/meg/ - Mass Effect General

Mourners Edition

Ded bread Pastebin: pastebin.com/0326Anr2

Extra Paste for Andromeda stuff: pastebin.com/BiK2KhPw

Thread Theme:

Things to expect in this thread:
>Long periods without posts
>No Mass Effect related news
>Autistic femshep posting

Other urls found in this thread:




Oh boy, we died again.

top OP pic


>tfw never awake to post with the tripfags

why did you censor the best part of the pic? too much beauty for you to handle? :^)

Reading through the ME:A pastebin, is it wrong that I have hope? It looks like Bioware is going back to a lot of the facets they left behind in ME1, namely the exploration/RPG elements.

But alternatively, they could fuck it up. I wasn't a huge detractor of Inquisition, but I'd be pretty disappointed if it was the analogue for the next Mass Effect.

Aside from the SJW boogeyman drama, what are your legitimate concerns for Andromeda?

you don't have any proof that any of that will be in the game because you haven't seen most of it. dig around other games that were published by EA and look at their promised features and what they actually got. look at Mass Effect 3's high-rise promises and what we actually got.

>is it wrong that I have hope
nah, you are fine buddy, better preorder today

I'm sorry but this thread has to go. A bioware games general is already up.

>the exploration/RPG elements
Yeah, because that worked out great in Inquisition didn't it?

>what are your legitimate concerns for Andromeda?
Same old cliche story but this time sanitised for SJW sensibilities and boring maps and quests.

And its full of tumblr-whales spamming their fantasies of DA-guys. Fuck off.

back to /dag/ with you, you filthy savage

Your little kiddie wars are no excuse to not obey the Veeky Forums rules. The necessary steps have been taken to get this needless thread out of the way.

it says /dag/ + /bwg/, that means it isn't a biowaregames general.

I actually liked the exploration in Inquisition, but I do wish that different biomes offered different kinda of activities/collectibles. My issue with Inquisition is the character side of things was a joke.

we already had that nonsense a few months back and it didn't work out.

It has bioware games general in its name, that means it's not a bioware games general? Are you retarded?

/bwg/ is trash

in fact, it's more or less the same quality of discussion as /meg/ but with more people, the only real difference being that Dragon Age is worse than Mass Effect.

reminder that /dag/+/bwg/ literally doesn't want to be in the same thread as you homos

>you homos
This coming from /dag/.

Dragon Age is like Ghostbusters. A great first installment, a terrible second installment and an even worse third installment for women and faggots.

Funny, the exact same applies to Mass Effect, why can't we be friends?

you don't seem to understand, WE don't want to be in the same thread as THEM.

fuck off to dag you homosexual


Still dying, I see.

how big is liara's dick?

We already told you, 12 inches long, 8 inches around. Like Miranda's.

Is it soft enough for her to be able to fuck herself with it?

no problem. it's a state of induced coma


Doubt it, wouldn't be really pleasurable either way to bend your dick like that. Especially if it suddenly got hard during the selffucking

>I actually liked the exploration in Inquisition
It was about as good as Gothic 4's. What's not to love?

>North Korea declared war on America
what have you done again, /meg/?

Technically the korean war is still ongoing isn't it?
Anyhow, if NK declared war and decides to bring nukes into the mix, then I look forward to seeing that little shithole get reduced into radioactive dust.

Was jsut there

saw a stack of replies 30+ all about how Blackwall was a bearmode homosexual

/dag/ = San Francisco

say good bye to your samsung phone/TV/BluRay player/recorder guarantee.

>North Korea declared war on America

I wonder if Kim gets mad knowing black lives matter makes bigger headlines than his speeches.

She looks like Asa Butterfield

Lets hope they finally invade then, could use some entertainment.

Renegade Femshep is only Femshep.

The exploration was terrible. Didn't give you anything, all the quests that had you explore were all the same boring mmo-stuff and the story didn't even make you go to most of the maps.
Just because some maps looked nice doesn't make the exploration any good.

>The exploration was terrible
That was my point.

Yeah, but it wasn't the point of the other guy

I would say DA:I's exploration was proportionately as good as ME1's. And they said they wanted to expand on that part of ME1. So...whoohoo, I guess.


If I had to choose one race to stand against an alien regime, it would be east asians.

Yeah, that's not a difficult choice when the other options are mudhut builders, taco eaters and self-exploding heathens.

ME1's exploration wasn't good.

Nowhere to go but up then!


time to go dead


Going to blow yourself up?


>WG barges into asari bondage bar. Twenty or so oiled up not so innocent asari maidens turn around, MTs flopping around, knocking over drinks as they stand up.
>WG pushes the button.
>His clothes detonate, revealing a hairless twink bod. pre lubed with coconut oil.
>MTs engorge.

The uglization/trannization of asari

continue pls

didn't plan to

I'd prefer something with lavender or peach

yes please

Anybody have the story with the my little pony characters in the ME universe? Twilight was liara, fluttershy was Kaidan, etc.


They're actually shutting down their own forums. Can't make this up, tumblr has become more a more important resource for feedback for them.

Remove swampbeast and we've got ourselves a great threesome.

maybe you should ask on /mlp/ instead

Can't say I remember that one. Where'd you see it?

I did, but was sent here... And I really need to masturbate to scifi horse girl fiction


can't help you

I finished all three games recently, and I don't get the overall arch of the Geth story. Are they ultimately too alien and peace will be difficult, or do they want to become real boys? Are they living in the Quarians' tech? Why did legion die? How does a Geth die if it can upload everything to a central server??

holy shit

This is actually sorta tragic though. Those forums had quite a bit of great stuff in between all the cancer. When I googled something about ME I'd pretty much always find the answer on the forums.

A twitter or Leddit can't really replace that because they aren't the right medium for in-depth discussion and the like.

>A twitter or Leddit can't really replace that because they aren't the right medium for in-depth discussion and the like.

yeah, this would make me a bit perplexed as well if I still had any fucks to give

not everyone thinks and acts like you

>WG Raises his arms and closes his eyes.
>The scent of his favorite fruit (Cock) rushes into his nostrils.
>A pair of slippery hands grab onto his shoulders, sliding awkwardly across his hairless nearly friction-less chest.
>The large amount of peach scented lube he shot up his ass dribbles out at a rapid pace.
>One asari slips in it, her arms tighten around his chest.
>WG's eyes remain closed, a blissful smile on his lips as he falls backwards. pulled down as the asari slips.
>A pair of large breasts cushion his fall. The maiden yelps as she lands on the floor.
>The asari under him is coated in oil, her comrades drag her and WG towards the rest on a slippery bed of oil, and MT juice.
>He can feel their huge MTs occasionally bumping against his feet, sometimes deliberately.
>The asari under him has a humongous erection, her length poking out under his crotch, a thick tower of meat bouncing against his manhood. A young turquoise asari grasps the erection and bends the semi-rigid tube slightly. The asari holding his feet catch on and together they slide him backwards, then forward onto the phallus. His sled's member slides inside with little resistance, stretching him.
>The young asari giggles and then places her crotch on his head, arms and legs snake around his body as she forces her dripping tube towards his lips.
>WG gladly opens his mouth, and the dark cyan tube slides between his lips.
>Other asari close in. Grinding their MTs on his feet, placing them in his hands and fucking his armpits (All hairless and suffused with oil.)
>An older, well hung matriarch shoves his member into her tube, lazily humping the protrusion in a way only an asari can.
>MT fluid flows out around his cock, down his balls and then pushed into his insides by the steady thrusting of the asari under him.
>Hot and flavorful ropes of juice splash over him. he feels the members in his hands throb, slide away only to be replaced by another.

>"In turn, you’ve built your own fantastic communities in places like Tumblr and Reddit."

What's the point in curing cancer if you're only going to replace it with super cancer?

>The young asari humping his face releases into his throat, her tube throbbing as she pulls out.
>She's soon replaced by another.
>At last, after hours of relentless pounding of his
Jungemuschi, WG is the only one with enough strength in his legs to stand.
>One final asari rubs her softening cock on his calves, splashes his thigh with fluid before passing out.
>He stumbles forward, slipping on the wettened floor. Avoiding breasts and long MTs slowly retracting into their owner's bodies.
>With his last ounce of strength he reaches the cashiers station.
>He takes everything in it. And stumbles out. The barkeep tries to stand and stop him, but his experienced boyish hands quickly find her MT, and his slipery form easily avoids her attempts to grab him. He brings her to a quick climax, then another, and soon she's barely coherent, covered in her own juices.
>Outside, just where he left it is a folded up wheelchair and a blanket.
>His legs falter and he just barely manages to fall into the wheelchair, and then drape himself with the blanket.
>He rolls back home and counts out his loot.
>Two condoms, a bottlecap, fifteen credits and his old sock (so that's where it went).
>He smiles.
>The perfect crime.


I leave for on hour and you all lose your minds

Where's the nasheed?

I'm sure he hummed it while rolling home.

Peace is possible on Rannoch, and I guess them dying is just their whole unit being destroyed including the data.

Are you all actually into dicks and semen as much as it seems or is this all a long running joke?

Only feminine dicks and semen

It's just a prank bro XD!

Oh, you could always take a turn down bad execution lane.

Jesus Christ. Can't make this shit up.

Yes, but when the forums are on fire with complaints, you can't ignore them, like you can with reddit, twitter and tumblr. In other words, they are simply entrenching for the sure to come ME:A shit storm.

Exactly, they just want an even better echochamber because they can't deal with criticism. Only praise allowed.

Doesn't instil much hope for Andromeda.

seriously, don't use google translator, it's terrible. there is no appropiate German word for boypussy

good story though.

these fucking faggots close the forum because they themselves dont hang out there anymore?
what kind of colossal faggots work at EA holy jesus. so many modding and bug tweaks in the forum. these fucking jokes of human beings must hang fucking disgrace. how can they wake up every morning and not kill themselves.

There's also Quarian milk and Miranda farts

they'll save money for servers. yes, they're that fucking cheap

>EA will never go bankrupt in your life

Please, tell me more.

>EA will never go bankrupt

>Doesn't instil much hope for Andromeda.
Aaryn Flynn's interview over at gamespot was enlightening about how bad things are. And the journo didn't even have to press him, for us to see how bad things really are at Bio right now. Imagine if that interview was done by a real journalist.

>EA goes bankrupt
>Bioware purchased by Activision
>Mass Effect becomes an annual shooter franchise with no waifus

Could be worse desu

I'd consider that an improvement. Black Ops 3 had more choice and consequence than the entirety of ME3.

I could deal with that

The real answer is that ME3 didn't have the same head writer as ME1 and ME2, and in fact it's rumored that ME2 writers disagreed with each other, so the geth get softly retconned with some of the most shoddy writing in the series.

Pretty much everything relating to them is absolutely shit writing in ME2 and ME3. People only forget about it because Legion is their husbando.

Aside from shitty writing, what are the 'bad things'?

A shooter in the ME universe with CoD production values could be pretty nice.

Now that I think about it I'm actually a bit surprised that there isn't really a good modern fps like that with aliens and a good story. Closest we've got is Doom I guess.

How about Alien Isolation? Or is it bad?

And you call /dag/ gay you homolords

/meg/ is gayer than /lgbt/
they spent like the entirety of their last thread talking about penises

All the namefags are from countries where vaginas ruin everything. I guess it's dicks or jihad at this point for them.

it's just fun and games, /dag/'s gayness is very much real.

Goodnight bump.
Sleep well and don't let the quarian squatters living in-between the walls bite.