Ethics time again!
I run a small business,
Almost every aspect, and every idea I have to improve the business is denied by the owner, either the cash is a problem or one of the other 20 excuses, I feel as if he doesn't care for the business; it is just there to pay the rent.
After some maths I realise I can afford to start one in the same field, about 500mtrs from his and my improvements will carry it through the clouds.
Would doing so be unethical?
Ethics time again!
the fact that you have to ask says you'll fail
No. That's the definition of capitalism. If you can do it better, do so.
Are you in some way subservient to your boss in some aspect of your life other than running the business?
If it's like your uncle or something I wouldn't burn that bridge; he's going to die eventually and you can just take it over once he's dead.
If he's not family or a really close family friend, fuck him if you can outdo him.
There are only two things that may move a man, and that is anger and fear (sorry for sounding a big edgy). So, if he feels any of the two about you, you may have a problem since you are "his subject that went wild".
Other than that, and since i've been many times in your situation, fuck the fucker out of bussiness.
Other ethical consideration is possible.
Eg - did this businessman give you the opportunity to learn these skills?
If you didn't sign a non-compete I don't see what the problem is.
Basically this. What do you feel you owe him, OP? You should really explain this before asking for answers.
How the hell is this a trend on here anyway? People post big questions with not nearly enough relevant information. It's like you want to stay uninformed.
If you have a no-competition clause for X months you'll get sued if you set up shop until X runs out
>show some hard data about the improvements to him
>hammer in the benefits of improvements
It might just be a made up story to start a thread.
In the very unlikely event it's about him personally and it's a real story, he's withholding information for fear of being identified IRL.
exactly, not that id think he could manage Veeky Forums but still. we sell chain saws on a back street pf town, obviously chainsaws are quiet during summer but in winter months we sell them like crazy other competitors are all large corperate style machine shops who over charge for inferior products. i have trid to make him realise that chasing the local logging compamys kill us because they use the bigplayers thanks to greased hands of we just move out onto the main street and expand our summer range (lawn care) we could kill it but he has another store about 300 miles away. (where he lives) which he runs. sorry about my crap writing this ipad is shot, also sorry about my delaued reply, gilmore firls on netflix lol
any credit to this jockey?
no outside connection.
if he feels anger towards me? i worked for him then left and run him out of business?
he sure did, though i wprked my way through the ranks to where i am with my own blood and sweat.
honnestly didnt expect any answers
fucker is too thick for that, i didnt have an employment contract until i wrote my own lol.
Fuck no. When he gets lissy tell him u had a million ideas and he didnt like it so bye falicia. No hard feelings. If you tell him you are about to do it he may even bankroll you to keep you from directly competing. If he throws a fit tell him to suck your dick and put hin out of business.
I believe in being fair even when others dont. However. There is an exception to every rule. Years ago i worked at a rock quarry where i was treated like absolute shit and the owner would sue his own mother if he could make a dime. Little do those fuckers know that i dug a pipeline in their backyard. Legit like 2 miles away. And we dug through solid rock the whole fucking way. Nobody else cared aside from the fact that the job sucked. Well, i paid a few grand to have the rock tested and it passed state gradation. Im also in good with the landowner who hates that asshole also, so, we have began collecting used equipment and fixing it up. I can contrack with the company i currently work at to drill and blast on the weekends until we get our feet on the ground. Got several hard working buddies that will gladly help out. The entire goal for me is to put that rich cocksucker out of business around here. The landowner wants a little cash wich is fine. And so long as i can pay my buddies a descent wage ill cut rock prices to fuck nothing and run that asshole out of town.
So, i believe in being fair. I also believe in being a agreegious prick if someone fucks with u.
I'm not kidding. If he shows up and gets pissy ill beat his fucking ass and then put him out of business here.
Worst case scenario i go under and hurt his sells. All out shit will be paid for and if i go slow with a loader i can run the whole plant by my fuckin self on the weekends and give rock away for the price of fuel, eectricity, and property tax. Try and compete with 3$ a ton mutherfuckers...
Dude it's your life. Fuck him.
Dunning kruger much?
Do it, find out why he's in business and you're not.
Not unethical. But probably unwise.
Why would you set yourself up for fierce competition and inevitable butthurt? Take the knowledge and open up a business in a different part of town. Even if you stay in the same parts - don't open up across the street! You have zero cutomer base and people hate change. There will be resistance to them switching, the current owner will be seen as a victim and will spin the tale of your betrayal. There's a social side to business. It's not all numbers and great ideas. Don't fuck yourself over before you start, don't go into a difficult situation willingly.
If the guy only cares about the rent payments - buy him out. Take over the business and take it to greatness. Maybe bait him with a long-term rental contract. You'll have an established brand, a customer base, no competition, no bad blood and complete freedom. Why wouldn't you buy him out? It's the only sensible thing, especially if he doesn't care about the business and doesn't correctly value its true potential. Here's your opportunity to completely fuck him over while staying on good terms with him.
Did you sign a contract that says you can't? Because I almost gaurentee if you signed one there would be a non compete clause in there
I've done this sort of thing in the past.
you best have deep pockets if you're going to get in a price war.
also there comes a day when you'll need to ask your competitor for something and they'll be a lot more willing to help if you didn't try to crush them.
>it is just there to pay the rent.
this is literally the purpose of most brick and mortar stores.
Business ethicist here OP. No, this definitely wouldn't be unethical. But nonetheless, take seriously. Ethics is about people and people's values. Without having people on your side your business is not going to go well.
I dont know how people come up with this price war idea, the plan is to be roughly 5-12 percent more expensive then him. The big difference will be the curb appeal, product range, service and advertising. Which won't cost anymore then the amount he already rips out of the business. I am the face of his business, i deal with all the problem customers who are the ones who walk out smiling in the end, i run 2 staff upon which 1 is full time and will be leaving with me. The part timer works 15 hours a week cleaning shelves and products and has made the business no more then 2k in th e last 12 months. My projected sales with the new lines and the regular chain saw sales would see 3 new staff in the first 6 months. My simple maths had a 20 percent leeway in start up costs to negate any issues with compitition. The real problem will be establishing a decent buy price on the product, he has a slight advantage in cost for quantity that he hasn't taken advantage of (buying power from having 2 stores)
You want to open a brand new store selling roughly the same product 10% more expensive across the street from established competition. Yeah right, good luck.
What are you even looking for in this thread? It doesn't seem to be advice apparently...
If you really worry about the ethics: Nobody can alleviate that burden. Certainly not a few anonymous posters on the internet telling you you'll still be a nice guy.