren't you tired of being in kangs shadow?
you'll never be as good as he is at yorick mori
remember him...