Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

Rank 8 Archer info:

Previously on /tosg/: >Can I play the game now?
YES YOU CAN (Get it on steam)! Rank 8 Soon™

TOS Info:
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.

>What is Tree of Savior?
Tree of Savior is an action MMORPG with a lot of classes, cute hats and autism grinding.


>Cards List:

>English patch for kTOS

- kTOS - Server : There's only one KToS server
- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA), Fedimian (EU), Telsiai (SEA)

>Official Translation Project -
Helping in the translation will speed up international server updates and remove unwanted machine-translated text. There are also rewards for contributors, further explained on the github page.

>/tosg/ Guilds info
There is no /tosg/ guild in Varena/Silute, if you want one, either wait for someone to make one or roll a templar.
If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.
Futureproof (Lolipan)
Clover (Karga)
Cake (DeliciousCake)
CuteNotLewd (Plasmagica)
F.O.E. (Jinsae)
Kysses (Cattly)
Kotatsu (Colyo)
CoffeeHouse (Capyba)
Fedimian actually needs a real /tosg/ guild
Comfy (Katzenberg)

Cookie Cutter Guide :
>Wizard and Archer still unedited, Discuss in thread before using

Other urls found in this thread:

get your updated memes here

Is Pedro back yet?

gone forever, bullied too hard

>FOE is now sponsored by conde nast
Nobody cares about your unfunny forced memes.
Play the game instead of sitting there counting replies just to force your unfunny shit.


> musket 2

falcon muskets on suicide watch

t. falcon musket

leet weet

Interested in the game, but last I checked up on it everyone said it wasn't worth playing because of some bug with parties and quests. So did they fix it yet?

check back in 2017

do you like heavy grinding and have nothing to do at max level other than rolling alts?

>Kysses (Cattly)

Reminder to change this to Database (Cattly).

Falconer, which controls a Hawk companion, will receive further changes in Circle 3.

An attribute will be added to Circling that lets it duplicate attacks within the affected area at a chance of 5% per skill level. This will be a very important skill for Archers, who tend to be weak against multiple enemies.

A new skill "Aiming" will increase the effective hitbox of enemies around the hawk, allowing you to attack from even further away. Because this skill can be combined with other skills like Circling, it will be very helpful when partying with melee classes.

"Pre-emptive Strike" allows your hawk to automatically participate in battle even without you commanding it to. Skills that will automatically be used are Hovering and Sonic Strike. In this case, these skills will take on the respective skill levels learned by the Falconer. Skills used automatically by the Hawk will not use SP or trigger cooldowns.

PvP arenas have been added to the game. I don't know if they fixed that bug with the party quests yet though.



other classes/skills?

go read forums, I already spoonfed you enough

I hope that Siege Burst's attribute won't have a skill level requirement


>picking Jurate instead of best goddess

>People still play this shit game.


But i'm alrady on the forum, literally, asking for info :|

>best goddess
>that one


oh well thanks

Why would they be? Snipe was bad with since they fixed it's hitbox, Covering Fire is way superior with it

wrong general, d2g is the other way

>all those r8 crit-resistance debuff skills that will make crits 5% more likely on high lvl mobs with 80% base crit resistance

Snipe was bad with Covering*

was it autism?

It was a shit artist is what it is

because musket 2 is shit and falcon 3 is off the hook

Circling**, fuck
I need to sleep

>more levels on Snipe
>more levels on Covering Fire
>Penetration Shot now looks decent

Any of the guilds recruiting on klepedia?

skill levels on snipe and covering fire only increase the static damage bonus, not the multiplier

meanwhile qs3 falcon3s get fuckign AoE running shot

futurepoop has 5 slots

For sword 3 cata 3 goon stats, should I go

2:1 DEX STR 50 CON?


Futurepoop it is. I for one welcome my subsequent bowel movement.

Who do I add?

Please join Futureproof. We value members and we need you. We'll do anything, ask us to help powerlevel you, you'll have all the help you need from us.

>meanwhile qs3 falcon3s get fuckign AoE running shot
Are you sure it's going to work that way? The skill in that picture looks like multishot. If it only duplicates attack skills then I don't think running shot will work with it since it buffs auto attack and isn't actually an attack skill.

do we?

there is a gif of it working with auto attacks; the "Aiming" skill to increase enemy attack hitboxes, then circling to cut their aoe defense to 0

makes your auto attacks hit all targets linked by their new hitboxes (the purple circles)

Don't need no powerleveling. Just a guild.

does anyone know if Audra staff 15% freeze works on arena with frostcloud?

Dumb foecuck, cease this false flagging immediately.

I dont know loli has not been on for a while. maybe dmn can help you

>there is a gif of it working with auto attacks
That's multishot. Look at the ground graphic. Auto attack doesn't have that ground sfx.

>the "Aiming" skill to increase enemy attack hitboxes, then circling to cut their aoe defense to 0
Auto attack isn't an aoe attack so it can't hit multiple targets even if they have 0 aoe def ratio.

I think you should stop theorycrafting and wait for detailed info.

I really don't care which guild I get into. They all seem indiscernible here.

My allegiances can be bought in MEMES.

that is not multishot

and an auto attack can hit multiple enemies if you have base aoe ratio (say from vubbe fighter gloves or a sorc cat buff), the problem is archer auto attacks only hit a single fixed point with no splash, which is why 'Aiming' allows it to hit multiple targets

it isnt theorycrafting with video evidence

That's the rodelero's auto attack. Archer's auto attack can only hit a single target.

>and an auto attack can hit multiple enemies if you have base aoe ratio

fucking look closer

That's the rodelero's auto attack. Archer's auto attack can only hit a single target. I saw wrongly though, multishot was the static image used in the first circling picture.
Don't know why the post got deleted.

the 1846 and 1746 hits are from the archer

how do you think swordsmen/cleric melee works

Are you sure it's not just spamming oblique shot or heavy shot being spread by the new circling attribute?

didnt mention anything about lgbt schedule

dead game. we are doomed

its not oblique cause her sp isnt going down, though its possible the GMs making this gif had godmode on

that and obliques impact has a graphic iirc


well you didnt take pelt 1 so its not pve

and youre only suggesting 50 con so its not pvp

so what are you doing

It's for the PvP/GvG, first someone said to go 2:1 dex/con, then it's dex/str, and when I settled for dex/str, now they tell me I need to get some con for pvp.

I just don't know who to listen to

>and youre only suggesting 50 con so its not pvp
How much con do you need for pvp?

>every swordie is supposed to be a tauntbot

What's the brand new bird? Owl or toucan?

Who /Fletcher3Mergen/ Here?

A tit


Everyone I suppose. Hackapell doesn't look that proficient for PvE unless dagger skills hit like a motherfucker.

Has anyone found a way to finish the Sapper 2 quest? I really want to play..

you mean sword skills

What's wrong with it?

Degenerates please go

why dont you take wugushi first

When you try to use the bomb on the monsters, it doesn't work.

Ok, now I'm going Falconer c3 for maximum kneeling shot build (with broom trap and flareshot)!

>one handed sword as off hand weapon
>there's no good one hand sword that is good for extra damage like mana mana or arde
>you need to do normal attacks and stick arrows to a target to do extra damage with the sword which means ranger barrage is a must.

Literally disgusting.

As in it doesn't kill them or what?

I have.

First is just level it as if it doesn't have a bug ie go into lvl 90 dungeon as sapper c1 then make a ranger then farm at tenet until they fix it which would be 2 to 3 weeks from now.

You need to press V for the quest bomb. Nothing happens after you press V.

>catacombs blade

Miko, Kanushi, Inquisitor info in a week!


waiting warmly for the user who posts "but miko is archer r8 hidden class! daoshi is wizard r8 hidden class!"

Weird. What about using it from the inventory or doing the item into the hotter?

>doing the item from the hotter
Wew autocorrect. Dropping the item into the hotbar.

Neither seems to work.

Also, make sure you have a monster targeted because we all know how finicky IMC's shit code happens to be.

If someone swells my left and right arm will Double Punch have enough power to knock enemies into another map?

I need big fisto

Once you get near a monster, a V icon flashes near the quest list. When you press V a progress bar shows up and charges until full. Then disappears and you can't move for a few seconds. And nothing else happens. No dead monster and no complete quest.

Can you drop the quest and restart it? Also make sure you're not cancelling the item use by moving. Not sure if this item had a cast time or not.

>muh static damage
The per level damage bonus is multiplied by the percentage scaling and a lot of other shit, you dolt.

Abandoning the quest and taking it again has the same outcome.This started after the patch since the complaints at the forum started after the patch.

Sausage IMC

>problem has been a thing since at least February
>still not fixed to this very day
T-thanks IMC. Time to stop playing forever I guess.

Might be kind of a stupid question but is Blessing flat damage like elemental attack+? Or does it get multiplied through crits and however else this game calculates damage.

It's flat

Remember there are no stupid questions, only stupid people

Flat unattributed. Always does the same amount regardless of elements. Not sure how it interacts with def though. Seems to disregard it but I'm not sure what it does vs 280 bosses where you'd do 1 damage.

>Might be kind of a stupid question but is Blessing flat damage like elemental attack+
>flat damage
>like elemental attack