Hey, anons, is buying a degree a meme? Is it legit? Can you do it for low end jobs? Are sites offering it trustworthy?
Fake diplomas
Bump for questions unanswered.
Don't waste your money. They almost never ask for proof. ALl you have to do is lie on your resume. Just don't pretend to be a doctor or something where you will be exposed.
Say you have a degree in Business/Commerce/Economics. Get some office job where a degree is useless, all you need is a couple of weeks on the job training.
Yes. By the very nature of things it cannot be 'legit'; a counterfeit that would fool a background check is likely above the scope of most operations. You could do it for any job, this does not guarantee success.
And no. They are not trustworthy. They will not give you a refund if their product fails to function as ordered, nor will most do any sort of work to stand up to a background check.
just kill a Harvard grad with no parents and take his identity. I mean come on, it's like you aren't even trying.
If someone does decide to take the risk and use one, where are the best places to get them from?
Does this really work?
Anyone have experience lying on a resume?
Yes it does. Just ask the ex-CEO at Yahoo.
i-i would buy one
very interesting. how would you go about faking other documents though?
surely jobs ask for proof of ID
If you can get away with murder, I don't thing getting a spoofed ID is hurdle you can't overcome.
Most places don't even really check stuff if it isn't government related anyways. Two of my younger siblings had to get their SSNs changed because of repeated ongoing fraud by illegals in California after our highschool had a data breach.
They weren't hired based on the education they lied about, don't be stupid.
Most jobs that require a degree will most likely pursue a background check which education will show up on. If it were so simple to lie about, everyone would have done it already.
Pretty sure its public information. Alls they have to do is contact the university to verify.
any employer worth working for(white collar jobs) will run a legit background check where they call your university to verify diploma
on a similar note, would a involuntary termination show up on a background check?
i got fired for some dumb shit that happened at a jobsite that ended up with me taking the blame
However if they do find out, you'll probably be fucked for life.
background check means calling your previous employers retard.
What kind of idiot pays money for a fake degree?
Is a fake degree made by someone else somehow more legit than a fake degree you made yourself?
Literally no job asks to see your physical diploma
It happened recently so I listed it on my resume as still there/current.
They'd still call them to find out what kind of employee you are, heck, that's even more relevant.
Even if I ask them to not call to avoid possibly jeopardizing chances at my current job?
I've never applied anywhere that asks for my office's or current/previous bosses contact info, for what its worth.
There's this thing called Google, pal, they can Google your workplace, and I've never tried that but I doubt it'd work.
I doubt it would considering that company has multiple offices across the country and my area for said position I worked.
dude thats a pilot
those a completely different medium
In france there was this dude who applied to be be Director of a fucking airport, got the job, ran the thing perfectly and he got pinched because of some dude had a grudge against or whatever and stalked him online.
He was fired and stuff and he was a nobody with no diploma who bought a suit and completely manufactured his resume.
Its possible, do it because it beats flipping burgers.
I'd say the big hurdle is the 5yrs exp needed part and the character references. Those, will be checked.
just do it, pawn it off as you still work there and are keeping your options ready because you want to strive and grow with a new company.
i've done it with every job, though my jobs have all be shit. You can tell the truth and get shit on, or you can b.s. to get in the door and you prevent the getting denied cause of some shitty reason.
If you're qualified for the job, you're qualifed and can prove it with your work. The only time they'll background you is if you act up or someone hears you talking about you being fired.
What is the likelihood of a small accounting firm fact checking my grade for my degree?
I got below what they asked but said I got what they wanted.
I'm in the UK if that makes a difference
I don't know of the usefulness of a fake degree, for the reasons listed earlier in the thread, but I've always though of running a diploma mill.
I'm under the impression that it isn't the physical diploma itself that you'd pay for but rather as a reference to verify the degree's existence and legitimacy.
Good business opportunity if you could cover your tracks, fairly easy work I'd think.
All in all though, it would be public whether you have the degree or not, but some people are lazy enough to just call and not check the government sources,
Jesus man. Wont you get sued for that? Anyway, I know this really hot chick that lied on her resume. I dont remember what her job is called, but she basically ended up being the "face" of a certain airport that travels to several countries to represent the company. She earns hundred thousands dollarydoos. Its insane. Whats even more insane is that we're in a 3rd world SEasian country, so her earnings based on her faked details are even bigger than the earnings to top artists, celebrities, (some) goverment officials, etc. If you're going do it, plan it well and dont fuck up.
Claim it was a typo on the application.
Pretty based. If you can do it like this guy and successfully pull it off until someone gets asspained and doesn't like that you did things the way the system wanted to then go for it.
They will almost certainly ask for your degree certificate.
But this guy was a pilot. If you work for a tech company and lie about having a degree in CS what's the worst they can do other than fire you?
If it's the UK you could end up getting arrested. Most of the time they just fire you though.
>buying a degree
That's what everyone does, they pay tens or huneeds of thousands and go through a 4 year application process
I've worked at 3 very big companies, none of them have asked for proof of degree, I could never have even gone to college for all they know
Ask this fucker right here.